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Jan 2019 · 926
at piece
Louise Ruen Jan 2019
my body lays flat on the bed
a body part pointing to each of the four world corners
my sky a light oak tree ceiling

Lana Del Rey is on the radio

the thoughts
How does she understand me so well?
How come I’ve never felt like that before?
occur and intertwine at the same time

the way she shares a little piece of her soul
her wandering, capricious, lusting soul

it’s beautiful

I want to be able to do that too
I wonder

which part of the body holds the soul?

first I cut my toe off

my curiosity simply took over
my foot quickly following along
a rush
floods over me

a leg must lend it’s life
then a finger
my right arm

my collarbones could be used as drumsticks

there are no drums in the song

my left hand is taken apart one finger at a time
I cut down the lifeline
I watch the blood spill out
it stops and
I heave my shoulder joints

next my eyes are up

I rip them out and turn them 180 degrees
so they stare into the sockets they left behind
eyes are after all said to be the window to the soul

I guess they aren’t

the ears are next in line

the other leg

I cut the skin on my throat into star shaped pieces
they sned down onto the gray carpet like alphabeat pasta snow

my nose lands atop my foot

it’s a strange sight

why you call them apple cheeks
I don’t know
they just look like bald rats to me

my stomach I slice open along the scar
I got the summer I crawled into a spruce tree and
caught a broken branch on my way down

left to itself
my heart lays flat on the bed
Lana Del Rey is on the radio
a body part pointing to each of the four world corners
my sky a light oak tree ceiling

I didn’t find my soul

only blood

nerve strings

pulsing muscle

a liver
two kidneys
among other things

maybe the soul isn’t connected to the body
maybe it doesn't matter because

I feel whole

I feel like

I’m in one piece.
Jan 2019 · 399
Louise Ruen Jan 2019
When do you want to met up?
I ask
add that I’ll sponsor the wine
But you’re too busy eating chocolate with her
Underneath blankets
That spread out like plaster parachutes
making it impossible for you to get up
I know this
still I stand outside the apartment,
a payed for ticket in hand
Late spring’s love breeze intrudes my wooljacket
your trashcan next to me smells rotten
Will people look at me weird if I go alone?
Jan 2019 · 600
Louise Ruen Jan 2019
I’m lying awake
In my thoughts contractions
You are the weapon
That will eventually slaughter me
Because you’re stronger than I
Yeah, you’re the only one
Who can nail me to my bed
Without using any nails
And even though I’m greedier than you
You’re still my Judas
When you whisper in my ear
Your yellow pupils radiating heat like the sun
Threatening to turn me into ashes before I die
My mother always said one could turn blind by staring into the sun
Is it the truth?
I defy her advice
For a moment the sun in your eyes belong with the ocean in mine
You gave me an answer to my question
Let me turn the water in your body into wine
I am thirsty
Let me enjoy one last supper
Surrounded by white sheets covering just as much as a loincloth would
Let me show you that Paradise is real
And take you there
Let me enjoy one last sin
Before I sacrifice myself on my oakwood bed
Your hands make me feel resurrected
Let me hope for salvation
Our love is a lie. And so it begins. Foolishly laying our hearts on the table, stumbelin' in.
Happy New Year's
Dec 2018 · 582
Mixed Signals
Louise Ruen Dec 2018
You share a strange similarity to a traffic light that’s out of order
All I receive are mixed signals
I don’t know whether to stay safe and stay put
Or to take the chance and just go

you emit green light
Your left hand reaches out and caresses my thigh
Your head finds a spot leaning down on mine
But then you shift to yellow
and I can feel the cold from your chest pushing into mine
in a way that makes me wonder
how I am able to support your entire weight
Why doesn’t it burst the ballon under my skin?

My thoughts put to a halt when I see the red light in your eyes
and you say
“I don’t want a girlfriend”
I have to trust your word
Because your forehead part times as a unbreakable fortress to your mind
and today there are no lines nor crinkles to give me a sign on what’s going on in there
I do know that your mind is running rampant
as always
I know that mine is running 90 miles an hour
on a highway that never intersects with yours

You repeat:
“I don’t have time for a girlfriend.”
What I don’t say is
it’s okay, I don’t mind
I just want to be your ex
I know
even if our highways were united through a bridge
we would stand on each side and wave at each other
But never dare to take the first step out on it
In fear of falling into the water

I know that
I’m the type of person that burns my bridges
To ensure I don’t cross them
I know that
You’re the type of person who wouldn’t call 911
But instead stand still and try to heat up your chest

