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mjad Nov 2017
I need to move forward and forget
But the image of you won't leave my head
Make it all go away
Make all of you go away
Make this heartache go away
Well guys... I broke up with him bc he stopped loving me, the problem being I still am in love with all of him
mjad Nov 2017
my life is not yours
it is not yours to
      or break
                    or make new
my life belongs to me
it is mine to
         far away
                        from you
trying something new
mjad Nov 2017
everything moves too fast
the shelter of this bubble
is not slow enough
needles poking and prodding
it's about to pop
mjad Nov 2017
his heart for me has halted
loving me leaves him exhausted
my heart is ever racing
he leaves me craving his embracing
this trouble is not my doing
I know loving me is confusing
but people change uncontrollably
I don't want to live inconsolably
come back to me and love my heart
work with me, I fear we will fall apart
I love you, please, love me
a heartbreak would be deadly
im scared ive already lost him
mjad Oct 2017
depending with whom:
one kiss feels like a million;
heartbeats never stop
i **** at haikus lol
mjad Oct 2017
he does not know
how soft his lips are
how tender pressed against mine
how the corners of his eyes crinkle
when he shuts them to put his face onto mine
how my lipgloss leaves sparkles on his nose
how his eyelashes tickle my cheekbones
all these little things he does not know
he doesn't know how much I love everything about him
mjad Sep 2017
I wish my tongue was not a dagger
I wish my brain was not a sword
If only I could keep my tongue and mind from clashing
If only they would say the same words
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