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kaylene- mary Aug 2016
You've been known to reside inside the pockets of our local ******,
more often in my mother's bedside draw.
You were my childhood kiss,
a silhouette of senses dancing on the street;
adolescently sweet.
You were his means to an end,
a partial paralysis of collapsed arteries,
swore only to be a friend.

"Step a little closer,
come take a clearer view."

But those to make it out alive are few.
You said you'd take away the pain,
you became the blood inside our veins.
I watched him rot straight down to the bone,
his agony poured out in moans.

"The shakes, the sweats, how can't you see?
They're all gifts from me."

They always warned us of your games,
I should have known it could only end in shame.
But you were here to stay,
and oh,
how we played.
Spin off of a previous poem, "*******".
Sammy Durrant Aug 2016
feed on me
         i am

        at what point can i offer my body up for

       watch me eat myself yeah yeah yeah
       i feel like dying whether or not anyone is around
       i wonder how much of myself I have eaten
Liam C Calhoun Mar 2016
She caught the sun
for she’d already consumed
the night;

And she’d become the night,
so to eat the sun.

And when I, but a moon,
ventured lonely, she’d spend
the stars upon me.
I married her - she'd never leave, I'd never leave, and we'd learned how to make gravity.
JR Rhine Feb 2016
I'm the forlorn cigarette
you once placed so fervently
between soft lips;

Now I lay cast between
the cracks of the sidewalks sidewalks sidewalks.

Anticipating a

Slow Death; growing claustrophobic--
ensconced in my callous/caustic confines.

Trampled into the concrete crevice by
hastened footsteps;

My desolation denotes the sad dictum
that is my denigration.  

A slow digestion of a stubborn body
created like the concrete to be trodden by wandering soles
stamping out their fleeting existence.

Dissolute, wishing to burn;  
I long for your taste again.
kaylene- mary Jun 2015
I'm always spilling your
name on strangers tables,
and it's like watching
bottles break beneath
my feet.
Somehow I think
it will give me validation
for the razor blades
inside my throat.
Or explain why
I never close that *******
when I conjure up
the pulse
to take a shower.
But then I recall,
while cursing your name
through shattering teeth,
that it reminds me
of the way you dug
your fingers
in my chest,
and pretended to be blind
when you saw blood
across the sheets.

when I'm driving home
from school,
I'll see your face
inbetween the trees
but this version of you
is just a smudge
of passing scenery

leaving as fast
as I remember.

I'll see you in the simple things.
Ile six
in the grocery store
across the street,
between the pages
of the books I read,
in the laugh
of my chemistry teacher
when the boy
who sits behind me
tells a ***** joke.

I see you in the things I can't escape.

I feel you
crawling on
my skin
in early hours
of the morning
and I keep trying to scratch you out
but the wounds are getting worse
and my mother won't stop asking

And for so long
I thought you were
the one that
consumed me
but here I stand
with your taste
still on my tongue.
Attempting a new style of writing. Let me know what you think.
Graff1980 Jun 2015
I pursued my disease
With a virulent persistence
Like the plague
Or your pestilence
I fed upon your opulence
Walking red death
I marked your flesh
The whooping cough
The symptoms most forgot
Dreaming darkly
Poets cry sadly
Artists die crying
As the fever kept eating
All of their sanity
Inch by inch I crept
Awake while you slept
Burning holes in your brain
Until nothing of you remained
Just a cold cart to carry
The carrion left behind
But I still miss
That delicious mind
Kale May 2015
We fight each day
Crying out to nature
Like the psychos
We all are,
We want redemption
From the evil that
Lay in the closet
But we do not accept the
Fact that the darkness
That is formed deep within
Our soul,
Is eating away at the Goodness
The peace
The happiness
That consumes our mind.
We are humans after all
We are the two sides to
Every story.
kaylene- mary Mar 2015
Crystals of white for a childs first kiss
***** is temporary bliss
Eyes like lace and teeth like coals
Coughing up bruises and spitting out souls
Breaking waves that bury the sea
Swallowing down all its debris
Fingertips shivering up your spine
Caskets of pills and velvet devine
A mother with shaking hands
Only a whispering brutality understands
Seven for the morning
All to make life slightly more adorning
Pale skin and sleepless nights
Veins covered in cloth while the frost bites
Hollow bones and painless cries
Blood vessels knawing at her thighs
Embroidered pleas
A religion to throw you to your knees
*Black lace and the codeine scene
Keah Jones Mar 2015
This is my theory of emotion.
It ruins you
Extracting bone marrow pain
Rubbing my every inch raw with your calloused and greedy fingers
This should be considered an emergency cause this **** don’t heal the pain
Popping pills of what ifs on an empty stomach
With the full knowledge of the inevitable bile rising into my throat
Acid gnawing holes in my stomach lining and revolting the truth
Spreading through my body like a parasite
Feeding off of my flesh and bone
Your consumption will be the end of me
Roy Esnarom Mar 2015
those lines are magical
they shrink the world
bend time and space
they fill my mind
make me happy
but when they stop
i'm small again
and slow again
i'm all blank
and quiet
around 19/1/10

moved here from wordthingies on blogspot
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