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Nov 2015 · 815
What Comes After.
Sarah Spang Nov 2015
I know that we are flesh and blood;
We're bound terrestrials.
There is not a hint nor thought
In me, celestial.
And yet the final day they found
You were ephemeral,
I raised my eyes towards the skies
And sought the aerials.
I hoped the blessed, holy book
In truth, was literal.
The yearning, needing wanting hole
Was raw and pitiful.
In vain I combed the cobalt spans
For proof reciprocal
Of an eternal, lasting love
From the ethereal.
My opulence in obstinence
Brought truth from empty skies
The swirling air, the ash and dust
Is only where you fly.
There is no golden field of wheat
And barley where we'll meet
There is no paradise where I
Will once more hear you speak.
The last known home where you reside
Exists in no known creed
You live now in the dreams and thoughts.
That bring you back to me.
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
Tangerine Dreams
Sarah Spang Nov 2015
This sweet
Tangerine Dream
Seems like it will last beyond
The cadence of our swaying bodies
And the flickering flames.
The line of our forms,
Fluttering through the buttery warmth
Like silver and gold knives.
I sharpen on you
And you draw your edge against mine
And in that moment, we are both so sharp
And eternal,
That seems as though this will never dull,
Our feet will never tire,
And the flames will never pass into ash.

But a dream is just that;
Temporary and as lasting
As the sweet, cloying nectar
Of a tangerine.
Nov 2015 · 4.2k
The Last Paradise.
Sarah Spang Nov 2015
The sun tipping over the horizon
Lifts my lids each revolution of this Shady green sphere...
And for a few brief seconds
The fingers of sleep
Drag me back.

Warm pressure on my eyes,
Pooling, (re)opening them to the last
The only oasis where your eyes are not closed
And your bones are not dust somewhere
Mingling with the soil in Pittsburgh.

Just the same, I know you're the product now
Of some hypnagogic state;
Of the last traces of theoretical DMT swirling in my brain
As is leaves Morpheus behind in the shadows.

You're just the most beautiful hallucination
The truth in the chaos of dreams
Cluing me into what I've been denying
For 13 years.

Impossible that I've preserved you better
Than any mortician could have
In the recesses of my mind
You are a perfect replica
An unholy copy of the original
All creamy skin
And ocean eyes,
Full-lipped smile tipping somewhere between
Arrogance and joy.

"I'm gone," you say. "I'm dead."
Repeating what I already know
"I'm dead, I'm not coming back."
On repeat like the worst kind of ear worm;
A carousel of sound that dips and weaves through every filament of Unconsciousness.

Denial; like reaching out my hands
I shove against the reality, against the unreality
Against the prison sleep has woven
And crash forth
Damp and gasping
Like breaking the surface once more
Teetering over the horizon with the sun
Into the waking hell of another day.

The carousel makes another revolution.
See you on the other side tonight.
Nov 2015 · 2.1k
Sweet Coyote.
Sarah Spang Nov 2015
Don't ask, don't tell,
Sweet coyote, desert owl.
Cactus eyes, sand-dune skin
The warmth throughout, the heat within.
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
The Day Infinity Ended.
Sarah Spang Oct 2015
Before this
There was infinity, reachable by tiny fingers
And wide eyes
Scraped knees and
Bobbing heads disappearing into the trees.
'Nilla wafers and nap time
Took us off through the wildest jungles
Sent you drifting with a patched eye across the ocean
With ol' blue beard

One day, stark as the contrast between warmth
And a dash of ice-water
Every illusion used to protect, to comfort
Became as crystal clear
As shattering windshield glass.

I remember that day
I remember the clutch of fabric in my small hands
The spicy, familiar scent as I pushed it into my face
Feeling no warmth behind it, no enclosure of arms
Only the carapace
Your long-sleeved second skins
That filled the rich mahogany dresser
Long after you departed with the last you'd ever wear.

Not touching the cold stranger in the box made it real;
Nor the sound of it's door as it closed.
No, not even the earth piled atop the pile of
Crushed roses
The stone bearing our names.

It was the sweet, lingering scent
The essence you left behind
That had already begun to fade;
The scent that was as unique as rain on fallen leaves
Would one day leave
Just as you did.
Oct 2015 · 1.6k
I Made Her, She Taught Me.
Sarah Spang Oct 2015
I created a girl
From word and lines
From paragraphs.

