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5.0k · Nov 2015
On Birthdays and candles~
Monika Nov 2015
It's that day today
somewhere years hence
When i was born
Moving on
from grumbling to gratitude
vanity to sincerity
That's when i realize
we're born new each day
with a choice and a million chances
to be better each day
And encounter the perfection that we are
just as we were created
in simplicity and love
so why not celebrate each day
greeting with a genuine smile
friends and family
acquaintances and enemies alike
Blowing candles on chocolate cakes
Instead why not let them burn for a change
as a reminder
of the eternal spirit...
It's my birthday today and this thought came up. It's not exactly a poem.
2.7k · Dec 2015
> Between the Balance <
Monika Dec 2015
no way in
no way out
what is
no matter how hard
then go back inside
let the pictures paint themselves
until you draw a blank
then glide through the inner sky
greet your sun and moon
wish yourself well
everything will be balanced soon
like a complex mathematical equation
that is life
twists and turns or jumbled
it always tends to balance
Title credits- Shivek .
Everything in the universe tends to balance itself.
2.6k · Apr 2015
the oyster shell
Monika Apr 2015
every starry night i will be embraced in your arms around
your heartbeat my sweet dream sound
your warmth my fireplace
and your smile be my respite breeze
in summer days
your hands in mine intertwined
in distress and  in ease
staying around or walking apart
the love shall remain untainted
like a pearl inside the oyster shell's heart
forever protected by the waves
it stays it stays
it will forever be that way
even when you're gone far southern trails
and i'm still at northern terrains
separated by cliffs and mountains
still be linked by roads and rails
and airplanes
i'll send you sweet dreams by the fireflies
and little pink hearts from the cyber space lanes
know that i always wish you well
and the love forever stays inside
1.5k · Oct 2015
Monika Oct 2015
The observed is a reflection
The observer the truth..

The seen is an illusion
The witness reality...

Spoken words are a piece of mind
Silence the whole..

Intelligence is knowing
Intuition the unknown..

Being natural is you
whatever stops you not yours..
Monika Oct 2015
If I were to have my heart broken again
go through the familiar pain
it would be your name
for I relive in you.

Your face always shining through
brighter than the brightest star
but you're way too far
i can never reach you

I love you more than you'll ever know
but you tell me it's all over
i'm like a firefly trapped in a spider's web
like in a harsh winter night a wretch looking for cover

And how i desperately hope every door will lead me to you
knowing how  false hopes can lead to devastation
gone is the sick strange passion
And i still long for you

