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Styles Sep 2015
i'm the witness protection, so get with the program
i'm playing the dudes, like chess against an blind man
We can battle in your homeland, where your're the man
I'll call in from Pakistan, secured lines, I'm a grown man.
My confidence is high, light years past the sky
even a wise man asking, who is this guy.  
Like Dan, I'am the Maine man,
you just a part of the plan.
Funny styles, like arnold doing the running man
I'm Arm strong, like Cunningham.
a good look, your'a short gram.
I'm am a cunning man
you are green-eggs and ham
eating you like a grand slam
recording it on my i-cam
coming out the pocket
like a bad stock pick
I'm a line-backer
like a brak-it,
I stopped it
like the opposite of a profit
you ***** made, hope ya bra-fit
you diss didn't even leave a scratch
i warren buffet, without getting off topic
these dudes need to stop it
perfect timing, equals a prophet
so the smart money is on me,
I'm like Master P- when it **** to making a profit
so these P'on's get peed on,
for ions, i'like tre songs,
My game that long,
I been gone
Cade Sep 2015
A beautiful weapon,
forged in the heat of,
incredible fire,
now worn, by years of use,
and terrible abuse,
But still sharp enough,
to **** you,
Cade Sep 2015
a war of dancing,
soft movements,
fast movements,
fleeing death,
preserving beauty,
saving life,
but, also taking it,
fluid movements,
breaking bone,
a chaotic harmony,
spattered with blood,
my home,
AM Sep 2015
To love is to hand over the power to others
it comes with a big risk of happiness and torment
and I, myself, love
I love so deep, I can make the ocean jealous
even though the depth would suffocate me
I still love people deeply
as they continue to send me
into a war I cannot win
—the battle between what I feel
and what I know
E Copeland Sep 2015
I can't help but wonder
if I will always belong to my emotions.

How long will I be
a prisoner of my depression?
and at the mercy of my anxiety?
How many days will my thoughts
scream behind clenched teeth
and ring deep in my ears?

When will freedom come?
Will I ever know peace?

This war raging within my skull
seems to be killing me.
Ignatius Hosiana Sep 2015
FOR Mwima Zubair Naser*
(Gone too soon,when still in bloom
In the line of duty,what a pity)
In memory of you I'll always cry
I won't stop no matter how hard I try
Why do you have to promise
And then just pass on like this?
Especially when you are all gone
Leaving us in this world on our own
Did you have to leave this young
When I lack any beautiful speech
On my saddened tongue?
When the ball is still on pitch?
You had Samson's courage
Like a car with shocking milage
Did you have to go when I need you
Did you have to evaporate like morning dew
From the fragile petals of our youth
Did you have to join the boots?
It isn't fair to go when I cannot send you off
When I haven't condolence,not half a loaf
Did you have to go so soon
And leave my heart out of tune?
Say hallo to Wilber and the others
The thought of you all really bothers
I've never been one to say goodbye
And saying it will all be but a lie
To me you still breathe and live
That you're gone I cannot believe
I hope you made it through
And all these rumors ain't true
Leia R Sep 2015
I am a
But they don't give
A ****

So I fight
The silent battles
To preserve the
Human I am
aniket nikhade Sep 2015
For me it’s not over
It’s far from over
The day still remains as the day continues

Agreed and accepted
Result was not as per expectation
Still the battle continues
The battle is far from over
It was just a stumble, not even a fall
So nothing to worry deeply
Nothing much of concern

Winning and losing is part of the game
Games are played for a long period of time
The final game is yet to be played
The final word is yet to be said.

For me it’s not over
It’s far from over
For me the day still continues

No, not all
It’s not the ups and downs
Highs and lows
Something, which has always remained a concern
The right approach makes the real difference
Definitely approach remained a concern since long.

A change in approach will definitely make the difference
Something which will let me give my best
Something which will change the future course of time.

No, not all
Everything is not yet over
Definitely things are far from over.

For me it’s not over
It’s far from over
For me the day still continues, the day remains.
Medinah Aousunt Aug 2015
Afraid  of what I don't know.
love what hate me the most.
Caught in a battle to be myself
when told the best thing is someone  else.

Extricated from defeat.
Accompanied by agony.
Forced to love irony.
Humbled by deceit.

To be myself self I must stay sound
Or change my stars uniquely.
No more innocence to be found
What a battle within me.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
Mysterious Aries Aug 2015
“Please No! No!” said the fairy as I slashed her head
I decided to clashed back and make them all dead
The first victim was a demon I stabbed him by surprise
Then those ghost disappearing when being touch by my magical knife
Those elves, aliens and clowns I spiked all of them who dare
Even him who said “Please No! I am your Guardian Angel!” I killed him I don’t care

When I was done killing them with no mercy
I look at my hand with a knife it was really so ******
“Why did you do it?” I’ve heard a voice from a woman
“Oh my God! He was your brother!” No that voice belongs to my mom
“What have I’ve done?” I said, as I look at my brother who’s really was bleeding
“This is not true….” How I wished that I’m only was dreaming…

written: July 31, 2014 @ 10:00 pm PH time

Mysterious Aries
My Schizophrenia Poem #11
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