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Just Melz Jul 2014
That look radiating from your eyes
              It's no surprise
To see the light bulb,
              Slowing burning out
You've lost it now
             It's a battlefield
The guns rest so heavily on your shoulders
            It's weighing you down
On your mind at war
       Only sounds released
The slamming of the door
                 Behind you when you finally walk away
        You're losing this battle
You'll still fight
          Laying in that field,
blood smeared
    Standing up,  you say:

"It's never over,  I'll fight with my last breath.  The idea of you, slowly brings me to my death!"
             You fall
Shoot off a few more rounds
Shout out a few more sounds
          In the distance,  
the past reaches her hand for yours
                You try to reach it,  through all the gore
         Then, just like before....
The present screams your name
    It's the same, sounds of bullets flying past your face

                  You're torn
You look to the past for a moment more
          Then you turn around
Stomping in all your stubborn scorn
      Guns blazing, you jump right in
Walking towards your future,  
           It begins...

            The fire, the fury
The art of the fight
   Brings out the joy in your eyes
It radiates light
        You're finally satisfied
             For those moments you feel pure bliss
    A sweet little kiss from death
        Bullets piercing though flesh
Blood stained grass,
       Copper colored dirt
It hurts,  you refuse to quit
             Bended down on one knee
Taking a leap of faith
   Raising a gun filled hand to the sky
           Shooting, the ultimate Mary
                     It's over
           You die

*Your existence finally erased
       As you slowly fade away
The past stares you in the face
hellohappytori13 Jul 2014
Some days, love is my friend
Easy to slip away and into the Universe’s embrace.
“Teach me about myself” I’ll say
Cause even though I feel like I understand,
It's hard to tap into that natural intelligence, hard to listen to my soul, be still.
Got a devil in my ego,
Telling me I'm content with submission and stagnation,
Whispering louder than my screaming heart,
My poor heart, pleading for internal peace,
But my ego says, "That’s no good, you're not there yet, you might never be.
So, **** it, here's a drink."
Forget everything I know about loving myself or giving a **** about anything,
Focus on nothing.
Fidget, uncomfortable in my skin
Shutter out of the Universe's embrace and into scrambled thoughts.
I come to, “but I'm awake!" I’ll say,
"I know you're there and I won't listen to you, Ego!"
Unsteady, don’t know what’s true so I can't listen to anything.
My natural intelligence numbed, so what powers my heart is yelling to me,
"Listen, listen!
Love is your friend
Stay still so I can come to you my love, my sweet!"
If only I could,
Some days I just can’t be still.
Coop Lee Jul 2014
prepare for the high gates to fall.
for the great bowl of us
to submerge under stolen soul waves
& atomic guts.

the seven year tribes; or
fissure of statehoods and broods and brother against brother.
end drenched in whisky blood,
& desperado cheese.

[the rebellion kids] with their drums and sling-shots,
get their throats cut in the open street sweet heat
& blitzkrieg.
all first-born hearts plucked
from atop the great pyramid, preserved, and in
frosted time-capsules.

yet the leopards remain healthy.
while cities plunge into putrefaction &/or
radioactive ****.
from **** to corner to tomahawk
in skull death note.

beaten back to the parking-lot of a best western;
in the battle of sacramento;
is an ammo-less infantry drummer,
& a bleeding medic.
they laugh and snap morphine tips
in the revelry of their final formations.

moon crescent
slows and all the woods liven with flocks of small children.
they live on plant sugars, wild
mushroom and boiled water.
they hide in caves of ancient etch;
old time-gone man & woman & buffalo.

they hunt owls with homemade crossbows
& cook the meat on holy spits.
grinding the little bones
into tincture rubbed beneath their eyes.
this, to exhume an astral essence.
previously published in BlazeVOX Magazine
Molly Jul 2014
I have never felt more hatred toward another human being
than I do toward myself.
The only question I have been able to ask myself these past few months
is “what the **** are you doing?”
and I do not have an answer.
I have been carrying this weight for so long that
I have forgotten how it feels to be free.
I am a prisoner of war
inside my own ******* head,
and I am no longer sure of what I am fighting for.
Do not call me a soldier.
I am not a hero,
I am a coward.
I am weak.
Point a rifle to my head.
Do not prepare your bayonets,
I will not struggle.
Close my eyes when the light fades from them.
Do not let me see what I’ve left behind.
I can't lie to myself, I'm not even trying anymore.
Holly Nicole Jul 2014
From the inside out
To give in to this internal
Battle from which
Evil spawns evil and I,
I am forced to remain as I am
With no visible knowledge,
Yet a sentient faith.
To continue seems a journey
But a road that must be taken.
Well trod by those ahead,
Yet uncertain at every turn
While the battle within rages.
Step forward
Step back
Step forward
Keep moving- backwards is WRONG.
And though I know this,
That it is within my means-
My manageable means,
I cannot bear it,
I MUST bear it.
And as though a cruel joke,
The unbearable becomes bearable
When the unacceptable is accepted.
Maria Jul 2014
Cant you hear their cries
Of pain. Of suffering.
The echoes of malicious crimes.
Or have we become unaffected by the images
As history repeats itself one more time

Some where down the line
Humanity has been lost
As ignorance prevails, and their conscious dies
Who is left to preserve and protect innocent lives

As we sit watching the events unfolding
And the tears of both young and old
Like the missiles, do they fall

Have the oppressors forgotten, it was these people
who gave them shelter when they were the oppressed
United we were then to end the brutality and maltreatment
Now the tables have turned
We ignorantly refuse to believe it is happening again

For the innocents the fight continues
Their faith and their strength. It never falters
As they take back what is theirs.
Hoping that someone helps and intervenes
Giving back what's theirs, bringing them peace

The fear and dread
The weeping souls
The blessed land
Forgotten and torn

They fight the battle
as we look on
The hourly struggle
of the abandoned ones.

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
This is for those people suffering in Palestine, Gaza, Burma, Syria and anywhere else where innocent lives are being brutally taken by the evils of oppressors and ignorants.
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
Driven by the same desires
Trying to outdo time
Dying to achieve the bounty
Racing through the tracks
Rash driving, causing crashes
Simple desires, not simple anymore
Indifferences and lack of emotions
Relationships drifting away
Melting like the glaciers
Submerging in the icy cold waters
Human bonding seems to be fragile
Ragged threads giving away to the weight
Everyone fighting a battle within
Imaginary demons slaying the soul
If only we could salvage the remaining
Not being in the race against time
Taking a path which suits us
For we are destined to a certain amount
Not more, not less; enough to balance
Our life is precious, join the adventure
But not the adventure to outdo fate
Desire to live, without the external pressures
Taking out time to love enough
For love is never enough, no matter how much we share
Bec Jul 2014
This is my white flag and
I surrender with every ounce of me.
I refuse to fight you anymore;
this battle cannot be won.
Because this war in my mind
is never ending
and I am the only soldier left standing.
I am certain that the smoke will never clear
and I have become terrified of what
has made it's home within it.
Please, do not send help,
I've given up on my own terms
and I will lose graciously.

- R. H.
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