What I don’t know is
whether to hit the break or the speeder
Nov 2018 · 254
Louise Ruen Nov 2018
Long, weary drops of water are falling outside
Through the bird droppings on my window I notice how the almost almost dead and done grass is leaning slightly to the right.
I shouldn't have time to notice this.
I should be running out the door
But I'm lacking something to run towards
So I'm sitting at the kitchen table, holding a overglamorized clay ***
Trying to fight of all the blue and the grey in the world
I close my eyes and observe my the darkness under my eyelids
The pleasure is greater when all the other senses are shut down
Only then does your full and round Earl Gray flavour truly come to life
Creating a frozen timeslot
To explore the universe under my batting eyelashes
You stand out like the North star tempting me to come along
Even if your moral compass point South instead of North
Surrounded by the constellations of my past,
A moment of seperation from the outside world
That slowly slips away, while you slip down my throat, down to my heart
Making sure a little bit of heat reached it today again.
While tearing me back to reality
Despite all the best things
The kitchen watch starring at me threathingly
Now I actually do have to run out the door
(my goal can always be to find a goal)
that let's the bitter cold inside
whose hinges squirm
While you just stand there like an autumn leaf on my kitchen table.
Apr 2018 · 525
My Other Half
Louise Ruen Apr 2018
I don’t want to be you anymore.
You’re a cheap version of every Instagram trend,
and you possess more duplicity than the rest of humankind,
when you slide chameleon style through a crowd of people,
professing your love to them, while your stare hits the ground.
making it clear for the rest of us
why you’re deserted
when you talk about obscure things, knowing nobody will follow you,
disarming people from questioning your intelligens,
just so you can feel a little better than them

But it’s okay,
because you’re a hallucination of every guy’s fantasy.
A true dream catch,
who knows how to use her catch-all affect

Making you exceptional.
Your self-control is infallible.
You would never burst into tears, without a proper reason, like I do.
And your body, your face, everything is so beautiful,
In a degree that makes me desire you.
So I coat myself in your charm,
when my feet stop feeling warm

And I can’t look at myself in the mirror, after your visit.
Because I know that you would never
leave this skin undone like I do,
would never
fail these walls like I do

Yeah, it’s a shame,
that your polished plastic perfect smile
don’t cover your crooked teeth
Yeah it’s a shame,
that you can spot me through the crack between your front teeth
if the light hits just right.
And even though my Instagram photos won’t admit it,
my expectations are always more exciting than the occasion itself
And my confidence is a glass tray behind  behind dark red tiles.
But you,
you don't have those problems.

Yeah, it’s a shame,
that I can’t love me as I love you
Not gonna lie...Originally this poem was 100% inspired by Billie Eilish's song "idontwannabeyouanymmore".
Feb 2018 · 300
I Should Have Thought
Louise Ruen Feb 2018
Who would that thought that we would turn out this way
When you cracked open a beer, which I turned down knowing I had to drive away

And who would have thought
That I would have something to tell you,
I just don't want to ruin our night
Maybe I should just keep my lips sealed for a little longer
As long as yours are locking up mine
We should both be fine.

Meanwhile, outside the night goes ballistic
The shade is covering up your room
We're just as tangled as your hair,
My feelings following along
curling into a hundred different directions
And it's crazy how not being able to look into your eyes,
Everything all of a sudden becomes so easy

And who would have thought
That butterflies would startle me, as soon as yours disappeared
Or that I would finally hate how Gordon's make me feel like I'm drunk on love instead of alcohol.
And who would have thought
That a martini wasn't the only thing, you would stir up.

I never thought it possible to lose something you never had
So now the aftertaste of lemons is lingering in my mouth
And every time I see you
I've visually replaced her face with mine
And every time I see you
I try to fake a smile.
Been kind of MIA on here for a while (which should be good since poetry is my therapy and not writing means I'm genuinely happy).
So I'm trying to learn to write about all the good **** that happens, since the time between the events that inspire angsty crap like this becomes farer.
Dec 2017 · 2.3k
Renaissance Woman
Louise Ruen Dec 2017
I’m a renaissance woman.
Not in the sense that I’ll birth your children, and keep a perfect clean house
I am a Muse.
I rebirthed and reclaimed my mind and body
Away from the Dark Age of adolescence
So, I can finally feel present in my own skin

I’m a renaissance man in a woman’s body
Not in the sense that I feel trapped in the wrong time, place or body
But that I've become skilled in many fields
I will never stop trying to better myself
I have designed and engineered a par of perfect wings.