With characters, I shaped her face
Her long dark hair
Gold eyes
Her strength
And the inevitable weakness
We share.
I learned to love her
As a daughter, for she is mine
From my own hands
From my own heart and head
A product of a story
That needed to be told.

I loved her, and she taught me
Through her own struggles
Her own losses
That it is possible to move forward
After the end of the world
Ice will thaw and spring will follow the winter
Bodies return to the earth and feed the flowers
And love is never lost,
Only tucked away into a small pocket
Somewhere in the mysterious red ***** in our chests
Where it takes shape as another
More bearable appreciation
One that is not all flowers and lore
Or clammy hands and starry eyes.

If she can move on, when beauty seems withered
Than I will follow her steps
Beyond the last page
And walk out of that story
Back into my own
Where you and I will always occupy
A small page some place
A few sentences that had to end
To form a paragraph.

Or a Poem.
I've been taking time off this site lately (hence the sparse submissions) to work on a story I've been piecing together over the course of the last year. It's no where near finished, but it's really helped me gain perspective on my own life. And I guess I wrote this to the main character as a thank you. She's really helped me grow as a person as I've tried to place myself in her shoes. Sorry if it seems a little flowery or silly.
Sarah Spang Oct 2015
Unclasp your fingers
Your clenched fists
And know the release of
Giving in

Let him drift away
Let the ocean stand between you
As a testament
To the vast expanse
That exists there now.

Stop fighting the waves.
Stop braving the icy waters
Arm over arm
To reach him on the other side.

The water will always win.
And you never were much of a swimmer.
He's just a distant island now
Shrouded in fog
Somewhere over the horizon.

Rest now,
The fight is over.
Your mangled, frantic heart
Can slow
And begin another tempo
When it's no longer bleeding over
An unreachable coastline.
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
The Futile
Sarah Spang Oct 2015
Fighting gravity always seemed futile
But hand over hand, I gripped each fissure
Ignoring the natural patterns
Denying the pull towards the inevitable end.
And you're an ever surging mountain
That scrapes the sky
Like the sun personified
And I- a wingless Icarus
Long to stray close enough
To burn the tips of my reaching fingers once more.

Planted firmly on the ground
My feet would wander aimlessly anyway
Always circling the base
Always coming back to the place where I could tilt my head back
See you shining there, perched atop your shrine
Like the most beautiful treasure
Like the unattainable cookie jar on the refrigerator
Only no amount of crying will ever place you in my eager hands
No amount of sweetness could quell my need for you.

No, hand over hand
I push against what should be,
What is,
And what will never be.
Struggling against
The necessity of
Letting go.
Like my poetry? To make a donation:

Please follow me on my blog page for extra work and things I don't post on Hello Poetry
Sep 2015 · 27.9k
The Truth.
Sarah Spang Sep 2015
I think to be thoughtful
I speak to be heard
I write to decipher
The truth in my words.

I smiled to ensnare you
I laughed to secure
You slipped through the trap
That I built to procure

I kissed to consume you
I hugged to enfold
My arms close on nothing
You're no where to hold

I writhed to entrance you
I clutched you to keep*
Now the place where I hold you
Resides in my dreams.

I write so you'll read this
My hand pens the truth
All that I've written,
I've written for you.
Like my poetry? To make a donation:

Thanks for the large onslaught of views and comments- I'm so grateful for the community here. You've all been so supportful since the day I started writing on this site.

Please follow me on my blog page for extra work and things I don't post on Hello Poetry

Thank you <3
Sep 2015 · 8.4k
One in a Sea of Faces.
Sarah Spang Sep 2015
Twist my gaze to the side
Through the copper-and chocolate curtain of my hair
Through the sea of faces
And one amongst hundreds
I could pluck you, like the ripest apple
From the lowest branch.

And in this ocean of bobbing heads
Of flapping lips and empty eyes
I'm just floating
Just alone, drifting
Hoping you'll throw me an emerald glance
A lingering lifeline
To reel me in from this
Crowded loneliness.
Don't forget to follow my blogspot as well for extra notes and verses
Sep 2015 · 17.3k
Nothing is Eternal.
Sarah Spang Sep 2015
Bring to me infinity
From where it dwells in lore
Or return with empty, wounded hands
And speak of it no more.
For if we are eternity
As one, when brought together
Why then do our faulty lips
Find pause upon "forever?"
Follow me on Blogger & Instagram.
Sep 2015 · 1.4k
The Cruelty of Sleep
Sarah Spang Sep 2015
Morpheus has never been
A kindly lover, nor precious friend
Yet in this stead, he strives to be
Replacement for reality.

