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Marieta Maglas Mar 2016
To reach our Earth, the
Electromagnetic light
Circumvents all the planets.

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Mar 2016
(Fargo was sad. He said,)

''I was a helmsman some time ago; '' Gian asked him, ''what happened? ''
''It's a long story; I'm an honest man; Geraldine trusts me
With her confidences; I had saved the women who had trusted
Me, except Bella who died before I could save her; she

(Fargo continued,)

Died in the peace of the Lord; '' Hector said, ''God's will for us is good.''
Abseil said, '' Maybe I wouldn't have been able to use my hands
Without your help; you're a good man, but you're little understood.''
''When I wasn't able to do the good things, I've made some good plans.''

(Ismail said,)

''We can do small things with great love; you hated the pirates.
Sometimes, being too passionate can be a bad thing; the lack
Of control is filled with passion; I see rightly in your iris.''
''When I was on the shore, I saw a ship and my hope came back.

(Fargo continued,)

I had to swim and ask for help; I've found three drunken men,
Who were sleeping on the deck; I've entered the captain's cabin
And I've found some documents demonstrating that they robbed ten
Ship passengers; I've heard about robbing on the galleon.’’

(John said,)

'' And how did you deduce that the ship belonged to the pirates? ''
Fargo answered, '' I've found the papers and the treasure
That belong to me; '' Brisbon said, ''Show me these documents! ''
'' A letter is sent to Fargo Escalante, Cantabria, for sure,

(Fargo continued,)

By Francisco Cerda along with some jewelry and money-
A payment for a service; I had waited for it to solve
My financial problems; then, I took a job; '' ''It's mighty funny, ''
Said John; '' My fortune is in my house because I fight to evolve.''

(Suaram asked Fargo,)

Why did you get a job to work on a carrack while knowing
To survive on a galley so well? '' '' As a sailor on
A carrack, I could do difficult navigation during
The storms; '' ''Freddy used to tell me sailing stories at the dawn, ''

(..said Sam, Brisbon replied,)

''He trusted me while sending me in the ports to hire the sailors.
Then, I've controlled the work of the crew on the ship; '' Sulim replied,
''He needs all our help; '' Gian said, '' while sailing, we will be failures
If we don't communicate each other; it is not in pride

(Gian continued,)

To learn how to correct the mistakes; when the ship is broken,
We sink; '' John said, '' we were hired to do many jobs because
Freddy didn't have enough money; '' ''when the fire was smokin',
He lost everything; the fatigue struck us with its claws, ''

(Replied Sam. Suaram said,)

''We have been too exhausted to fight for life; we could all die.''
''Gino, Nico, and Dino died; I could become invalid, ''
Said Abseil; Sam replied, '' you're saved, 'cause God is above the sky! ''
''Who pays us when we can't work? '' Asked Gian; his frowning face was pallid.

(Cosma replied,)

'' When you don't work, you're starving to death; '' Ismail said,
''Fargo had been persevering until he found a safe place.
He's a fighter and an example to us all; he's our head.''
''He should check the kitchen equipment; for me, he's in disgrace, ''

(Said John; Fargo fell asleep and couldn't hear them. Hector said,)

''He rescued the women while asking God for forgiveness.
He used too many details while describing his adventures
And achievements; he has the sleeping pirate as a witness,
When he says that the documents belong to him; '' '' these letters

Said Gian and continued,)

Could belong to any person called Fargo; '' '' they used
The stranger's dogs to find him; I think it's about money, ''
Said Sulim, '' He brought two galleons and soldiers; I'm confused.
He's a powerful man having some secrets; '' ''Don't be funny!

(Replied John, but he became meditative and continued,)

The women love Fargo; '' ''he should inform the authorities
About the documents, '' said Gian; Sam replied, ''I think he did it
And he received their protection; '' '' he has secret priorities, ''
Said John, '' it's not easy to be honest, but I have to admit

(John continued,)

That I do anything for money except stealing; ''
Sam said, '' It's pleasant to live in piracy and sad to be
A victim of it, 'cause it means the loss of any feeling.''
''I am human as long as no human loss is known in me, ''

(Concluded John.)
(The next day, Geraldine and Frederick tried to convince Fargo to tell the authorities that he had been a pirate, but Fargo said that he had played only a game to take back the treasure, which had been stolen by the pirates.)

( be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Mar 2016
(Pedra said,)

You've found strength in the face of death; it would be better
If you gave up playing cards and smoking pipe that could affect
Your health; '' ''I’ve learned from my friends; I need them to get up setter!
The leverage of our vast economic power I can't neglect.''

(Pedra replied,)

''Is it about those secret goals, which drive some unethical
Billing practices? '' Cruz began to kiss her while laughing,
'' I'm not capable of doing this; by the way, you're sensual.''
If you were that kind of man, I would not marry you, darling.''

(Cruz embraced her tightly saying, ''I've never betrayed you. I love you too much. Don't be jealous.'')
(He continued,)

‘‘ I like the fact that after making love, you become silent
While reading; '' '' I enjoy this; when I'm around people, I suffer
The problem of not being heard; then, reading becomes a talent.
I need to curl up next to you and read this book 'til it's over.

(Pedra continued,)

I love you; you were lucky that the bullet penetrated
The left shoulder and not an important part of your body.''
'' I passed out and woke up in pains; I felt I was terminated.
The stranger fell over me and covered me with blood; some ******

(Cruz continued,)

Guys took the guns and left the room; Ibrahim crept up to me
Washed my wound and bandaged it; he gave me some cold teas to drink.
He told me that Maya had taught him to make tea; let this be
A divination unto death, in which I could sink.

(Cruz continued,)

After Marco's death, at night, I dragged myself to a secret room.
Ibrahim took care not to leave any trace of our presence.
After making the effort, I fainted again; a feeling of doom
Persisted inside me; I wanted to protect my essence.

(Pedra replied,)

''I've heard that, on the ship, the people were caught and tied.''
''Ibrahim escaped; the secret room was next to the food store.
It was situated under the stairs as a perfect hideout.
I entered there while using a movable wall; '' ''It had no door! ''

(Cruz continued,)

''This room and the food pantry had two ventilation pipes,
Which were united inside and open outside to create
The mirage that only the pantry was aired; usually, the ships
Don't have their secret rooms; '' ''Well, this subject is a worth debate.

(Pedra continued,)

This room was very intelligently built; when they entered
In a hurry to take the weapons, they didn't see these details.
You're lucky to be alive; '' '' on this subject my mind is centered.''
''About sailing and ships, you haven't read enough secret tales.''

(The third night, the sailors were talking in their bedroom. Brisbon told Sam,)

''You combine the religious practice of meditation
With the verse; '' ''The Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome; '' '' not all
Conflicts are quarrels; '' '' this idea requires some confrontation.''
Fargo said, ''Sam, do you compose poetry? '' '' My muse is small.''

(Answered Sam. Brisbon asked him,)

''Those songs are created by you? '' Sam answered, '' some of them are
Composed by me; Sulim likes music; he's a man of strength.''
'' I'm only a listener of your songs beneath the polar star.''
Brisbon tried to divert this discussion by talking at length

About the command of that carrack; ''Sulim, you helped me a lot.''
''Geraldine oversaw the crew's work when I was at the helm, ''
Said Sulim; '' Freddy was near me and confidence was all I've got, ''
Replied Sam; ''when in the unknown the carrack sought to whelm,

(Brisbon continued,)

Sam paid attention to the sea at the helm while being
Dedicated and loyal; '' Sam said, '' Freddy is honest,
Enterprising, dynamic and thrifty; his way of seeing
Means stimulation; '' ''Do you remember when he promised

(Sulim continued,)

To hire us to work on his galley, someday? He gave us
The freedom to work as true sailors; life on other ships
Was much more difficult; '' Fargo said, '' he refused my offer; thus,
I hire my own crew; '' Gian laughed, '' It's better to take fishing trips.''

(Brisbon said,)

''The governor gave our Frederick a new carrack, a small
Property and money to help him recover his damages.
His wife is a distant cousin of Geraldine; above all,
They don't have children; '' Fargo narrowed down his challenges.

(Aldo told Fargo,)

'' If I had money to buy a ship, I would not work for others.''
Fargo replied, '' Firstly, I had to learn to work as a sailor
And to live my life on board; all of you are like my brothers.''
'' To be at a helm is different; aren't you terrified of failure? ’’

(…Sam asked Fargo.)

( be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Oct 2015
From his explosions,
Our sun spreads antimatter
Into the cosmos
And orbits around the core
Of the immense Milky Way
To make a low-speed cyclone.

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Oct 2015
(Cruz and Pedra were talking in the bedroom. Cruz had started to recover and his wound began to heal.)

(Pedra said,)

'' Pedro uses the morality to achieve his immoral,
Hidden goals, but you provoke the people to become
Immoral, considering them to be hypocrites; '' ''don't quarrel!
Criticism is something you cannot avoid; they're just ****.

(Cruz continued,)

You're the one who breaks any spiritual barrier
To overcome some secret limitations; you like
This concept of master-slave morality; you're a harrier.
I'm an old man, and I don't like that, sometimes, you're ready to strike.

(Cruz continued,)

Carla is your antipode; '' ''Do I spy? Did you question Ivan
About passing such a barrier between two powerful
Countries to do business? '' ''Their run just means survivin'.
I admit that I'm very curious; '' ''You think it's wonderful! ''

(Cruz said while smiling,)

''I want to change everything around and do not know how.''
''If you were not so morose and introverted, maybe
You would succeed; '' ''I'm not an orator, but I'm still alive now.
I speak too briefly and concisely, but I love you, baby.''

(Pedra replied,)

'' You're a very good observer and you think objectively.''
''I consider that you've found my way of being in the world
And this is why our marriage works so well; you're effectively
My friend; our life didn't fall apart when the lies were hurled.''

(Pedra said,)

''We have an organized family, and even when
We are not together, we are a team; '' '' I understand
That you have learned from the power of Aphra Behn's pen,
But, when you are with me, your ideas lose command.''

(Pedra replied,)

'' Maya appreciates my knowledge about botany
And history; '' '' She's a lonely woman, an unlucky one.
Between some passengers, she created a dichotomy.''
''Did you ask her some odd questions as you had done with Ivan? ''

(Cruz replied,)

''Maya is a war survivor and she learns to overcome
The poverty; '' ''she's an introvert but friendly and humane.
Although old, she works well and fast while needing to become
A talented cook; she's healthy for her age; doesn't live in vain.''

(Cruz said,)

''She needs to manage her anxiety by trying to control
Her reality; she views this ability as a matter
Of survival; '' '' she appeals to the evil powers for her goal.
To make this force be an energy field she uses the water.

(Pedra continued,)

She's a widow and her brother, Naimah, is rather clumsy.
He's not strong enough to overcome the difficulties in life.''
''How to keep fear under control she likes to study
And she's a kind of quack using plants to cure this inner strife.''

(Pedra replied,)

''She had fled war and chose the water as the primordial
Element instead of accepting the fire; then, those forces
Followed her to set this ship on fire 'cause that danger was mortal.
She thinks that these elements feed on her chakras sources.''

(Cruz replied,)

''The water quenches the fire, and when the water is dangerous,
There is no escape; '' ''Carla told me that Maya talked to her dead.
She's afraid of exorcisms; '' ''she cannot endanger us.''
''To bring Maya to Allah, Geraldine has a wise head.''

(Cruz replied,)

'' Geraldine has been pregnant while needing help; she seems to be
A fighter, but in reality, she's peaceful, frail and helpless.
You are a totally different person; '' ''no loss is known in me.
To help Surak after abandoning her kids was useless.''

(Cruz replied,)

'' Maybe her children are strong, but her nephew needs help.''
'' Maybe she needs purity to get her protective energy
While entering the unknown; '' ''stop turning my brain to kelp!
It's intuition. If I wasn't in that gun-room, we would die.''

(Cruz began to tell her about the person who had saved him from death.)

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Oct 2015
(Pedro said,)

When we cross this line between friendship and hostility,
We need a lot of attraction to save our marriage
And to compensate for what's lost; a betrayal facility,
Thus, is created; '' '' Miguel says that something to disparage

(Carla continued,)

Is the contradiction between spouses, which can be useful
When your partner becomes a thought of your consciousness
Evolving in meditation; our passion of love is truthful,
When we understand the things that are discrepant or less

(Carla continued,)

Familiar; Miguel suggests that the idea about
The perfection can be continued in another marriage,
Which can be performed after the divorce; ’’ ‘’ Bella said that, no doubt,
These tensions being teased by some *** led to zero and disparage.

(Replied Pedro. He continued,)

Miguel and Bella needed each other's opinion
Without expressing any certain aspect of their
Divergent thinking; Miguel could hold dominion
Over your heart because you were vulnerable and too fair.

(Pedro added,)

You took care of your beauty to maintain this attraction,
In our relationship, but your beauty caught his attention,
Because Bella didn't give him too much satisfaction.''
''Her love was based on sense and sensibility rather than

(Carla continued,)

Reason and emotion; ’’ ‘’you've made an effort to have a precise
Grace; you use flowers for your body bath while poetry can clean
Your soul; you eat less and move more than others; so, take this advice
And be natural like Eve; you know what I mean.''

(Replied Pedro. Carla replied,)

''I wanted to prevent this tragic end- the infidelity.
Miguel told me that we had never been together as soulmates
While you had thought that my ideas had meant the absurdity
Of the perfectionism; '' '' you pushed me to the betrayal gates

(Pedro continued,)

In order to separate me from Beatrice; every time
I left home, you were wondering if I would do this or not.''
''Our marriage was approved by God; from children we hear His chime,
And your relationship with Beatrice will come to naught.

(Carla continued,)

Miguel was better than you because he chose a platonic
Way to betray his wife; I've just been humiliated
While negotiating my love with Beatrice; so chronic
Were her manners to discourage me, but I've communicated

(Carla continued,)

With you against odds; Miguel had been in search for other
Soulmates; Then, he could admire Bella; God didn't give them
Kids but they didn't divorce 'cause she wanted to be a mother.
In an impure marriage, there's a betrayal I can't condemn.’’

(Pedro said,)

'' The sin is the occasion for grace while bringing repentance, ''
'' The sin can only diminish this hope to comprehend
Our Lord while we can return to the position of acceptance
Through the pure procreation; without name or end

(Carla continued,)

Is the suffering of our children, and they are innocent;
I lost the idea of perfection while you were living
In sin; the darkness led you to self-destruction; now, ignorant
While living in anger and passion, you need His forgiving.

(Carla continued,)

Being like Bella, I have chosen the human sacrifice.''
''This perfectionism is an illusion and, in reality,
We die all; we are all sinners to give up the paradise.
On Earth, to find the original perfection is a fantasy.

(Pedro continued,)

We can't be rescued. I prefer the peace of my mind
To this fight for salvation; I prefer an ephemeral,
Pleasant life instead of it; '' I understand that you're still blind.
That's why I have a deep relationship with Christ, in general.

(Carla continued,)

I'm forced to accompany you in an aimless journey-
A vagrancy; you forced me to accept this new reality
That would change my destiny; the devil is your attorney.''
'' A need for a sinful freedom lies in your normality.

(Pedro continued,)

You end up ignoring the devil in front of death.
Don't forget that you stay in a haunted house; '' ''I'm searching
For some viable solutions and for the heaven's breath.''
To be a mother is a reality; I'm fighting

(Carla continued,)

To save my family; '' ''your moral awareness leads
To unhappiness and anger; '' ''you provoke me to fight
To keep you while using sarcasm to banish all my needs.''
''This method keeps my rivals at bay; '' '' you insult me despite

(Carla continued,)

My faithfulness; you use this jealousy to make me love you
Unconditionally; '' '' Christianity can't bring the man
To the initial Eden; so, love me as I am, though
I'm not your Adam, Eve! '' ''Pedro, I am your woman! ''

(He embraced her and started to make love with her after so many years.)

