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Star BG Aug 2017
"I meander in footsteps everyday
with soul life force energies
shift past a consciousness which limits
in an old system of separation.
The wounds of humanity begin to heal where competitive life style changes for the good of the whole.
Creativity flows through every cell
explosively expanding self to new heights
of freedom.
Modalities fall to the waste side and is replaced with angelic choruses enter range of hearing for peace and guidance.
Its a new day where musical heart plays
to resonate in harmony abundance and bliss.

Come, meander with me oh reader with sacred eyes.
Come, release the old vibration that serves no good by traveling into heart.
Come, to live in dark no longer
as you clear the veil in divine vessel to recall who you really are
and why you came."

StarBG © 2017
Big changes are happening old modalities are falling to waist side. A world wide discloser is in process to change everything. Wake up and join in the energy of compassion peace and love or leave these earth premises because only love our true essences will survive.
aurora kastanias Jul 2017
Granted the sense of sight, I see
What you see, reflections of light, between
Infrareds and ultraviolets, a little portion
Of the electromagnetic spectrum, unhidden
To our vision, only guessing the wonders of X
And Gamma rays, while playing with colours.

Entrusted with a mind able to recognise and realise,
I comprehend what you understand, and distinguish
Water from soil, oceans from forests, planet Earth
From star Sun, food from poison, love from hate, my body
From yours, delineating where I end and you begin, detecting
Our similitude as a species, bound by rationality and feelings.

Conferred unfathomable imagination, intangible
Deprived of a location, I delight myself in conceiving
Your ideas, identifying with your thoughts, magical grasp
Of the unknown and uninvented, able to create my perceptions,
Give life to conceptions, just like you, pouring words on paper,
Painting images on canvas, building shelters and wheels.

Bequeathed the legacy of common ancestors, millennia
Of history and knowledge, culture, tradition and creeds, evolution,
I share your story, your anatomy and physiognomy, your blood
And DNA, a map of all the genes composing you and me,
Trillions of cells gathering together to make a human being,
With the strongest impression that I resemble you, in so many ways.

Bestowed with consciousness I contain
Information I explore, attempting to unleash
The essence stored within, that unspecified certain thing
That unites all that exists, and elicits humankind to believe
Something greater, something beyond has a determined volition
For me to apprehend that I am you, and you are me.
Alex Fontaine Jul 2017
I am the son of Thor.
The blood of Odysseus runs in my veins.
I breathe thunder.
My heart is the ocean.

Do you think I am the son of Cain
To trade my inheritance for your bowl of soup,
For your shiny things that vibrate and spin,
For your **** and violence,
For your ***** pills and swimsuit models?
I will close my eyes to your neon lights.
I will hold my breath against your sweet poison.
I will close my ears to your siren call.

I will dive below the cluttered surface of my consciousness.
I will seek in the darkness and find the spark of the sacred feminine
where she slumbers in the cold stone stillness,
Lightning will surge through my nerves
and I will explode into flame.

Your filth will rise from me like smoke,
Your carnal lies will fall away like ash,
I will smash your idols like twisted mirrors,
And you will remember god.
At what point does it become your job as a man to question the stereotypes that our actions support? Where do they come from? Who are they really serving?
David Bojay Jul 2017
"watch your ego"

so I looked further within
only to find what everything has ever been
   (sub atomically)

reading a screen to avoid a scene in this reality I don't want to see

when I question myself I think of my hand digging down my throat until I feel my spleen

(wicked me)

but should I not voice internal imagery?

time is eroding my current self

(melting face)

laces I cannot lace
the shoe doesn't fit so this experience I can't embrace
accepting universal truths I can't even begin to trace in space

(out of here)
I miss you my dear

drunk and high so drag me by the ear... until it rips from my head so I know you didn't let go

(please don't let me go)

even if my body is cut in pieces

keep me in a box

(but I wasn't drunk and high)
If you knew everything there is to know,
Then how could you ever learn anything or grow?

If you somehow knew all that will ever be
Could any decision that you decide upon ever make you free?

If your mind was everything and everything was in you
Could their ever be anything else for you to do?

And there you are – right in the middle of this inquisition,
A slave to your own reality – chained to your own constitution.

But it is you who has allowed yourself to be caught in this net
You came here not to remember anything but to forget.

You have forgotten who you are and in your own grand illusion find
A dream of freedom and free will which further confuses your mind.

For knowing everything is a girdle of limitless limitation,
But here we have a place of both the known and the unknown – called creation.

In this ignorance you have something to choose,
Freedom from perfection – there was no other way to lose.

So you see – only if you know yourself as that which is not true,
Only there could you be free to select whatever you want to.

Within a single mind, two hands and two eyes; you think, feel and see
These envisioned experiences – only now they can truly be.

Yes, free will also gave you the choice to forget from where you come,
Yet, the closer we return to that place – the happier we become.