Sominiferous ways that heat my blood;
Make my wilting spirits bud
Leave me wanting, never free
There on the cusp of reality.

Like morning mist, not half so pleasant
His remedies are evanescent
From where he lives behind my eyes
And plagues my shattered paradise.

He wears the exquisite carapace
For whom I yearn upon his face
And therein's where my torment lies
From golden skin and forest eyes-

From false reunions, makeshift bliss
From joining eyes and parting lips
Like cannon fire, the sound's refrain
Draw parallels to this cruel pain.

That Grecian Sandman, Morpheus
Lothario, for whom exists
To overchage the soul with hope
So poisonous, I gasp and choke-

Yet bodies, minds, and souls alike
Find inspiration from the strife
And haunted persons, like myself
Endure his falsehoods where we're held.

He haunts the dreamless, lucid world
Upon the cusp, the conscious swirl
His narrowed eyes, his blunted sight
Despise waking world of light.
Sep 2015 · 5.0k
Sleep Has Never Been Kind.
Sarah Spang Sep 2015
Morpheus has never been kind to me
His somniferous ways leave me wanting
Grasping at the cusp of a reality
As evanescent as the morning mist
That greets this reluctant gaze.

He exists to these sheathed
Bourbon eyes
Within the veiled carapace
Of the only form I've ever wanted more
Than necessity and air.
His torment lies
In false reunions, in joining and parting lips
In forest eyes that linger behind in my thoughts
Like the echo of a cannon
Long after it's wrought its own havoc.

Yes, that twisted Lothario
That Grecian sandman
Exists to overcharge the soul with
Hope so poisonous
Bodies and minds are wracked with it
Inspired by it
Haunted on into the waking world
Where he waits on the periphery
Eyes narrowed in the light
Of the waking world that renders him useless.
*Morpheus is the god of dreams in Greek Mythology.
Sarah Spang Sep 2015
The dragon looms before him
With waiting wanting jaws
And with its talon-ed fingertips
It grasps him in its claws.

Together forever, blissfully
They soar up and away
He doesn't know he's falling
As the dragon flies away

And every time he hits the ground
And gasps in disbelief
The pain drags on until the dragon
Offers him relief

One day, wings will carry you
Beyond what you can take
Those soothing claws will let you fall
And crush you when you break.
Sep 2015 · 4.5k
Sarah Spang Sep 2015
I had to force my lanky legs
a few steps back
And touch only with my eyes
bathe you in the unknowing caress
Of my gaze.
On days like today
I pretend I'm the vivacious wind
Curling in soothing torrents around your face
Brushing past your neck like
Long lost kisses.
I exist in the echo of the scene
one year earlier
where I would have pressed against the skin there
Chasing away the goosebumps
With shivers of my own.
Aug 2015 · 26.3k
Sometimes I Bring you Back.
Sarah Spang Aug 2015
Sometimes beneath close eyelids
I quest to bring you back
As if you were driftwood floating
Downstream on your back.
I dip my hands beneath the veil
And dry away the death
And from my parting, weeping lips
I give you back your breath-
Just like the rising sunset burning
In the summer sky
Paints and saints the mountaintops
And casts their colors bright.

Unrhymed Notes:

Sometimes I dream I can bring you back
Just as simply as dipping my hands into the water
To retrieve a floating piece of driftwood;
Dry the death from your skin
And breath life back into you
The way the sunrise reanimates
The Dark Mountains
Each and every day.

I see your Ocean eyes open
Embrace you like I'm trying to
Fold you into my skin
Where I can keep you always
And feel your summer peach warm flesh
Tangible against my permafrost fingers.

If the dead could talk
Nothing profound would leave your lips
They'd only quirk into a Cheshire smile
And you'd tell me to let go
Move along and stop standing still
Life is for the Living
Death is for the dead
And dreams are for the foolish.

"You *******."
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Sarah Spang Aug 2015
Is dalliance a sweeter state
Due to it's evanescence?
As human beings do we just seek
Ephemeral acceptance?
Or do we yearn eternity
And dwell on it erstwhile
Knowing that our truer selves
Will furtively beguile?
Is affection what we deign to be
A dulcet, soft concession
A short reprieve, a known repose
For sanity's repression?
How much is conscious harmony
How much is chemistry
And what then for the subtle myth
Of serendipity?
Sarah Spang Aug 2015
Behind closed eyes
Across plum fields
of dream and memory
The scarlet sky
Draws far and wide
Above the cyan sea

There on my back
In turquoise grass
Pressed tight against the earth
My searching ears
Catch distant cheers
Of gulls caught in the surf.

