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Jun 2015 · 1.4k
moving into joy
raðljóst Jun 2015
you are a breath of fresh air to the melancholic poet in me.
for once i am not moved to write words of sorrow
of despair or heartbreak or bittersweet longing -
but words of joy,
of eloquent sighs and satisfied sleeps,
of whispered words of love and curious inquisitions,
of two souls revealing themselves to each other,
of vulnerability and crossing the bridge between discomfort
and feeling at-home
in our love
Jun 2015 · 910
mal tiempo
raðljóst Jun 2015
eras una tormenta,
y yo, era un pequeño pájaro
asustado por tu trueno,
luchando para volar en tu viento,
sin lugar seguro para aterrizar.
raðljóst Jun 2015
i am in love with how your words caress me
how your voice echoes in my mind like soft, slow piano
delicate words and murmurs before sleep

i am in love with the way your smile lights a fire
deep in my heart
where i never knew heat could reach

i am in love with your ever-present joy
your experience of love and life
and the way you find strength in pain

i am in love with the movements you make
under the sheets in the afternoon sun
and with the glow on your skin
and the way that you come to me, passionately

i am in love with the sounds you make
when you whisper, laugh, or sigh
and how you send shivers from my head to my fingers
down my spine and to the tips of my toes

i am in love with the way you reach for me
with your questions and with your hands
always searching for more of my soul

i am in love with the way you hold me
for a moment, forever
for a breath, for the night

i am in love with the way you love me
patiently, vulnerably, honestly
how you crave my spirit whole
Jun 2015 · 566
raðljóst Jun 2015
my mouth is dry
and each tear you cry is a drop of water
to quench my thirst

i've never wished this on anyone before
never grinned at the sight of blood
never been pleased to see someone break

but i've been broken myself
and while my bones are whole and sturdy
you smashed my heart to pieces
that no one coud ever mend
Jun 2015 · 477
monday night
raðljóst Jun 2015
we are dancing beneath a cotton sea
legs entwined
   fingers exploring, grasping, teasing
we move to the beat of our love
  we move together
Jun 2015 · 1.7k
raðljóst Jun 2015
your heartbeat
is the only metronome
that i want to be in time with
Jun 2015 · 3.4k
tuesday night
raðljóst Jun 2015
i want a love that is tangible
like fresh, clean sheets warmed by the sun
and later, anointed with the sweat of our bare bodies
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
raðljóst Jun 2015
your body sings in harmony with mine
one hundred hushed hymns of adoration
each kiss a silent prayer
each look in the eye a soul confessing
showing the bare truth of our beings

we have studied the lines of each other
memorized the scriptures on our skin
anointed with sweat
under a temple of holy white sheets

our love is an offering
we give all that we can
Jun 2014 · 9.0k
raðljóst Jun 2014
we are blossoming now.
scarlet petals unfurling;
revealing our golden hearts.

and i want you to know
that my love grows best
when its roots entwine with yours.
Dec 2013 · 1.9k
raðljóst Dec 2013
thoughts focus... finite and infinite realities
  walking on beach tidal wave sand patterns
cold wind caressing hands full of seashells
stay right here
in this moment
for now.
sometimes a winter walk on the beach can cure the chaos of the mind
Dec 2013 · 459
on the edge.
raðljóst Dec 2013
if i jump, then it's over

and you would be the only one who would know i was scared of heights

Dec 2013 · 559
raðljóst Dec 2013
i'd rather succumb to sickness
and watch the thinning of my wrists
than feel the way i do
trying to get through
another day without you
i'll try my best to recover
Dec 2013 · 518
(i can't do this)
raðljóst Dec 2013
I’m having a hard time taking back my hand now that it’s moving towards yours and I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact that this simple movement is no longer the same.
I'm having a hard time taking down the photographs of us on my wall and I'm having a hard time not showing everyone our couple photos that we took in front of the parliament buildings last week when we tried to act like tourists.
I'm having a hard time not thinking about how beautiful the way you speak is and how passionate your eyes are and how secure your arms feel.
I'm having a hard time believing that I can stop having panic attacks and that I can go to sleep without dreaming that we're together again.
I'm having a hard time waking up in the mornings because every time I have to go through realizing what has happened and every time I want to tell myself to go back to sleep because there I am with you and with you I am whole and safe and loved.