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Oct 2015
(Carla continued to talk with Pedro in their bedroom. Carla said,)

''I thought that our communion will change me in better, ''
''What changes can you make in your thoughts and actions? This subject Sickens me, '' ''Beatrice is like you and I'm gonna let her
Marry you; I intend to divorce; I feel like a reject.

(Carla continued,)

It's wise to end our loveless marriage, '' '' our home will change because
You choose to change it; you have a kind of self-confidence,
Which is not good while I feel your strong attraction to me,
And your possessiveness hurts me; do you see the consequence? ''

(Concluded Pedro. She replied,)

''Sometimes, you're too passive and melancholic, '' ''I'm depressed.
You created an air of mystery; you keep your secrets
Bottled up inside and hidden from me; '' ''I do my best.''
''You don't take responsibility though you have regrets.

(Pedro continued,)

You are patient, and you take yourself too seriously.''
''The first thing Beatrice wanted to do was to make
Our tension go along with our life; she loves you dangerously.
I had to overcome the conflicts hoping that you would awake.

(Carla continued,)

I did all my best while trying to balance everything
We've got to live a happy family life, '' ''you cannot
Maintain your emotional balance, '' '' well, love is all or nothing.''
To achieve stability, in all your charm I have been caught, ’’

(Pedro replied. Carla said,)

''The woman must have equal chances as the man has
To communicate with God; much more, she needs some education
To understand the experience of her man, whereas
The man must understand his wife; '' '' you dance over separation.

(Pedro continued,)

The result is a lack of harmony in our relationship
Affecting our communication and leading to this
Moral misery; I could see what happened on the ship
Between you and Miguel, '' ''what happened? '' '' Does he know how to kiss? ''

(Carla replied,)

''Bella's relationship with God was too intimate and quite
Strange motivating Miguel to have platonic relationships
With other women.'' He smiled, '' you're unfit to be his mate.
Bella was a decent wife not needing lovers on the ships.

(Pedro continued,)

The bride of Christ is a believer of the Christian Church.
Miguel suffered because she couldn't give birth to another
Child; he's your victim, and you must be ashamed at the smirch
Of flirting with other men in front of me; you're a mother!

(Pedro continued,)

She advised me to stop being ignorant, but I've told her that
For me, it was very important to make my personal
Dreams come true; '' '' those cures weakened her to fall down like a brat.''
''While playing the violin, she felt so emotional.''

(Carla replied,)

''Her arms were sensitized, and she felt the deep touch
Of the Medusa while being scared because she couldn't swim.''
''They didn't feel the danger though they loved each other so much, ''
''Maybe she wanted her own death, '' ''she was so graceful and slim.''

( be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Oct 2015
(The Governor has obtained the approval from England to allow Ivan to bring officially the gold to the Russian nun. Pedro and Carla started to talk in their bedroom.)

(Pedro said,)

''Your concern for life and health means more than the pleasure to have
Expensive jewelry; '' ''Can you explain the new conclusion
About our family future to me? '' '' Well, when glaciers calve,
They become slowly icebergs- nothing else but pure delusion.

(Pedro continued,)

Beatrice knows me better than you; with you I live
A lifetime of conservative thinking; '' ''make me understand
Your relationship with her, when you love and forgive.
Being catholic, you must give up your sins, at the Lord's Command.’’

(...said Carla. Pedro was seemingly not listening to her. He said,)

''I've visited New Spain to understand its reality.
I get back home to make the change; '' ''It seems that the Indian
People have changed your thinking; I predict a fatality.
It's just a different culture to be trapped in our oblivion.''

(Pedro said,)

''Life, in its essence, is guided by the same principles.''
''You could learn from the Turks as well as you have learned from
The Indians to keep your thinking invincible
At least, the Turks are civilized; I think their time will come.''

(Pedro replied,)

''The civilization is created; the Indians keep
Their unspoiled ideas far away from the vices of
The society; Turks always need their wonders on the deep
And some unique ideas coming from above

(Pedro continued,)

To change something in the evolutionary sense.
Though you have been in New Spain you couldn't concretely
Differentiate the old world from the new world and, thence
You couldn't understand Geraldine's origin; discretely

(Pedro continued,)

You cannot understand the fundamental meaning
Of the life change; this is the cause of our separation.
''I feel abandoned in our family; while educating
Our children you leave them to come back with a new conception.

(Carla continued,)

You're an individualist to fight against me; your fight
Is fierce and I feel like I'm thwarted and defeated
Until losing balance, until the devils mock my sight,
And until I can no longer resist while I need to be needed.

(Carla continued,)

That's why I got sick; '' '' Beatrice is, in fact, my life partner,
But I have to divide my time between her and our children.
It seems that my responsibility as a father
Made me turn back home and visit New Spain, which is bewildering.''

(Replied Pedro. Carla stopped talking for a few minutes, then she continued,)

''Bella said that no one can separate that oath that was made
In the Church and reinforced by a lifelong contract.
Miguel said that the marriage purpose is to get the highest grade
Of awareness to infer the consciousness abstract

(Carla continued,)

Meaning and to have a high moral identity.
The evolution of the moral conscience leads to developing
The moral identity, but we may call it, for brevity,
A concept of consciousness in the communion of feelings.’’

(Pedro said,)

''It seems that we have passed this moment, and therefore I want
To change, but in a different way from Descartes, who tried
To reconcile, using a dualistic way to get in sync,
The idealism with the materialism when they collide.

(Pedro continued,)

You have a dual concept of love and an internal
Contradiction between the spiritual love and the body
Sensibility; the pulse of your thinking depends on
Your soul moods; it should be vice versa; you love nobody.''

( be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Sep 2015
(Frederick was talking with Geraldine.
Frederick said,)

''My love for you will last forever; '' ''Our love must be strong
In this crowded emptiness of the wars around us.
You're a dreamer; '' ''I want to secure your life from wrong
And to do everything possible to make you be happy; thus,

(Frederick continued,)

I'll be sure that our child will grow up to discover his skills
And talents; '' ''He will be a successful man like you.
You're a good trader, but you take risks because you like these thrills.''
''I want to make money to buy a galley for my crew.

(Frederick continued,)

Spending less money than we make is essential to our
Financial security; '' '' We have the responsibility
To provide what is necessary for our life to grow in power.''
''To buy too many gowns and shoes you have an ability.

(Frederick continued,)

You've made this carrack be a luxury one before
Looking like a wreck; '' '' I wanted rich passengers to embark
On our ship; this way we could earn money; '' ''My dear, it's war,
But there is absolutely nothing wrong with this spark

(Frederick continued,)

Of interest as long as you don’t go overboard.
Keep this unnecessary spending to a minimum.
This employee holding multiple jobs is all we can afford.
I've spent all my money on this carrack, causing pandemonium.''

(Geraldine said,)

''For example, Maya is an excellent cooker and a healer
At the same time; '' my love for you is passionate and true.
I've married you without your parents' consent; I was a reeler
While not knowing if I could have a future together with you,

(Frederick continued,)

But I wanted this family; '' '' You were well aware
Of the ships' condition and progress, but you weren't conscious
Of the importance of a fire on this wooden ship; in despair,
You've spent the money for food and fuel without my consent.

(Geraldine continued,)

That money had been given by the passengers to embark.
Now, everything is gone; all remained is almost nothing.''
''I had to merchandise and resist the attacks; '' ''A strong remark!
I remember that you sold some jewelry to buy something.''

(Frederick replied,)

''I remember that I've tried to face your jealousy
Because I love you very much; I remember that I was
In danger and I had to go on and face our destiny
As nothing was happening; our hope is stuck underneath its claws

(Frederick continued,)

And I don’t remember if you took time out to support me
During any rather difficult day; you think like a slave
Lacking responsibility while you want to be
An Italian woman; '' '' I open my heart to crave

(Geraldine continued,)

That these slaves lack the ability to run their own lives
And are therefore happy with a system where their lives are run
By others; '' '' glad to know they're happy as husbands and wives.
There will be no slave to row on this ship under the sun.''

(Geraldine said,)

''Some of your sailors used much more freedom than I did, ''
''They were punished for what they did wrong; '' '' This latest mistake
Could lead us to death; '' ''I was caught in a trap, God forbid! ''
''You had no sailing experience; some dreamers must be awake.

(Geraldine continued,)

You trusted people too much and verified them too little.
''These pirates fight for a freedom that does not exist
While using all kinds of scams, while their life is a riddle,
While not being honest, and while hunting in the devil's mist.

(Frederick continued,)

The fight for an alleged brotherhood, equality,
And freedom promoted by these pirates is different
From any honest fight because they don't have dignity.
They destroy its ideal sense while being indifferent.’’

(Geraldine said,)

''Why do you say this? '' '' Some pirates accused me of supporting
A repressive policy against slavery while providing
Some groups with weapons and they still didn't stop annoying
Me because they wanted to know my secrets; my suffering

(Frederick continued,)

Fellows couldn't benefit from moral support; '' ''Tell me,
Some people like the aunt of Ivan could live better than
It was permissible; she had to pay bills; she wasn't free.''
''She didn't want to be enslaved, beaten and ***** by her man.

(Frederick continued,)

It seemed that this situation had been abnormal for her
Until she turned the idea upside down; she couldn't deal
With all her problems besides running away from the star
Of the poor voices; '' '' so contrary to her ideal

(Geraldine continued,)

Was the reality of Ivan's mother that she was
Ashamed to continue her life, although she loved Ivan
Very much; her dignity was destroyed; I suffer because
I left my mother to marry you; no friendship is better than

(Geraldine continued,)

The relationship between a mother and her daughter.
This is why I appreciate the friendship between
Francesca and Chiara; '' '' these things don't seem to matter
When Chiara is not sincere; what happened could have been foreseen.''

(Geraldine said,)

'' I think that Chiara tries to compensate the absence
Of the missing mother; both Chiara and Carla are strong
Women and I've learned a lot from them, because, in silence,
They suffered for saving their husbands they wanted to belong

(Geraldine continued,)

While protecting their children. My family must be as strong
As my parents taught me to be; '' ‘‘the women always say
They suffer in a marriage while being humble all lifelong,
But they want to prove that, without them, their men may go astray.''

(Fargo knocked at the door and gave them a letter, which was sent by the governor to inform them that the missing gold had been found.)

( be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Sep 2015
(Geraldine was talking with Frederick.
Geraldine said,)

''I think you need a new community to live; our marriage
Is, somehow, atypical; '' '' you're a paradox; you're afraid
Of the unknown, but these extremes are all you cherish.''
''Life on this ship is an extreme, where we cry to God for aid.''

Frederick said,

''I know the suffering you had endured after losing your
Father hindered your life, but if you want to start overcoming
Your fears, it's helpful to understand that this love can cure
Your woe; '' ''I need a family and this happiness becoming

Geraldine continued,

A part of my life; I want everything to be well done,
And therefore, to avoid the complications. You know me
Well as a husband and you're more responsible than anyone
I've met in my life; '' ''You need harmony, which helps you be

Frederick continued,

Dynamic enough to maintain a cheerful atmosphere
Around me even in extreme situations; you have
An instinct, a sense of premonition and, my dear,
Our child will be dreamy and pensive as you; Yahveh

Frederick continued,

Blessed this marriage; sometimes, it's hard to live with your irony
When you argue and try to influence my final decisions
While exploiting my weaknesses and my love; it's funny
That I'm heedless and confused by my own new illusions.

Frederick continued,

You pay attention very closely to everything that
Happens around us; '' ''I think we were a little unlucky
Because we've started this business with a few money, but
We ensured the protection of life though our ship broke down quickly.

Geraldine continued,

I appreciate that you value the life and pay for
The healing of the employees instead of replacing them.
You are sensitive and good and this is why I love you more.
The child reacts when you're near him; he plays a transparent game.

Geraldine continued,

You succeed precisely due to your dignity; your friends
Do not betray you, but help you a lot; '' ''I like the teamwork
Made of experienced friends, because friendship never ends.
I didn't experience sailing, but this issue I could burke.’’

Geraldine said,

''I think we couldn't avoid this implacable destiny.’’
‘’You must cease to believe in predictions and premonitions
And start to accept the consequence and its brevity
That follows from your reasoning when you want high positions.''

Frederick replied. Geraldine said,

''I start to get angry when someone is lying to me,
But, generally, I'm very much like Maya; '' ''You're quite
Skeptical while needing compelling arguments; to be
Like she means to accept yourself as you are without a fight.

Frederick continued,

You're dramatic and seductive because of your jealousy,
Which is unbearable because of your prejudices
That hurt me; '' ''I let my regret embrace your melancholy.
I flee from danger and complications; '' ''I'm not a Judas.

Replied Frederick.

You don't have the courage to change your life and you want me to
Make an effort to change the destiny of our family.
When you have to cope with bad situations, you prefer to go
Back to the life you had lived though it had meant agony.

Frederick continued,

You could be a victim of an abuse or of a forced marriage.
As a wife, you should respect some unwritten laws that were
Primitive and barbaric when your man looked to discourage.
You need this match, but you don't know the vintage it can confer.''

(…to be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Sep 2015
(Chiara kissed Francesca's forehead. She said,)

''Who would have hurt a pure, innocent soul as yours? '' ''You're more
Sensible than me; you're not like those women, who are
Apparently introverted because of hiding some core,
***** secrets; ’’ ‘‘the power of a mother's love no one can mar.''

(Francesca said,)

''I love you; thank you for accepting to be my mother.
Do you think Fargo is trustworthy? '' '' He didn't intend
To save Bella; more than this, I've talked with your father.
He said that Fargo's attitude proved that he was the pirates' friend.

(Chiara continued,)

It wasn't good to take with him some women to go into
An unknown zone without having the possibility to
Protect them; '' '' you've searched for anything appearing in view
While walking along the shore; '' ''I did what I had to do.''

(Francesca said,)

''I enjoyed painting while Bella was playing the violin.
Those sounds inspired me; I would have liked to have a sister
Like her; how old was her child when he died? '' ''That's where mares begin.
In an epidemic measles, this child was ill and left her.

(Chiara continued,)

They fled the war and have spent time in England; Bella
Didn't want to be saved; she couldn't have another child.
She lost hope after using the Hindu powers of chela.''
''On the shore, you helped me fight depression when you smiled.''

(Chiara said,)

Remaining on the shore was the only salvation.
If the fire had been extinguished, our husbands would have
Found us; '' '' I can't forget those moments of desperation.
Yet you have not betrayed Fargo' s secret; '' '' I believe in Yahve.

(Chiara continued,)

This was why I wanted to protect those accompanying
Him; I give you as much love as I have! '' ''I like this contrast
Between who you are and who you're suggesting you are; being
In this contrast is my desire; '' '' hope is engraved in the fights I've passed.''

(Francesca said,)

I loved my father too much because I had no other
Parent; I was afraid of losing him and I sacrificed
A lot; I would have been different if I had had a brother.
He married you to release me and gave me this advice

(Francesca continued,)

To start a new life; I think he wanted me to be happy,
But I couldn't be; I've missed my mother so much that I wanted
To die for the purpose of being with her; ’’ ‘‘you feel so ******,
But we're brought to death by this life which by Almighty is granted.''

(Chiara continued,)

Much sooner than we imagine, that final hour comes to us.
It can be excruciating, but we must accept this fate.
We're puppets in front of it acting as we know everything, thus
We know nothing; you were afraid of this sudden poorness, a gate

(Chiara continued,)

That could make you be catapulted to a lower social
Class, where you should marry a commoner; it was another
Motivation to accept this marriage that was crucial.''
''I was glad to know that my father loved you; there came the sequel.

(Francesca continued,)

I didn't want him to suffer; '' '' you pulled the boat while
Considering my age and the helplessness of Pedra.''
''I wanted to be sure that the boat is well hidden; smile!
Our life is like this slow balance of the moon called Libra.''

(Chiara embraced Francesca tightly while not understanding what was happening to herself.)
(Chiara said,)

''Let's sleep; it's late; before turning the lamp, check the documents
And lock the box of the values; tomorrow we go shopping
In Corfu Town before talking with the governor
To help us go home securely; '' he needs arguments.''

