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May 2015 · 3.6k
I phone.
Apr 2015 · 2.5k
Killing Time
Is it now, or is it ten years ago?
A decade long narcissistic show

Is passing time a sensory illusion
All adding up to the same conclusion?

My heart is beating, that I know
Surely I am reaping what I sow

I feel I progress and yet stand still
A paradox with time to ****
Dec 2014 · 2.0k
I Forget To Live
I forget I'm alive.
An age will pass
& I have sat still
Like a stone.

Fire, wind & water
Weather my surface
As I sit motionless
Lost in blankness

It takes an almighty
Knock, to make
Me roll & then I
Roll and stop.

Forgetting I am alive
Time slipping past
While I sit still
Like a stone
Nov 2014 · 3.5k
Growing Up
Growing up is not growing old,
It's unbelieving all you are told.
Unbuying lies you've been sold,
Breaking down your social mould.
You must stray far from the fold,
To let your mind be uncontrolled.
Growing up, is growing bold,
Do it quick before you're old.
I feel like I am starting to figure out what reality is..
Oct 2014 · 1.9k
I had it all...
I had it all,
If only I'd known that I had
I had it all & I lost it
& I feel the worst kind of sad
I lost it all.

To have it all
To turn back time
& have it all
His love be mine
I'd have it all

I lost it
I know only too well that I have
I lost it all & I feel it
It's the worst kind of sad
I had it all
I really did have it all...
Oct 2014 · 3.1k
My Itch
Something lives below my skin,
It’s burrowed down, deep within
It burns my body, wearing me thin
And that ***** won’t ever give in

It scrabbles and rives, as I tear me apart
With nails like knives, so close to my heart
I claw at my limbs with fingers that seek
To split open my flesh, the tissue so weak

Blood busts forth as I tear at the itch
As I work hard to get rid of this *****
My nails dyed red, I can not stop now
The need so strong, to exorcise it somehow

Covered in scars, scabbing and sore
As I cry with the pain, limbs ragged and raw
I pause for a moment waiting to see
If it is no longer residing in me

Holding my breath, maybe its gone
If I can’t rid myself of this wrong
This dark demon will drive me insane
But it comes crawling again and again

Something lives below my skin,
It’s burrowed down, deep within
It burns my body, wearing me thin
And that ***** won’t ever give in
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
Love Is Real
Stumbling down, I'd soar the skies
Lost eternally in your eyes
Drowning in an age of sand
I'd be sleeping in your hand
Floating on vast unconquarable sea
Know you will be there with me
& when the air is thin & dry
Id wet your lips with my last sigh

All I know is what I feel
That is why love is real
Sep 2014 · 10.0k
Strip Tease
Music provides a blanket of background noise,
As you sit, in a velveteen chair, legs parted, hands on your knees,
I stand between them, silhouetted against flashing gold lights,
I stare down into your upturned face & slowly begin to undress.
Piece by piece my clothing drops to the floor at your feet,
Pooling around my clear, stiletto heels.
Your eyes too drop down, lingering on my *******,
My skin, soft & sun kissed, shimmers golden in the soft light.
I turn slowly, allowing every curve of my body to be illuminated,
The arch of my back, the contour of my hip & the arc of my buttocks
Your eyes trace down my thighs, now spread & back up,
As I bend, & reveal my inner most secrets to you.
My sweet opening that promises so much pleasure,
Just inches from your lips & your tongue & your pleasure.
Slowly I slide to my knees, down on all fours, face to the floor,
Inviting you to enter me, visually, take me with your eyes,
I turn to meet your groin & I watch with interest,
As I play with my ******, at the stirring that may come.
I rise up instead, to my knees, cupping my *******, blowing,
On my now ***** ******* & my eyes reach yours,
And time & space hold for us, as we join together, for a second,
Before I lean in, my breath on your cheek & I whisper,
That's £20 please.
Sep 2014 · 5.9k
Web of Lies
I catch my breath
As I avoid your eye
I take your hand
I begin my lie

My words cut
Straight and true
In to my web,
You fall right through

I let go your hand
As you take my eye
I hold my breath
You believe my lie  

My words fall out  
Hesitant & fearful
In to my web,
You were not careful

I let go my breath
As I hold your eye
You stroke my hand
I regret my lie

My words weave
Like a spider
Avoid my web,
For I am a lier
Aug 2014 · 6.2k
If (You're a Stripper)
If you can keep your dignity when all about you
Are losing theirs and pretending its not true,
If you can avoid contact when all men want you,
But straight faced act like you want them too,
If you can force a smile and never tire of smiling
Or being fake, never believe the lies
Or being grabbed, never give way to slapping
And yet listening to *****, just bat your eyes

If you can dance – and use it to men master
If you can flirt – and not fancy, play a game
If you can have nights o’ triumph and disaster
And come back to work just the same  
If you can bear to hear some filth to you spoken
Uttered by fathers to get off on, the fools
Or watch brothers pretend they’ve just woken
And to our sisters, say they play by the rules

If you can make one big heap of cash earnings
And not think you won’t ever make a big loss
And save, and start again as if you’ve no savings
And never boast or act like the boss
If you can force your mind and body and sinew
To serve endless men like they’re the only one
And be a drunkard, when there’s not drop in you
Accept it’s a job and it’s a job to get done

If you can talk with rich men who have no virtue
Or sit with ****** – not attend to their crotch
If neither boss nor floor staff ever alert to you
If all the girls like you, but none too much
If you can stay how you feel this minute
With your innocent heart pure and head clear
Yours is the ******* and the cash that’s in it
And – which is more – you’re a stripper, my dear!
A Stripper's ode to Rudyard Kipling's poem 'If'
Aug 2014 · 30.4k
Vaginas are all shapes & sizes
Not many vary from the fold
there are very few surprises
Seems nature's gone & set it's mould

But the ****** has such allure
A pull on man to lesbian alike
A calling so strong and pure
Enough to turn a straight girl ****

Is it the promise of warmth & touch
A memory of a time inside
The scent of our matriarch's crotch
Draws us to those legs held wide?