And there above
The rising sun
Is like a tangerine
Drizzling sweetness
On and down
To soak me while I sleep
Jul 2015 · 1.4k
At the End of the Trail.
Sarah Spang Jul 2015
There is a trail in Pennsylvania that is barely tamed
That winds on down the mountainside and fractures into veins.
It lashes through the trees and wood, like man-made ligh-ten-ning
And offers streams of water tasting pleasantly of spring.
This way is framed with micro-caves and fissures in the stone
Where sweetest water rivulets feed moss that's overgrown
Haphazard wooden walkways dot the snake-like trodden path
Their clumsy steps all akimbo; they bridge the wild gaps.

And even further down the trail, dodging brown tree roots
That point like gnarled fingertips and target untied boots
Below, like uncut diamonds lodged into the mountainside
Gushing waterfalls sing aloud, in ranges far and wide.
Their surging torrents babble in a distinguished harmonies
The wordless wind responds by rustling through the countless trees.

There, at last around the bend, before the lumbered river
A bench there sits within the shade where coolness draws a shiver
The wood is at the mercy of the lichen and the rain
That rush to bring that broken boards back to the earth again.

And there, amidst the other foolish carvings in the wood
Scrawled with hopeful youthful hands that did the best they could
The chips and angles buried in reveal what once was true
This is the final place where I will always love you , too.
Visit my Blog for Notes and Extras:
Jul 2015 · 567
Sarah Spang Jul 2015
As of yesterday (finally) I opened a personal blogger page to post my poetry in, as a kind of personal collection of sorts. While I will continue to post on Hello Poetry- which I am too addicted to to stop- there will be work that will only be posted on my blogger account, along with other goodies.

As it is still being tidied up, I'll apologize for the unprofessional appearance of the blog.

Thank you to all of the people who took the time to read a few of my pieces. I cannot thank you enough for your praise and criticism.

Jul 2015 · 2.1k
Thunderhead Painting
Sarah Spang Jul 2015
Above, above, the sky is a painting
A renaissance piece that calls out for sainting
The billows, the ripples the silver-lined rims
Are strokes of a genius; of mother earth's whims.

The cumulonimbus, the rippling ceiling
Rumbles and rolls with the cracks that are pealing
The flickering tridents, the wrath of the gods
Strike awe in the temporary, tainted and flawed

And I, insubstantial, un-lasting and fading
Stand beneath hanging eaves, hearing and waiting
Beside me, within me, a childish voice
Hums a soft tune beneath all the noise:

The sky, the sky, it's all coming down
The indigo shroud; it's falling around
In crystalline spheres and mother earth's mist-
The dust is erupting, the earth feels its kiss.
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Dreams (My Lenore.)
Sarah Spang Jul 2015
Wakefulness has come to be
A pale respite, a poignant dream
Reality has paled and ceased
To be of real devoir to me.

Amongst the living, I trail the dead
That intone from the Netherlands
And in their voices, they do spread
The need to meet their languished hands.

There in the dusk's cerulean shores
Towards the night's sapphire core from
Whence winged creatures dart and soar
I sleep to leave what I abhor.

With Morpheus I cast aside
The shell from which by day reside
In chiaroscuro paradise
I lift my head to meet your eyes.

By day you're nothing, dust and ash
And memories that shall not last
By night, draw breath, return to me,
Come back to life within my dreams.

*Original, Un-rhymed Notes:

The waking world has become surreal
After everything that's happened
All things are a pale shade of what they used to be
Those that aren't here call out to me louder than the scores of the living
I feel them, carried with me
Clinging, pulling me back towards

I see them there, whole and unscathed
Jul 2015 · 1.7k
Trade Tomorrow.
Sarah Spang Jul 2015
If I could barter time itself
And make the past today,
I'd hand away the future
For parts of yesterday.

If I could trade my happiness
And pluck it from tomorrow,
I'd binge on what you brought to me
To stave off all this sorrow

If I could turn my back away
From my own form of nature
I'd hold the hallowed night away
To have the Sun forever.

*Once the day is done, it's gone;
No touching yesterday.
And only I can salvage smiles
From the wreck I've made.
Jul 2015 · 1.6k
Once More (Breathless)
Sarah Spang Jul 2015
Here I am, I'm breathless
And you, you're just the same.
My recollections failed to serve you
Justice once again.

