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Ylzm Feb 20
I'm a ghost, an empty shell, a stranger amongst flesh
I walk the certain way, contrary, unseen and unheard
Flesh seems unaware of me and my way and walk away
My voice wordlessly soundless and my touch the wind
Spirit and flesh have no fellowship and union, futility

I see the sighted unseeing, stumbling, falling, smiling
Without truth confident the next step is never void
Every fall is knowledge every bone broken is growth
Till the last fall then to sleep eternal, life's done
Without fear, without regrets, for what else is life?
showyoulove Nov 2024
It's okay, you don't have to pay. It's covered
By (assurance) of Grace

On Judgement of Value

Food for the world on a gold plate
Something so small has so much weight
For who can weigh eternal life
And who can say that life has a price
This world will rate and measure
Criticize and place you at its leisure
But the Lord uses a different system
Jesus took our place as spotless victim
He looks into the heart of hearts
Where the human soul resides
He moves past even the locked parts
To find where the treasure lies
He sees beneath the surface. Hidden,
Lies untapped potential; something more
And from the depths it has risen
Like waves to crash upon the shore
Who can know the mind of God
Or understand God's actions?
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder
How beautiful we must truly be
For God made us in His image
And so dearly loves you and me
The Gentle Breeze signifies Clarity and Peace of assurance that All things will fall into place at its rightful time. So, you need not to worry!!!

Date: 9/4/2024
My Dear Poet Jun 2024
Do you think we’ll ever be ok?”, she asked

Depends what you mean by ok”, I replied

She then, gave me a look that spoke a thousand words and said, “okay”.
laura Feb 2022
Every good time turns into bad
just like every day turns into night.
Every time we think things are getting better
they take a turn for the worst.

Sometimes when you’re in the deepest pit of darkness
that feels like it will never end,
all you need is one thing.
You need that one assurance
that you’re going to be okay.

If you look to God,
he gives you that one hope.
He has already saved you
from the darkest pit you could ever imagine.
He is your light at the end of the tunnel,
and he gives you eternal life
when you think you can never wake up again.
derblue Jul 2021
Timing plays a big part
I thought I was ready
Ready to start again
Good thing I pulled back a little
Now all that I built
All the sweat & blood that I shed
Bore fruit

Now we are both ready to start this journey.
They say timing plays a big role in a relationship. I never had a ton of patience when it comes to relationship, I was always in rush. I never want to be left out. She made me realize that's its okay to wait for the perfect timing. No need to rush things and eventually everything will fall into place.
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2020
Gliding along
The edge of night
In their sorrow
Silent in the wake
Of remissive waters

Their call
Their beckoning
A flare
To the soundless heavens
Quiet in the assured
Expectation of faith

Inspired by Sarita Aditya Verma and her poem "The Journey."
Poetic Eagle Oct 2020
Him: fall for me, l will catch you
Her: why
Him: Because that's what super heroes do
Small talks
I was wondering if there would be a chance you would contact me and talk about what had happened to us, that maybe we could see each other and maybe by then I’ll have what I need-closure. Maybe by that, I could find acceptance and finally say that this is the reality and I have to face it. But I know it won’t happen. I know you, you should have done it earlier, at least?

I’m still waiting for your message. I’m still holding on maybe we could work this time again or maybe we could sort this out but I know that the more I try to connect with you, the more painful it could be since you already cut me off from your life and I don’t want to become selfish to your decision. To be honest, everything is still not clear to me. Maybe because I didn’t get the answers I deserve, that I still lack your explanations to the point I’m wanting to see you so we could settle this out, and maybe by that I could finally have the courage to say my last goodbye. I’m wanting to see you- to make sure you’re okay, to hug you for one last time, and to tell you I’m thankful for everything.

Maybe we could see each other again, for the last time. And maybe by that, I would finally feel the freedom and assurance that it’s over.
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