(i love you,
i love you,
i love you.)
Me and Jasper broke up after 1 year and 3 months of being together. (Which was his first relationship and my first meaningful, true love.)
It's not setting in yet. I don't know how to deal with this.
I don't know how to stop breathing too fast and I don't know how to stop my eyes from leaking rivers down my face and I don't know how to stop my nose from being icky and runny and I don't know how to come to terms with the fact that I am no longer loved by the one who I love with my entire heart.
And I do. Even though I agree with why we broke up and that it was the right thing to do, I can't process it entirely. Part of me is stuck in the past and how awesome that was and how I expected things to turn out.

I just don't know right now.
I just can't.

I know, though, that I have grown to be a better person throughout the time I was with Jasper, and that we have both learned so many things and made so many incredible memories that we both don't want to forget (though right now I just wish I could time travel back into them).
And to anyone who still thinks that I'm complaining of something average, *******.
Try to understand, even if I can't understand it completely.
I know the pain of losing a parent. I know the pain of being sexually violated. I know the pain of being cheated on.
And I can **** well understand the pain of a lot of people around me going through **** just as bad as this, in different ways that I have not yet experienced.
And this pain is not comparable.
Pain is not comparable.

I don't care that this is not a poem. I need to vent and I sure as hell can't do it on Facebook, and writing in a journal makes me think too much about how he's not going to write me letters anymore and writing on Word makes me feel alone and depressed.
Well, it's depressing either way. I don't know what it is. It's not good. I don't like it.
But I have to take those sleeping pills my mom gave me now and go to sleep if I want to go to church and not completely break down and ruin everyone's Sunday morning.
raðljóst Nov 2013
           like a fire
             that was started
                             by   chain-smoked    thoughts.
Nov 2013 · 746
This is not the End.
raðljóst Nov 2013
These days I pull out my hair just to feel some relaxation.
It’s weird, and I know that, and I don’t want you to lecture me or tell me something I already know about tics and trictillomania.
I’m off, and I know it.
Let me breathe, okay?
I could just end it all, I guess, but that’s what I’m afraid of.
The end.
And naturally, on average,
I’m nowhere near the last chapter of my story,
but that doesn’t do much to calm me.
Must keep on living.
Must live.  
Must do more things.
Learn more.
Be more.
Nov 2013 · 453
raðljóst Nov 2013
I cut my hair and wove it into your skull with my fingertips.
And painted my blood on your mouth to give you red, red lips.
Smoothed the lines on your face with my hand,
And shaped your legs and your feet so you may stand.
With my breath I gave you life,
And with my death I leave no strife.
Oct 2013 · 471
if it matters to you.
raðljóst Oct 2013
i guess you were sick of shooting the moon
because all you did was miss, and you never cared about the stars.
you said you needed solid ground to hold onto.
and now i know i'll only be your earthquake;
no solid footing here.
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
scrape away my integrity
raðljóst Oct 2013
take and take and take
but give me one last shot
my arms are open
wider than the globe

breathe and breathe and breathe
then exhale all your doubt
for it was always
the second-guesses
that pushed you away

lie and lie and lie
but tell me your honest truths
*and i will never
forsake you
Oct 2013 · 2.1k
transitions suck.
raðljóst Oct 2013
Green apples at lunchtime,
You were the only friend of mine.
We played in sand and built castles from our growing imaginations while we hoped our bodies would grow just like our minds so our hands could reach the monkey bars and… maybe one day the stars.
Back then I’d wish on those and hope you’d pinky-swear right back to always have an ear out in case I called for help.
Those were the days I’d spend making cards to send to you just because you might need to know that you were worth every glued-on sequin.
We stayed outside catching fireflies until the sun escaped and those jars were the only lights to guide our way.
Those summer breaks spent chasing salamanders, our fingers, our toes, warm river mud pressed between every one of them like an unofficial glue promising to keep us together.
All our thoughts concentrated on an everlasting summer,
No more school because we felt educated enough if we could be together all day.
I guess the river washed it all away, like the current wiping the mud out from between our toes, off our fingertips, off our minds your words turned cold,
Conversations dwindled and the best thing I could hope to come out of your mouth was hello.