(Chiara also told Francesca how much to set aside for expenses explaining that she wanted the rest of the riches and the documents to be transported in some conditions of the maximum security. Chiara opened her medallion to show Francesca the portrait of Gregorio. A new thought sprouted in her mind.)

(…to be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Sep 2015
(Chiara continued,)

''It was based on the friendship between me and the mother.
I had done some business to multiply the wealth I had.
I had an illegitimate little son and rather
Than letting him be poor, I would make money, good or bad.''

(Francesca was surprised to find this terrible secret and questioned Chiara,)

'' Did my father know about this child? '' '' Of course he knew about him.''
''What's his name? '' '' His name is Gregorio.'' ''Where is his father? ''
'' I fell in love with a nobleman as a maid, '' her eyes grew dim,
''In his parents' house, I'd gotten pregnant; then, he asked his brother

(Chiara continued,)

To talk with their parents about our marriage, but they
Immediately arranged his marriage with a noble girl,
And I was fired; they hoped that my sighs would pass away
While giving me some land and money; my mind was in a whirl.

(Chiara continued,)

A wealthy farmer wanted to marry me, but I took
The money, and I ran to the town, '' ''What have you done there? ''
''I've worked as a laundrywoman. One day, in a wayside nook,
I've met a band of actors; I was hired to play and, my dear,

(Chiara continued,)

On another day, another nobleman asked me to be
His wife; I've married him, but I've lost him shortly after
The marriage; then, one thing remained above my fame and me.
''The money! '' ''The suffering! '' Then, she said, ''Oh, my dear daughter! ''

(Chiara embraced Francesca because Francesca started to cry.)

(Francesca said,)

''You were unlucky! You were more unfortunate than me.
''Why? '' '' For thou hast known some happiness and thou lost it.''
''I've tried to convince your father not to play; he didn't see
Love; that you were his whole family, he should admit.''

(Francesca replied,)

''He was aware of the relationships in the society,
But he was hardly able to understand the women.''
''He understood them, but he didn't believe them, in reality.''
'' Lucca had a positive influence on him; then,

(Francesca continued,)

Lucca tried to help him change his life while being so busy.''
''He was shocked when he was threatened by the pirates; '' ''He was
Very resigned; '' ''While lacking his pipe that made me dizzy.''
'' He was powerful, and he joked when he was nervous because

(Francesca continued,)

He wanted to be untouchable; he loved the things
Of value, which were rare and authentic; while appreciating
The arts he didn't want to be sensitized; '' ''when the heart sings,
Love sensitizes it; eccentric while depreciating

(Chiara continued,)

The limitations, he wanted to be your partner in life.''
''He had known that this trip carried a high risk, but he needed
This danger to control me; '' '' he protected you as a wife.
He was willing to pay for his life while being mistreated

(Chiara continued,)

And while thinking that the pirates wanted wealth; did you see
How did Quintus disappear? '' '' No! I appreciate that Lucca
Has not betrayed the state secrets; in death, he started to be
A hero needing the strength to block the sun as Garuda.''

(Chiara said,)

‘’My first husband had been Italian, but your father
Has been Spanish and I was proud when he asked me to be
His wife; '' Francesca hugged her, '' I consider you a mother.
Rosa said that you're a witch, but you're like an angel to me.''

(Chiara said,)

''Rosa was able to play to the extreme for her happiness
While putting her victims in the other extreme; '' ''I think
You have a wrong impression about her; '' '' her rose of success
Withered quickly; her death was creepy upon her existence's brink.

(Francesca began to cry. Chiara said.)

''Rosa didn't help me when Bella fell into the water.
I didn't know that Bella could not swim. When that jellyfish
Attacked her, she clenched her hand so hard that I couldn't help her
Any longer'' '' Rosa helped me; if I could have one great wish

(Francesca continued,)

I would love to be instead of Bella; when Fargo and
Geraldine boarded the boat, you unbalanced and pushed me.
If Rosa hadn't kept me tight, I would have been in
Bella's place; '' Chiara exclaimed, '' So lucky how could you be?

(Chiara continued,)

How did you feel it? '' ''What do you mean? '' ''When you've painted that
Jellyfish; '' '' Yeah, it was like a premonition; maybe
We had to listen to Fargo; it wasn't good, '' ''What? ''
''To be exposed ashore; the pirates could see us; '' '' you know me! ''

(Chiara said that she hadn't known about the pirates' existence.)

(…to be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Sep 2015
(Chiara was talking to Francesca in their shared bedroom.)

Chiara said,

''I like to watch you painting while playing the piano.
We're both passionate about painting and music. I think this
Is why we like each other; '' '' you can sing the high soprano.''
''We shared this love of Arturo; as he died, so passed our bliss.''

Francesca replied,

'' What did you say about sharing? I was only his daughter.
''I loved him enormously; I wished to give birth to his
Girl; '' ''Your dream was like the image of a star in the water,
Because he wanted a boy, and you should be some kind of wiz

To give birth to his boy; '' ''All my valuable books about
New discoveries and religion burned on that carrack.''
''I'm sorry to hear that; I liked them; there is beyond all doubt
That our spiritual Eden is secured from the devil's attack.

Francesca continued,

I've thought of the book you had read as I've thought of a visual
Art form; that monk and that nun were in contact only by
Knowing God to get an equilibrium; that biblical
Space was like a ship never sinking, where the people didn't die.''

Chiara replied,

''I've tried to understand God; we must be pure to meet Him.''
''They are educated through prayers to love God and to
Maintain their virginity; I thought that love was for a whim,
When it was based on attraction, not for a marriage; '' ''It's true.''

'' Love must be rational to develop over time while
Finding fulfillment in being a mother; '' '' These mothers
Are devoted givers; there's a lot of bliss in their smile.''
''A husband must love his wife very much; '' '' Closer than brothers,

The man and the woman in togetherness must live,
But no love can save you if you do not want to be saved.
I think you run into the art's world your mother's death to forgive.''
''If my dad had really loved her, she would not have died.''

'' Your thinking is totally wrong; your father was not
Orpheus to save her from her inferno of life.
She didn't accept her human condition; he loved her allot.
You're like your mother while denying everything in this strife

With your fate; Lucca made a mistake when he married you.''
'' Indeed, I did not feel free. Maybe it is because I was
Forced to marry him while my sufferings were painted new.
Why was Lucca talking with Ivan? '' '' I tell you why, it was because

Chiara continued,

Ivan was released from the position of a serf.''
‘‘Lucca wanted to know the mindset of the exploited class.''
''As a diplomat, while walking down the end of the Athens wharf,
Lucca studied Ivan to know if he was cruel or crass.

Chiara continued,

As a wealthy man with a political power,
A decision-making capacity and some business skills
To avoid some complications he had a desire.''
'' He had charming manners and talked concisely about rents and bills.''

Chiara replied,

'' All his life he had worked to increase his wealth and to make
A career in diplomacy; this is why he was forty
Years old when he asked you to be his wife; he wanted to take
Care of us; he paid your father's remaining debt payments

And this trip while wanting the stability of our family.
And how did you reward him while rejecting him
Or being cold as an ice when not doin' what comes naturally.''
''Chiara, he needed a positive image; '' '' your tears are dim.''

Francesca continued,

'' He took time to know his new family away from any
Social obligations; '' ''your father needed a groom like him.''
''Why? '' '' Because he had lived with his memories, much and many.
Der Eyck’s instrument is not new; his memory was slim.

He took refuge in the game world of the cards and destroyed
His property; '' '' But those who played with him were your friends; why
Didn't you save him? '' ''I couldn't do anything; to avoid
This misfortune was impossible; your love will set awry

If I tell you a secret I hide for fear of hurting you.''
Chiara's eyes gave Francesca a real scare, '' I know he was ill.''
''Your father didn't love you as you thought; '' ''How can this be true?
''He didn't care of you while passionately playing cards till

Chiara continued,

He lost his fortune and wanted to commit the suicide.
Do you realize that we could live as poor women
While lacking any support and having nightmares inside?
I've told your father about Lucca; he sent me to you then.

Lucca was the son of my friend and she told me her little
Secret; I thought Lucca would help consolidate the debt
Of your father with a loan, but his intention was a riddle.
I had to convince you to marry this man; a roulette

Was your entire father's life; all I could do was to listen
To my husband; the gold was more important to him than
You have ever been; '' ''Before the neighbors could find what was missin'
I had to marry; but when my father was rich, he had

Many relationships, he could borrow from one of his friends.''
''Dear, his relations have deteriorated because he was
No longer a reliable man; '' '' friendship never ends.
Why did Lucca want to marry me? '' '''He trusted my word; applause! ''

(Francesca started to cry. She had a conscience. Chiara was her benefactress.)

(…To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Sep 2015
(In Prinylas, in a bedroom, Ivan and Erica were talking while lying on their bed.)

(Erica said,)

I love you and I have proven it to you so many times.
Maybe it would be healthy if we would remain simple
Peasants to work in the fields; I miss this life sometimes.
You're my man and I listen to you, '' she drew her wimple.

(Ivan said,)

''Sometimes, you're exhausted, '' '' I'm afraid of getting sick, ''
''All the time, I need to protect you; it's hard for you to live
On your own, '' '' you make a lot of money; you want them quick, ''
''I'm like my aunt, but I also find a nice way to give;

(Ivan continued…)

I like to build a wealth, not just to spend them for my needs, ''
''This is why you sold everything you had in Russia and
Started a business elsewhere; you followed your instinct leads;
You don't think positively when you don't have the needed funds, ''

(Erica replied. Ivan asked her…)

''Do you suggest this is the reason why my Turkish store burned?
I've told you that after I had returned from Russia, someone
Threatened me near the border and took my fur I had earned.
It could be the nun's ex-husband, '' ''It could be anyone, ''

(…suggested Erica. Ivan replied..)

''It could be another fur trader; anyway, there is
A disruption in the business conditions; Naimah has
The same opinion; I started doing business,
'Cause I wanted a big family, but my life became a haze, ''

(Erica was a great observer.)

''Because you started to get into some risky affairs, ''
''Are you talking about the gold? '' ''Yes, '' ''I needed new
Relationships; all remained to this nun for her future years
Was this gold, which had been deposited to the bank, ’’ ‘’It’s true, ’’

(….concluded Erica. Ivan continued…)

‘’ She met me and gave me the map and the document
That empowered me to accompany the messenger
To Russia after traveling across the continent.
I would receive twelve kilos of gold for this adventure.

She had sent an act to one of her friends living in England
Authorizing him to take the gold out from the bank
And to pay a messenger to bring it home, '' '' I understand.
''She wrote about some security conditions, '' ''That ship sank,

(Erica continued…)

But maybe the sailors had been killed before sinking.’’
‘’I have to tell you a secret, '' '' Why do we go to Portugal? ''
''Because I fear of that person who fired my shop after taking
My fur; with the remaining money I opened this life portal-

I bought our trip; I couldn't turn back to talk to the nun.
I should meet the messenger; '' ''Why have you created problems? ''
''Because Frederick didn't keep his word; he preferred to run.
He had promised me to stay two weeks in Athens before I embarked.''

(Erica asked him…)

''Why did he change his mind? '' ''Because of what had happened in
Selanik; He concluded that he had been chased by the pirates.
I needed time to go to give the map, '' Ivan said with a grin.
'' To wait for me to come back, you would stay there in silence.''

(Erica should stay on the ship to wait for Ivan. She said…)

''Maybe that pirate followed us and killed the messenger.
Let's think positively, '' '' He took the gold; we need protection.
Moreover, the nun told me that she hadn't informed her
Ex-husband about the gold because of losing his affection.

This woman wants to donate her gold in exchange for freedom.
The map is vital to her as the commission is to me.''
'' The messenger came with his servant in this garden of Eden.
Why didn't they take the ship? '' ''To watch it sailing on the sea! ''

(…exclaimed Ivan and continued…)

If something had happened to the gold, he would have asked
The authorities to investigate the missing, ’’ ‘’ At least,
He should verify this transport in the port of Constanta.
Imagine how some poisoned thoughts could spoil the hope's feast! ’’

(… exclaimed Erica. Ivan asked…)

'' Where do you know this from? '' '' I've read his journal, '' '' I must go
To tell the governor everything I know and to ask him
To help me, '' ''This nun is very important to you; although
You don't say it, you do it; means not making money on a whim.''

'' I understood the idea of freedom in life,
Especially for a woman; I wanted to fight against
An old, Russian mentality; started with an inner strife
While hoping to find some ways to achieve true happiness.''

(Ivan continued….)

'' Don't forget that I overcame my own human condition.
''I think it is also about the faith that spurred you; read
Some chapters aloud for me before sleeping; your diction
Is nice, '' ''Hope it's not philosophical; don't turn in the bed! ''

(‘’Just a little, ’’ replied Erica and fell asleep.)

(..To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Aug 2015
The pirate quartermaster, Maro, saw two galliots
Coming towards the carrack; the first one had ten cannons.
To start the maneuver on the carrack, he asked his pilots.
They were attacked by a volley of fire; maniac in action,

Maro caught up with this army and replied with another
Volley of fire, but he had to retire the carrack.
Then, the army came alongside it and fought in a smother.
This assault was preceded by some flurries of the bullet attacks.

Using the muskets and some small arms designed for superior
Accuracy, the army could leap from ship to ship;
Once the ships had met, the battle had been waged; ulterior,
They used long polearms and swords which were kept on their hips.

The first galliot approached and used the bowsprit,
A protrusion which was angled upward from the bow,
To charge the flank of the carrack; some pirates wanted to quit.
The bowsprit penetrated the breeze upper the low

Waist of the opened deck, in the middle; it could be used
As a connection between the ships; a part of the army
Fiercely attacked the pirates making them be confused.
The ships collided; raw in front of the enemy,

The hidden soldiers started to shoot; they held the fire
At a close range; this ship was narrow for the artillery,
But into saving some honest lives they had to inquire.
These guns were placed on the centerline by the military.

The pirates turned to the opposite direction, but they were
Attacked by the second galliot equipped in the same way.
The bandits could barely put up a resistance; their deaths were near.
The fight had lasted until it was all done in their play.

The first galliot caught the carrack with the help of
The other one; Maro ordered one of his crew to cut
A small hole in the carrack to make this ship sink thereof
And to hurry the soldiers to save the hostages, but

They would need to know if there was a way to swim to the shore.
They abandoned quickly the carrack; the result of the fight
Was the victory of the army, stopping the devil's roar.
They took three pirates captive; three escaped in the waters' night.

The governor had the loyalty of a gentleman
While keeping his word in front of Frederick and while
Dedicating himself to protecting any merchant
And any passenger; they disembarked on that emerald isle.

(Frederick, Pedro, Naimah, Miguel, Cruz, Ivan, Pedra, Chiara, Francesca and the remained crew went to Prinylas. Cruz was injured but still alive. At least, while having tears in his eyes, Frederick embraced his junior who looked exactly like him. The child smiled and touched his father’s face with his little hand. Geraldine embraced Frederick and kissed him while crying.)

The governor had built frigates and galliots to maintain
Safety on the coast and to guard them against the invasions.
Then, he sent them to capture the pirate ships hoping to gain
Peace, wealth and a good fortune for the future generations.
(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Aug 2015
Ivan thought that the stranger followed him; why should he?
If the stranger had been a Russian one, it would have been
Perfectly obvious for him where the meeting had to be
Placed, but maybe this stranger had accidentally heard them when

They had talked; in this case, the stranger didn't know their secret,
But the surveillance was the only way to find out.
This was why this stranger embarked on their ship; apart,
The real surveillants were chameleons, beyond this doubt.

One of those pirates searching for secrets had a red birthmark
On his face; to follow Fargo, they were walking for some hours.
They started a talk while one of their dogs began to bark
''To identify a tail, look at the footprints, those flowers

Can make the dogs lose the scent trail; '' '' each flower might have
A different scent, telling the dog it has been visited
By some insects; here, their path is divided into two halves.''
''Someone left them, and another one is dead or invalid.''

