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Hussein Dekmak Jan 2019
You experience love:
When you treat everything that you do in life, from
Carefully drafting your thoughts and sketching your
Rainbow dreams, to breathing and carrying out kind
Deeds, like sweet prayers you whisper to a beloved!

You feel love:
When all of the letters, all of the words
Become muted from hollow meaning and strange characters.
It is when your five senses become speechless
In the presence of the thousand tongues of your heart!

You become one with love:
When you run your business with your beloved, prepared for loss,
You let the scars of love dance inside your chest,
Protect the perfect pieces of your heart that are left,
Guard them with hope and wash them with your tears.

Hussein Dekmak
Hussein Dekmak Jul 2019
I hope you know, I cherish our fond memories together, preserving them in my heart.
All that I shared with you about my childhood dreams, my first love,
The songs I serenaded you with melodies celebrating nature,
Our endless nights together admiring the stars dancing around the full moon!

I remember how tall you stood. You were so strong,
Like Lebanon’s mountains, amidst our land’s ancient ruins.
Facing the Israeli occupation, you stood with so much pride.
I remember how we rejoiced with family and neighbors during the sweet liberation!

My Dad planted you with his hands, he nurtured you with his love and sweat.
He was so strong and now times have changed him:
He’s grown older, thinner, more fragile, his speech is slurred.
The eyes that once held thousands of untold stories are now dim!

You are part of God’s oath, Noah’s mission with the Ark.
You are a sacred plant, a symbol of love, life, peace, friendship,
And generations of culture passed down.
Your roots run so deep in my Dad’s heart and mind.

I implore you old friend, lighten up my Dad’s golden age with your kind heart,
Lend him support in taking more steps towards life,
Keep his spirit alive so he can continue singing the song of a new life, and
Give him the strength to swing on the porch, to admire you again for each new day and pristine sunrise.

Hussein Dekmak
Hussein Dekmak Aug 2019
Plant a tree,
Water a flower,
Preserve nature.
Have a purpose!

Feed a bird,
Cuddle a pet,
Be humane to animals.
Have a purpose!

Save a life,
Nurture an orphan,
Stand up with the oppressed.
Have a purpose!

Count your blessings,
Recite your prayers,
Contemplate the universe.
Have a purpose!

Nurture your mind with ideas,
Fill your heart with the wine of love,
Dress your soul with the garment of kindness.
Have a purpose!

Hussein Dekmak
Hussein Dekmak Sep 2019
Always Remember:
Hope comes after despair!
Cure after pain!
Smiles after tears!
Laughter after cries!
Health after sickness!

Love after hate!
Joy after sorrow!
Healing after forgiveness!
A newborn life after labor!
Eternal life after death!

Light after darkness!
Dawn after night!
Blue skies after storm!
Spring after winter!
Beautiful landscape after rain!

Hussein Dekmak
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2020
My favorite music is the tune that I hear playing off at the hospital, when a COVID 19 patient is off the ventilator!

This music is:
A song of a new dawn,
A journey to the future,
A melody of new life,
A symphony of hope, and
The rebirth of the universe!

Hussein Dekmak
Kudos to all of the healthcare workers who are risking their lives to save one life at a time! Edited.
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2020
Gazing at you this morning, your face was pale and your body appeared Fragile;
This brought tears to my heart!

Not long ago, you were full of energy, looking vibrant with life; so Beautiful!
Your smile was soft, your scent was delightful.

Without you,
Life won't be the same;
Fall will be long, winters will be cold and empty!
You are my beacon of peace, love, and inspiration!

I will miss you,
Yet, I will be waiting for you
At the corner of love and hope, to see you bloom once again with such life.
Enchanting me with the joy and beauty you bring.
The chance to admire you will be absolute bliss!

Hussein Dekmak
Hussein Dekmak May 2021
After gazing at my father’s serene face,
I asked him about soul searching.

He answered me with a warm smile,
My precious child,
You will find your soul in the simplest of things.

You will find your soul in giving charity to a homeless on the street Corner.
You can find your soul in the daily services that you render to people;
Services that you pour your heart into.

You can find your soul by losing yourself in doing things that you enjoy:
In being always surrounded by people whom you love,
By sharing a smile with a stranger,
By being the messenger of kindness, 
In helping people overcome their pain.

You will find it in always doing your best to inspire and uplift people, and by planting the seeds of hope and happiness in their hearts.

You can find your soul in the tears you shed in the middle of night, asking God for forgiveness for your misfortune and mistakes.

You can find your soul in purging your heart from greed, arrogance, and hatred.
And instead, replacing them with love, generosity, and humility.

Hussein Dekmak
Heart # Night # People # Planting # Seeds # Shed # Searching # face  father # child
Descovia Dec 2020
There's more than one reality, meant for us to see.

Release the mind, disconnect from hindering to be lucid and free.

Long lived memories. Decoded messages from other worlds. To explain the soul's journey through the centuries.

Trying to pin point the connections.  Composed consistent complicated symmetry.  I go through this willingly. For the concepts, to open eyes vividly.

When the awakening comes. All of these illusions will make sense eventually.
Cait Nov 2020
When I was 2 years old.
I did not know true pain,
I did not know true fear.
My life was full of rainbows.
When I was 2 years old-
My innocence was my beauty.
Years went by;
I was now 8 years old.
I knew pain,
I knew fear
The rainbows in my life no longer there.
The rainbows replaced with storms;
Storms of violence, of pain and fear.
My perseverance was my beauty.
6 more years pass,
I was 14.
Full of pain.
Full of fear.
I was scared of life.
My beauty was gone.
Now 3 years later...
I still know pain,
I still know fear.
But things have changed.
The rainbows look down on me once again.
The pain - still there, but less prominent.
The fear, following me - but no longer dominant.
So, now at 17.
I live, I understand and I love.
When I was 2 years old my beauty was my-
When I was 8 years old my beauty was my-
When I was 14 years old my beauty was gone.
My beauty no longer missing.
It is no longer hidden.
My beauty has arisen.
My beauty, now...
At 17 years old.
My beauty now is;
My 17 years of pain,
My 17 years of fear,
My 17 years of experiences,
My beauty is me.
I am my beauty.
This poem was based on a speech I wrote for a class. It was based on one of my favourite parts of the whole thing. So, I decided to turn it into a poem. P.S. Don't judge the poor use of grammar. It is my downfall.
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