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monetary means conquered*
lots of dollars were the power
dominance bought by wads
how they pleasured in the

suit cases of currency given
for treatment ever preferential
which ensured they'd be viewed
with more favourable credential

the complexion of a situation
when there's bucks proffered

business was done
and it always carried
mega rating's
Dharker Jun 2017
aurora kastanias May 2017
It once belonged to imagination
Science-fiction novels
Apocalyptic movies
Scary jokes,
Our worst nightmares.

It once was free for all,
No one being could claim
Property over the volatile
No one being would dare,
Fearing the rise of horror
And rage.

New businesses for lingering
Failure to succeed in taking care
Naturally resolves
In stakeholder’s revenue.
Air in a bottle.

Vitality from Canadian Rockies
160 breaths for 24 dollars.
Canned air to be taken

Aethaer from British countryside
103 dollars a jar.
“Environmental-political artwork”
Giving birth to absurdity.
Notions of “air farming”.

Companies cashing in
On pollution selling
Trendy fashionable designer
Pollution masks,
From 33 to 100 dollars
A piece.

Little or no benefits
On health for desperate
Populations, willing to pay
The price set on air,
To compensate.

Thick smog from factories
Invisible poisons from vehicle exhausts
Seven million people dying
From breathing
Smoke, gases and soot
Pumped into the atmosphere.
For profit.
“Our air is simply an experience that many within China and India will not get to experience,” Vitality Chief executive Moses Lam
As he'd flip his hat
his ties have shone
though quaint in fact
just belied and bade
his call of freedom yet
his mapping afield where
he'd belay topography
and his harmony too
with hint of something new
even enticed quite averse
that hastened to implore
he cherished that linen
more refined in his attire
as he must wear it again.
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

She appears nightly in the window, under a fading out blue gel spot light sporting cheap lingerie...

Her red slapped **** fit a bit too tight!
I was strung out on Cutty Sark, the whole darkish day!

Thunder clapped overhead; the rain threatened the would be turn-out of bums!

Prima Donna, was her ****** stage name: she hid the newborn kid under the bar...

He resembled Jimmie Durante,
The baby smoked a cigar!

Live *** *** Show: read the blinking orange neon sign...

She pretended she was a road house star!

Her stretch marks indicated she had been tossed around...

Town to town, bar to bar!

Now she travels in a carnival trailer...

She drinks herself to sleep when no one is around: can't be seen crocthless!

Wide spots in the road are the small time attractions...

Her fat *** boss sells China made fake Rolex time pieces...

Character is all you have when no one else watches...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
La Strata goes Vaudeville... poetry... drama!
Jami Samson Jun 2013
My communication skills ****,
How will I ever be able to earn a buck?
I could even lose to a duck.
What is wrong with me, ****.
June.22.13, 9AM
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