'' That person returned; look, he moved frequently between crowded
And empty places: this makes him conspicuous, '' '' It's a man.''
''Someone else followed them, '' ''I don’t see well, the sun is clouded, ''
'' I don't trust this lady, Chiara, '' ' I understood her plan.''

''She paid our chief, Quintus, to **** Lucca, '' ''He was lucky
To be hired by two persons to do his job on the same ship.''
''Quintus made his intentions very clear; he is a plucky
Man; '' one of them touched a footprint with his finger tip.

'' Quintus's intention was to loot and to arrive before
Frederick besides Syracuse to wait and hit the carrack.''
''Quintus will **** Marco after trying to find out whether
He's their man or not, '' ''They have fallen under our attack.''

'' Chiara paid Quintus to **** Francesca, '' '' Look at the village! ''
''This must be the messenger's house; it's midnight; let's enter
To find the documents like in the midst of a pillage, ''
'' All are like babies in a deep sleep, '' ''I long for adventure! ''

(They found the documents, but they didn't take them because they needed to hunt the connection person. They exited the house.)

'' Let's tell Quintus that these gold bars came from London to go
To a Russian rich lady living as a nun, '' ''One
Of them used Fargo to be here, but she didn't let him know.''
''Now, he cannot return back to us; his future is done.''

''When one of us leaves our crew, he becomes a stupid man
In the arms of any woman, '' ''Which one do you think is
Involved in the gold's story? '' ''I don't know, but I know the plan.''
''They are four; we'll find soon, '' ''Round in my head, these events whizz.''

(The pirates killed the messenger on the beach, but they did not know where he had lived.
The messenger knew the person who had to give him the gold, and therefore, had no documents on him.
The person bringing the gold traveled while providing maximum security, but secretly he was afraid of the pirates.)

Meanwhile, Quintus did not know where the gold had come from
Nor where the messenger was living, and therefore, he killed
Marco; then, after the returning of his people, he sent them
To tell all the pirates that the onslaught should be stopped.

Erica knew about the village and influenced
Fargo to go in that direction; Ivan had told her
The name of the village and where the messenger's house was placed,
But she didn't know the information that man could confer.

Chiara wanted Lucca to die because he was the sole
Heir of an immense fortune after the death of his parents.
She also wanted Francesca's death, but she lost control
Thinking that she lost the asset in the light of those events.

(..To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Aug 2015
(The captain of the pirates and one of them were in the cabin of that stranger having dogs while talking about him.)

''In Athens, he hired us to help him take the gold, '' said the captain.
''How could he take it as long as the messenger was alive? ''
The captain laughed, '' Maybe he has waited an accident to happen.
He caught the ship; before the sunset, wanted there to arrive.''

''He had nice dogs! '' '' Yes, the dogs would help him find the messenger
To **** him and to take the documents; he understood this
While he was hiding to hear those men talking, '' ''He was an avenger.''
''He didn't know the messenger, but he knew the gold's bliss.''

''He heard that a ship carrying five hundred and twenty bars
Having one kilo of gold each one would have to anchor
Near the Prinylas' shore, '' said the captain while lightning two cigars.
The other one started to smoke, '' I've satisfied my hanker.''

''The messenger should wait that ship to take the gold after
Presenting the documents; then, he should go to help a nun.''
''Those men should meet again to make arrangements thereafter.
One of them is on this ship; he goes silent until all is done.''

The stranger heard only a part of the dialog between
Ivan and the messenger's servant, who had been sent to Athens
To meet him; then, this stranger hired the pirates- around sixteen.
'' Follow me; I must embark on that ship to watch what happens, ''

(...He had told the pirates after killing the servant of the messenger; then, he intended to **** Ivan.)

He didn't know that Ivan should give the map to the messenger
To see the description of the road to the monastery,
The sketch and some details; Ivan didn't sense the danger.
The servant had to go to meet someone else; ''Let's be merry, ''

(...Said Ivan. They should meet again after three hours to go together to the messenger. The stranger did not know this secret.)

The meeting never took place 'cause the connection man had been killed.
Fortunately, he had told Ivan where this village was placed.
Ivan had caused that square sail's damage, but his heart hadn't been stilled.
Freddy needed time in Athens, when with this problem he was faced.

This way, Ivan forced Freddy to stay longer than he intended
To be in Athens; Ivan needed time to bring the map
To the destination; because the servant's life had ended
And the repair had been made quickly, Ivan fell into the trap.

(Ivan didn't have time to understand why the servant had died. He was prompted to divert the ship to the known place of Corfu, in order to land ashore. Then, Ivan would search for the messenger.)

The stranger was the one who paid attention to all those
Movements on that ship in order to grab the gold while thinking
That the pirate ship was behind him; he couldn't suppose
That the pirates had run ashore while using fast horses settling

In Prinylas before the Frederick's arrival; they
Killed the messenger and captured the vessel containing
The gold bars; they also killed all those sailors; on that day,
They attacked the carrack to find out who had lost that meeting.

The pirates wanted to **** that man, whereof the stranger
Had told them, and to remove the traces leading to the gold.
For this reason, they were willing to put them all in danger,
But the fire caused by Ivan their eyes started to behold.

(Ivan wanted to give Erica a chance to take the map and go ashore to search the messenger. The captain of the pirates took all the documents, the treasure and the seal belonging to the stranger and jumped overboard into a boat, apparently and inexplicably abandoning his companions. After an hour, the army began to fight with the pirates' crew.)

(..To be continued.)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Aug 2015
(Erica went into her room to rest. Geraldine and Carla started to read the journal they had found in the box.)

He left England with a ship and sailed east until he reached
Portugal; then, he took a stagecoach and traveled to Venice.
He was in danger of highwaymen who couldn't be impeached.
His coach had a high speed, ‘cause those men could become a menace.

He had made a gold deposit at a goldsmith, who gave him
Some receipts to exchange them with money at the British bank.
Then, he traveled through Europe choosing those pathways which were dim.
There, he missed London and its air being restless and dank.

He achieved knowledge of the Europe major languages.
He was seemingly traveling at his own expense,
Covered, by his own account; in fact, he carried messages,
And any of his messages had an important sense.

He traveled as merchant bringing drugs, rare books, and some
Exotic commodities like pine nuts, pistachios, and coffee
From the Royal Exchange instead of waiting a false peace to come.
In London, his luxury shops looked like covered in toffee.

(In her room, Erica started to read the document written in the Russian language. It was one of the most fragrant, pleasant smell papers she ever had in her hands. The person owning that document was a Russian one living in London.)

This document was also a letter from the Surveyor
Of the Royal Exchange, to an Indian official asking
Him help to buy some new shops in India; the payer
Could reveal the understanding of the retail shopping.

(Geraldine continued to read from his journal written in the Russian language.)

The man described the luxury life of the British elite,
His grand house, which had been built in the rich west of London,
And his horse-drawn carriage used for rides on the main street.
He wanted lead pipes for his house as any rich Londoner.

(Erica continued to read the document.)

That paper had an annexed one about the gold needed
To help a noble lady forced to spend the rest of her life
As a penniless nun; her words about freedom were heeded.
Imprisoned as a nun, she was, in fact, an abandoned wife.

The gold was brought with a ship that should anchor in that place.
Ivan was the liaison with that man and had to take that gold
To pay the lady's freedom; tears appeared upon Erica’s face.
Ivan caused the deviation from the ship's course as he was told.

He didn't know that the carrack had been hunted by some pirates.
Erica realized that the merchant had died, but she
Did not know whether the gold had been stolen or not, those bandits
Were still around having the link letter; she fell down on her knees

To pray for her life; she understood that the ex-husband
Of that lady could torture them to death for having plotted
Against him; she prayed while needing to be many thousand
Miles away and while looking at the hill with olives dotted.

(Erica burned the document.)
(Geraldine became meditative and told Carla,)

''These treatises generate some ideas of magnificence
And splendor; the luxury is realized with the skilled
Workers and the specialized knowledge, '' ‘‘the extravagance
Of these books is declined by the wars, where the life is killed, ''

(Replied Carla. She continued,)

'' These wars bring the decline of retailing, the stagnation
Of building, and the disappearance of a real
Art market, '' ''They use all the methods to fight for their nation
On the waters to protect the land; their strife is a squeal, ''

(Replied Geraldine. Maya entered the room to invite them to dinner. She said that she had seen someone having two dogs and walking around. Suddenly, Geraldine said, ‘’ I think I give birth to my child now. I have a sharp pain. I’m so afraid! ’’)

(..To be continued.)

Poem by Marieta Maglas)
Marieta Maglas Aug 2015
(Geraldine, Carla and Erica found a letter, which they thought it was an important document belonging to someone living miles away. It was clear that a person entrusted the written paper to a messenger after putting a wax seal on it. The seal was placed on this document in such a manner that it was impossible to read it without first breaking the seal, which was very dry and brittle.)

Carla said, '' Let's read and bring to life the stories behind
These manuscripts, '' ''Let's find who was the owner and who handled
These books and papers.'' ''Some memories come back into my mind, ''
''I love to read; it’s so dark in here, let's light a candle, ''

Said Erica; they saw scribbled notes written on the margins
Of the books and the changing ownership of some manuscripts.
''An Arab medicinal work for Jewish use, that’s for certain.''
''Is it? '' '' It's translated into Hebrew; I think it's fabulous, ''
(… Replied Carla.)

Geraldine opened a book saying, '' This is a Persian
Medicinal work translated into Turkish; it must be
More interesting; they treat using a different version.''
''This copy of the book written by José Vicente.

(..Said Carla,)

Has a lot of geographical and astronomical
Information; you can learn to measure the distance;
It contains the main cities, oceans, '' ‘‘It’s phenomenal! ''
''Mapmakers, '' '' it's like a trip to another existence! ''
(..Exclaimed Erica,)

''It shows which stars are visible or not, the solar cycles
And it is illustrated with tables, diagrams, and maps.''
''Is this a Holy Book? I'm not good in perusing these titles.''
''Yes, it's written by Francisco Javier, a nice one, perhaps, ''

(Geraldine replied to Erica, knowing that she was a Russian not knowing too much Latin. Geraldine continued…))

''It's about a convent established in Mexico City
For any daughter of a conquistador who lacked dowry.
''Look, Aonio Paleario! I think it’s such a pity
To contradict the Catholic dogma; this language is flowery, ''

(…Said Carla.)

''It's a copy of a rare book. Does this contradiction mean
The trouble with the Inquisition in these Reformation times?
''He had the most influential protectors I've ever seen.''
But his protectors died; there are notes between the lines, ''

(Carla answered to Erica. Carla continued…)

‘’The Spanish Inquisition is run by the civil
Authorities of Kings after centuries of Muslim
*******; the execution became official
For the Muslim piracy to turn it down to very dim.’’

(Geraldine intervened in the conversation…)

‘’Spain had asked the Papacy to set up the Inquisition,
But the Papacy refused. Then, Spain threatened Rome
With not coming to give aid against the Muslim opposition.
Their armies sacked Rome and made southern Italy be their home.

The Pope set up the inquisition only for Christians.
Over time, the torture was not to be done more than once,
Was not to threaten life; there were Spanish transgressions
By the lawyers who oversaw this system from hence.’’

(Then, Erica told them…..)

''In England, the person convicted of public begging
Has a limb chopped off; a Catholic priest in England
Teaching school is executed.'' ''There're penalties for bringing
A false witness against someone; England's laws also bind Ireland, ''

(….Replied Carla. Erica continued….)

''There is a secret collaboration between London and
Tsar Peter of Russia.'' '' He is known as Peter the Great.''
''There are notes on a book; while travelling to Europe, he shunned
The persons knowing him, '' ''He wanted to change his country's fate.''

(Carla expressed her point of view regarding what Erica said. Erica continued…)

''He studied new developments in shipbuilding; he lived
In Deptford, at the home of John Evelyn, a writer.''
''This letter is from England and I’m a bit surprised
'Cause this letter should be brought to a Russian.'' ''A fighter

Was this messenger.'' ''Maybe this man is the ghost we feel.''
''Did King William help Peter? '' ‘’He increased trade with Russia.''
''Peter loved a peasant and, wanting his love to conceal,
He made her be his domestic serf.'' I've heard she's from Prussia.''

''She's from Lithuania; her name is Catherine; he married
Her secretly, '' ''But he's married, '' '' He divorced his first wife.''
'' He worked as a carpenter; his interests were varied.''
'' Friend with Marquis of Carmarthen, he started a new life.''

(Geraldine tried to open the letter a little without breaking its seal. '' I think it is written 'Catherine' or 'Carmarthen.' '' ''Impossible, '' replied Carla, ''It would be much more important than any other one and it wouldn't be lost here. Give it to me.'')

(Erica said,)

'' King William gave Tsar Peter the ship Royal Transport
As a gift; the ship's designer was Marquis of Carmarthen.
As King Augustus of Poland, King William showed him support.
'' This messenger traveled many miles to take his ship again.''

(Erica told them that she feels like she's about to faint. Carla ran down the stairs to bring vinegar and water and Geraldine hurried to open the window. Meanwhile, Erica took a document from the box and hid it under her dress.)

( be continued.)

Poem by Marieta Maglas)
Marieta Maglas Aug 2015
There are spiritual healers getting in touch with those spirits
To ask them why they are present, ' said Erica. „Usually,
When you call them, they come to tell you some secrets.
Some sad lovers that passed away can't leave this world peacefully.''

„They can be demons, too, ' said Maya. „We must talk with the priest, '
Said Geraldine. „Let’s search in the storage room, ' she continued,
„We’ll find something, and we'll face this truth together, at least.''
''I hear the steps of someone walking away from this window, ''

Said Carla.'' Maybe it's the rain tapping on the sill, ''
Replied Geraldine. Surak opened the window and said,
'It doesn't rain; in the soft wind, I hear only the birds' trill.''
''But I've found some books in a big box for safe keeping instead.''

(Maya and Erica went to buy fresh fish from one of the many fisheries existent in that village.)

Fargo entered the Spianada, the largest square
In the Balkans, which was created by the Venetians.
The sound of the sea waves was like a stir in the air.
The peaks of the Old Fortress looked like swords of the Titans.

He passed the lighthouse tower and entered the underground
Tunnels that linked the Fortress with the main parts of the town.
Then, he entered the New Fortress, and when he looked around,
He saw the gates, the sea shore, and the land that sloped down.

(The port has been an important naval base since the Roman period. Considerably, Corfu was called the Gibraltar of the Adriatic. He bought a galley.)

The Ionian Islands belonged to the Republic
Of Venice; they were slowly conquered, one by one, in time.
Corfu voluntarily became a colony; its public
Gardens made the Islands' governor reside on that sublime

Territory; its economy was based on exporting
Raisins, olive oil and wine, whereas the Venetian lira
Was the currency of the islands; while incorporating
The culture of Venice, these people used a plethora

Of Italian words, because this language was official.
Venice had garrison soldiers, scattered in island forts
With muskets and bayonets made of the iron material.
The impromptu recruits and mercenaries were hired in the ports.

(Fargo started to talk with the infantry captain and with the lowborn ship’s captain.)

'' It's hard to eradicate the piracy from the world.''
''Because of money, the soldiers are recruited as needed.'
''Only with the convoy protection, the sail with the ships is furled.
When it is no longer required, their claims are unheeded.''

''The Muslim pirates attack the Christian ships to enslave.''
''I've heard there are Jewish pirates, too, '' ''Because of Inquisition, ''
''The corsairs are dangerous, '' '' Our ships hardly can face on this wave.''
The Christian navies are weak; don't have enough ammunition.''

''The Muslim opponents are fast; you need a large convoy.
You will be convoyed by us until you enter Italy-
After fighting the pirates.'' ''On our ship, there is an envoy.''
''To let you sail, they wanted some protection money.''

''Europe pays its duty to protect its own action,
But accepts the growth of piracy in Indian waters.''
''The piracy is bad in theory, but usefully practiced-
A cheap way to expand their economic and naval powers.''

''The governments don't want to eradicate the piracy.''
''The anti-pirate campaigns are only documents.''
''These pirates mean business behind the wall of privacy.
In bars and brothels for crews, the money means strong arguments.''