Like a sailor stuck in storm longing for shore
like the scorched fields long for rain
but i'm prepared to have my heart broken by you again
come back for the familiar ache, the familiar pain...!
1.3k · Oct 2015
Full Moon (haiku)
Monika Oct 2015
Winter full moon part hidden by trees
Cold breeze swirling up my sleeves
I  seek sylvan warmth
First attempt at writing a haiku.  Constructive criticism welcome :-)
Monika Jan 2015
what's all this commotion
why so high on emotion
take the leap of faith into the unknown
drop  every held notion
step out of this false identity
these passing clouds are not here to stay anyway
it's all skin and bones
take a leap of faith into the unknown
why so high on emotions
entangled hopelessly in these false relations
witnessed enough so why let if fool you down again
it's all an endless circle of sunshine after rain
time to give a second thought in retrospection
to make second impressions
about these emotions
we're not here in vain but for a realization
divine intervention
so why all this commotion
take a leap of faith into the unknown
into the kingdom of stillness within
to witness the silent sound's reverberation
it's here the treasures are to be found
not outside in any relations
drop all your notions
follow the soul's guidance
to the eternal radiance
the mind wil trick you down
don't hold back take a leap of faith
you'll land safe 'n sound ~
1.3k · Sep 2015
the lantern ~
Monika Sep 2015
the gleaming moon shined its light
the shadow of doubt intercepted
an omen of a stormy night
the stars took shelter among the clouds
the lantern of faith stood steady
so with it my soul withstood
the turbulence of tragedy
confused but never scared
i held onto the lantern of faith
days passed with no respite
i pondered suicide
as the only way out
then the mountains echoed
standing tall and brave in their glory
coming to rescue my gloomy spirit
the lantern of faith stood steady
the storm eventually passed by...
have faith oh restless spirit
the lantern is your own soul
and you are your own light.....
1.2k · Oct 2015
i do not know... they say
Monika Oct 2015
The people who set me on fire
to see me burn
Ask me why i glow
They're the ones who fill my ashes in an urn
to throw
And they are the ones who say i do not know
anything about love...
For all i know , all i know is love
not hatred upside down
And my ego gets diluted
as i rise in love unbound
For all i know,  
i do not know anything else but love
And that's why i glow
so don't ask me why
Just drop my ashes
and let every speck fly...
And forget my name
or i ever was
1.2k · Dec 2015
To Freedom
Monika Dec 2015
Enslaved by the Mind
slaves of its cravings
Likes and Dislikes
chained with tangled strings
Enslaved to the world
Repeating circles endlessly
Networking and Socialising
What are we trying to sustain?
Enslaved to our misery
Nature's calling in evolution
Selection and Elimination
A thousand folders to maintain
Let's think about something else
Something made of love and light
Pause and Rethink
God's most precious gift is- free will
Let's embrace the random
A blessing in disguise
Willingly take a step towards freedom
Know what it's like being
A Free Being
Let's acquit ourselves of the guilt
Annihilation of all that carried since
that's not truly you
All it takes is a moment's will
A decision to break on through
Let's think about something else
something made of light and dark
know that dark too has its part
embrace them both alike
Let's familiarise with ourselves
in our aloneness
the Unclouded being
that's not static but shall forever flow
for if it wasn't for the Sun and Moon
we wouldn't know
Know what it is being
A Free-Being

1.2k · Jan 2016
Monika Jan 2016
Don't make a promise
You don't intend to keep

Don't put dreams in someone's eyes
You know you cannot fulfill

Don't touch a wound
that you cannot heal

Don't charm someone into falling for you
when you're going to leave

Don't be unkind
always keep in mind
things that go around
always find a way
to come back through
And the ones you leave behind
will one day
rise and shine.....!
1.1k · Oct 2015
the Crystal flower~
Monika Oct 2015
A ray diffracted from the crystal flower,
into a thousand diamonds on my wall;
different angles creating a shady bower,
under my delusion tree,
here i rest peacefully.

Not in denial nor in sorrow,
in all measures of every feeling;
in life's liveliness in every moment,
like there's no tomorrow..
a gift to me from the galaxy.

A rainbow halo it bequeathed me ,
streaming through the empty space ;
erasing and recreating a strange place
in my delusion bower,
under my illusion tree

Like a dream
mystified with creator's creativity.
how glad i am to see
the cloudy sky or cloudless blue
the green grass blade caressing the morning dew;

How glad i am to see,
the mirage or the oasis;
it's not my mind's hallucination
the divine at play,
total internal reflection

Nature's cradle nurturing the seed
eventually the divinity
that unfolds,
blossoming into my crystal flower,
making space for the miracles it holds;

And the sun shines right through ,
its rays diffracting
and scattering
into a myriad hue,
merging into infinity...
1.0k · May 2023
Disenchanted (10W)
Monika May 2023
When his eyes don't light up anymore on seeing you
992 · Oct 2015
Secrets vs. Stories
Monika Oct 2015
Tonight we shared all our secrets
sheer in all their glory

Unlike a brushed-up story
where we characterize ourselves

Secrets as they were pure as life itself
right from our heart's preserved shelves

No edited version of truth as it was
no need to  glorify ourselves

Secrets as they were ; not to be ashamed of
a testimony of life lived to it's fullest

No story of our mind-confined selves
imprinted upon by a thousand impressions

Secrets of the spirit as God created
with all the elements he beholds in creation