And now you walk the way you used to walk when you made fun of girls on pageant shows.
Your lips are stained a perfect color of rose,
But you grow thorns when you speak.
Some say you flourished.
A blossom under fluorescence but I always liked things to be under incandescence. A phenomenon of light produced from our warm bodies under a shared blanket watching the stars, sharing our hopes our fears and our scars.
But now when the temperature rises it’s because you’re not looking at me anymore.
I’m a just another flower budding on your wall,
But, please watch me blossom before I fall.
I don't especially like the beginning, but I am pretty happy with this one. I wrote it all in one go, only took out one line and that's the most editing I've done. I think I am going to keep it that way for when I present it in class. I'd rather hear constructive criticism before I criticise myself.
Also, I don't know how to title it.
Sep 2013 · 844
electric veins.
raðljóst Sep 2013
It is incredibly fragile.
More like a web of hair winding through the city
Than a spider’s web that bounces back.
Electric current run through my veins; support me.
More moved to soak in the sun than taste the flow of a water-dam or take in the scent of a coal-burner.
Knock it down,
Down and out with the lights they go black.
They cannot see, cannot search.
Their voices throw complaints at this power-gone-out,
But I laugh.
Reading with the light of the still-rising sun I smile behind the safety of my book.
I do not need to be recharged,
I’ve got the power of the sun to bring me to stand.
They’ve got themselves depending on breakable things,
Leaning on a dry branch as if it would hold them up as long as they need,
Don’t know that a dry thing will snap if you push it too much.
How easy it would be to bring down a place like this,
All strung together, their failing crutch.
Must be in sync.
Must be connected.
But don’t they know?
Connection disconnects when a sacrificial tree topples and their circuit ceases to exist.
Their power cannot reach their devices and their shoulders fall.
Does anyone have a generator to bring them back to life?
And why won’t they regenerate when the lines are cut?
Come back to life,
Find your power in the sun.
not sure how to end it yet, kind of lost focus because the "bell rang", as in, school was over and I had to pack up and go, but I'll be getting back to this pretty soon once I do a bunch of Italian because I really don't want to get behind in that.
Sep 2013 · 602
please don't.
raðljóst Sep 2013
make me

                  break me

       shake me

                       take me
shape me  
                             scrape me
**** me
                 escape me
pluck me
                          **** me
       chuck me
                                    **** me
hit me
                   quit me
       split me        
                       or    commit me


see me
                     free me.
Sep 2013 · 443
I'm in the cloud again.
raðljóst Sep 2013
Ankles cracking,
  Keyboard clacking,
    Sniffling of the nose,
      And all these things I do
       To make silent reading a pain.
         Wrapped up in my self-conscious cloud,
           Nerves drowned out all sound,
             I did not dare to glance up
To see that only four students remained.
Sep 2013 · 478
the meaning is missing.
raðljóst Sep 2013
talking to you,
but not seeing
your face,

is like hearing a song
but not understanding
the words.

in this there is beauty,
but like the song unknown,
the meaning is missing.
i crave that face-to-face.
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
12am, Saturday
raðljóst Sep 2013
Night-time, to me? Well, that’s a tough question.
Night is a time where sleep is an exception.
Rest is elusive, dreams are abhorred.
Night is a time when I’d rather be bored.

Night is for tired minds falling from skyscrapers.
Night is for weary-eyes, pencils to papers.
Oh, let me tell you, counting sheep just won’t do.
Night is a time when I long for you.

Night is a time to have too many ideals,
Night is a time to break too many seals,
The terrors have come and the wishes have past,
Night is a time that I hope doesn’t last.
Sep 2013 · 951
Speed vs. the Panic.
raðljóst Sep 2013
It’s late and it’s foggy and you know
You can’t see **** through that window
But you’re driving fast.
My paranoia is kicking in
And my head is about to implode
With worry.
I grab ahold of the car seats
And stare at the road more than you ever would
As if I could prevent us from crashing
If your eyes didn’t see what mine thought they saw.
Maybe I never learned to be spontaneous.
Maybe you’re the daredevil,
And I’m the old lady who never leaves her house.
And you know that I want you to know
That I understand the beauty of the night,
How the dew sets upon the grass like stars sit up in the sky,
And I want you to know
That I embrace the feeling of freedom on empty asphalt avenues
But this whole automobile thing really throws me off.
I want you to know that I have night terrors about things
Just like this.
I want you to understand me when I say slow down,
Because I can’t help but be overcome by the images
Of our could-be deaths.
Read my body language, no,
Don’t take your eyes off of that road.
I’m tense and I’m not usually this bad
But when I’ve grown up explaining a death by
Telling people he crashed in a car,
I know that I don’t want that to be our fate.
So just listen. Listen to me when I beg you,
Slow down.
Sep 2013 · 498
first world
raðljóst Sep 2013
our society
consists of marbles
rolling, winding, falling down
the easiest route in life.
we are rivers,
flowing and free to choose
the path of least resistance
and keep on going.
but sometimes,
the easy way out is not the
right way
to live.
raðljóst Sep 2013
the absolute language
a song  so foreign yet
            so familiar
echoes in my ears
slips through my veins
through my veins.
a passageway to my soul
no longer restricted.
     the chorus doesn't hesitate
to be sung.
      like a lady serenaded by her darling,
               i give my full attention.
this is my lifeline.
           i, like the marble
the funnel,
inspired by the song of life.
the absolute language that is
     it commenced on the very
first day and will never freeze over.
once i have realized the beauty
   and the harmony of the song
  i will not sleep until my eyes
go bloodshot.
  for through any trials,
  with the song in my soul,
i will survive.
Sep 2013 · 578
sorry - memory full.
raðljóst Sep 2013
why is my memory finite?
i'm so sick of having to remove
old files of people and places
in my head to make space for
all this newer knowledge.