''This eradication needs a revision to the law.''
'' Only in the Spanish colonies, they are executed, ''
''Spain has a court of officers, '' '' This is a Britain law, new.''
''In return for the pardon, these pirates are persuaded.''

(The captain gave Fargo two galliots, each one having 80 oarsmen and 60 soldiers.)

(To be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
Situated in the green Corfu and having thousands
Of olive trees and flower-strewn countryside, Prinylas is
A nice, Adriatic-style village; its square and narrow paths,
Mansions and alleys are far away from the rifle bullets' ****.

Its wealthy inhabitants had built it in a picturesque
Position at an altitude of two hundred and seventy
Meters above the cove of Agios Georgios, but picaresque
Adventures happened there; even so, the people have steadily

Prospered from one thousand and two hundred A.C. when
'Twas a Byzantine seat; in the Agios Nikolaos church,
People had the same name; they were regarded as of the same kin.
Fargo bought a Venetian house after a quick search.

'Twas situated on a panoramic hill; Geraldine
Was in front of the house and looked at the landscape of olive
And citrus groves; she told Carla, '' astonishing view! '' „Divine, ''
Carla replied, ''Did you hear some sounds last night? '' ''It's hard to live

In a new place, '' replied Geraldine, '' It was like someone
Was walking in the house.'' 'Do you think they've found us? '' „I don't know.
Let's search together. If someone was here, he was alone.''
Fargo said, '' I must be in Corfu Town in two hours. Let's go

To buy a horse; we must move quickly; any lost minute
Means losing a life on the ship; I know them very well.''
''Don't force your horse to run too fast, '' he said, „I know its limit.''
They followed the winding road to the ringing church bell

And to a cobbled street; down from the hill, some stone–built houses
Were arranged in a wide arc around the small valley.
Immediately after that, they entered the square; the horses
Were beautiful; the women cut through a new alley,

To go to the church; he started to negotiate a horse
''Look at that mansion, '' said Carla, 'it's enclosed in carved stone walls.''
A short winding hillside track took them to the Lord's House.
Geraldine said, ''I'm Muslim, ' ' Bewildering are the God's calls, ''

Carla continued, 'I'm catholic', „like Frederick, '
Said Geraldine, 'look, it is written-Agios Nikolaos, ''
While entering, she used a face cover for her mouth and cheeks.
„It’s the name of the Saint Nicholas; is this marble? ' To rouse

Some Christian feelings in Geraldine, Carla made an effort.
'It's constructed in the 14th century- a Holy jewel.''
''Do you want to buy this horse or not? '' said the merchant. „What sort
Is this horse? '' '' An Arabian one- look at him, he’s not a fool.'

''I want to be sure that this one fits my personality.
What is his average speed? '' ''It can run eight miles per hour.''
'' I buy him, '' he told Carla, ''let's go to our new reality.'
Fargo left the village; Geraldine said, '' he has power.''

(Fargo took the money, the precious stones, and the documents. He went to Corfu Town. Geraldine and Carla returned their new temporary home.)

They lived in a two-story house having eighty meters
Of stone walls; the former owner used it to store his olive
Oil; it had not been inhabited for ten months; wood heaters
Guarded the entrance leading to the ground floor- a space to live.

In a corner, it was a rest of oil equipment.
The entry had two transition points at the openings to
The hallways. Carla said, „stone and wood- it's all so different, ''
''The stone colors pick up the tones in the wood to make these two

Materials look good, '' said Erica; at the ground floor
They saw two halls, a dining room, a living room having
A seating with red cushions, the stairs, and the terrace's door.
Maya called them from the upper floor having an entrance facing

West; from there, they could see the view of the street; this floor
Consisted of ten bedrooms, two wood stoves, two indoor stoves,
A kitchen, and storage rooms; Geraldine said, ''Before
Eating, let's drink tea, '' ''A neighbor told me that this house

Is a haunted one and this is why the owner sold it, '
Said Erica, 'These ghosts can affect anybody in
Prinylas, ' said Maya, ' you can't convince them the house to quit.
People practice exorcism here.' „Look at that place we have been! ''

(Carla turned the index finger of her right hand towards the window overlooking the sea.)

(To be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
The pirates were dressed partly to look as the ******.
They wore baggy breeches, stockings, hairy hats with initials,
Thigh-length shirts; but also waistcoats and sashes wore these men.
The sash was draped over one shoulder to carry the pistols.

The color of their clothes was chosen to match the color
Of the sea lessening the chances of being seen by
Their enemies; this kind of uniforms looked much duller
Than the sea color; the prisoners started to learn to die.

They understood that they could suffer of starvation.
Each one received a quarter cup of dried bread crumbs and two pints
Of water all day long; while thinking that there is no salvation,
The pirates were drinking *** and dancing their strong knee joints.

When they were gambling for handfuls of gold and precious stones,
They were singing songs about mermaids or beautiful women,
And about some past victories to allay the victims' moans.
Two pirates came with liquor sharing it equally when

Others came with a lot of money and jewelry found
On the ship to divide them equally to all, except
Their captain and his quartermaster, who took a big mound.
They started to renew the oath they had always kept.

Then, they exclaimed 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, '
While hoisting two flags, one red, and the other one having
A skull and two crossbones. ''Don't you need a pinch of dignity? ''
Frederick screamed, ‘’you will end in jail! ’’ ''Sure, '' said one of them laughing.

‘’ The nations control only small zones of the seas, so
There are no laws when we're sailing on the wild waters.’’
One of them said, ‘’Look, man, we are necessary; don't you know
That we're guards to stop you when with weapons you cross the borders? ''

Freddy replied, ‘’you know it’s a stupid lie; ’’ one pirate
Pulled out one of his fingernails with a plier. '' I will
Make you walk the plank, '' he told Frederick, 'It's your cruel fate.''
''Captain, to sell the slaves at good prices, you have the skill! ''

While living in the misery, the prisoners had to face
A grinding nightmare; Freddy wanted to give them some moral
Support but he wasn't allowed to talk with them; in disgrace
They received small amounts of food; Miguel whispered, '' Don't quarrel! ''

Arturo has died because he couldn’t take the stress
While thinking that Francesca must follow Lucca in death.
One pirate grabbed Francesca's hand while needing to possess.
With a hellish smile, he approached her to smell her honeyed breath.

He told her, '' Look, I’m a good guy; I give you time to think.’’
Francesca fainted. He left her telling all the pirates
‘’ No one may touch her.; tomorrow, she will marry me at the dawn's pink.''
They heard a huge sound and they realized they are in dire straits.

(After buying a house in Prinylas, Geraldine, Maya, Carla, Erica, Surak, and Fargo spent their night in silence. In the morning, Fargo and Maya went to bring the priest and everything was necessary for the funerals. Fargo told Geraldine that he had left the piracy in order to live a normal life. He said that he was afraid that much worse than the prisoners' death was to be found in Prinylas. He wanted to do everything he had to do very quickly.)

After Bella's funerals, Fargo told Geraldine,
'I must convince the army to go there to put them down.
I'll buy a galley for Frederick on which my name will shine.
I take a part of the treasure to go to Corfu Town.''

(To be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
After bringing to the ship the women they had found
On the shore, the pirates asked about the rest of the women.
Rosa said, ''they disappeared in the water splashing around
And died from drowning in the sea; now, maybe they're in Heaven.''

Then, they asked about Fargo and Chiara said that he
Had been sent to search for water. They took a boat to go
To the shore, but they found no one, '' somewhere he could flee.''
Three men stayed on the shore and others searched for Fargo.

While dominating the new world, Spain used its ships to cart
Great riches from there; Marco and Rosa chose to come back
This way wanting to hide their gold until selling it at a mart.
From somewhere, those armed robbers have followed them in their track.

They wanted to steal their gold, the ship's cargo, the oil,
And that fuel being bought from the Empire’s wells to sell them
At the Lisbon's black market; to acquire wealth, they did not toil.
There was no law to condemn them, but they could condemn.

They took Marco and used four cords to tie his hands and his legs
Onto four stakes, they had fixed in the deck at a distance.
His body was pendent in the air; being punched by his dreads,
He was thrashed by them with sticks to end his last resistance.

When Marco prayed for God to save him from the suffering,
Another pirate took the cat; and, when Marco received
Two dozens to faint, he felt pulled apart without rupturing
When he was taken down, he could not stand; he was deceived.

Then, he took two dozens once more; his flesh was hanging in strips.
They used also the cat of nine tails to whip him so badly.
He was a Jewish and ''Deuteronomy'' came on his lips.
With salt on wounds, he couldn't believe they could hate so madly.

(Marco died.)

They beat Rosa with the **** of their guns to say if there was
More hidden gold; after Marco's death, one of the pirates
Married Rosa; he kissed her, ''I'll be rich- please no applause, ''
He said laughing; his love was too brutal for her iris.

In bed, she was immobilized by her fear; when they
Exited out from the cabin, he said, '' I've lain with my *****.''
These words petrified her; she knelt while starting to pray.
When she finished, he killed her saying, ''Now, I'm very rich.''

A pirate came back saying, ’’ ''he didn't return to the beach.''
''Maybe he was bitten by a snake, ’’ ‘’Tomorrow morning,
At dawn, take these dogs along on searches; watch them in reach
Of the steps of Fargo until the dogs give you a warning.''

Lucca said, „I’m an Italian diplomat.'' One pirate
Laughed and told him that they were hired by that strange man; served
Another government, '' your death will be a twist of fate.''
''Let me live! '' ''You're asking for something which you do not deserve.''

''I can pay for my life, '' ''No deal- gives us those documents.''
The pirates stuck some candles around the mizzenmast and they
Surrounded it having swords in their hands, ''twist your arguments.''
Lucca had to enter this circle, ''now, we sing and you play.''

Lucca was forced to run while another pirate used
Bella's violin to play a merry Jig and while each
Pirate cut him with his weapon; he screamed and they were amused.
They kept him dancing until he confessed while starting to preach.

After that, one of them took some boiling water to pour it
Into Lucca's ears; the pirates tortured him to reveal
Where the scrap of his wealth and his documents might be concealed.
They hung Lucca by his feet and submerged him as a fish meal.

(Then, he collapsed. In the sea, he was left for dying.)

Then, they murdered Gino, Nico, and Dino by tying
Cannonballs to their feet and by pushing them overboard.
Other victims were locked in wrist and leg irons being
Held on the ship’s deck; they stopped when they saw the moon they adored.

(They needed to rest because the night was coming.)

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
The pirates opened the door and when they entered the gun room,
Their employer was found dead; feelings of joy surged through
Those pirates as they saw the guns. ''His death, how could he presume? ''
They took the pistols saying, ''Let's go to what we have to do! ''

Their chief had dark blue eyes and a grotesque smile; he touched the walls,
''There is an entrance through this wall leading to the cargo.''
Each one came out and hunkered like a scorpion that sprawls.
They heard the sailors talking about someone called Fargo.

They were working hard to extinguish the fire, so desperate
They were that they could swallow anything; the pirates' chief
Stood in waiting for his comrades; he used a temperate
Language, ''look, they're coming with the boat; it's my fixed belief

That a strong thought is needed before plunging into the fight
With a force which always made matters worse; the pirates coming
With a boat looked like peasants; they asked to embark, in spite
Of the situation, and to give a help while thinking

To go to Syracuse; Miguel stood stock while he thought
Of what this all meant, ''they are not what they seem to be, '
Said Pedro. ''Maybe they are, '' replied Miguel. ''We are caught
Up in something.'' ''We need help anyway, '' ''It's strange for me.''

''What's your name? '' Pedro asked one of them when they embarked.
''Zackery, '' answered that man. ''What an unusual name.''
They walked along the deck and climbed the stairs to meet the captain.
''Where's our chief, '' asked someone while helping extinguish the last flame.

''Here I am, '' said someone having a ring with a boom skull.
His men had guns aimed at the crew and at the passengers.
''Let's start, '' he said while contemplating the flight of a seagull.
''Don't talk each other, because we can **** all the messengers.

The pirates started a dangerous assault with their guns
While hitting and slapping the victims; ''wake up, captain, I come
Bearing glad tidings- now, God takes to High His beloved ones.''
Freddy said, ''I need comfort; maybe you can afford me some.''

Some pirates were gazing at the shrinking victims while
Genuflecting them and stabbing the air; immobilized
Them by holding their heads between their arms and chests in their style.
Others wrapped each victim's hair around his neck, '' mobilized

Is now my army for the war of life, '' said their chief
While ordering some of them to keep the victims under
Surveillance, '' he continued, ''let them share some thoughts of grief.
Where's he? '' ''He's in the gun room, not breathing; fell asunder.''

Nobody was paying much attention to the details,
But Ibrahim was looking at them from a safe corner.
''We're heavy drinkers; let's find some wine until our scam fails.''
''Do you mean they know? '' ''They dealt with their devil, the warner.''

''One of them killed him; we must **** them all, '' said another one.
A silence fell between the captains as they started to stare
Openly into each other's eyes. 'Where are the women? ''
''I don't know, '' said Freddy. ''Let's search the shore, they can be there.''

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
(Chiara, Francesca, Rosa and Pedra remained on the beach.)

Chiara and Pedra decided to take a look along
The coast to search some food; Francesca and Rosa carried
The boat across the beach to hide it; 'How can you be so strong? ''
Asked Rosa; ''I listened to Chiara when I got married.

We depleted a fortune and Lucca was very rich.''
''So, this strength of yours comes from your tristesse, '' replied Rosa.
''My inner emptiness became affection.'' 'She's a witch.''
'She's a good soul, but inside her, she keeps thorns of mimosa.''

They had to undergo that difficult time and to
Organize their lunch; Rosa stopped to sip some drops of water
From the canteen she carried, '' it's entirely up to you
To leave him now.' ''My father is ill; I'm his only daughter.''

They were tired after the grim events of the previous
Hours; meanwhile, Chiara and Pedra were sifting through the salty
Air of the beach. Chiara said, '' I don't trust Fargo, he's devious.''
''We have no other chance, '' replied Pedra. ''His logic is faulty, ''

Continued Chiara, ''they should remain here with us.''
Pedra stayed for a few minutes being caught by the sparkle
Of the broken waves; she said, ''we have something to discuss.
Don't you think that your ideas are too matriarchal? ''

They enjoyed the salty stink of the seaweeds and the clicking
Of the living shells that they had tossed together for the meal.
While eating, they cut off the mollusks from their sticking
Shells; dozens of gulls were wheeling over the waves. ''Pleasant peal, ''

Said Francesca, '' the chance of meeting another one while
Staying here is very slim.'' '' I really grasp the scale of our
Surroundings, '' said Chiara while giving her seaweeds with a smile.
Rosa said, '' eat some kumquats, figs, and pears; you need power.''

(Rosa brought some fruits to complete the meal.)

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
(Fargo put the body of Bella in a mantle and took her on his shoulders. He left Chiara, Francesca, Rosa and Pedra ashore and went together with Geraldine, Maya, Carla, Erica and Naimah's son to find a village. The name of Naimah’s son was Surak.)

It looked like a long beach with a rocky shore and a hidden
Cove; they turned right walking along the sandy beach; at the far
End of the beach, they saw a galley, but it was forbidden
To follow the path leading to the shore, ''I'll ask where we are, '' ''

Said Fargo while looking through a telescope, ''What do you see? ''
''There's one man standing on the deck; he's the companion
Of that pirate following us and traveling free.''
''How do you know this? '' ''I worked for him in the devil's canyon.

The flag has a boom skull, '' ''Let's go, '' said Geraldine, ''The pirates
Are coming from this ship, '' said Fargo, ''I must set it on fire.''
While sneaking to that deck, he killed one by one the pilots
And the third sailor; he thought, ’’ Frederick is caught in a snare.’’

Fargo took the little treasure from that ship and those two maps
Showing the place from where the treasure had been taken
And the island where they intended to hide it; perhaps
It was a known place, which was visited and forsaken.