The sight of you has chased away
The numbness of my limbs.
My beacon cheeks are fire bright;
My widened eyes; a-swim.

And everything is rushing back
And hanging on my lips,
Unspoken words that surge and rush
Like blood to fingertips.

I wish my eyes were ocean tides
That rose over and crashed,
So I could saturate your core
And make my presence last.

Oh, that those waves could draw you out
And pluck your from the shore
I'd carry you away with me
To where we were before.

*Original, Unrhymed Notes

Here I am, and I'm breathless
And you're just as I remember you
The sight of you has chased away the cold
And I'm a beacon, all flushed cheeks
And wide eyes
My coltish knees locking
And suddenly I cannot make the words
That will carry be across this
Invisible ocean
Break across you like an
all-consuming wave.
Jul 2015 · 8.9k
Sarah Spang Jul 2015
You are the sweetest of my torments.
You're the tangible torture of citrus
The bite followed by the ****
Fresh and unbearable in the same instance

You're the lemon zest scent;
Sultry, as I quarter fruit
In my hot summer kitchen.
You're the juice in the cut
As the knife knicks my thumb;
The sweetness meeting the wild coppery tang
of blood in my mouth.

You're in the twist in my chest
That exists somewhere between my heart and my stomach
Both organs being wrenched apart...
When I see your picture
And remember that we haven't spoken in months.
Like my poetry? Toss a penny or two my way ;-)
Sarah Spang Jun 2015
If all I am's the landlord's daughter
High up in my room
Then you're the lonely Highwayman
That rides beneath the moon

Though, unlike Bess, the little death
I sought did not bring end
Not to our lives, but to our dreams
That rose so to descend.

My sacrifice was not my life
Lost somewhere in the dark
My method then of saving you
Was severing us apart.

For one to live a fuller life
The other must endure
A subdued sadness veiled beneath
Another’s cruel censure.

To keep you safe, I’ll bow my head
And watch on past your form
Knock on another’s doleful Inn
This Bess won’t cause you harm.

Ride on, my precious Highwayman
There’s nothing here for you
Your treasure lies beyond this Inn
A path you must see through.
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
The Mind is a Sieve
Sarah Spang Jun 2015
Seldom though eventually
His words will wash away
The human mind's a yawning sieve
That siphons thoughts away

For all we are is flesh and blood
And dust, in all due time
His face embedded in my thoughts
Will someday leave my mind.

Each grain of sand; each thought of him
Will slither down the glass
Slow and steady, one by one
Until he's in the past.

For now my mind's a youthful cache,
No wave can wear or wash
Impressions left upon my soul
Cannot be staved or quashed.

-Un-rhymed Notes-

*Every once in a while
The human mind is all it's built up to be;
A sieve, where the balm of time
slowly mends and knits
The torn edges of the chasm.

Every once in a while
It is as if the wound has healed
And the flow of muscle memory
Ripples beneath the unmarred surface
Jun 2015 · 1.8k
Little Bird (A Lullaby)
Sarah Spang Jun 2015
Broken thing, little bird
Still your wings and heed my word
There's always time to fly again
So take a rest my weary friend.

Feel the wind rush through the leaves
Sway gently on the summer breeze
Slow your breath and end your song
My little bird, the day is long.

Oh, baby bird, my little crow
I love you more than you could know
Sleep sweetly, softly, precious one
The night has come, the day is done.
Jun 2015 · 65.2k
They Fill the Cracks with Gold
Sarah Spang Jun 2015
He told her she was pottery; a vase with grooves and cracks.
The patterns of the history she hid behind her back.

Within his words he layered in- like thread upon a loom-
The sweetest undercurrent to illuminate that gloom.

In certain cultures, he decreed, when pottery is cracked
They aggrandize them with gleaming gold to bring their splendor back

For they believe, with certainty, once damage has been wrought
Those tiny cracks, now filled with light, hold truths that can't be taught.
May 2015 · 1.3k
If I Had a Way Back
Sarah Spang May 2015
If I had a way back, I'd ride through the dark and the dawn
I'd ride along the ticking hands, before our time was gone.
If only for another day, a minute, second, moment
I'd reach beyond the veil of time to grasp your hand and hold it.
May 2015 · 3.3k
Time Passed... I didn't
Sarah Spang May 2015
Many months had whispered by
Unbeknownst to me
The sheaths of ice retreated slow,
And buds furled from the trees.