No shame ; no guilt in feeling
the feelings bestowed by nature

Not a story of accomplishments
but secrets of realizations

Secrets that made us who we are
taking us a step closer to the creator

A night of acknowledging
and overcoming
who we thought we were supposed to be

stepping into who we are..
sacred, precious and holy
a speck in the galaxy
yet a complete universe in our being

our own God
that's who we are...
Sharing a secret or two with a friend is always worth it...
861 · Sep 2015
Monika Sep 2015
as i let myself fall bravely as the raindrops
the reminiscences make way for oblivion
as the last reminder is returned
the fine line between separation and consideration
is finally burned
making space for separate ways
the book is returned to its original place
pondering on the subject
i let myself fall
i let you go....
846 · Aug 2023
Predicament (10 W)
Monika Aug 2023
To choose between destruction and life when you are cheated
826 · Nov 2015
SILENCE (part 2)
Monika Nov 2015
"In spirit we are one"
The tree said to me as I closed my eyes to listen

And the sound lead to silence
and in Silence I learn

The hurts buried
inside the chasms of my being

I dive deeper and keep seeing
And let the tears come

'till I reach a place where I find
That there is no mind

And I am not me, I am what i seek
I am none

Yet I am life manifest
layers imposed and covered in unrest

Only to find what lies beneath
a sparkling jewel of heaven's crest

Just as  the tree
I'm here

And when I stop trying to become something
I become everything

And we flow with life
To a new moment...
821 · Oct 2015
shades of blue...
Monika Oct 2015
Betrayal or indifference
the silent killer garbed in blue
the lacy attire
i'm spacebound and here it's all blue

I keep going higher
the hands you dealt me
iron or ice
hard and cold like the truth

The desert cactus
can't crawl to the oasis
all it does is gracefully wait
and looks upward to the blue sky

Following suite i look down
hoping you'll see
i'm lost and lonely
between the shades of blue of the sky
and the ocean

The wilted cactus and me
sailing the same blue boat
abandoned and castaway
the anchor drowned

This is the end of all means
to keep afloat
and also the beginning
collecting the smithereens

Like seaweeds carpeting the ocean
and choking it to death
the silent killer garbed in blue
swallowed all my words too...

Which rolled down as tears
yes i cried
when you left
though you were hardly there
even when you were around

The solace now laid to rest
cemeteries of fallen cheers
the wilted cactus died
and i'm still spacebound
awaiting the same fate....
705 · Dec 2015
Out of range
Monika Dec 2015
Us two
separated by an invisible wall
that i'm not able to cross through
And connect
Maybe something's going on in your mind
So the efforts continue
'Till one day they collapse and find
a clarity to reflect
Oh yes.. i can make the words rhyme
and write a nice verse for you
But when it comes to communicating
all that I feel
I fail
as you choose to remain aloof
And drag me along
I fall
I fail this Love
641 · Oct 2015
Monika Oct 2015
square ;rectangle
rhomboidal shapes
a special safe
to hold memories in place
magical contraption
hanging on walls
look long enough
and you'll float
on little paper planes
carrying you to another time in space
which once lived now seems surreal
bringing you back to the moment
the present is all you have for real
yet you may traverse the memory lanes
thanks to photoframes...,
615 · Oct 2016
Monika Oct 2016
is the kind
that has no escape
except within.
582 · Aug 2017
Monika Aug 2017
When SILENCE is all I have to give
for the walls within which I live
leave no space for words;
feelings float in random swirl
'till they collide and  burn bright
in brilliant flames of red and blue
lighting my inner space;
No walls can bind me now
I am within and without
I am here and now
I am inside and outside
I am the alpenglow.
510 · May 2016
Monika May 2016
we all know what goes on inside
a broken heart
like that parched lonely plant
craving for a drop of rain
do not go by the picture they present
to the eyes that see
a form that exists and will survive,
is crying out for help inside
try to listen or it will die
don't leave, don't leave oh passerby
feel, touch and heal
a broken heart
troubled families behind closed doors
before they **** themselves
and you'll wonder
what worries gnawed at the people that seemed fine
don't leave, don't leave oh passerby
pause and look for a while
the universe is your family
help and heal
these gaping wounds..
and hence you shall heal yourself.
507 · Dec 2015
Be my Home for a while..
Monika Dec 2015
hey, just let me in for a little while
i want to rest deep inside you
i wonder if it'll be worthwhile
but hey just give it a try
unfold your thoughts unto me
i will be your words
hey, be my home for a little while
because forever is a very long time
i will be safe in your embrace
revelling beyond time 'n space
it will be our secret place
the light your eyes shine
will be my lantern
hey, let me dive into your depth
let all your worries be mine
we'll sail this ship beyond the horizon
into the ocean of consciousness
where fear 'n doubt will just be words
hey let me in for a little while
let down all your guards
where you end, i'll begin in you
they'll not know we're two
let me be your roof 'n shelter you
'n you be my home for a little while
when you wander out 'n far
let me be your compass
i'll be your navigator
together we'll crosss through
let me be your guide
you be mine
let me rest inside you
you be my home
my safe haven, my sanctuary
filled with empty stillness
midst the silence
louder than words
effortlessly we'll rest inside each other's eyeS
so secure yet so free~
Monika Dec 2015
Of all the things that seem difficult
Loving you has been the hardest
480 · Dec 2015
Monika Dec 2015
It's a story of heartache 'n heartbreak
I once had a boy or he once had me
I was on my knees 'n the snow was cold
so was he