He did not set the ship on fire because he was afraid
That its flames could be seen by the pirates; he did not sink it
'Cause they could dive to the sea's bottom to find the treasure's shade.
To make them think that one of them betrayed was in a fit,

Fargo took one of their boats and returned to the shore.
Then, they continued to go while avoiding the main path.
They stopped walking to look at the seagulls starting to soar.
They entered an old olive grove shining in the daylight bath.

Following their narrow route to the right, they found a fragrant
Grove of tall eucalyptus trees; they saw the shepherds' trail,
Which was cobbled and flanked by stonewalls, '' Our life became vagrant, ''
Said Carla; Erica replied, '' my strength begins to fail.''

'' Look at these flowers of asphodel! They are beautiful, ''
Said Maya; Erica replied, '' these dark cypress trees are
An inviting resting place; '' you must be powerful, ''
Said Fargo, '' because to find a village, we have to go far.''

At the top end of this rocky land, they turned left to enter
A small, agricultural zone that was planted with
Cereals and having some plots of chickpeas in its center.
Some goats were drinking water from a reservoir, ''It's a myth, ''

Said Surak; they drank water together with the goats
And washed their faces; after crossing the road, the saw
The church tower of the village near the plots of oats.
They bought an old stone manor house when the night started to draw.

(Fargo went to find a priest for Bella’s funeral. He came back with a promise for the next day. They started to eat in silence.)

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
Fortunately, there were five modern toilets having
Lavatory flushing cisterns like those invented by
Sir Harrington in one thousand five hundred ninety-six, being
Built near the kitchen because the air in this room was dry.

This cook-room was constructed in a place where it was deemed safe
To have a cooking fire; it had a good layer of lime
With an air space to insulate the brickwork from the unsafe
Adjacent timber; the brick walls were expensive at that time.

The room had two brick fireplaces and boiling was the method
Of cooking while three coppers with lids were set in the brickwork.
With some funnels passing through the deck head, they were connected
That protected the kitchen and allowed the steam to perk.

Firing on the uproll could mean a shot going into
The rigging; the sailors and the passengers took the pumps
To extinguish this fire, doing all they had to do.
The pumps made of leather were assembled from the dumps.

And coupled every fifty feet with brass fittings; their length
Was about twenty-three meters; this ******* worm engine
Was made by John Lofting in 1690; its strength
Was pumped by a team of men working to relieve the tension.

The fire was small, but it could extend to the cabin cruisers,
Which were nearby; while the men were working hard to escape
The danger, the strange man as one of the fast movers
Deliberately entered the gun room; Cruz saw his shape

Entering and descended the stairs in a hurry
To stop him; he entered the gun room and took a gun.
The stranger turned to Cruz and shut him, but his eyes got blurry,
When the room was suddenly filled with the rays of the sun.

(Cruz shut this man in the face. Both of them fell down. The women were in a boat and Fargo made efforts to bring them to the shore.)

A big wave hit the boat, causing Geraldine to go
Overboard; she fell off the boat into the water.
Fargo jumped in the sea to save her and started to swim below
The water; she screamed for help; the waves rose up to scatter.

She could not remember how she fell; her head and arms
Were barely visible above the waves; Fargo swam
Toward her and brought her aboard, '' you're safe from harms.''
She vomited, ''I want to be far away from where I am.''

Meanwhile, Bella lost her balance, and within a split second,
She fell off the boat and tried in vain to hold onto
Chiara's hands while asking for help, but her fate beckoned
When a giant jellyfish stung her arm on back to fronto.

Chiara saw her treading the water and moving her head,
But lost the sight of her after a few seconds ''She's gone, '
Said Chiara; after saving Geraldine, Fargo said ''she's dead, ''
He turned around the boat, ''Look, that jellyfish is coming on! ''

(Fargo jumped in the sea to rescue Bella. He brought her aboard, but she has been underwater much more than she could resist. His resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful. All along the ragged shore, there were a lot of stones under the water. They got down out of the boat and walked in the water while bringing the boat to shore. Meanwhile, ten pirates, after swimming in the water, climbed on the carrack to **** everyone on the board. Fortunately, they didn't see the boat.)

(To be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
(Carla and Miguel were talking while walking on the deck.)

Carla said, '' his infidelity devastated me.
The worse thing that could happen has already occurred.
''Is there a time for you in his life? '' '' 'Twas never meant to be.''
Miguel said, ‘‘you should ask him perfection.'' ''He said I'm absurd.

Every time he left the house I was wondering to know
Where he was going.'' '' He couldn't drive in two lanes at once.''
'' He was intimate with her; I've heard and I felt it so.''
'' He tried to deal with feelings in the darkness like a dunce.

He had absolutely no respect for his own marriage.''
'' To save my family was quite a humiliating
Decision.'' ''It was love, which he tended to discourage.''
''Are you faithful? '' ''Yes, I am. It's an asphyxiating

Situation, sometimes, but the life must go on; we face it.
I had some dalliances, which were platonic lunch dates
With beautiful and thinking women for the well of wit.
I've found my fidelity borders while meeting my mates.''

''Were you sure you weren’t an adulterer-in-waiting?
You risked betraying the commitment to be faithful to God.''
''God didn't give my wife a child; I think He heard her praying.''
'' The slushy infidelity comes when the thoughts go abroad.

As an event of the heart; I didn't trust Pedro again.''
'' You must be trustworthy although you fall toward resentment
For Pedro. Be faithful to God! You know it's not in vain.''
„I felt rejected.'' '' As me, you could betray this commitment.

Our thoughts can undermine those covenants we've made in the church.''
''Any marital crisis can bring out the worst in us.''
''God has a family plan; He doesn't leave us in the lurch.''
''There is the suffering of children I don't want to discuss.''

'' Maybe recalling the early good days can construct
An explanation of what happened.'' ''It's about perfection.''
'' While living without His divine grace, people self-destruct.''
'' Pedro is unhappy while living in anger, and passion.''

„Bella wants quietness in a closed relationship with God.''
'' We must be sinless and pure to reach the perfection.''
'' She's pleasing to God while causing my grief; she's totally flawed.
Her body's sacrifice leads me to a wrong direction.''

'' Making mistakes leads people to fall and to rule over sin.
They think that they are redeemed from all iniquity,
But they are wrong until their hearts are purified within
To listen for God's voice talking about dignity.''

(Carla stopped to look for a few seconds into his eyes. She understood the cause of her sufferance.)

''God told Abram to walk before Him and to be perfect, ''
Said Miguel. ''It's important to **** the vice in the members.''
'' The imperfect people like complete; they vigor to defend.''
''Pedro thinks our perfection ends in the fire's embers-

Call me when you may be perfect and complete in the God's will-
He uses to say.'' ''Tell him how to realize repentance.''
''He pretends it cannot overcome the sins; they always ****.''
'' This repentance wins when we do it with persistence.''

'' He denies this freedom from sin as a possibility
To live on Earth; when we think we have no sin, we deceive
Ourselves.'' ''The conscience is the heart of responsibility.''
''There is a perfect Adam above the head of Eve.''

(While hearing a strange noise, they were frightened. They turned to see tongues of flame coming from the kitchen. Fargo came in haste to invite Carla to get into the boat and to go on together with him to the shore. Carla saw the women coming closer to that boat. Miguel helped her while Fargo helped Geraldine escape. The men approached the fire to begin fighting it.)

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
''We share our cups of coffee marks as a bridge between friends, ''
Said Naimah.'' We share a few moments of good-hearted cheer, ''
Said Frederick.'' ''Love can die, but a friendship never ends.''
''Love is endless, '' ''I'm a widow, harrowed with grief and fear, ''

''I've lost my wife, and now I must take care of my unique son.''
''Where do you go? '' ''I'm going to Morocco, firstly,
And then, I'm going to Egypt.'' ''I think it can't be easily done.''
''I have a brother who can help me because I'm worthy.''

''You left your home, '' ''I couldn't pay the taxes for my land.
So, I abandoned my village and fled to the town,
But many people did it like me; I had to understand
That the agriculture shrank; the food prices put me down.''

''The price of the Turkish silver fell and that of gold increased.
Your raw goods became cheap for the European traders
Who could buy trades of very large amounts of stock from the east.
They were developed and exported back; friends turned to haters.''

''Their products were cheaper while having a better quality
To undermine your local businesses and craft guilds.''
'' They worked using new methods in their factories.''
''Due to our government, which this kind of bridges builds.

I've found a job in the lowest town's level as a servant.
At school, my son saw the education as his only outlet.
While dealing with angry people, I felt lost in this current.''
''You should understand this situation from the outset.''’

(He talked with Frederick about Maya, his sister.)

A strange man having icy eyes embarked for Lisbon at noon.
He wore an amulet around his neck on its leather string.
He brought three dogs while whistling the air of an unknown tune.
His cruel face looked like wanting tears from around to wring.

This strange man wore a black suit, a black hat, and a black cloak
Having equal pleats over the shoulders; his face was shrouded
In mystery; he started to walk as wanting to provoke
Fear; he searched for an employee because his room was crowded

With unusual things and he didn't have space for the dogs.
He wanted a face-to-face meeting with the captain.
He looked over at Frederick saying, ''Tell your rats and hogs
That my room must be clean; they must work for that to happen.'’

He sat down at a nearby table and decided
It was time to pay the price to Frederick for the travel.
He said, ''this is the best way to get you excited.''
He gave Frederick five rubies thick as the gravel.
(Frederick started to talk with this stranger man, who decided to confess.)
‘’In the third century, Corfu was invaded and conquered
By pirates from Illyria; later, they were driven out
By the autonomic Romans; though is kinda awkward,
I found an old treasure map; I bought that land; I’m a scout.’’

Geraldine knew that Frederick did not want to betray her
Because he wanted to be the father of her child.
She wanted his burden not to be more than he could bear
She was afraid that losing control could make her feel beguiled.

Frederick wanted his son to be captain of a ship
And to go together to do business in Italy.
He lost his dream love while being with her in the time slip.
While talking they didn't lie to each other prettily.

(The carrack was sailing to Syracuse.)

Frederick was the master and Brisbon was his mate.
He has always told Brisbon what he wished to be done.
Brisbon commanded the sailors and he was really great.
When he screamed, ''Steer, trim, sail, '' to their duty they had to run.

Sam and Sulim were steersmen while Gian and Aldo were corners.
Suaram, Cosma, and Dino were gunners while Ismail
Was carpenter; Fargo was swabber and boatswain while Hector
Was a cooper; Abseil was a quartermaster; to sail

Gino, Nico, and John hoisted the sails, got the tacks aboard
While hauling the bowlines, and steering the ship when needed.
Ibrahim cooked, furled the sails, slung the yards and washed the board.
Maya was a cook, or a quack when the rules were not heeded.

Aldo screamed, ''Sulim, I see land on the horizon! ''
''Impossible, there must be only sea until Syracuse.''
''The compass had a big variation for no reason, ''
Said Freddy, ''we're in a wrong place; I need a valid excuse! ''

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
(Chiara and Geraldine were on the deck. Chiara started to talk with Geraldine.)

''I need to understand my life when I look back and see
That happiness is my reason to push some things far away
This ship is like a small Eden balancing on the sea.
When I lose hope, I hope that it will come back another day.''

''God is above all and when the waters are quite blue
He sends the sun to shine at the end of every storm.
I'm far from home, but there's nothing in my life I wouldn't do.''
The crests had a glassy aspect and some clouds started to form.

In the Ottoman Empire, Athens was a run-down village
The Ottoman landlord made the free Greek peasant serfdom.
To live near the Acropolis, he lost the privilege.
In Piraeus, the wind was like a harp blown at random.

Miguel was walking on deck wanting Pedro to meet
To propose him to go to visit the Acropolis,
Then, to eat fresh fish and to exercise their dancing feet.
He thought that ship looked like a sailing necropolis.

The Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens
Was amazing, although the flourish in Athens became,
During the Ottoman Empire, something should never happen.
But in terms of philosophy, it didn't lose its fame.

Carla was bathing in her cabin and asked the maid to bring
A *** of boiling water from the kitchen because
The water cooled down. When she exited, the door started to ding.
Maybe the maid was in haste or it was a hidden cause.

Passing by, Miguel saw Carla exiting the bathroom.
When he saw her silhouette through the diaphanous air
Against the flames' glow, something magical happened to him.
He looked at her, and then he sensed the true depths of his despair.

He admired her neck and the outline of her body
And the flawless perfection of her skin; he went away,
When he heard the maid's steps; Carla's ******* were pure and soggy,
And she moved her arms and legs as she did ballet.

(After a while, he returned to walk around. After she had finished her bath, Carla opened the window to allow the fresh air to enter the room. Carla saw Miguel standing on the deck. He turned to her and said, ‘’Hello! ’’)

Carla asked, ''Is this evening a future starry night or not? ''
''So starry-eyed, my love for you is nothing but a shine.
And, in my dreams, you come to love me much more than a lot.
I close my eyes to feel your love and you're almost divine.''

(Carla told him she did not know this poem. He said that this poem was just composed by him. Then, he invited her to come together with Pedro to visit the Acropolis.)

Carla, after exiting the Periclean Parthenon,
Tripped on the Karrha limestone step and almost fell when Miguel
Helped her up while embracing her, ''It's a phenomenon.''
He put his ear over her heart, '' I hear a fast tinkling bell.''

Behind them, Bella and Pedro were talking about physique.
She said that she couldn't get pregnant, so they traveled to
India, a treatment through yoga and herbs to seek.
''Miguel suffers! '' 'It's important to make your own dreams come true.''

(To be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jul 2015
Carla was a beautiful woman liking to dress in green.
Sometimes strong and other time weak, she needed to face the life.
Inside her, there was a child hoping to push the life scene
Into its own condition and the things into their right strife.

Her husband Pedro was very wise and precise, a strong man
Needing to gain stability while turning back from New Spain
To rebuild the life and to go forth on a new plan.
Their children and parents waited for them to come home again.

(Geraldine and Carla were talking on the deck. Carla started to confess.)

‘’Her name is Beatrice and he loved her for a while needing
To leave the family for a new meaning in this world
I loved him secretly while her scent I was breathing
I understood that I've lost him when our love became a sword.

I knew I was a mother in this combination of three,
And, sometimes, I thought Beatrice should never exist.
And other time I wanted to leave everything to be free,
Or to end my life because it was so hard to resist.

I've tried to talk with her and the situation to explain,
But she laughed while telling me that Pedro is her lover.
I understood her laugh and that my efforts were in vain.
I was ill when we traveled to New Spain to recover.''

‘’ Carla, the things are not always as they seem to be.
You'll overpass this moment because you're a strong mother.
You must take care because nothing goes well as long as he
Doesn't assume the responsibility as a father.’’

Bella and Miguel liked to live in their own world of two.
They had a house in Barcelona, and they traveled to see
The world; they stayed months in India to throw backward a new view.
Marco and Rosa wanted their spirits to be free.

They were turning home after living three years in New Spain.
Carla and Pedra traveled with their husbands who were twins.
Rosa convinced them that in that place their strength is spent in vain.
Life became a music coming from the water violins.

Carla said, ''the education helps women to make
Right choices in marriage.'' Bella replied, ''What's a marriage?
It's not only a consecration in a church, an awake,
But it's a contract, an act no one can disparage.''

Miguel said, ''it's a transition from a moral conscience
To a pure concept of consciousness.'' ''You start to see it
As itself, '' replied Pedro, '' to eat the bitter consequence.''
''It's tied to moral identity when love is in a fit, ''

Replied Bella. ' It has a Cartesian nature, ''
Said Carla explaining why love comes after the wedding.
''Then, the moral sensibility shapes it to our feature, ''
Replied Bella.Miguel smiled, '' tenderly in our bedding.''

'' The disparity in intelligence leads to misery, ''
Said Carla, ''the marriage must be based on a lasting friendship
Rather than on an attraction experiencing agony.''
Pedro said, '' when love is distorted into a sword to rip.''