in just one day, i've forgot
the names of three people who
i recently spoke with. some of
my french has gone out the
window and i think that soon
i will lose it all.

i am envious of the person
who has a photographic
memory with limitless card
space. please, oh please,
let me upgrade.
can't remember a **** thing in french. i keep speaking icelandic words in the place of both french and english. i keep asking people, "who are you?" when i know that i should know their names.
Sep 2013 · 871
windows to the soul
raðljóst Sep 2013
you kiss my lips,
and after, i look into the dark spot of your eyes
and i search for your soul.
i was so sure i would find you there,
hiding behind your pupils, which have grown so wide
in the dark of the room.
your thoughts, i reckoned, would present themselves to me
like abstract art painted on the canvas of your mind.
and though i stared into your eyes i found nothing
but blue and black discs staring right back.
but if eyes are the windows to your soul,
please leave them open for me
to climb right in.
from tonight.

i'm very terrible at titles.
Sep 2013 · 1.9k
raðljóst Sep 2013
i'm in love with a boy
but i change my pronouns to say that
i love her
because of the ones who cannot do so.
because of the lovers who have to hide.
because of the injustice people have done to people.
we are all equal in birth, but live in an unequal society.
i am simply another girl who loves a boy.
no questions asked.
no awkward glances, no stiff hands to shake.
no glares, no whispers.
because i'm privileged enough
to be on the side of love that someone deemed
and because i don't agree with having to pick and choose who you get to love
based on their possession of particular parts.
you love someone for their energy, their personality.
the way they hold you in the night.
the trust you share, the bonds you make.
you love them because you are you and they are they.
she loves her.
he loves him.
she loves him.
he loves her.
or her. or him.
the pronouns
should not
seem odd
to us.
but our society majorly consists of
gritted teeth and
disapproving eyes.
and because of this,
because i love someone
of the opposite gender,
and because i do not
suffer from any hate,
i will quietly fight
the cookie-cutter
for you
with pronouns
and poems.
I'm bisexual, but people assume I'm straight because I'm with a guy.
So okay, I'll take on that role and give the perspective of a straight person who knows how LGBT people must feel and who wants them to get to experience love like I do. Openly. With acceptance. Scream it to the world and no one says a ******* thing against it.
Because your love is the same as my love.
Because your love means as much to you as it does to any straight couple.
Because your love is as pure as mine. As pure as you want it to be. As golden as your heart can possibly shine, and baby, you'll shine on.

I read an older poem and then wrote this. It's not super-good and it doesn't do what I was thinking justice, but whatever, it's really late and at least I got the words out, somewhat.
Because unfortunately right now we're not quite there yet.
Because we should be there now.

We all deserve this.
Sep 2013 · 464
a blind portrait of a lover
raðljóst Sep 2013
my memory becomes so paper thin
so i trace my hands over your skin
to memorize the way you are