no sun rays, no fire glaze
all i got was a disapproving gaze
frozen still i could not move
he walked away

I chased his footsteps on the snow
possessed by rage
I didn't realize it was a blizzard passage
No way ahead
No way back
No way to go

But he was long gone out of sight
had left in me no will to live, no fight
Broken soul frozen cold

Back in summer we lived 'n laughed
so enchanted i was, he played his part

But a game indeed it was for him
bitter 'n sweet however it was

I had my head in the clouds
till i came across
a world so unfamiliar 'n strange
'n a strange universe
verse to verse
The story goes
heart left without beats
it bleeds
every drop of blood
As pure as the love i lived
in every breath i breathed
every day of every season
summer or rain
I loved him just the same
Or so i thought at the time.
No matter how ******* up things are it always gets better..
473 · Dec 2015
daily commute (haiku)
Monika Dec 2015
bus engine ignited set to motion
birds' wings colored white by clouds
i watch through the window
458 · Nov 2015
positrons (+)
Monika Nov 2015
when we get sick of offending and defending
let's make time for introspection
unshakable and unbreakable spirit
the strength calls from within

when we get sick of carrying a heavy heart
let's take a step in evolution
sick of building those fencing walls
let's open our hearts in productive communication

surrender and rise
like the sun
every morning
kind and warm
be light
show light
shine bright

where the heart is filled with love for creation
remember he made you in his own light
let's make our creativity unfold
brave and untainted spirit
the strength calls from within

let's quit this fight
over issues so small
time to break the fencing wall

Let's illuminate and ignite
the world in our own light
Thank you Shivek.  You're the inspiration behind this one.
456 · Oct 2015
Monika Oct 2015
you bind me when you say
you want to spend your life with me
not a day or two
so i stay, i stay

you leave the door open for me to walk free
because you say
the times are not good, the time is not right

meanwhile i'm stuck in the air
waiting to fall
and you're out there
am i being restless to hear your final call

feeling guilty as hell
when you ask what you gotta do to make me believe
how do i tell
it's not what i need

for all I need is _
a word of reassurance when i'm low
to see you smiling
when you see me

i'm trying to take it slow ,
so i stay
for as long as i can endure
the apathy you show