I had not stopped to grasp and hold
The notion laying stagnant
Within my chest, there thawing too
A sunken, fading, fragment

This withered seed, this dying shoot
Lay wilting in the dark
Until my sightless, bourbon eyes
Saw what was in my heart.
Sarah Spang May 2015
We watched the NASA rocket launch
Two years ago in fall
Over the grass, under the sky
Behind the ball field's wall.

I raised my hand above us there
And traced a constellation
And while you laughed, corrected me
I scowled in consternation

Then there- above- a streak of orange
Ripping the dim horizon
A trail of light, a touch of fire
Grew brighter, higher, rising.

Your forest eyes, your white-teeth smile
Stretched wider, shown like mirrors
I saw the rocket's upward path
In eyes, so deep and clear.

I could have watched your face for days
Painted in the glow
The fascination burning there
I'd never come to know.
Sarah Spang May 2015
I long for earthen forests, deep
And steeped in mystery
The branches curving overhead
Are all I want to see

I want to be the soil, rich,
In which you sink your roots.
The dark, safe place from which you rise
And send forth budding shoots.

I want to keep you grounded, safe,
When high winds bow your peak.
I want to be the gentle place
You fall when you grow weak.

I want to be the canvas which
In fall you toss your paint.
Cover me in golden leaves
That flutter down like rain.
Sarah Spang May 2015
Your eyes burned
Driftwood fires
Your essence clashing
Burning with the knowledge;
The salt of the sea.

I had placed you there
Sun-bleached beachwood,
Hesitant fingers coaxing towards the flame
Knowing all too well the reaction
The mark that the sea had left upon you; left you with nothing but treebones,
Accusing, twisted fingers pointed towards the sky.

And I, somehow danced
Consuming you both with bitter abandonment
Savoring both the brine and the earth
As if I knew you not from blood and chocolate;
From sweetness and necessity.
Sarah Spang May 2015
Your eyes burned and danced between
First blue then green, then blue
The driftwood fires, beachfront pyres,
Your essence clashing too.

Cracking, burning, twisting with
The knowledge close at hand
The truth within the salted seas
That lap and brush the sand.

I had placed you there and you
Like sun-bleached ocean wood
Went willing trapped up in my grip
Although you understood...

The mark those waters left upon
Your brittle, scorched treebones
Your twisted fingers skyward
With your back against the stone.

And somehow I, though conflicted, danced
Around you both between
Consuming and devouring
Both fallow earth and sea.
Sarah Spang May 2015
The seasons circled back again
To touch from start to end
I feel the summer creeping forth;
Its voice is in the wind.

The warmth is like a long lost book
I open once again
To stroke aside each dog-eared page
To see where this began:

Two years ago, two summers past
On morning such as this
The sun was climbing up the sky,
The grass was touched with mist.

I chased the dawn down past the lake
That imitated glass
The early-morning gentle air
Breathed wind, so soft and chaste.

We moved then like the moon and sun,
One far and one behind.
I followed shrinking shadows while
You basked in morning's shine.

A wistful turn would break that spell,
Your warmth was hard to miss
There in the daybreak's balmy air
So fresh, so new, so crisp.

And you- the sun- you rose and came
Like light across the ground
My breathless lips would part in awe,
Yet utter not a sound.

Sweet Sunshine thieved my breath away
And filled my marveling eyes
The once eternal nightingale
Had turned her back on night.

That was the long-lost summer when
All things were then in bloom
The beginning of the ending when
The Sun fell for the Moon.
Mar 2015 · 2.6k
Sarah Spang Mar 2015
Blackberries, fat with summer rays,
Burst sure and true, like ocean waves
Against my tongue they carry too
The scent, the touch, the taste of you.

Each bramble stripped with greedy hands
Felt no qualm from scarlet brands
Those such marks would wash away but
Stains of you will still remain.

The scratches heal, I’ll brush away
Those nettle prongs that stick and stay
I’ll brush the bracken, soothe the sting
But thoughts of you will always cling.

Those onyx beads, their shiny spheres
Imbued with Sunshine, wet with tears;
The taste is fading from my mouth
Their waves of sweetness drawing out.
Like my poems? Toss a penny my way
Mar 2015 · 567
Rain Water.
Sarah Spang Mar 2015
I thought you were like cement, sealing and healing each jagged fissure.
I thought you were making me whole again.

