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Liam C Calhoun Oct 2016
Salient pools swarmed upon
Of blackened
Neon gazes,
The love that could never be.

She knew it.

I knew it.

Hell, Even my luggage knew it.

All that remained were the footsteps
And in opposite directions.
Crimsyy Sep 2016
I forgot to say my goodbyes,
when my love for you
washed out your lies,

              Excuse me now,
              I'm somebody else.

You're screaming on the floor,
But I'm not knocking
on your door,

              I don't know what you're here for,
               unless to beg for forgiveness
               on all fours.

And still, I'd say no,
and still, I'd
walk away,

               Because "sorry" is
                the worst lie you could say.

My send-off,
the most savage
you'll find,

              *Because "*******"
                is too kind.
Ceida Uilyc Jun 2016
She told me that she wanted to kiss me.

I’d swooned over her curves since a long-long time

Dreamt of the moment she was ready to say yes to my 2-year long request to share her warmth.

So, I jumped with joy, but was numb to say anything more.

I thought, she’d be different.

I thought, she’d know.

I thought she’d understood nothing more, yet nothing less

Than what I’d always said-
At the end of the day, leave me alone!

Like most people,
She too thought that this was merely ornamental.

And she said that I hated love because I’ve not been loved enough.

Gwaaah! Such lies.

Such coarse hopes people prison within and dream more about the torture.  

But, there was a difference.

I was not one among them.
I had no rousing dreams.
I did not want any romance, I merely wanted her body.

Co-existence without ***** was prettier.

and Clean it off with a gush of the jet.  

Like most liars, she too lied that she hated commitment.
And echoed with me.
Like more flimsy folks, she was flaying too.

She was not my falancho.

So when I finally told her that I didn’t have time for her.

It was with a heavy heart
                                              because I had time for her body, but no time for her emotions. Or mine to be shared.

It’s a burden to even think that I may start it all over again.
                                               So ….

When she told me that I will never see her again,

               I was smiling inside.
                                                       And I silently told her,
I had such dreams about living with her.
But, she was just another leech, looking for love.
Just another man in women's tender skin ...
Liam C Calhoun Jun 2016
The ether’d suggested,
          “Say something.”
                    I didn’t.

The photos bombarded,
          “Say something.”
                    And I didn’t once more.

His widow plead, cried,
          “Say something”
                    I couldn’t.

One daughter begged,
                    And I couldn’t once more.

But I bought a cake,
                    Lit the candles,
                 ­                       And he didn’t;
                                                  And he wouldn’t
Because I never did.
Hiraeth (n.) a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for lost places of your past.
oui Dec 2015
tangly hair and light pink nails
a pretty little mess
disaster's got his eyes on you
and your black sequin dress

you sniff and sneeze just what you please
when all you want is wine and cheese
you've sent your brain over the seas
and give your love the rose gold keys
m i a Dec 2015
dear society,

i will no longer
  listen to your lies and rules

that i'm supposed to follow
  because all they've brought was cries and sorrow

i will no longer try to be the perfect  
    girl you expect me to be

now i'm going to face reality
  and do things my way

i'm really sorry to say
but i thank you on today

for every terrible thing you've done to me

and don't worry
   it only made me stronger than i'll ever be

so i thank you on today, but sadly i can't stay

*because i'm facing reality and doing things my way.
this doesnt make sense but i really enjoyed writing it <3
The papers lay bare
the ink unbroken
The desire languished
I am not joking

I have not a word
there's nothing to say
Time to quit writing
It ends as of today

So long fellow poets
The time seems so short
I lost my desire
And I now know it

Carry on will you
There's much to be said
Don't lose you your way
is all that he said
Aditi May 2015
"See you around"
Now, I have never been a fan of goodbyes
But that was far-stretched to a point
It could only be a lie.
Our song, whose words either
You have forgotten,
Or, no longer care to utter,
Has been long sung
And over.

And in an ideal world,
You would be exactly where I belong,
But the world always gets its way
I must admit,
It is hard to watch all your love
Getting drained out of your bone
With no face to blame

And I don't know if it's a choice,
I think not,
To have a control over
Who we choose to love
And maybe I should have kept
All these feelings bottled up
In some dark corner of my mind
But I had to try
Or how would have I known

And we tried,
Did not we?
Two souls against
This world's ways
But I guess it was just too much
For anyone to take
And we both were
Two little kids
Who increased in volume
But never really grew up

And writing is how I'll get to keep you
Yet give you the final closure you need
I loved you with every ounce of
What was mine
But it will be a suicide
If I choose to stand here
Hear your footsteps
Till they fade
Because your memories
A quicksand
I never learnt to escape

I have to leave,
Since you already have
Goodbye to you,
My lover, my better half, my best friend.
There is something between us and there always will be. And that is why I have to leave

(the first line is said by ted. Yes, I cried.)
Harly A Quinn Apr 2015
I have yet to find something good
in saying bye
I rarely say it to my mother or father, friends, siblings,
or people I've just met
I have every intent on seeing
you again, so why
would i say good bye?
So instead i part with
So Long,
See you soon,
It was a pleasure to meet you,
and my favorite;
Love you.
Becky Littmann May 2014
If you don't care enough to do all you can to make me want to stay......
I'm better off going astray....
I know you'll regret it someday....
& that you could careless with what I have to say....
Karmas a *****, remember that okay???
Because later you'll realize that I was the one you let get away!!!!
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