And all you do
is avert your gaze
lower your eyes and walk away
because you say the time's not right

and i'm trying desperately
to end this plight
to call it a day

for all i ask is a word from you
once a day
if it's too much to ask, I'M SORRY
I cannot stay
Monika Dec 2015
And you're in a deeper ditch
each time you think
you've devised a new game
that's just your mind playing tricks
And you keep falling
keep your eyes wide open without a blink
watch out
in the game of being aware
you're mistaken you're the player
and the Friends who were by your side
no longer Care
suddenly the events reverse
whose game is it you wonder
when you're forsaken and abandoned
like some redundant verse
you're not on talking terms
with yourself
because the people that shaped you
disappeared into thin air
and you realize you're not the player
Oh what a shame
it's not your game...
And you still play
still fall....
400 · Feb 2016
Monika Feb 2016
drizzling drops down alleyways
seeking to drip wet
I step outside
397 · Feb 2016
Monika Feb 2016
..still waiting for it
clinging onto the last vestige
of hope
pretending to be sane
waiting for closure
and deliverance from pain
381 · Sep 2015
the seer~
Monika Sep 2015
whilst in the line of vehicles i'm stuck
the traffic won't clear anytime soon
the road broke down to the ground
in retaliation to the crumbling pressure
the parking space has been taken
i can hardly hear the birds sing midst this honking sound
the town that once was the abode of trees evergreen
seems to be just another city
overcrowded roads
advertisements and elevators and billboards
commercialization and traders
the din's too loud that sings
the tune of materialism to us
where compassion once was
and lives mattered over things
i can hardly hear the butterflies flutter by
or see the color of their wings
i'm blinded by traffic lights
development of a new
the spirit is lost 'n layered
my baggage is becoming a burden now
my closet too small for the things i want
in the midst of all things
as i plant these saplings
the trees and the flowers say to me
"we are one, as we are, so are you"
i'm not my mind, my desires
i am the color in the wings of a butterfly
i am the blue of the sky
i am not my cluttered mind
i am the clear rill that flows by
i am the silence beneath the noise
i am the still space's silent poise
yet i am none
yet i am
in mother nature's loving care i repose
yes i am what you are
and we are one
from the seen to the seer i turn
and i am that distant star
of the limitless sky
i am the space and the life...
353 · Apr 2020
My Wish for you
Monika Apr 2020
A bucket full of joy be always around you
A sky of protective light to surround you
Let strength be a basket full
And Courage to overcome the tough times and the darkest night
Rainbow hues to brighten your iridescent light
Lullabies of Hope and Peace
And Laughter like the symphonies of a thousand skies
Let dreams be a handful
And may you rise above the clouds!
315 · Oct 2015
IN and OUT
Monika Oct 2015
You left the door open
for me to walk out

You shut your eyes
never to let me back in

Though i know not a part
Of your heart
is breakin'
hope you know you have all of mine

Comforting solace of reminiscence
resting at my window sill...
283 · Dec 2015
SILENCE (part 3) _(10W)
Monika Dec 2015
Nothing to be
Nowhere to be
Except here and now...
276 · Oct 2015
Question remains... (10W)
Monika Oct 2015
The times we had are gone
(are they gone forever)
274 · Oct 2015
the flame~
Monika Oct 2015
On some parts i failed, in some accounts you did
the truth i did not tell and  the secrets you hid

You were there like the rising sun
vanishing in the dark night

I was like the flame
trying to dispel the gloom with all my might

But so was your resolve to keep me out of sight
not letting me venture beyond the drawn line

The days passed and turned into nights
until no further pleasantries were exchanged

The odds  weighed in your favour or mine
only time will tell...

For now we stand poles apart
no semblance of love or longing

No trace of belonging
yet deep in my heart

I still hope....
the flame is alive

You were all i ever had
you are all i ever will
even when you're gone!
Looking back.
92 · Aug 2024
The prettiest girl
Monika Aug 2024
A promise to protect  and be her guide,
Hold her hand and be by her side,
To go through the dark days and help her see light,
To make my girl's world a little bright,
To protect, To provide and be a listener in distress,
To care, to comfort and caress,
That's my promise to my sweetheart,
But when my time comes to an end,
and I am no longer around,
I pray she finds a man who cares, protects and provides,
and behold her as the prettiest girl...

Your Dad
A father's dream

— The End —