It was nature's way of ensuring
The human race continues on
So that our presence here's enduring
Never ceasing. On & on

Instinct has been subject to a ploy
To harbour this hypnotic power
Sell it back, a high class toy
Put to work this delicate flower

Control the basic urge of man
The essential need to drink & eat
Once you create the ultimate fan
Then the surplus you do deplete

Until it feels that a simple look
Purchased, from a few feet away
Is as good as one hard ****
Copulation they do delay

And so vaginas became a mystery
Sold back to all who do desire
Remember to look back in history
The vaginas are for more than hire
Aug 2014 · 4.0k
Pray For The Money
Old men
young men
& middle aged men
I'd **** them all!
You men,
You are just money!

Big men
small men
& average men,
I'd **** you all!
Hey men,
Give me your money!

Tough men
weak men
& middle men,
I'd take it all!
So men,
Have you got money?

Black men
white men
& well read men,
**** them all!
Oh men,
I just need money!

As long
as you
are rich men
I'd give you all
(Just for the money)
Aug 2014 · 22.8k
Freedom comes
Not through choice!
Freedom comes
From having a voice.
Not to say,
Now I can choose!
But to say,
With choice I loose.
It's all the same -
You have not chosen.
It's all same -
You have awoken!
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Being Close Hurts Too Much
Love is something if you give it away
Isn’t that what people say
It takes another to make you whole
Giving affection opens your soul

But when I look, I do find
My emotive sights are blind
I am not open to love’s sweet touch
Being close hurts too much

The joy of love is being known
Showing how each day you’ve grown
In heaven, there's no want and need
So in love, there's no selfish greed

With open mind and closed eyes
You give yourself, the ‘I’s demise
Together you would share your life
To your heart, you'd  hold a knife

When I feel love, I am inclined
To fight against its selfless bind
I am not open to love’s soft touch
Being close hurts too much

So I am one and I am sure
I won’t be caught up in its lure
Love is dead if you keep it close
And this is what I do propose
Aug 2014 · 2.4k
I came here to seek refuge
I came here and slept in refuse
And when I searched for help, I found no love​
When I cried for freedom, I couldn’t see above
So I gave my life, heart to you

I fell into you and found refuge
I fell into you and I couldn’t refuse
You took my life and squeezed me dry
You burnt my soul and left me high
So I lost my head, myself to you

All I wanted was refuge
All I wanted was not to be refused
Exchanging depression for oppression
Repression for apparent expression
And I gave my love, my whole to you

What I found was false refuge
What I needed was to refuse
I worked the night and pushed the day
I cruised for hope and fought dismay
Not for me, I fought for you

Time slowed and all became pain
I held my breathe and felt the strain
You tore my heart out from my chest
Held it above its open nest
You said you left me. But I left you

And now I clearly live in refuge
And sleep in peace and always refuse
I want the finer things in life
Not to be the minor thing in life
I fight for me now not for you
Aug 2014 · 17.8k
Fake hair
Fake name
Fake nails
Fake game

Fake smile
Fake tan
Fake brow
Fake can

Fake laugh
Fake lips
Fake brow
Fake ****

Buried deep
Under all this fake
Is a girl
With money t' make
Aug 2014 · 3.7k
To Love A Stripper
It isn’t easy to love a girl
Who gives it up too much,
It takes a strong and open mind
To see beyond her crutch
To love her with an open heart
And forget those other’s touch
Aug 2014 · 4.1k
Money Love
Girls who go on bended knee
And show the world their *****
Never ask for love or care
Or one to call them honey
If they choose to put a price
On showing men their body
With empty hearts and purses full
It seems kind of funny
If only they could love themselves
Half as much as money
Aug 2014 · 2.8k
The Cure
I am afraid,
I must get laid
**** me now,
I don't care how
Make it quick,
Cos it makes me sick
It's my cure
I am insecure
Aug 2014 · 2.2k
Sexual Gratification
I don't care about procreation
To increase our population
I just want some copulation
Some vaginal stimulation
Simple genital integration
There ain't no rationalisation
For my urge for satisfaction
In my lower region location
I'm pushing the realisation
That with the physicalisation
Of the ******* sensation
Is the only stipulation
Pushing the physical activation
Of ****** gratification

I am hot with the seduction
So no more procrastination
We have all the education
To perform this fornication
Without meaning or relation
I'm not looking for affection
Or a long term infatuation
It's just a simple invitation
To engage in ****** deviation
The heated manifestation
Of a physical altercation
Without an ulterior motivation
With not a single ramification
Just ****** gratification

Of course we'll use protection
I'm not looking for infection
Don't wanna have an inspection
Followed by a painful injection
Ive a straight up expectation
That you stick your big *******
In a prophylactic invention
Stopping all types of creation
We have built up the anticipation
And my wetness is an indication
That I'm ready for connection
I want some ******* action
No mental manipulation
Only ****** gratification

— The End —