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Those who believe
Superior intelligence
is a gift
Are terribly wrong
As you'r wisdom grows
YOU realise
Everything WE do
is so wrong
Shame on US!
think about it...
Jeff S Feb 2018
"Have you ever noticed
how we are always climbing
but never getting

up glass-sheered avocations
and suits with bonus ties—

up **** with temperamental husbands
and secretaries with Monroe thighs—?"

It was a rhetorical question, uncannily rhymed, in the wake of
Collinses. But he didn't know that.

"We are always climbing on
what other backs have built:
the greedy gringos and their
brown-backed buey—

but i'm for Scotch and soda

He poured out spirits like amphoras of sin.

"Oh, never mind the mess—
please, sit down.

What's that?

The mess of lives, I mean, or whatever
it is that greases the greenbacked highway
to the corner office coronation."

He knew the prodigal flames that lit the
corporate torch—the cirque
that stood in steel. He said as much:

"Oh what a monstrous architecture
of avarice! What a makeshift it is
and so much lost for all these stacks of
stuff. Sad."

I pointed to the happy pair of smiles in a
company frame. Levity interrupted.

"What's that now?

No, i've been married three times,
divorced a perfect three.

I know what you're thinking—"

And here, he laughed as he slurried his rusty brown transgressions with an index finger.

"—lucky man, he slipped the shackle
three times.

And sure, I'm dynamite by numbers
but ******* say I'm not all that nice."

"So anyway," awkwardly pivoting his grease to grin,

"you'll take the job then,
and I'll be commandeering your soul?" With a ****-******* smirk.

"It's a joke, of course—I can't just give you the job.
You'll have to show me you can climb—"

Starry-eyed empty ensued. It was enough to see
the rungs permutating above his head. Unclimbed.

"But we'll be in touch about opportunities—" he shook.
"You know—**** and stuff."

I didn't have the heart to tell him that I am, and always will be,
a homosexual.
fhamideas Jan 2018
(Inspired by Kendrick Lamar)

Whacked or weepiness?
Sing if you know this,
Well~ yuh, yuh.

Hey, I recall when every months with zero-balance-curse,

Therefore I live my life with what I fit, but today I’m so ******,

When everyone gets what their want; In fact, I never wish,

I choose drink mix while you choose Crème de cassis to rid live’s blemish,

Son, the richest man never get outta debt hub,

Duh, compare to you with just one luckless credit card?

So let’s be rich with heart and do something bigger than Tesla,

Do read on my blog, then write it down or by heart at least,

Zero-to-the-hero, hero-to-the-pro punk,

a person who used to be dumb, dumped in the **** junk,

now 6 figures in the bank, I still like yesterday’s punk,

If you got this in the bank, promise to be like an old punk,

my life’s better than my virile,

my future promise me how I rolled,

Hey Mount. E, wait for me to reach your highest spot,

but I’m just play cool to it, cuz you know

Beast’s humble,

Sweet lown,

Be hierodule,

throw your crown.
Stay creative -
Mane Omsy Jan 2018
Tragedy ends here and now
Pull me through the wires
I can sense your blood thirst
Did your business go down?
Unfortunate that the war ended
For you, I limit the life expectations
Judge ruled out the grave stones
For you, dealing requires no mercy
No heart for heartless creatures
Who put them through this?
Have you no soul that’s pure?
Then must the robots finish you
They’ve one thing common with you
They function without a heart
George Krokos Dec 2017
A business is known by all the resources it deploys
how it treats its customers with the staff it employs.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Beau Scorgie Nov 2017
I've never been fond
of the colour red.
I found it loud,
I felt small around red,
an anger
that I was neither loud,
nor arrogant.

I found a home
in grey
and they called me
the grey woman,
equal parts white,
and black.
Neither here,
nor there.

How does
a grey woman
navigate a world
built for red men?

I met a man,
who was a fan
of Pink Floyd
who reminded me
that pure white
is a rainbow
and from then
I no longer saw grey
as equal parts
white and black.

Now I paint
my nails red
and lay down beside
that Pink Floyd man
every night.

He reminds me of red.
That's why I like him.
CC Oct 2017
Who cares if we are lost?
The translation is a sign
The train of thought was thin
Who cares what words are said?
We packed light
Enter forests cradled in the mountain range
Keep your childish laughter
Leave your drunken meal
Drank river into waterfall
I have nowhere, no war
How to exit?
How to enter?
Land has lost
Sign out the hive
Bees are so alive
Wire traps the treason
Factory line sublime
I am a social creature
Frequenting the mall
Travel is my heaven
The lights up in the sky
Driven by a dream
Something I can find
Elsewhere and else who
Mane Omsy Sep 2017
If I strike their respect, they’ll roar
Burn houses, public properties
All of them demolish the streets
It’s me who must control
Respect their symbols, let them live
In peace

Recollect the past, can you describe
Every incidents of war and massacres
It ain’t safe to be majority nor minority
When they can stand for betterment
We all could live in serenity

Several options, they selected the wrong
Blew words at religions for war
For their arms to be sold
For them, it’s business
For human beings, it’s violence

How do you describe
Showering bullets at children
Bombs on towns, labeling terrorism
Never forget, they are the terror
the poem itself speaks the truth.
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