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Poetic T May 2017
When I was knee high to nothing
I asked inquisitive questions...

And with those answers I became me..

I would want too, if now, I asked the question??

If you are which you say? why so many books!!

If reality was based, wouldn't one book suffice,
But you made conflicting interests, like baiting
a hook. Why do we have to be slaves to ourselves
always begging on knees. To those of confused
reflections seeing you in themselves, but all the time
wording it to make them hate, difference of man
and woman others not he same as me?
but you conflict with love and preach the other thing.

If I was to ask one thing?

"Were grown now, out of the cradle of insecurities,
"Are hand needn't be held, were stronger without you,
*"I am me, not a reflection of your confused morality,
The Unknown May 2017
You want to introduce us
to a house of gold
But gold was never really my color
For some time
It felt as though
a hundred hands held me
Led me through the weight
Pain and loss
that I must bear
My brain spins
And I see
The hands are there
not here
A hundred hands hold you
Through the loss that you must bear
But there is no loss
Only the flowers we forgot to smell
The birds we didn't listen to
The beauty we were blind to
And you
must think I'm blind
for not wanting your house of gold
But Beauty
Is in the eye of the beholder
For a hundred hands
and a house of gold
cannot take me somewhere
I'm not meant to go
Poetic T Apr 2017
Woven in tears of collected misgivings
for his voice never to be heard in the halls
of man, just echoes of nothingness.

For he was a fiction of man, fed through mouths
never one his own, for courts jested verses of
there needing not those repeated and reversed.

Words are power in anyone's hand, the tonged syllables
are hypnotic in a wrong mans purse. Listen to knowledge
and fact, falsehood is a serpent biting back.
Poetic T Jul 2016
Wilted petals fell of thoughts now lost in fragrance,
all were now but dissipated.
leaflets descended from its once proud place,
a region of lies that kept it alive in  residence.

but the smell was covering untruths
that were now showing that the smell
wasn't sweet it was bland of meaning.
All wasn't as it seemed as they were declining.

These weren't petals they were a façade of
a truth that wasn't real like the smell of
these plastic veneer that looked fine on the
thoughts but wasn't real in the thinking world.
Can you see the meaning in the words I have penned??
Poetic T Jun 2016
Thanks for the wishing of wellness but I'm an
atheist for me there is no heaven or hell,
when I'm at final breath and the curtain is drawn,
ill ebb into nothingness and dust ill become.
My moment is now of what I now do.

The right and the wrong each a consequence of
my thoughts and actions what I've been through.
Live life with an open mind not what a book tells
you to do a free mind is a beautiful thing it opens
the doors to amazing things you ca do.

I do not jest, your thoughts are yours but think of
the latter and that ink is but words its the mind
that controls you. let your thought be of others
and those around in thought, don't do for religion
do it because your human and its our nature for
right and wrong without we would never learn.
This was penned as a comment on another site where I had peened a dark piece not of gore or ****** or hell just that which lingered under the bed. but my shock I got this reply:

satan takes host of our souls when we don't watch what we speek and believe fort his spirit enters into those who don't know the truth of him dont let him have anymore of you to speak of ghost darkness evil that is when you invite him in me i know all to well of how he works looking back i loved graveyards witchgcraft haunted house no fear in me but 50 now and knowing the truth trust me He is very sneeky I have the LORD and love GOD but satan still reaks havoc if I'm not careful just an FYI  GREAT

this was my response.... above
Poetic T May 2016
Hatred in a misinterpretation of what
people think I linger in. I have no aversion
to this thought process, I just choose what
I know is true.

That understanding of facts where those who
delve to regurgitate inconsistences upon myself.
Why do you wish to ascend your misgivings on
me when like a viper all that is bitten upon is untruths.

Repugnance on a belief where I have non, free thought
facts and realistic virtues are what my life is based upon.
But you spite me as I am not held back I reject your
inaccuracies that have taken over a cognitive thought.

Deities are like clothes so many have been and then
like fickle thought, kicked to the curb for the
newest trendiest misgivings of whom to blame for
what we have subdued on ourselves no other to blame.

*"I have objections to inaccurate speculation
where truth just doesn't seem to connect on thought,
Ryan M Hall Nov 2015
I once rubbed a crucifix to know
what it was like to be touched by Christ.
It wasn't warm.
He wasn't warm.
He was rusty metal.
A relic.
A man who has long since died.

One day that will be me.
A long lost artifact
Or photograph, that
will be stuffed in a drawer
next to a book and some condoms.
Manic Brilliance Sep 2015
I used to be religious,
but that was years ago,
you know, when I was young
And there were so many things that I didn't know

I was a puppet,
I was not allowed to think
when my mind was like someone
pouring water into an empty sink.

I always went to church
against my own will,
sitting in a pew for hours
trying to keep still.

then I got older
And then I realized
my mind is more powerful
then the other guys.

So I started questioning,
was called a blasphomer.
The only thing I believed in
was death without fear.

I mean, don't you find it odd
that we're told to believe in God
And as long as it's only him
then we defeat the odds
of going to hell?
but the bible always had a different story to tell.

you shall have no other god before me.
those are his words written in his story.
Yet were also told about Christ
And the holy ghost.
that makes three gods that use us as their host.

that way of thinking,
the holy trinity,
is a contradiction
that human eyes are too blind to see.
And we always wonder
"why doesn't he talk to me?"
yet in the past he spoke directly
to prophets in the era
that human minds were developing.

I was raised not only as Christian
I was raised by my mother in multiple religions.
Each one saying that the other is wrong.
Although they have the save versus and songs.
I just don't get it,
I know humans need an escape.
Especially from reality, whatever it takes.
But why do I have to be labeled religious if I'm a good person?
When the ones with the most hatred are the ones rehearsing.

I follow a code
Peace love unity respect,
Hatred is not something
That I chose to accept.
But because I'm atheist
I'm considered a heathen.
When they don't realize the words they're breathing

And anti gay?
Are you serious?
That **** is so ******* stupid.
They're still humans wanting love
Because love is fluid.
It flows through us.
Every creature,
Every soul,
Every tree that you see.
We are connected

My problem is,
Everyone wants to make their decisions
Off of a book written based on visions
By man that are known
To manipulate the systems.
And create hate without a second opinion.

For example.
The anti-gays.
Only want to listen to the words they say.
But don't realize that the words relayed
Is different from years ago today.

And divorce is a sin as big as they come.
But they don't say **** about that.
How come?!

why do you have to judge?!
why can't you just accept we were all created
the same regardless of blood?!
why can't I just be as blind as you?!
why does my mind ask questions and have a different view?!
why can't I be closed minded?!
why can't I just accept everything and stop trying to find it?!

**** it I'm done.
I am not a prodigal son.
I am not a saint,
I am not a sinner.
I am me, a human,
the line could not be painted any thinner.

next time you decide to **** into someone resilient.
make sure it's not the mind of manic brilliance...
"For One who is religious,
you've got quite the open mind!"

"For One who is an atheist,
you've got quite the open mind!

let us philosophize
o'er my finest wine!
'Twixt our worldviews, I feel
we've each so much to teach
and each even more to learn!"

"Should we allow ourselves. Après vous!"
"After you" in French.
josh wilbanks Sep 2014
im no jesus but i can turn water into koolaid. take a hit of this blunt then i'll forgive you of your sins. show me how to swim on land and i'll show you how to walk on water. im no god, but luke i am your father. just go a little farther down the road so i can pretend we look related. i just masterbated. it feels pretty good to be athiest.
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