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Sleepy.....       I'm.... a
tired, type. The hype of life
reminder....     right?

Fired, if i don't wake....      on time.
But I.....   I don't deal...
                                                   with stress.....      and strife.

A broker in knives, for slicing ice.
It melts much faster
in little bites.

Lead me on this frightening
path of lightening
in a world that's getting faster
on a journey to disaster
without permission of the master
the plan will fracture.

We ourselves invite to rapture
and the laughter of the one thereafter
as we still ignore the lesson
on our mission of compression
turning days into seconds.

I relax, because I care
not because I care not.
The day is long and life is patient
Be the ball and chain of nations.
About: Learning to chill out in a hectic rat-race society and identify which things really matter to you and improve your life.
Man Feb 13
Well, I guess we need
To send out the hounds.
For the crafty sheepdogs
To go pick out the bad actors
Hiding among the crowds.
Look over your shoulder,
There's that chill again,
The heat is rising
And you can feel something creeping.
Let it take you on,
Lest it take you over.
We've been
Building momentum,
Silently growing
Like a beautiful lotus
Or festering fungus.
It's just a matter of perspective,
It's only a matter of time.
Give in, or give up.
Fly if you will,
Fight if you think you must,
But listen to your neighbors.
Are you honest?
Are you trusting?
Are you nurturing?
Don't worry, don't stress out;
We're gonna figure each angle,
Lay out all the motives.
It's all there
On the internet,
And freely given!
You had a choice, you made a choice-
You dressed up the bed, now rest in it.
It's getting cold outside,
The chills are settling in,
Winter has now arrived,
The sign of frost has begun.

We're stlll in the season of autumn, but
Winter has now shown its face,
The days are nice, but Chilly,
Autumn has now been replaced.

The winter is cold and it's sharp,
Get ready for a frosty chill
Please wear your gloves, coats and scarfs,
For, winter time is here!!

Date: 11/19/2024
My Dear Poet Feb 2024
a tear dropped
from the face of despair
and wove it’s way down
it’s entangled hair
weaving through waves
of dry dead strands
it untangled the knots
the braids and the bands
sliding ever so slowly
soothing out like oil
every curve and curl
of every anxious coil
straightening the stress
as it falls to the ground
shaking your head off the mess
let your hair hang down
Francis Jan 2024
My open window bears a gaping hole,
Welcoming and whining the sounds of my soul,
A tasteful mesh of stormy delight,
In a moment so blissfully lonesome tonight.  

Whirls of wind that plow through the trees,
Rain drops pouring and ******* wherever it may please,
Slight brisk drafts of air cooling me at ease,
In this hot, oven-like bedroom, while I cough and sneeze.

Alarm clock sets for the dawn of tomorrow,
I lay here filled with bouts of sorrow,
How this beat of peace is simply a borrow,
Due to this I whimper, whine, and willfully wallow.

The openness of my window, this gaping frame,
The darkness of my bedroom, delightfully same,
Provides sense of solitude in this world, without blame,
I complain not a lick that this is the name of my game.
This New York storm be crazy rn and I’m laying with ease.
Francis Jan 2024
The **** does it really?
The **** does it all mean?
To caren’t oh so freely,
To not aim to read in between.

The **** is this monstrosity?
The **** does this represent?
This self-aware precocity,
Diving and thriving in its own lament.

Possessions stemmed from possessiveness,
Losses that led to lenience,  
No ***** to give and not a **** to lose,
Too many have come and went.

The **** does it matter, truly?
The **** should it matter to me?
These thinking caps are on too tight,
I’ll embrace this coldness cruelly.

Not to say that I am so daft,
This emulation of me is unflattering,
I’ve come to love this newfound craft,
The ***** become irrelevant when they stop mattering.
Life should just be zen.
Àŧùl Dec 2023
Time brought the joyride to a halt,
Incompatibility being her prevailing issue,
She was my first love.
Even though I tried,
It all ripped apart,
Tearing in front of my eyes!

I escaped my shadow,
Of guilt and loneliness,
By inviting her to curse me.

She said, "You'll repent this,"
I replied, "Who's gonna care about it,"
She started, "You may take it lightly, but one day you're gonna fall off the hill -"
I interjected, "I'm just not gonna take it baby - chill!"
She smiled weakly, "I know that you would love again,"
I said, "No doubt about it, the world is cuter,"
She uttered her curse, "But you won't ever be satisfied!"
I invited few more curses, "Go on, come on - continue your curses!"
She went on, "You'd pay for my tears with your blood!"
I taunted, "Okay! More - just go on baby,"

She snarled, "You'll die feeling lonely in this whole wide world!
The way I find myself lonely under your possessiveness,
You too will feel unloved and unwanted."
I jeered, "Whoa! That scares me to death!"
She continued, "You just can't die so easily,"
I jeered, "Hey that's not like a curse, you can't curse so sweetly,"
She blasted to end it, "Just wait & pray for death to come early!"

True she was, the witch,
My life goes on like her curses,
How true they were!
My HP Poem #1957
©Atul Kaushal
Francis Oct 2023
What does it matter?
These thoughts,
Are merely passers-by,
In this life of uncertainty.

No thought goes unforgotten,
So why do I think so much?
Ruheen Aug 2022
a chill that you feel in your bones
when you know
how far you'll go
then you hold it in
the familiar feeling
when the cold settles in
and you don't
even know
there is ice on your window
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