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Douglas Scheurn Jul 2014
Church bells ring,
One gray rainy day.
Congregation began to sing,
Not I,
Hit by a car on the way.

Sirens and yells,
a numb jolt on my chest.
My vision failed,
As I exhaled my last breath..

I am no longer tethered to my mortal shell as I am swiftly taken into the depths of hell. All around flame burnt walls rose, and the sky was blackened by wings of crows.

Flames at my feet tickled and lashed,
Billions screamed, withered, and churned.
Demons simply pointed and laughed.
For some reason my naked skin wouldn't burn.

I coughed once then twice,
Choking on something freeing itself from my throat.
I fell to my knees and cried,
As a sword flew from it's fleshy abode.
Haley Jul 2014
Inside out and upside down,
Tossing, turning, flipping 'round,
Forehead creased in a solemn frown
Right, center, left and back to ground

Your thoughts seem to drown,
in the scary place of dreams,
all decked out in greys and brown,
everything is seldom as it seems.

Haunted souls wail a weary tune,
Echoing off the cavern walls,
But here at last comes the sweet boon,
A beautiful croon to lay your mind to rest.

Rainbows and unicorns, cotton candy clouds,
Mountains of cookies and ice cream and cake,
Sunshine and happiness the world enshrouds,
If only if only this innocence would last.

But the day becomes reality and the alarm beeps,
The little girl awakens with a heavy heart,
Travesty and desolation are common in the deeps
of her mind, her soul, her weariness masked.

But lights will come on and love will come soon,
The battle will end and the storm will pass,
She just has to hold on and look at the moon,
Make wishes to the man of the moon and believe.
H W Erellson Jun 2014
Clinging to the eternal truth
That manaña never comes
But put all faith in the dawn of tomorrow
All the eggs in the sunlit basket

Because here, now,
In the dust of the crushed buildings
The pettiness, the bite of bullets from rooftops
The megaphones screeching their siren songs across
The dredge of forbidden earth,
Here and now
We embrace,

In the dawn of mañana a mother feeds a son
Toasts are made
The Spanish smile and
Gesture to the sky;
They are undefeatable
In the face of defeat;
In the face of mañana.
possible second part to my original piece 'HUESCA' on the Spanish civil war.
Maria Jun 2014
The memories,
Those awful dark times
Will always play.
But this is my prize.
I simply cannot throw it away.
As I glance at it, the pain cuts through me
The hurt washes over me .
Drowning. Suffocating.
I hold it in my palm,
Twiddle it around loosely between my fingers
Flashbacks. Nightmares. Distorted images and figures -
Like a film playing in my mind
Throw it!
No, keep it!
It's yours.
That smooth silver-grey 2 inches of metal
Cool to the touch.
It was your friend. It was your enemy.
It's your pride and your glory.

**© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Julie Artemov Jun 2014
You cried in battle,
And the earth shook,
Searching for fear...
I only found determination,

Your fingers blocked the fire rain,
Despite you,
My skin invaded,
The ashes seeped into me,

As my teary pupils dilated,
My mouth resisted to speak,
But my mind wailed to the heavens,
While God covered his ears.

You tried to cloak me,
And you were dangerous,
And you were fierce,
And you were beautiful.

I was broken to begin with,
It's not your fault I'm bleeding.
It's not your fault I'm weeping.
It's not your fault I'm dying.

Your attempts were not in vain,
I'll never forget your efforts.
Josiah Wilson Jun 2014
A harsh wind howls over the mountains
But I stand tall, alone and unbowed
With my wild hair and pelts
I am the barbarian, fierce and proud

No weapon can fell me, no man can best me
For I vanquish all with my axe and my shield
Flee now before my might and wrath
To my power surrender, to my fury yield

Like the wild north wind I come
Laying low all in sight
So cower in fear, you soft ones
And flee fast into the night
Nathan Squiers Jun 2014
The air was thick with rancid hate as we squared off in the mist of night.
There was no words--no grunts nor groans--that oozed past sneering
lips. It was a rustic sort of torture; the time slithering between you
and I, as we each came to grips that only one could anticipate the
dawn. Oil stained the rain-soaked way; the alley shimmered in
the moon. I couldn't recall what had brought us there; what
ill-will we shared. And though your eyes shone with scorn,
I swear you felt the same. It was then the hatred started
rolling like a current 'cross my back; as though the
energy inside of me was fighting to break free.
I watched with eyes uncaring as the glass
began to break, and scattered bits of this
and that began to whip about! You had
never known me well enough to truly
know what lurked within, and as
your startled eyes betrayed your
fear I knew that I'd already won.
So much viscous agony--such a
glorious defeat--a body left in
ruin. I stared at what I had
done, awash in a morbid
optimism, and I saw the
shards of glass twinkle
under a cracked light.
Consumed by the
sight, I saw you
sink into a sky
of oil and filth
and eternal
I was inspired by some busted beer bottles that sparkled on the side of the street like stars when I was driving one night. The irony of a beautiful night sky replicated in such a violent way got me to thinking of how I, myself, could create such a replication while paying homage to the inspiration. Because of the death theme, I wanted to start with a very broad, wordy "life" and slowly dwindle it away. Submitted for your approval, ladies and gentlemen, I give you "Urban Starlight."
Lori Tolentino Jun 2014
i live in a constant battle
between what
my heart says
and what my mind says

and somewhere along the way
i got lost
trying to decide
what to follow
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