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 Jun 2018 forestfaith
Laura Duran
This morning it stormed
Lighting flashed, thunder rolled, rain fell...
All gone now

Just a sweet scent of rain in the air
And a steady wind are left to remind me
....such beauty

The birds celebrate with a cacophony of calls
That chase each other through the air
all vying to be heard

The trees dressed in their best
Dance in the breeze to their music
I sit, blessed to watch the show

It hits me, as it so often does
Most especially on days like these
God is such an favorite in fact
 Jun 2018 forestfaith
Laura Duran
He loves me, he loves me not
We're meant to be, or so I thought
My heart is broken, the pain is real
I long for peace, from all I feel

I fake a smile, so no one knows
I mimic strength, lest weakness shows
I refuse surrender, I stand and fight
I must succeed, and so I write

The ink it flows, pours from my pen
It heals my heart, and I can breathe again

Minutes into hours, hours into days
The love I held so tightly, starts to fade away
The pain begins to lessen, the tears no longer fall
Seemed misery was forever but it's not that way at all

Those nights you haunt my dreams
Are now few and far between
When memories overtake me, I know I'll be alright
I know now what to do....and so I write

The ink it flows, pours from my pen
It heals my heart and I can breathe again
Yes, I can breathe again.
 Jun 2018 forestfaith
He put all of his
Trust in the Savior, Jesus
Christ, and all was well.
 Jun 2018 forestfaith
 Jun 2018 forestfaith
I watched...
As the moon revolves
round its stunted orbit.

I mourned...
As the stars left
and disappeared into nothingness.

I felt...
As the earth betrayed
and swayed my balance.

I cried...
As the sun still rose
- unfazed and careless.
 Jun 2018 forestfaith
Tick tock goes my violent clock,
Lub hub beats my sadistic heart,
Bang bang explodes my venom bombs,
Boo hoo sighs my corrupted youth,
Pitter patter creeps away my virtue,
Ding **** calls my insufferable fetish,
**** a doodle do awakens my undignified temper and
Here comes my distasteful doom.
 Jun 2018 forestfaith
I'm Human
 Jun 2018 forestfaith
I'm human.
I'm extremely selfish, saying things I don't really mean,
And not saying the things that I mean.
I'm not observant, and I don't know how
To make people happy, how to fit into society,
And how to show my love to those I care about most.
I'm often grumpy, out of sorts, and sad,
Not finding happiness in things everyone else finds happiness in.
What can I say?
I'm human.
I can say what I want to through writing,
And use my written words to express myself.
I have enormous love and compassion,
And finding ways to show it will be a learning experience
I can have throughout my life.
Even though I can be sad, I also have a
Tremendous ability to be happy, joyful, and
To do things that fulfill that happiness.
What can I say?
I'm a beautiful human.
A dusty road and tall pine trees on a cloudless day filters light through the trees in such a way reminding me that even dirt can be beautiful with light present.
“You make beautiful things out of the dust”
 Jun 2018 forestfaith
JL Smith
When tears caress my cheekbones
It's rarely for my sake
This heart of mine empathizes immeasurably
For when another endures pain

My voice may not soothe
My written words unlikely to mend,
But my silent presence offers
Peace and prayer
Until your healing begins

© JL Smith
Human life is molded in
the image of the Almighty.
Not by the hands of man,
but by the one who made
the heaven and the earth.
He endowed man with powers,
with the authority to have
dominion over all things created,
and to have them as food.
Human species are of a higher quality,
and not at all equal to the lower
animal kingdom.
But man is superior and made just
a little lower than the Angels.
No man can be killed for the
sake of an animal of a lower kingdom.
Animals can never take the place of any human.
They can never rule man,
that is a natural order of things.
Only a deluded mind will wipe out an entire tribe and communities for the sake of
the lost animals.
No animal ever created is to be compared to the life of a glorious man.
It can never be argued by any sane judgment or reasoned out by any rational thought.
Take away the animal in those who live like one to feel the beauty of being a human,
only then will the killing stops.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
 Jun 2018 forestfaith
Oh my God, I did it! AAAAHHHH!
I actually have 102 followers!
I can't thank everyone here enough!
I started this page last year because I felt
like I needed an outlet for how I was feeling.
It was such a low place to be...
Things now are somewhat better,
but life as you know is up and down
To know that HP is such a positive and
supportive platform means so much to me.
Especially because I do have anxiety
as well as depression.

I usually feel very VERY
low about myself. Writing was and always will
be a way for me to cope - even though I do have
a love-hate relationship with it, but I digress.
This platform has made me truly believe more
in the writing craft. When it comes to art and expression,
I feel like I truly can be myself. It's a ray of light in
my life that I'm starting to believe in.
So much so that I've got a project lined up!
I'm working on my first poetry collection.
There's still  alot of details to work out, but
I will let you know as I go.
I've now opened a Twitter account so you're
welcome to follow me! I'll try to be active on there as
much as I can.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you all!
I'm super grateful for all of you.
Let us continue to grow as artists.
I love all of you.
Lyn ***
Heres the Twitter like:
Forgive me if I'm not as active on it. I've never had a Twitter before now.
I'm still trying to navigate my way around lol.
Thank you everyone. Truly!
Be back soon!
Lyn ***
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