Turns out you were just rain water, slipping through the cracks.
Sarah Spang Mar 2015
Don't bother me, don't follow me
There's no one else I yearn to see
So fold away your memories
To cede beneath that Hemlock tree

What will I do? Where will I go?
Unshod against the burning road?
These memories I mourn and hold
Crease in my hands where they enfold.

Don't bother me, don't follow me
Or brandish me things I cannot see
My eyes plunge past the memories
Beneath that bygone Hemlock tree.

What will you do? Where will you go?
I was your heart, you were my soul
Did you let go and drift below
The Lethe River’s undertow?

Don't bother me, don't follow me
I hold my head above the sea
These memories furled around your sleeve
I've stashed beneath the hemlock tree.

What do we do? Where do we go?
There are separate paths, or so I'm told
You'll tour one, and if I'm bold
I'll peer once more down your own road.

Don't bother me, don't follow me
But yes, perchance... I'll dream of thee.
I'll stargaze there, and make believe
Of truth beneath that Hemlock tree.
Throw a penny my way if you like my work
Sarah Spang Feb 2015
Someday, one day, far from now
My hurt will mark your crease-less brow
My face will flit throughout your thoughts
And you will feel me- know my loss.

You'll catch your breath and wonder why
Your sightless eyes will search the sky
And precious lips will part and say
A name the wind will brush away.

No answers in the endless blue
You'll close your eyes, accept the truth:
I'm no where now, and everywhere
I saturate the very air.

Moments, seconds, memories
In grass beneath the swaying trees..
You'll see our forms; together then
Will never touch or feel again.

Someday, one day, far from now
My absent hurt will mark your brow
My face will flit throughout your thoughts
And you will feel me- know your loss.
Feb 2015 · 28.9k
The Dragon Won.
Sarah Spang Feb 2015
Time and risk caught up to you;
Gagged you into silence.
Chasing down the dragon was
Your favorite form of violence.

I saw its markings on your skin;
The gauntness of your eyes
Your searching fingers scratching down
To truth, as you breathed lies

China white won this round, love
You thought you'd always dance
The dragon chose another one
And turned its gaze askance.
Toss a penny my way
Feb 2015 · 3.5k
Impressions (Linger)
Sarah Spang Feb 2015
I may never walk anything more the same as him
In converse shoes slapping campus pavement,
Than taking down miles in memories
And mulling over trite bereavements.

If all we have left is muscle memory
Where summer grass stroked skin like hesitant fingers
Then I'll sink into autumn leaves
And worry my lip where the impressions linger.
ANNOUNCEMENT (To my readers):

Hi Guys,

I know it's been a while since I've posted poetry and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your support and feedback. All of you have been so kind and I could not have asked for a better audience. However, times are rough at the moment and I'd like to post a link to my GOFUNDME account. If you like my poems, you will be make a small donation via the website, even a buck would be appreciated. Below is the link.

Feb 2015 · 763
Dull (And an Announcement)
Sarah Spang Feb 2015
Someone stroked the dial down
On contrast, shade and form
The dullness paints the very air
From eyes; tired and worn.

ANNOUNCEMENT (To my readers):

Hi Guys,

I know it's been a while since I've posted poetry and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your support and feedback. All of you have been so kind and I could not have asked for a better audience. However, times are rough at the moment and I'd like to post a link to my GOFUNDME account. If you like my poems, you will be make a small donation via the website, even a buck would be appreciated. Below is the link.

Jan 2015 · 2.0k
Sarah Spang Jan 2015
Reminiscent in my face
I see Eurydice
Trapped behind in shadows while
My Orpheus walks on free

Free to dwell in Sunlight
From whence his form found shape
Hewn from gold, from earth and dust
Spun from flaxen rays.

Just up above, just out of reach
From splayed out fingertips
That leak of shadow, wreak of dark
That find no grasping grip.
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
Sarah Spang Dec 2014
**** this half-life, half-light existence;
A weak mockery, reality resistance.
This watered-down version; this decafe taste
This lightless, scentless, barren place.

Colorless, tasteless and poisonous,
Against it all there's no defense.
Encompassing all in shades of Grey,
The approaching walls aren't far away.

Forest green is far from here
Replaced by oceans, gray and clear
And everywhere's a widow's walk
Against the dusk that mocks the clock

Time is a canyon, a chasm, a rift
Filled with thoughts that swirl and sift
The colorless earth splits and sears
Pushing what's lost so far from here.
Dec 2014 · 3.4k
Just Sleep
Sarah Spang Dec 2014
"Don't stop dreaming" crooned a voice in my ear
But dreaming re-enforces fear
Slumber comes and shreds my thoughts
Subconscious wars are brought and wrought.

