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Shanijua Jun 2014
Just because I like science does not mean I'm atheist.
Just because I'm Christian doesn't mean I'm religious.
Just because  it's easy for me to make friends doesn't mean I don't have social anxiety.
Just because I don't eat as much as everyone else doesn't make me anorexic.
Just because I make honor roll doesn’t mean I'm smart.
Just because I don't wear tons of makeup everyday doesn't mean that I'm confident in myself.
Just because I do not judge anyone does not mean I don't have an opinion.
Just because I blog a photo of a naked lady doesn't make me bi/ lesbian.
Just because I know the guy I like doesn't like me back doesn't mean that I can't continue to like him.
Just because people call me pretty and I say thank you does not mean I believe I am.
Just because I ignored you does not mean I didn't hear you insult me.
Just because I laughed it off does not mean it didn't hurt.
Just because I act strong does not mean I am.
Because that's all it is.. An act.
But no one cares to get to know the real me, so I hope you're happy with what you get.
Anthony Perry Apr 2014
Your a wraith, a ghost dedicated to a dying faith, like a mistake, you used life for your needs and gave only to take, as a friend you offered lessons in hate but reeked of an essence that only you could create, ignorance, selfish religious babble for instance, attacking the ideals of others with a dagger between your teeth while preaching against the dangers of he who lies beneath, dont confuse evil for pain, try to experience pleasure from the searing rain that hisses off your hatred, if you can't then I'm sorry my friend, but you've already gone insane
Cory Meece Apr 2014
If we have the freedom to worship as we please or decide not to get on our knees and pray
Why do people act like "worship the devil" is the only thing they hear athiest say?
Why was my friend called "Satan Boy" at his old school
All because he wasn't a "Holy Boy" like they were used to?
He doesn't even believe in Hell yet they condemn him to it and show hatred
Even though they're a part of a religion where love and forgiveness is supposedly sacred
You're God would have said "I'll still forgive you"
While you people say "***** you and forget you"
I do not hate christians nor do i hate any religion

— The End —