i could paint you in the dark
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
raðljóst Sep 2013
September. Six o´clock.
I can hear the neighbours talking and birds singing.
Outside in the orange air there is a familiar smell, and it moves me to dance.
It made me so happy thinking of summer evenings to come (some with you, too).
Now, with a little bit of encouragement and care, tomatoes grow, much like my love for you.
Embrace it.
It feels surreal. All a dream. Time passing and smiles coming and going.
Coming. Going.
But why not staying? I dream of staying still. Poised in the golden light of the evening, forever.
What a delicate feeling. So long to grow into this and so quickly to leave it forever.
Forever. Is it possible, or just some idea dreamed up by a poet who thought too much.
I want to stay in this moment. Tomatoes. Sunlight. Distant conversation.
Dancing. Soft grass. Bare feet.
First love. Forever love.
So bittersweet is summer.
So simple are wishes this season.
To feel like a poet by simply encountering an eloquent evening.
To be a poet by speaking the words that summer brings.
To live forever in a moment, to not feel sorrow for the rest of life you would miss.
To be everlasting. To be ever-dancing. To be ever-young.
A few moments of daydreaming,
and it's already gone.
But tomorrow I will dance with you, in September, the last leg of Summer, and for the first time since that three-in-the-morning bliss in March.
Aug 2013 · 652
raðljóst Aug 2013
the feeling of freedom when walking on empty asphalt avenues
how the dew sets upon grass like stars glittering in the sky.
things that i love.
Aug 2013 · 687
góða nótt.
raðljóst Aug 2013
the space between my dreams and reality
terrifies me, taunts me, tricks me into
thinking i'm living some other life.
last night i dreamt you hated me,
read all my journals and poems
and decided i was filth.
when i sleep i feel wretched,
tossing and turning in my bed
as my dream-self lives a nightmare.
and when i wake up, i'm greeted by
that same sun pouring in, telling me
it's a new day. it's a new life. i'm free.
but if half my time alive is spent eyes-closed
but somehow open, doesn't that count for something?
doesn't my pain in the night become significant?
i don't want to close my eyes.
i don't want to stumble into slumber.

but i give up once more.
*góða nótt
it was one of the most terrifying feelings
i felt like i had a gaping hole in my chest
where my heart should be
where my soul would live
where my sanity is.
you couldn't even meet my eyes,
for more than a second.
that glare broke me into thousands of pieces,
and i became a mosaic of sorrow.
that night it rained and rained,
but the water wasn't enough to wash away the pain.
nothing could clean the cut you left me.
what went wrong?
what had i wrote?
and i woke up, searching for my journals in my
now-awake mind,
tearing up my could-have-been poems,
burning letters i never sent to you.

but then i was at your house, curled up on your bed,
we were listening to kalimba and dancing with our fingers.
happy wasn't something to be questioned.
eleven months and not much pain has arisen,
my heart has not broken.
i love you, asleep and awake.
Aug 2013 · 439
august is nearly over
raðljóst Aug 2013
this is what i'll never understand:
why my heart breaks in such
inconvenient ways - to tear
out my lifeline would be
a lesser pain than this,
for this means not
knowing whether
it is right to cry
or right to get
up and walk
Aug 2013 · 402
raðljóst Aug 2013
darkness comes flying through the sky like a plane with broken parts,
and i search for you, where have you gone?
raðljóst Aug 2013
when the world was ending, what did i do?
i called for my lover, for only love was true.

vancouver shattered glass into the atmosphere and we ducked and covered because that's what you're meant to do, as if hiding behind a couch would save you, and we waited for what seemed like too long, picoseconds, whatever they were, went by
or maybe one, to be precise
and we melted away our lives

i just thought you should know,
i love you,
i love you,
i love you,
i love you.
if i chose my last words, i'd let you know just one more time.
Aug 2013 · 316
december 6th
raðljóst Aug 2013
you wrote me letters
and your words became feathers
  and boy, i've fallen in love.
tape can fix torn sheets
but boy, our hearts will never need mending again.
Aug 2013 · 730
words to live by:
raðljóst Aug 2013
for better control, command yourself to return to your happy place.
shift into gear, delete your worries, give yourself the option to escape.
alternate which function you serve to bring brightness to your life.
turn up the volume, press play on peace.
don't keep tabs on your friends, trust that they will back you up when needed.
monitor your indulgences, keep an eye on your power,  and don't exhaust your system.
when you're tired, power off, and remember you can always restart.
...and take a break from your computer.
Aug 2013 · 309
raðljóst Aug 2013
we are crossing an open time and place,
and i am a sheep in a world of shepherds.

lead me home,
lead me home.
raðljóst Aug 2013
the caffeine is crucial
for this day-time creature,
the low-lit room an optional feature
for my attempted artistic-flair
paint brushes discarded on the floor
i took up drawing, graphite stained hands
and red eyes in the light of morning's sun
through the cracked window
of my old apartment-turned-studio
it was that morning i realized
the faces on paper would never
come to life
or serve a greater purpose than
good looks and candy-to-the-eye
it was that moment, i realized,
there was much more than re-creation
remixing and redoing
redundant copies of someone else's idea
and in that moment, when i realized,
talent is subjective and in the general eyes
of the artistic world, i was **** on the side
of the street where van gogh and picasso
strutted their dead-man's artistic *****.
and now i know that there's got to be something
more than staying up all night drawing from a
photograph a classmate gave to my sight
and earning ten dollars for every hour spent
dragging pencils across leaf-thin skeletons of
plants that could have grown to serve better.
and now i know i was made for something more
than sitting on my **** cold bedroom floor
and replicating the eyes of a sixteen-year-old
spanish self portrait photographer.
in the western world, the people want me as
an artist making prints of their faces and loved ones
but for the rest? my hands are needed to build homes
for those who have not had the privilege of holding a
pencil or seeing their faces on a mere piece of paper.
Aug 2013 · 360
a matter of time
raðljóst Aug 2013
a fear of love
and a fear of

you asked me once,
and i kissed you better

can we call it now?
when we're living
our past?

