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Jun 2014 · 585
A Dream
I'm lying on a soft, warm bed
not made of cotton
but of dirt and pebbles
I stretch my fingers over it
and sigh as I open my eyes
My eyes are round with wonder
as they take in the canopy of flowers above
Long, vibrant stems caress my body
as the peaceful white ladies
stand tall beside me
This can't be real, I think.
Yet I stretch out my hands
and pluck a flower
to feel its power
Beautiful and so fragile,
a poor little thing indeed
I put it in my mouth to taste
and cringe as I taste leather.
I push myself off the ground
and stand over the eerie canopy
that confused me so.
Then I look up
to see rolling hills
stretched out as far
as the eye can see.
As I stand there admiring
A push makes me lurch forward
and I fall on the ground
out of my real bed
tangled up in my bed sheet.
I'm depressed as I realize
that I'm back to my reality
and I curse the one
who had pushed me.
Dreams hardly ever make sense, yet you can't stop thinking about them .. wondering what it was all about.
May 2014 · 534
Love is . . . .
Love is not in the air
Love is in the ground
The ground on which you walk.

Love is not a feeling
Love is the way you look at me
When I'm not looking.

Love is not the past
Love is the present
the seed that became a tree

Love is not the future
Love is forever
Love is you and me.
My thoughts don't always rhyme or sound pretty..
but they are magical to me :)
May 2014 · 1.7k
You let me down
is what you make me feel

Your face
is that with which I can't deal

is what I'll forever be now

You have changed them for the worse somehow

is what you have become

Hell sounds like fun ...
I guess there's no such thing as a normal life
May 2014 · 1.8k
Hello Stranger
You're so beautiful
I want to smile at you
just as a friendly human to another
But I lose my chance
as you look at me,
in condescension.
Then through me
as if I'm not there,
as if you don't care.
True, why should you
but it hurts me so
To feel rejected
I turn away
towards my solitude
My sole companion in life
and fail to notice
that you're hurt too
The broken pieces of your soul
form the aura around you
and all you needed from this world
was just a smile.
May 2014 · 2.0k
The Presence behind me
I climbed up the stairs
having switched off the light
My legs took the steps in pairs
my eyes hadn't adjusted yet to the night
The beat of my heart goes higher
I stop and close my eyes
Waiting for it to tire
not thinking about what lies
                behind me.
May 2014 · 673
You are the reason
I know
why dreams come true
You are the reason
I know
that I was meant for you.
May 2014 · 2.3k
I'm Woman
She sat on the sofa ... crying, moaning, sighing
She worked in the kitchen ... cook, clean, shine
She took care of her babies ... mommy this, mommy that
She is a good lady they say ... (voiceless, opinion less, trophy-like)
Who Is She? A nobody ... That's what they call her. A nobody
What are her thoughts? Nothing ... They comment. Who cares!
Lack of education? Maybe.
Not much of IQ? Probably ...

She cries ... I'm human.
I'm a person ... I'm .. Me .. Whatever that is
Who are you to judge? Nobody.
How does your opinion matter? It doesn't ... She asserts. Who cares!

I'm a woman ... she smiles.
I'm wonderful ... creative, beautiful, fine
I'm happy with what I have ... love, home, life
I am complete!
May 2014 · 390
Stuck in the past
Why do you hurt me so,

don't you know how hard it is to let go?

Everyday that I try to keep you out of my mind,

all in vain, those thoughts are on rewind

Sifting through the grains of yesterday,

I'm losing the wholeness of today,

My near and dear ones ask me everyday

Are you alright? Are you okay?

What can I say to them which is believable,

when I don't believe in it myself?

Perhaps its time I moved on

look ahead to the future, promise of a new dawn.

The birds and the beautiful trees are not for me to see,

but perhaps its time I appreciate the cool breeze ...
May 2014 · 608
Where are you?
There's a star in the sky
Which shines so bright
Whenever I look at it
It pulls me closer
But it's so far from me ...
Farther than I want it to be
Even if I want to
I can't pull it close to me
It's like a free bird
Independent .. Ethereal .. yet so familiar
Oh how I wish it was always with me ...
But I guess that's Life.
You can't always have
                             What you Wish for.
May 2014 · 1.1k
Don't Say Goodbye
Darkness turned into sunshine, as you came into my life
Flowers bloomed gaily, as temperatures reached a new height
The coldness of the winter would probably come again someday
But for now let the summer and spring rule,
                           don't jinx it with a goodbye.

— The End —