Miguel said, '' the marriage that is not consecrated
In a church has the same legal validity.''
'' The lovers may marry secretly, but it's complicated, ''
Said Carla, ''and it's hard for the women of nobility

To make an independent living.'' Pedro started to grin,
'' To secure a husband is a matter of great importance.''
''She's an object of thought, '' said Miguel while touching Carla's skin.
Pedro said, '' happens only when we seek love in abundance.''

Carla said, '' the women's career options beyond mother
Are none; they cannot have the same opportunity as men.''
Pedro replied, '' your impracticable thoughts make the father
Leave the family.'' '' He's not allowed to come back again.''

Miguel said, ''She's allowed to express her sexuality.''
Carla said, '' it depends on how the woman perceives this thought.''
Bella started to play to inspire human morality
Using the violin to imitate cats' sounds brought to nought.
(to be continued..)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
(Arturo, Lucca, Miguel, Frederick, Marco, Cruz, Pedro and Ivan were playing cards and chess. Lucca, Cruz and Miguel started to smoke clay pipes.)

''Nice angled bowl with a coat of arms, '' said Lucca. ''Yes, '' said Cruz
While smoking and relaxing, ''where did you buy them, Lucca? ''
''This one is made in Holland- a way to liberate your muse.''
''Give new life to a broken heart, '' said Miguel, '' It's like scuba, ''

Laughed Lucca, '' Ivan, how could you avoid the army as a serf? ''
''As a yeoman having my own land, I had an accident.''
Cruz asked him, ’’Did you receive some support from a dwarf? ''
''I broke my left leg when I fell from my horse- a strange event.''

''Interesting! '' said Marco. ''You became a rich merchant
In the Ottoman Empire.'' ''Yes, I sold my land, '' smiled Ivan.
''You could go to Moscow, '' ''I didn't want to be a servant.''
'' I was a middleman in the fur trade, '' ''Let's enliven

This game with some wine! '' '' These cards are unique, '' said Pedro.
''This rare pictorial pack is made in London, '' said Marco.
Marco told Cruz, ''If you need new cards, I'll give you pronto.''
''Give me the most immoral hand, '' laughed Cruz, ''come in, Fargo! ''

(Fargo entered to bring the wine, which was served using glasses. Ibrahim brought dried fruits, nuts, biscuits and small cakes. The women had spent over an hour dressing for this meeting because it was customary for women to change their entire outfit for any event on the ship. Rosa, Geraldine and Erica were doing some needlework. Carla, Chiara and Pedra were reading some expensive books. Chiara chose to read a book written by Elena Piscopia, Carla was reading some philosophy by Mary Astell and Pedra liked the books written by Aphra Behn. Francesca started to paint and Bella was trying to play ‘’Capriccio stravagante’’ by the Italian composer Carlo Farina using a violin.)

Francesca said, '' The violin replaced the viol, ''
''The music written for it established its identity, ''
Said Rosa, ''I like the opera 'L'Orfeo' and its tale.''
''Through polyphony, Monteverdi has supremacy.''

Francesca continued, ''Chiara, what are you reading? ''
''A book about Christ written by the monk Laspergio and late
Translated by Elena Piscopia, a nun being
The first woman that graduated with a doctorate.''

Carla said, ''Francesca, what are you painting in that blue? ''
'' I'm not Caravaggio, still I paint a medusa.''
Carla replied, ''You used amazing hues, and it's sweet in view! ''
Chiara said, ''It's an image of the port of Siracusa! ''

(Francesca embraced Chiara.)

‘’ ''It's so lovely to see you together; you are good friends, ''
Said Geraldine while finishing her work, ''do you have children? ''
''I've married Arturo six years ago and our love ascends
After his long widowhood; Francesca is his daughter.''

Chiara took Geraldine's hand with a noble gesture
She told her that Arturo lost a fortune three months ago,
And this trip was offered by Lucca to change their life's texture.
''Maybe Francesca painted to petrify the time's flow.''

''Francesca is the sweetest child I've ever seen until now.
She's adorable in this purity of her mind.
She's shining like a star belonging to Ursa Major Plough,
And I love Arturo even in affairs he is so blind.''

(Arturo and Marco were the last passengers who left the room while talking. Arturo ended the conversation.)
‘’ Russia is a force needing an expansion quite quickly
But, unfortunately, her friends are not really her friends.
Pushing Russia, who is an honest power, clearly
Will turn the destiny of the whole world into dead ends.’’

(to be continued.....)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
Khadjibey was controlled by the Ottoman Empire
As part of Yedisan in the Silistra Province.
To build a fortress named New World was the Turks’ desire.
Carla said, '' This meeting has been chosen by Providence.''

Carla concluded that Geraldine was American,
And Geraldine did not understand the confusion.
She learned Spanish from the Jews, who were Spain citizens
Coming to the Empire to avoid the conversion.

''My father lost a lot because of the plague and disaster, ''
Said Miguel, ''half of my wealth was gone in the warfare.
We thought to immigrate to a new world moving faster
Than this one in which we were living as lost in a nightmare.''

Cruz asked him, ''Why didn't you try your chance for a new life? ''
''I wasn't strong enough, and my son died in this war made
For the Spanish succession after the King Charles’ death; my wife
Still grieves for her unique child; our life cannot be repaid.''

'' In Gibraltar, the property that had been taken
By force became British; we moved to Barcelona.
The power balance mirrored those widows standing forsaken.
Let's cheer this Grand Alliance! It’s as the sun's light corona.''

'' The Anglo and the Dutch kings used the navy to open
The Strait of Gibraltar needing the naval power
In the Mediterranean.'' '' Guess what was broken.''
Said Bella, '' our transatlantic economy shower.''

''By the Treaty of Constantinople, our Russian
Forces had been withdrawn and Zaporozhia lost all
The army protection, '' said Ivan, ''then, our discussion
Was to sell our goods and to leave a life that apart could fall.''

''In the Holy League, Russia joined Austria and Venice
To drive the Turks and to sign a treaty with Poland, ''said Cruz.
''Those horses have never met the steppe, '' spoke Ivan with menace,
''Leopold I helped by the Turks that Partition could refuse.''

(Geraldine and Erica were talking on the deck.)

''His father was a soldier coming home after many
Years of serving the czar; he found that his wife was dead and
Ivan lived with an aunt spending money but not having any.''
Geraldine was speechless for a few minutes and stunned.

''Erica, why did his mother die? '' ''She was the wife of a serf.
She was a subjugated slave labor for a lord.''
''Was she beaten? '' asked Geraldine while dampening her scarf.
''She had been ***** before she took her own life with his sword.''

''Who's sword? '' ''The lord's sword! He was drunk when he beat and ***** her.''
''It was a matter whether she overcame the pressure
Of the peasant village where his mother lived not to err.
She died, but I'm sure she loved Ivan with no measure.''

His father took Ivan home and worked a part of that lord's land
As a serf, barely leaving time to cultivate
The land allotted to him while taking care of his child.
Ivan didn't go to army, but asked me to immigrate.''

(Erica, Ivan’s wife, ended the conversation while starting to cry.)

(to be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
(Geraldine was walking on the deck while waiting nervously for Fredrick. Frederick appeared suddenly while speaking quickly and gesturing.)

''I've waited for you all day long to come up with fuel.''
''I went to buy charcoal, water and outdoor lamp oil.
At a crossroad, I saw a stage driver being so cruel
To whip his horses to run faster; the oil spilled on the soil.

He drove a stagecoach; my horse was frightened by the sound
And my trolley overturned. I had to come back to buy
Again three barrels of oil.'' ''That oil spilled on the ground, ''
Said Geraldine, ''the money has gone, and this is not a lie! ''

I don't ask you to tell me where you really spent the money
It makes no sense to ask you for the truth. Is she beautiful?
Did you have a good time? To wash laundry in public, honey,
You may bring her here. This way, you can be dutiful.''

''I love you, '' screamed Frederick, '' so, you think you're funny.''
''Well, I may be funny although I'm never stupid.''
He held her, ''I sold some jewels. Take the money.
I could lie to you, but you're the one. I'm down with Cupid.''

''Do you remember that man having a ring with a skull? ''
''You've met him in Constantinople, '' ''I've met him here, too.
He was in that stagecoach liking this way his horses to cull.''
He laughed saying, ''I'm a captain in search for my crew.''

''Frederick, I want to return home at Khadjibey.
Do you remember when we've met in the port and you
Gave me an emerald cut gold ring shining at the ray? ''
''I've asked you to marry me, '' ''I love you; you know it's true.''

''Then why do you want to turn back home? '' ''You know I'm scared.''
'' This is our chance. If we turn back in that unknown trading port
For slave markets, I will not survive; I'm not prepared
To ask the sanjak bey some protection and support.

I am Italian and I saw so many things.
I saw the terrible fate of those becoming galley-slaves,
Women enslaved being sexually abused, in sufferings,
But someone living in Khadjibey is a 'plough and a scythe.' ''

'' Is this artwork painted by Paolo de Matteis or not? ''
Asked Francesca coming to them. ''What are you doing here? ''
''We really like to admire that splendid island a lot.''
''Shall we offer them a string instruments' concert, Chiara dear? ''

(To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
''It's a fuel crisis, because of the lack of supply, ''
Said Athan, ''many mines exploit lead, copper, and iron.''
''They are smelted with charcoal, which only some people may buy, ''
Said Karsten, '' some people have the powers of a lion.''

'' There're heavy demands on the forests for building castles,
Cathedrals, houses, ships, mills, and machinery, '' said Cruz.
''The fuel for glass and brewing industries is on hassles, ''
Said Pedro, '' this drill of the coal deposits has an excuse.

I've heard the steam engine has a low efficiency.''
Tia said, ''overland costs of transport are very high.
English iron industries still lose proficiency.''
Megan said, '' this revolution adds up to one big lie.''

''I've heard that in Selanik Jews control the commerce, ''
Said Marco.''Greeks, Turks, Armenians, and Jews! '' Said Athan.
''All can thrive economically in Selanik,
Whether they read the Bible, the Torah or the Quran.''

Tia wore a fine golden silk brocade jacket having
A metallic gold floral lattice design and shape,
A petticoat of ribbed silk embroidered with silk yarn forming
Loops; its front fastened with clasps, tightened in back with cotton tape.

Karsten's navy blue, collar, cuffs, and skirts were embroidered
With cream silk 'point Beauvais' garlands of pearls and flowers.
Athan's vest of silk moiré and coat were pumpkin colored.
'Twas embroidered with silver thread and silver sequins.

Tia and Athan were in need of loans for short terms
While intending to bridge the time gap between the pay
Of taxes and the take of sums from the owners of some firms.
They traveled to find wealthy Muslims that loaned money.

''People can't pay heavy taxes and accrue deficits.''
''They must pay these sums even their finances are low.''
''All these payments are done for the Empire's benefits.''
''In this condition, Selanik will be a place left to go.''

‘'To prevent people from leaving, the Empire minimized
Their losses enacting kaskamot that obligates them
To pay and to leave behind a guarantor.'' ''It's civilized! ''
''If women and orphans can't pay, the Muslims don't condemn.''

''There're allowances for persons donating or loaning sums
And for philanthropic acts like the payment for the abject poor.''
''They take from any owner or any visitor that comes,
From birth, from death and from sacrifice passing the temple's door.''

'Gabella is a tax levied on the purchase of basic test
Kosher foodstuffs like wine, meat, and cheese.''
''Rich men pay instead of the poor men to prevent the arrest.''
''There're taxes for the goods that are brought from over the seas.''

''Here, new public buildings are built in the eclectic style
To project the European face of the Empire.
''Our monasteries are centers of learning for a while.''
''The head of the Orthodox Christians is like a Vizier.''

(Tia, Athan, Megan, and Karsten disembarked at Selanik while Frederick and some sail men went to buy fuel.)

(To be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
(Geraldine, Maya, and Pedra were in the kitchen to drink some Jasmine Yin Zhen tea.)

Between Bosphorus and Dardanelles, the waters are calm.
Geraldine Said, ''I love the life at sea on this tall ship.''
Maya said, '' Let me see the meaning of the lines in your palm! ''
''I worked a lot; I can't feel my hands when something I grip.''

Maya insisted, '' Let me rub your hands with Gilead' balm! ''
''I can't stand the hustle and bustle of big cities.
Can you predict my future after reading my palm?
''You'll be surrounded by death coming from the waves' ditties.''

''What is this balm? '' '' It's an extract from the bakha shrubs.''
''Where did you find this shrub? '' ''This extract is brought from Chios,
Where this tree grows near the sea, to make this balm and drugs.
It's good for the stomach and prevents the skin infections.

I used it to make bread tsoureki.'' ''It's sweet, '' Pedra said,
''This tree excited the cupidity of invaders-
The groves of Jericho.'' Maya touched her, ''Are you afraid? ''
''Went there to fight Titus, Joshua and the crusaders.''

Pedra took a long look at her, ''Do you have children? ''
''I have two boys who live in southern Ottoman Empire.
My husband died.'' ''Why did you come here? '' ''I'm a poor woman.
Now, it’s war; I want to work here, not to walk through the fire.’’

(Maya left the kitchen. On the deck, Marco, Rosa, and Cruz stopped for a few minutes their walk to admire the Marmara Sea in approach to Çanakkale.)

''Anybody who wants to pass through the Dardanelles
Must pay a tax. So, we must sit at anchor in waiting
For an opening at this small Port of Çanakkale, ''
Said Cruz. '' About buying fuel, the ****** are still debating, ''

Said Marco.'' This city is placed on two continents.''
'' The shape of the strait is akin to that of a river.''
'' Its history started with Troy. The tidal currents
Make this time of wait at anchorage a deceiver.''

''The Dardanelles is the most dangerous waterway, ''
Said Rosa, '' Maya and Naimah are talking fiercely.''
Cruz said, ''They've seemed not to know each other until today.''
''What happened, Maya? '' ''He can't stop speaking viciously.''

(To be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
Chiara, Arturo's wife, approached them together with
Lucca and Francesca, the other Italian pair
Saying, ''Was Quare's invention real? I thought it was a myth.''
'' His barometer measures the pressure of the air.''

Chiara was wearing a red gown, with lace trimming the low,
A green velvet mantel, which was lined with some ermine,
Square neckline and sleeves, which were gathered at the elbow.
She spoke well Italian, Spanish, and German.

Italians wanted to disembark at Syracuse.
Bella and Miguel traveled to Barcelona home.
To find a new home, Naimah and his son had an excuse.
Out of their Turkey's limit, through the storms, they would roam.

Tia, Athan, Megan, and Karsten would disembark
At Selanik, an Ottoman province, where Ahmed
The Third was reigning while his war was a fire in the dark.
They were Greeks being born during the reign of Mehmed.

Marco and Rosa, Cruz and Pedra, Pedro and Carla
Were Portuguese pairs coming home from America.
They had bought from the Pueblo Indians some ollas.
They gave one to the Russian pair, Ivan, and Erica.

Ivan said, ''Tell me something about these Indians.''
Carla said, ''Their belief means dualism; they eat corn.
Some became Catholic due to the Spanish civilians.
They think they emerged from underwater to be born.''

Carla wore a black cap, having a veil, and a green gown
Patterned with acorns and flowers, and her sleeves were caught
With jeweled clasps on lace at the elbow; her eyes were brown.
''The water is fresh in the ollas, I like them a lot.''

She asked Ivan’’ Now, where do you go? ’’ ‘’We left the war.’’
''Ahmed and Peter the First! '' replied Cruz, '' tell me something,
How could you reach Constantinople after coming from far? ''
''I do trade with them, but this war destroyed everything.''

''Did you lose everything you had? '' Marco asked Ivan.
''To make business in Turkey, I sold all my Russian goods.''
Erica tried this conversation to enliven,
''In Portugal, we'll search for a job in cities and hoods.''

Marco wore a banyan with a patterned lining; his cuffs
Were embroidered in gold; his justacorps and stockings
Over his breeches were red like Rosa's shoes and muffs.
All of them wore periwigs and talked a lot while walking.