or lock lips
and break out
of this

should we now,
or could we ever?
Aug 2013 · 557
mother earth.
raðljóst Aug 2013
fires raging through fields and forests alike

the colours of mother's faith

second growth sprouting, life out of ashes

the living proof of mother's love

waterfalls crashing down the face of the earth

the sound of mother's tears

leaves caught falling through the sky in autumn

the cast wishes of mother's children

sun rising in the east and setting in the west

*the proof of mother's devotion
for my own mother, melody, and for the earth we all tread so roughly on.

and now i realize that mother is a very odd looking word, after typing it so many times.
Aug 2013 · 879
komdu heim.
raðljóst Aug 2013
jasper, come home.
not only because i love your smile
not only because you smell like rain and cedar trees
not only because the way you hold me feels like himininn
not only because when you sing songs softly to me my ears rejoice
not only because i haven't hugged your body in nine whole days
not only because the things you say make me feel secure
not only because i enjoy your company in the woods
not only because swimming is less scary with you
not only because you make me feel like gold

but because when i need someone to talk to,
my first choice is you.

you are not judgemental.
you are confidential.
you are caring, respectful, and loyal.

and sometimes i need to cry,
and sometimes i need to laugh,
and though i'm happy for you that you've gone so far this summer,
sometimes i want you to be here.

teleport to the chair next to my bed,
or as i'm painting with the easel you made me,
appear behind me and say something into my ear.
anything. anything.
just please, be near.
I know, I know, sometimes I come off as obsessive and clingy and all those negative things. I mean it in the best way I possibly could. My intentions with my words are 100% positive. I am so proud of him for being a Scout Leader and travelling, and although I don't do those same things, I'm not envious because I've got my own thing going on here on the island. As anyone, I would believe, I am happy for him, but there are still moments where I miss him. I feel strange trying to justify this, because it should be a completely normal thing. I'm not going to sit here and not think of him for two weeks! When I love someone, I think of them often. If I were a witch of some sort, I would cast positive energy into the air directed at the people I love who are apart from me. Heck, I do that anyway.

I'm not crazy and I know it. I'm not breaking down every day because my boyfriend is in the States, either.
Aug 2013 · 442
in the nighttime
raðljóst Aug 2013
in my sleep my feet walk me to places my eyes have never seen.
they dance under the covers, restlessly waiting for their time to go
*to bring me to a new home
Aug 2013 · 345
raðljóst Aug 2013
she's off to the other side
of the globe
and he's gone
states away
and i'm here
will i be the one to go?
raðljóst Aug 2013
learning to be alone
& enjoying it
reading books about persia
& sipping cold coffee
expecting open arms of friends
& receiving a ride to a motel room

oh universe,
you love me in some strange way.
went to visit friends and didn't actually visit them how i thought i would. it's okay. i visited places and strangers in small-town style shops.
there was kindness and welcoming in the hearts of you two people who will be the only ones to read this and know me. thank you for that.

it's okay.
it's alright.
i'm home.
Aug 2013 · 302
raðljóst Aug 2013
I can't hold up the walls of hatred,
or see the world clearly with it in view.
Jul 2013 · 401
raðljóst Jul 2013
it's getting harder to think of
how you will think of
when i can't think of myself
in any way at all.
the small-feelings and the moments when you re-realize you don't know who you are at all.
raðljóst Jul 2013
my feet are happy
my ears are happy
my arms are happy
and my legs are happy
my heart is happy
my head is happy
my soul is happy
that you are home.
finally finally finally.
happy happy happy
i really did miss you.
how in the whole wide world could i explain how much this feels like christmas.
i called your dad and he said "in an hour" so i ran outside and yipped and jumped high in the air (thank god for trampolines) and ran around in circles and jumped some more like a little child at easter.
not even a poem but i need to get this out. thank you thank you thank you world for bringing jasper home safe.
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