I learned to control my awareness and thus I can oft return,
But the closer I get the less choice remains for me to learn.

Though I long for and receive more and more of the infinite’s touch,
The more I also long for the finite in me not to know so much.
The realities of consciousness are both mind altering and eye opening. If you have never experienced such an event then you will hardly be able to understand this poem. But dear friend, that is a good thing. But that doesn't mean that if you can understand this poem it is a bad thing either. It's like a two sided coin. Whichever side is up is known. Now you may say that if one side is known - then it is easy to know what is on the other side. In this poem I play with the known and unknown making the other side out to be a mystery.  Indeed, just like the coin, we do that our entire lives. We always know what is on the other side of the coin. The fun of life is in the asking, "But what if?"
Zani Jun 2017
Beautiful garden guide
These beds wherein thoughts collide
Fetch syllables and rhyme to hymn
'Twix scented spore cloud of distorted sage
Smudge caramel blend energy
Begin cleansing ceremony
Mend this friend matter for me

As ***** digs to save unwanted flowering
Excavation stage psychic
Makes towering tracks on my consciousness
Mid-trance face met deep purple mess
All the while quandary sprout on my face
Where the universe has me meet solid stone
Thereupon I will sit
Admire the timing of it

Watch the wet rise fall
I have seen the seed grow
Ebbing lunar sheen flow into
Subterranean particles
Swallowing water into their memory
Symphonic seasonal sermon
With an allegory at heart
To be judged by mere mortals
Then consumed at its prime

So is my love
Watch it regrow
I sow seeds wherever I go
Busying my light body
Gathering buzzing energy where I can
Serve the flowering minds at hand
That forget me not
For I do not forget
Although stubborn attitude hardens my heart yet
Into sacred solitude where hard work can off sweat
This stoic smirk I have left that pleads gratitude for life

In doing so I derange my surroundings
Be it fork, trowel or bare handed
My own primal, tactile re-alignment
Proper communion with environment
To prove that we are all divine
In face of all we negate ourselves
For reasons I’m yet to know

Until then In this mud
I kneel stubborn as stone
Long time wont moving
For the mana that runs through me
Lights ablaze solar mane
Beacon for the like mind magnetic pact
We all made
Before samsara

Perhaps then you will join me
And grab a shovel
Inspired by work in a housing coop (Chicken Shack) in West Wales.Summer 2016
aurora kastanias Jun 2017
Come with me, I’ll show you where
The wonders sparkle beguiling blessings
Arousing perceptions of gratitude innate
To heedless humans in lack of deceptions.

Irrefutable eternal verities unfolding
Elegantly before disallowing eyes
On the expanding canvas made of space
Moulding elements of plasmatic grace.

Wind back the hands of time with me to witness
The emergence of the first and most abundant substance,
Hydrogen out of recombination epoch
Finely orchestrated by physical laws to form and fuse in stars.

Stellar nucleosynthesis where nuclear reactions
Are boons in disguise for new combinations
To bear lithium, carbon, neon, oxygen, iron,
The entirety of the essentials on the periodic table.

Indulge with me in the mesmerising marvel
Of watching those incandescent stars go supernova,
Their shock wave thrusting silver and golden nuggets
Throughout infinity creating planets.

Now return to Earth with me and look around,
At the stars’ debris under your feet, feel the ground.
Take this glass of water, a cocktail of hydrogen
And oxygen, breath in! Gaze at all that exists.

Stare at yourself, made of trillions of cells,
Nourish the awareness that you are part
Of the bewildering opus yearning for you
To live your life and honour with consciousness

The wonders sparkling beguiling blessings.
ana Jun 2017
I'm in the middle of no where
surrounded by water
I'm empty, staying afloat
with every passing wave my heart grows heavy
I can see my consciousness drift from me
the waves carrying it to a lost island
my heart weighs me down until i am completely engulfed into the darkness of the sea
i see no light

I am pulled down, my arms reaching for air
but my heart grows heavier and I sink faster with my consciousness above me
my lungs fill with water
my eyes fall shut
i hit bottom
there is no light
Jay earnest Jun 2017
today was an alright day.

i just don't really feel like writing about it.

work is fine

but it's only a story you can tell once,
and it's just
i don't even remember any of it.

i go in for my hours and come out
and can't recall a single thing said.

just mumbling and a few faint faces and the next week schedule and other

tedious adjustments
and the fact the mop
is broken

and the dust pan
tilts to the side

and there's never any fresh meat-

but plenty of onion,

and all girls quit in 4 days after they discover that it's indeed ***** and
their acrylic nails aren't suited to scrubbing
tiling and grime.

and my sweat drips
and it still sticks to me.
and i walk home
and flip off ******* driving too close to me - challenging me for the fact that i even
wake up to this
and go at it
day after day after day

after day

after day.,,

everyone's a sadist   --

and everyone is afraid

myself included

but i still dream of flowers in the rain
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