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Maria Feb 22
We’re different, you and me, we’re different
As if we’re made in different worlds indeed,
As if we’re fed on different dew furthermore,
As if we’re covered by different felt on creed.

We’re strange, you and me, we’re strange.
We should go away in all directions, in whole,
Not to be for all, not to touch each other,
To be walled-up behind different walls at all.

We’re crazy, you and me, we’re crazy.
We’ve tried to run away both so often.
But our fate has marked us with a “cancel” sign
And simply decided not let us go, just no one.

We’re different, you and me, we’re different
As if bitter frost and caressing spring in other way.
We have different palettes, you and me, different palettes.
But the canvas is one, one for two of us, anyway.

And we have to paint our further life by the will of fate,
In four hands on one canvas therefore.
You know, I don’t like to paint and I’m not good at it.
I’ll better hold the palettes for you evermore.
J Wendell Coplin Dec 2024
Do I suffer?
Everything I do, I do wrong.
I can’t even get help.
I want to manifest my pain—
to bleed into your vision,
to force you to see me.

I hate that I’m an inconvenience.
I hate that I could be a problem.
I hate that I cause offense.
But please, please see me.

I need to be loud.
I need to be heard.
I need to be seen.
just see me.

I’m sorry to ruin your day.
I’m hurting too.
I hate myself.
I might do it.
I might finally show you.

My last laugh:
the silence shatters.
I will finally be remembered.
You can’t ignore this.
Mica Wood Feb 13
Poison in my veins
Thoughts I cannot shake away
Slowly I’m fading
showyoulove Feb 7
It's never safe, and it's rarely very easy
It's a wild ride and it can make me queasy
Even though your heart might break
It's never more than you can take
It's quite a risk and you might lose a lot
And still, you gotta give it all you got
It's dangerous, that much is true
It's dangerous, and it's coming for you
Some call you crazy, others "out of touch"
To some it is crazy, it's all a bit much
He turned love totally upside down
He came to serve, not the other way 'round
His love was radical and reckless and free
To show a crazy world how it really ought to be
He was passionate, but tender and mild
And he looked with the eyes of a child
He went to the outskirts and healed the sick
The infirm in the flesh or in the spirit
The very light of the world died
For the sake of the life of the world
He challenged our thinking, had a wild streak
But you'd be amazed if you heard him speak
So, even in the risk and the danger
There is something even stranger
None of it matters, none of it could
Because he isn't safe, but he is good
I'm so sorry,
I know times are crazy,
I miss you lately,
Because you were like safety,
From the storms that rage vainly,
And we were perfect daily,
I'm sorry I left you -.
An old old poem I wrote about this girl I met over the summer.
Mysty Monroe Jan 16
Having a Voice
Having the knowledge
They don't listen to me.
Why don't you listen
I shout in silence
Oh Why
They hear a whisper
I am standing up for myself.
With every ounce of passion
I fight through the noise.
U will hear me
I'm not to be ignored
I'm breaking down these walls
They say I'm crazy
I am a little insane
I see, I do feel, who even cares
My voice will be heard
They see, but don't feel
I know, I do feel, who even cares
My voice will be heard
Do you know where
I am from?
This is how I felt through my childhood to adulthood
Jay Dec 2024
Why do I feel this way? Am I crazy? Maybe I’m manipulative, just like she says. Maybe I’m so far gone that I can’t even recognize it anymore. I’d like to believe I’m not, but doesn’t everyone think that about themselves? What if I hate them so much because, deep down, I’m just like them? You point out things I do, and in my mind, I rationalize them, they make sense to me, but isn’t that exactly what a crazy person would do? I don’t want to feel this way. My thoughts are racing, tumbling over each other like a runaway train, unstoppable. What’s happening to me? Why can’t I make it stop? I shouldn’t unload this on anyone else. She doesn’t deserve it, not her, never her. She doesn’t, she doesn’t, she doesn’t. I swear I try to listen, I do listen, wait, what did she say again? Why am I dredging up things from the past? I tell myself it’s to prove my point, but is it? Or am I just pinning her down under the weight of it all? I wanted to make us better, to help us grow. But what if I’m not doing that? What if I’m the one dragging us both down? A faint noise catches my ear. It’s nothing, just the wind, but my mind spins, what if it’s not? What if he’s back? What if he’s here to finish what he started? It’s not fair. I tried. Didn’t I try? Maybe I should’ve tried harder, been better, when she needed me most. Now, I’m shaking, suffocating under the crushing weight of my own thoughts. Am I crazy? I feel crazy. I can’t stop this spiral. I can’t distract myself. I can’t even remember the last time my mind was still, when I could truly let go. I count the seconds, one by one, waiting for the inevitable. Why?
I am a ginger not the drink
But I am who i am
Take it out leave it
But this I will say
That you will pay the price for
You abscennce and abuse
By having my snap
Oh ginger snapps
Oh ginger snapps
But it will be justified
For who you treated me
Open your eyes
What do you see?
A good time
About  to happen
The question now
Where will you be?
Having such fun
Amongst us all
Or sat on the outside
Watching us all
Go crazy
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
Pain within my every word
Mental instability
Never very kind or patient
Definitely not conducive to tranquility

Oh to be free all I long for
World exterminated of hate
Something I've dreamt about often
Life has refused to cooperate

Relaxation an overstayed houseguest
Won't take my subtle hints to leave
Some think I enjoy lazy demeanor
Desperately wish goals I could acheive

I'm not worthless degenerate
Just process events differently than most
A am a lost soul fighting depression
Inside haunted by a nameless ghost

With zero way to discover a road to bliss
Words I scribble my comfort when dark
Everything is a fleeting experience
Perception altered by every harmful remark

Is swallowing truth so hard
That it sticks in back of my throat?
If it is I'll forcefully choke it down
Weight why it's difficult to float
I got hit with writer's block so that's why the ending is somewhat abrupt
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