Inside my skull holds evidence of
Bruised purples and nightmare reds
Sleep shreds my mind between its teeth
And wretches it across; bequeath

Across the walls, across the room
Across the shadows, through the gloom
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Like the Snow.
Sarah Spang Dec 2014
Hushed and heavy,
Dense and bright.
Lightening noise
Dimming grey light.

Snow snarls
Grunts beneath
The distant wanderer
Gritting her teeth

Crunch. Green eyes
Crunch. Sweet smile
She pauses and tilts
Her face for a while.

Rain has gone
By frost, away
With nothing to cleanse,
The memories stay.

Frozen and drifting
They spiral around
Collecting and freezing
On by and down.

They brush each pale cheek
Like fingers before
Collect on the lashes
Of eyes red and sore.

Voiceless, she drifts
With crystalline flakes
Caught on the winds
Of her weak mistake.
Dec 2014 · 4.4k
One Year Gone (A Note.)
Sarah Spang Dec 2014
One year has passed today, one year since you took your last breath on this earth. A whole planet-full of anguish has been left in that wake. You would have been 23; a full month older than I am. No longer is such. You’re frozen; forever young at 22.

They told me time would ease the pain, and I guess they meant the physical display of hurt. I don't burst into tears every time I see a Steelers logo or find myself suddenly breathless whenever I hear a song that you loved. No, I am not that same mess of a girl that existed last December. I do not look like her, but she's still present within me.
The thing about time is that the pain never really dissipates; you just unearth ways to tolerate it. Ways to function around it. I am able now to maintain a smile on my face whenever I need be, and a small, invisible part of myself can curl into the crook of my head and weep. I numb myself and place the pain on the back-burner, to deal with it later.

One year, come and gone. One year without you.

One full year I've wandered around until my feet were bruised; until my shoes were breaking. Wandering and not perceptive to what I was looking for. I know now that you are the destination.
I'll always be searching for you, and you'll never be there.
Because you're in the wind. You're in every kind gesture, in every hill and mountain I find beauty in. You're in the smile of your sister, the love of your mother and the memory of every family member or person who mourns you today.
And I mourn you so much. I never considered that this much sorrow could be coiled into one body so firmly. So crammed in that at times I spring a leak and you fracture forth like a rainbow on an oil spill. My mind circles back to you thousands of times in a single day, like a little determined moon circling the wake of her planet's obliteration.

I don't have a place to visit. At first, that was one of the hardest parts of moving on. By nature I am a wanderer, and in my travels I yearned for a place to stop; a place where you would be always.
You don't have a final resting place, and that's fine, I've accepted that now. It wouldn't have made sense with who you were as a person. You always were more like a force of nature than human- so beautiful, destructive and awing. So when I imagine you in the present tense, I like to think of the swirling dust devils that whirl leaves into miniature tornadoes. You had a playful spirit like that. I think of you in the wind that gusts paper from my hands, because you were always a joker. And I think of you as a warm breeze on a summer day because your warmth was something people sought out.

I'll continue writing for you, even though you'll never read it. I'll never stop loving you, and your memory is enough of a home for this wanderer.

To quote What Dreams May Come:
" I’ll cross whatever distance there is. I send you my love."

Forever and Ever, C.J.H.
I know this deviates from my normal prose. I just wanted to pay tribute to my greatest muse. He inspired the following poems:
Come Back
The Silent Ocean
Ocean Eyes

Rest peacefully, C.J.H. All my love.
Sarah Spang Dec 2014
Not for all eternity
Will sadness streak my cheek
Or curve me with a sightless weight
That bows my kneecaps weak.

Nor evermore shall I mourn
A departure so abrupt,
A constant fixture in my world
From it, so sudden plucked.

Even all time, so short and long
I dare not wish nor pine
Each blessed day that passes by
Each night would ease my mind.

But for  lasting moment
Each smile, each laugh, each breath
The memories shall hold me now
No longer left bereft.
Dec 2014 · 4.4k
Quick Fix
Sarah Spang Dec 2014
Stumble forth on rubber legs
When drink perfumes your breath
Search the sky with bleary eyes
And salvage what is left:

Still breathing, speaking, seeing
Still marveling the stars
Still gagging out weak poetry
And tripping out of bars.

One foot before the other
Stagger, step and sway
The wind that croons soft music
Lulls the grief away
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