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ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Everyday I'm told to live in a way that gives you glory
Everyday I'm called to walk and tell the world your story
But I just don't know if i can really do this
So I just won't go, afraid that I'll miss
They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step of faith
It'll take a miracle because the first step is the hardest to take
And I just can't see where it is you're taking me
So I'll stay right here out of comfort and fear
They say you can walk on water if you just believe
Or move mountains with faith the size of a mustard seed
But I just don't think I'm strong enough
For the wind is strong and the waves are rough
I try to follow you and walk in your truth and light
Yet I try to avoid doing wrong and strive to do what is right
But I fall so readily and start to sink in shifting sands
So I cry out. Place my feet upon the rock, help me to dry land
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Send your Spirit to ignite
And let us radiate your light
Let us shine before all men
Even in the Lion's Den
Stoke the passion deep inside
Be courageous; not terrified!
In the storm and in the dark
We will be that single spark
We will start a Holy Fire
Giving hope that will inspire
A nation that is now divided
A people who are short-sighted
We can still change the course
If we could, from our selfishness, divorce
It starts today, it starts with me
It starts right here can't you see?
It takes some time to turn a ship around
But I know where my hope and strength are found
If we come together, a people all as one
We can come out of the storm to see the sun
There is a glimmer of hope in a future dark and dim
When we get past our differences and look at Him
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Holy is Your name, exalted above all
On every ear and heart may the Good News fall.
Glory to you God, Name above all Names
For, your greatness, the earth and angels proclaim.
Every fiber sings to your majesty Lord;
Words of love and truth, from every tongue, are poured.
The rocks cry out in wonder: the very air is alive,
The very ground upon which we walk is sanctified.
We sing out your praises as they saturate the sky,
A sacrifice most pleasing to you: The Most High!
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
He made the sun to shine for you
The grass, green and the sky so blue
He made you the stars to point the way home;
There for you wherever you roam.
He made the wind to dance in your hair
He gave us a love that we could share
He gave you the sea to ebb and flow
He gave you the rain to make life grow
He gave you the trees to heaven reaching
He gave you the wisdom for little ones' teaching
He gave you a heart made of pure gold
He gave you a Spirit strong and bold
He gave you this gift so we could adore
He gave you His life and so much more
He gave you all this from a love so divine
Let us give to him our heart, soul, and mind
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
How beautiful this sacrifice
Of prayer and love that is our Christ
For we were once bent down in shame
Now we bend to praise your name
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
My God my God do you hear me crying out?
I am in this pit of darkness and sin
My hands and feet are bound
From my lips there comes no sound
This guilt and shame it crushes me
Do you hear me? Do my pleas reach your ears
For I am mourning and weeping in this valley of tears
Save me Lord in your endless mercy
Let me drink deep, for I am thirsty

My Lord my Lord do you hear me crying out?
Do you still hear me even when I doubt?
I know your love for me is more than I deserve
But it is my desire to take this opportunity to serve
You have freed me of my chains washed me white as snow
Help me take these moments and begin to grow
Do you hear me Lord crying out in thanksgiving
For I am once more back among the living

My Jesus my Jesus do you hear me crying out?
Do you hear the praise and wonder as I come to shout?
How can we keep from crying out
To share what God has done
How can we keep from crying out
And not wanting to tell everyone
How can we keep silent
When we know just what it cost
How can we keep silent
When we find the one that was lost
How can we keep still
When we have the legs to dance
How can we keep still
When we have this great romance
How can we hold back
When we have been given everything
How can we hold back
When the very rocks cry out and sing
How can we not feel another way
When we take the time to sit and pray
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Lord, we all have our demons, but you can make us clean
In temptation help me open my heart and eyes to see
Your presence and the goodness that lies within
That you would fill our needs helping us not to sin
It is so hard for me to accept both good and bad
To embrace this light and dark with everything I have
The flesh is not bad but the picture is altered
And, as a result our perception has faltered
You came to call sinners to restore us by your glory
We are yours Lord: a special part of the story
You bind the wounded, heal the sick and lame
Eyes, ears and hearts are opened at the sound of your name
You are Lord over our life and our death
Keep us close to you and, when the time has come,
Bring us home to you when we take our final breath
To live forever in fullness and love singing praises to the son
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Jesus healer of our every ill
Let all things be done according to your will
You heal our broken hearts and, once more, make us whole
You are an oasis to the desert of our soul
You are Lord over all creation: water, earth, and sky
When I am weak and worn, into your arms I fly
You are the divine physician; healer of what ails us
We look to you for healing when this world fails us
I would be lost if I didn't know that you are by my side
I dwell in the safety of your shadow when I am terrified
I love you my Lord, take pity on my state
Have mercy on me in your love so great
If it please you Lord, take this pain and suffering
That, of your power, I might sing
But if you don't and this is my cross to bear
I am reminded of your suffering there
Let this be my sacrifice pleasing unto you
Hear the prayers of your servant; faithful and true
I offer it all up for the intentions of those people today
Especially those who need healing in some way
Look on us with eyes of love; hide not your face
We call you now: let your presence saturate this space
ShowYouLove Jan 2018
Lord, sometimes I get discouraged and I start to question why
Especially when things don’t work out no matter how hard I try.
When the words won’t come and the thoughts don’t flow,
When minutes feel like hours and time moves painfully slow
When I am challenged, you use these moments to teach.
I know you are here even though you feel out of reach.
Lord, I trust that my being with you is good enough:
You take my awkward feeble attempt and edges rough
You make it something beautiful and polish it to shine.
Even in our brokenness, you are still divine.
Lord, help me when I feel that what I give is not enough
You love me when life is good and when times are tough.
My worth isn’t measured by what I can or cannot do,
My worth is measured by who I am to you:
Cherished, and beloved until the end of days.
Often you work in mysterious ways
But I trust you Lord, even though I don’t always see
At least not right away, the lessons you are teaching me.
So, in the challenges Lord, I thank you; I bless your Holy Name
And I pray that every day, you help me do the same.

Written 1-25-18
ShowYouLove Jan 2018
My child just be silent, just be still
Just because I can, doesn’t mean I will.
Sometimes silence speaks volumes when words can fall flat.
Written 1-24-18 at St. Peter's Catholic Church. I was actually disappointed at first with this, but the more I look at it, the more I like it.
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