( To be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
Mary had nine cannons to defend against the pirates.
The passengers lived in large cabins having low ceilings.
This carrack was steered by Sam, the best between pilots.
Three decks and the crew's quarters made it look as a building.

Their quarters and the captain's house were on the upper deck.
With a long boat and a shallop, this carrack was safe.
The galley was near the cabins; no one was put in check.
Its food didn't push people against the restraints to chafe.

This vessel had hatches to be used between the floors.
On the lower deck, near the cargo, 'twas the gun room.
They stored there guns, powder and shot using some locked doors.
Their scent was blurred by the meats and by the ladies' perfume.

The waves and the missing light made this deck cold and damp
For flour, biscuits, dried meats and vegetables, water and beer.
The ****** entered there only using a small lamp.
One by one, Sam and Sulim moved the rudder to steer.

The capstan used to heave up the anchor, was at the bow.
The binnacle stood directly in front of the wheel.
Through the compass, to have a night vision it could allow.
The magnetic deviation they could see and feel.

The sailors used the hourglass to measure their duty time
An astrolabe helped them see the position of stars.
Their chip board measured the speed during the stormy clime.
The Cross staff was skillful to see those ships of wars.

''Give me the quadrant to see that dawn star's altitude! ''
Freddy told Sam.''Why did you choose to buy a carrack? ''
''Provisions for long sails, but I can't say with certitude.
It's stable in heavy seas and helpful during attacks.''

'Did you hear about der Eyck? '' Continued Frederick.
''His instrument for longitudes and latitudes is new, ''
Said Arturo, a Spanish passenger, '' not a trick.''
''I'll buy the Plantius' version for me and my crew.''

(to be continued..)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
The ship had left the port two hours before Geraldine
Said, ‘’I feel that I'll never turn back here again! ’’
She passed through the waiting line formed to use the latrine.
Suddenly, she heard a thunder in that rush of rain.

They had insufficient fuel, but enough food to last
Until they arrive in Çanakkale; the kitchen
Was quite large and Maya started to cook very fast.
''Maya, what smells so good? '' She said, '' the last fried chicken.''

Ibrahim was seventeen years old, and he helped them
Prepare the breakfast for the passengers; he entered
To bring a basket of coal and jet. ‘’It looks like gem.''
He took a coal into his hand to see if it was splintered.

''It is increasingly difficult to sleep at night, ''
Geraldine said; the ship was sailing forward slowly.
The waves were small, and a galleon came into sight.
It had the color of those waters being shoaly.

'Twas a commercial one sailing in the same direction.
A gust of wind ruffled her hair and snatched her blue bow.
The splashing waves with the rain drops were in connection.
That ship was sailing fast, but none of their sailors knew how.

Maya took the kettle of water coming to a boil;
Prepared bread with butter and cheese for the coming people:
Twenty passengers and fifteen sailors freed from toil.
The bells that rang were like those being in a steeple.

Suddenly, there was a bang as the ship might have hit a reef.
Frederick and Sam looked up seeing that the square sail
Deteriorated slightly in the wind, and the chief
Asked Sam to repair it.''There're two techniques that never fail.''

''Do you see that ship in the distance, on the horizon? ''
''It must be a Spanish galleon bringing *******
Laced with wine, ''said Brisbon whose face was wrinkled and wizen.
''They sail across the Pacific Ocean from New Spain.''

''They're longer, lower and narrower, with a square tuck stern
And have snouts projecting forward from the bows below
The forecastle level.'' They forced their eyes to discern.
The sun rose making the water have a golden glow.

'' These galleons are fast and very maneuverable.
They enable the ****** to sail closer to the wind, ''
Said Fargo.''Old ship's problems are innumerable.''
Freddy said, '' a thought to buy a new ship is in my mind.''

( to be continued...)
Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
That ship used to carry passengers and some cargo.
'Twas cozy and elegant for the ladies' travel.
The outdoor spaces and the suites were cleaned by Fargo.
Its furniture and artworks were dreams to unravel.

They had tobacco, Indian spices, and old wine,
Making sure that the passengers didn't miss anything.
Searching for food and water, when the stars started to shine,
Freddy hired Maya because she knew to do everything.

Maya was an old woman with black eyes and long, white hair,
And she had a deep, long scar above her upper lip.
The crew got ready to leave the port, feeling despair
In waiting for the last passengers to board the ship.

''She will prepare the meals as a woman of the sea.
She will help you give birth to the child when the time will come.
Why do I sometimes feel like someone is watching me?
He always appears in my way; those moments I'm numb.

He's a tall and a lean man dodging out of my way.
He has three daggers and a gold ring with a boom skull.''
''Sulim said something about a sea wolf, '' ''What did you say? ''
''Ask Sam to follow him, and to put him in a lull.''

''It's dangerous to follow him, '' ''Now, where is his ship? ''
''Near wild shores, or isolated places, well hidden.''
''Due to my accident, I left the army swords that rip.''
''I left my home for you, ' cause this love was forbidden.''

(She started to cry while thinking that her father died because she left the home without his approval to marry Frederick. While crying, she fell asleep. Frederick fell asleep, too, while being worried about their future.)

(to be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
Sulim said, ‘’the moon rises on the sky like a child.’’
''The jeweler is going to come tomorrow to
Bring me jewels for those wanting their life to be styled.
Although I can't sell them, I want all her dreams come true, ''

Frederick said. She replied, ''I can't wait to choose them.''
''They are expensive, and it's hard to find customers.''
Sam said, ’’ increase the price when two eyes light on a gem.''
''I have to deal with the coast-men, who are expert smugglers.''

'' 'Twas another world, when jewelry meant a business.
I had to wear a lapel clip to be fully dressed.''
Sam said, ''to the jewelry theft, I'm an eye witness.''
''To protect this ship from pirates, I'll do my best.''

He kissed her, '' you're the most important jewel for me.''
She touched her womb, ''this fetus is the most important.''
''And I hope he will become what I want him to be.
I know he feels, even his feeling is quite dormant.’’

(After a few seconds of thinking, Frederick continued to talk with her.)

''Are you sure it's a boy? '' ''I am absolutely sure.
Moreover, he will be like his dad.'' The man held her
Into his arms, '' I'm strong enough this fate to endure.
Is he as beautiful as me? '' He played with her hair.

Dreamy and meditative, Geraldine told him,
''He's already a sailor in my womb.'' He laughed.
''Son, I want you to hit her a little in a gym.''
She exclaimed, ''he moved.'' ''He’s maestro at this craft.''

(Early in the morning, Frederick and Geraldine woke up. They used to sleep in the same bed, although she was pregnant.
She had to prepare the breakfast for the sailors, and he had to go to the nautical bridge to take back the control of the ship.)

''You'll stay at Lisbon for a few years because the child
Must grow up enough to be taken with us on the ship.''
''I do not let you roaming through the freedom and the wild.''
''I don't go, I stay with you, '' he whispered lip to lip.

''Are you afraid of losing me? He asked tenderly.
''I'm afraid that something bad is going to happen.''
''With five belly dancers around fashion'd slenderly? ''
''Imagine this! You're going to be a real captain! ''

He laughed. She gave him a pat on the back with her cushion.
''Do you see those five lateen sails? They dance in the storm.''
He wanted to make love with her, but she kept on pushing.
He immobilized her screaming ''Love me to keep me warm! ''

Ismail knocked on the door and told Frederick that the jeweler was on the ship.

(to be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
Mary was a carrack around two hundred in size
Having a cargo space and five masts with lateen sails.
The men climbed to the top of the mast to front the skies.
Loaded the cargo and prepared it for heavy gales.

This ship had a main mast with a square sail for speed
And triangular sails for maneuverability.
Being eager to eat, to drink and to smoke their ****,
To load brocade and silk, they got the ability.

They had to purchase these goods of China to Lisbon,
Where they could exchange it for some Portuguese silver.
The crates were quite heavy, and Frederick asked Brisbon
To hire men, 'cause ‘’at time, the goods they must deliver.’’

Brisbon hired sailors from Istanbul for the crew.
They carried the crates, one by one, into the cargo.
Sulim came and said that the gangway was damaged, too.
‘’What else? ’’‘’Three crates of goods and Abseil’ hands, ’’ said Fargo.

''We have to get to Gibraltar before September
In order to be able to pass through the mousetrap.
There is a strong current, which can be our ship's dismember.
It flows in the opposite direction. Here's the map! ''

Sam said, ''captain, how fast are the currents through this strait? ''
''The water at the surface flows between 2 - 4 knots.
The Autumn current can make us strain as through Hell's Gate.
Losing knots in speed, we can die; life is in my thoughts.''

'' The merchant wants to leave and doesn't know what to do, ''
Said Sam. Frederick and two men went into port to seek
Someone, who could repair the gangway and someone who
Could treat Abseil’ hands, because to sail he was too weak.

Geraldine was in the kitchen to prepare some food
For the ******. ''Where do you go? '' She asked Frederick.
''A man's job! You're too jealous. I don't mean to be rude.''
''At noon, they drink.'' She laughed. ''My time is always metric.''

Frederick descended quickly into the boat with
Sulim and Suaram. They went ashore and went up
In northeastern outskirts of the town, where the fifth
House was an unfinished jewel under the sky's cup.

After two hours, they brought a few craftsmen the gangway
To repair. Finally, all the goods were brought on deck.
When the men started to eat, 'twas the end of the day.
'' The water swallows the sun; it's time for the dreams' trek.''

Said Sam while eating bread. ''And darkness engulfs the day.''
On the deck, the lanterns' light made the place enchanting.
They ate in silence. The water sprayed wet pearls away.
Frederick said, ''Now, the timeless our sleep is granting.''

(to be continued....)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jun 2015
They wanted to sail on the sea of life.
They built an ideal ship as in dreams.
Frederick and Geraldine, his sweet wife
Began sailing to explore new extremes.

Sometimes, he used to call her ‘’Crystallind.’’
On their ship, they carried good merchandise.
And he taught her to scream in the wind,
Creepy creeps with strong thoughts to harmonize.

He wore glasses, and his blue eyes were eyes
Of loveliness, when she called him ‘’Firstborn.’’
He was as a child, but one wondrous wise,
He had black tresses that were never shorn.

From the watery green, their happiness
Touched the abstracted infinite of the sky-
The land was a thought- ‘twas togetherness
In that place where that much, no bird could fly.

She could do so many things in bad days,
But if she stopped loving him, she would die.
Being pregnant in that garden of praise,
She received a heart emerald thereby.

‘Twas a day to meet the ship of pirates
In searching for treasures in the islands.
She saw the danger through her man’s iris.
The pirates attacked them to take diamonds.

Frederick, the child, leaped inside her womb.
His father and the crew started to fight.
The pirates’ ship went to the waters’ tomb,
And Holy tears was poured on them for light.

(to be continued)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Rising in Fall (Tanka)
Marieta Maglas Apr 2015
In fall, the trees watch
The rise of some butterflies,
When the leaves fall down,
'Cause they have the same color,
But a distinct sense of flight.
Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Apr 2015
In cosmos, our kin
Have the rainbow on their skin.
They live free from sin.

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Apr 2015
Red or yellow leaves
A nature covered by some snow
And the trees need the sunlight.

Copyright © Marieta Maglas
Apr 2015 · 521
All for Naught (Haiku)
Marieta Maglas Apr 2015
In a red, fire world,
the life colors disappear.
Colors go to naught.

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Apr 2015 · 803
The Polish Kiss
Marieta Maglas Apr 2015
In a dreamy field with dark blue irises,
Her lips are like falling, red butterfly wings.
In his blue eyes, she sees that hope rises.
O'er the life bridge, sometimes, the bell of death swings.

In the flower-filled wind, so high is his thought
As near is his feeling to the heart of love.
Flapping skywards, the dark spirits come to naught.
So sunny the sky, here flies the white dove.

With his long black hair and his beautiful chest,
He is a Polish king in their wedding bed.
His ringed hand swings the paradise of her breast.
From there, so far is the rising moon and so red.

Their thoughts into the vast infinity slip,
Into the flowers' seeds; untouched sutured wounds
In forgotten memories flutter and clip.
Prayers from afar do flow to the lips' sounds.

She wakes up in the field; the irises have grown.
Her vibrating horizon is forsaken-
A love so near that her heart has never known.
Knows now who she has, from her dream, awakened.

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Jan 2015 · 3.6k
New Aryan Bird of Prey
Marieta Maglas Jan 2015
Extraterrestrial humans have traveled through a warp,
Galactic gate to this world wanting to engage with us.
They sought treaties with our United Diplomatic Corp.
'Mayan descendants coming from Nibiru', wrote the press.

'On 5000 BC, that earth map had big continents.
During the time Of Moses, strange Mycenaeans appeared
Having an alphabet for hieroglyphic documents,
While an alien space from Atlantis, for sure, disappeared.'

'Thutmose had a place of the ear for Amun unique god.
For 2000 years, human societies have been like tides
In revolutions of states continuing to maraud.'
'Our telepathic thoughts keep all your historic asides.'

'That Atlantic civilization described by Plato
Disappeared in water together with its continent.
The Aegean islands formed by Santorin volcano
Have been subject to that historical change consequent.'

'Some underground bases with space gates to other planets
In Egypt, Siberia, Germany, China and States
Can be built by us.''This is not foretold by our prophets.'
'The strands of DNA are the same, thus we can be mates.'

'Anunnaki are described on Sumerian tablets.
They crossed the asteroid belt having shipped to reach us.
The Earth slave labourers looked like being chained black rabbits.
Human rights can be assailed.There is nothing to discuss.'

'The origins of the Illyrians remained unclear.
Unlike Dorians, they disappeared into Slavic zones.'
'It's all hooked up with the Illuminati, and it's clear
That with this pass, Nibiru cracks its planetary stones.'

'There's too many of you here, when you are teleported.'
'This unseen infrared planet is ours, though you see us.'
'Vatican knows this, and to keep the secrets they ordered.'
'You need knowledge to survive.''This thing we do not discuss.'

'We belong to this dual-binary solar system.
In the Oort Cloud, there is a large low-mass aborted star
Making our planet orbits be elliptical. Listen
To the interplanetary plasma that breaks so far! '

'Odd records around these times of comets and disasters
Lead to the disintegration of civilization.
This old world sows confusion due to our last massacres.
Many birds, animals and people die from starvation.'

'We're not those lizards, or those giants from your Vedic myth.
We represent the Federation of Living Planets.'
'For us, to celebrate Life with Peace means a Holy gift.
You are near our thermonuclear reactor blankets.'

'Your refusal leads to intergalactic incidents.
Our friends traveled through a spatial wormhole to be with us.
Does the Six Day War support 'elongated' imminence? '
'In front of St Thomas Aquinas we stop to discuss.'

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Jan 2015
While the bud butterflies melt their wings
Within the light red poppy chain,
The pink-gray clouded, sad sunset rings.
In this lost sky, the sun's light vein
Is almost thrown in a ****** rain.

The leaving sun abandons the sky
For the moon, and in the cricket crawl
The leaves of the oaks whisper 'good bye',
While the coming night has a dark shawl.
She looks at the stars with a black eye.

The sun and the stars find synergy,
In the regolith on the moon,
But with helium fusing energy,
This moon looks like a big balloon,
Or like a fragile, silky cocoon.

And like those thoughts enveloped in words,
Or like angels carrying their pure love,
Are the Feathers of the Holy Birds
In that rain dropping the divine globes
On the strong souls needing love rewards.

Any epistemological sphere
Is pouring up to the Holy Book,
Or is falling down to disappear.
The reverse arch gets a killer look.
Tries to provide fragrance of fear.

The fluid, wicked waves draining in sight
On Earth to meet at infinity
Are like the dark rays in the pure light.
Light rays are arches of Trinity,
While dressed in wind seems to be the night.

Stars are candles and night lights them all,
The colors withdraw in the last light.
In the black darkness, they look so small.
The dream seeds germinate for a fight,
Becoming real while breaking their wall.

© copyright Marieta Maglas
Trinity,God, butterflies, poppy, sun,sky, rain,night,light,eye,helium,regolith, word, love
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