I guess you’ve never seen an angel in disguise
But unlike Icarus, my wings can hold me,
So, ******* Leonardo, I’m a better renaissance woman than you were a renaissance man
Sep 2017 · 846
Louise Ruen Sep 2017
You are a devil who looks like a human but talks like an angel
I’m a pretty blue-eyed girl for which you are the living proof
You swept me off my feet
But I deserve a guy who encourages me to stand
A guy who will let me lean, instead of knocking me down, telling me it’s an act of love
I did not know love could be other than face value
So, when I got your check, I was surprised it came with ownership
Now I just feel sorry for you
Your mind will always be squarer than your jaw
Your soul darker than your eyelashes
Your resentment will always seep through your bones and manifest as hair on your skin
You can try and shave it down
But it will keep coming back – dark and seemingly multiplying
Aug 2017 · 420
Times Change
Louise Ruen Aug 2017
Yesterday I promised myself never to make the same mistake
Tonight I won’t mind you telling me I’m pretty
Tonight I’ll relish your compliments, be the tangible version of all your fantasies
For one night I’ll accept whatever and whoever comes my way
For one night I’ll ignore the bitterness in your kisses
For one night I’ll ignore myself and my own wishes
By dawn, I’ll hate myself for it
By dawn, I’ll realize that I deserve something real, that I deserve something more
Next week I’ll regret my actions by day, yet relish in them by night
In one year, I’ll realize that I don’t learn and maybe never will
Jun 2017 · 359
Tell Me I'm Cool
Louise Ruen Jun 2017
So…. you think I’m pretty?
Spin around on my 3 inch heels and walk away
Calling be an ungrateful ***** only affirms me
That your thoughts are as square as your face

Well, I’m sorry,
It’s not me you’re complimenting
You see, I’m not pretty
Not in the cliché “girl-thinks-she’s-ugly-and-doesn’t-wonder-why-every-boy-falls-be­fore-her-feet kind of way
I mean, I’ve heard the phrase enough times, to know others find me attractive
I know that my eyes carry more colors than a rainbow
And I see the hunger in yours
As they glide from mine to my cupids bow, further down my neck
To glance at the curves of my body
The exact same way you stare at an hourglass when you wait for it to run out

I wish my body was an actual hourglass.
That I could turn over to start over.
That my skin was so transparent that you could see the sandcorns in my mind
That my looks didn’t matter
And my curves were only to make sure my kidney doesn’t fall out
Instead of being an object of lust
Being pretty isn’t as fun as it’s made out to be
Yeah, people will be nice to you and strangers will give you a smile
But it will also be assumed that your life is perfection
You are pretty, how could it not be?
And no one will understand why you spend your freetime crying
Or why you hate your body,
Because every guy “would hit that ***”
not understanding that it’s exactly stuff like that, that makes you self-conscious
Because experience told you, that your looks would always get you further than your brain
And that the pressure to live up their beauty standards is slowly ripping you apart
As they keep reminding you how pretty you always are,
Not knowing the extremes you had to go to
That the friends you make, leave you, when they realize you aren’t what they hoped you to be
But it’s all good, because guys find you cute
So no one will believe your innocence
You don’t have anything to say if a guy wants to be on top of you
You’ll have to fight to be talked about as more than just pretty
You have to fight to be more than just a face.
May 2017 · 1.6k
Astro Nuts
Louise Ruen May 2017
There will be astronauts who will take your space.
Wanting no more space between you
Enveloping you in a sheet of stars and warm spheres
With the promise of your love living forever like stars
because you’re the only thing prettier than the milkyway
His love for you is bigger than all the galaxies combined
He’ll say
To heat up that heart of yours, till it collides with his like shooting stars
Two universes become one

But stars don’t live forever
In love as deep as space you can’t avoid black holes
That will consume all your love, all your strength, happiness until there is no more
Or him
Or love
Just to spit you out into lower atmospheres
And hey, Andromeda is kind of pretty too
You are no longer good enough to go to space
Mainly because they made you so

Earth feels like hell once you’ve been to heaven,
Trust me I know
I have been deprived of my fuel too
....just realized this poem is about falling in love with a *******. Oh, well.
Apr 2017 · 350
You Said
Louise Ruen Apr 2017
I made your heart beat
How come,
you are slowly dying
for me to see?
Apr 2017 · 620
All Smiles
Louise Ruen Apr 2017
Rewind to one summer ago
When the leaves were still blossoming on their branches
Just like ourselves, blooming into a new life,
a new chance
So we made a pact, made a bond, a contract
Four musketeers (we’re the real OG)* on the loose
Inseperable and undeniably connected
We spit our hands and smashed them together

Fast forward
Now you spit on me instead
All the leaves died a long time ago
Soon new ones will bloom
If they are able to hold on to their branches despite the gushing hurricane that doesn't seem to be leaving soon.

Mama once told me some people only last a season
I never thought it would be like this
Never thought you would act like this
Never thought you would treat me like this
Never thought you would forget like this
Never thought I could cry like this

You words and promises didn't last
We’re just plastered with plastic perfect smiles
Too bad we have crooked teeth.
Recently realized my so called friends didn't treat me like friends should. And you know, it's not their fault if they don't want my friendship - there are much more interesting people out there so that's cool. But I feel like a fool for not realizing it until now. First lesson of 2017: "You have to learn to get up from the table when love is no longer being served"
Apr 2017 · 446
No More Excuses
Louise Ruen Apr 2017
The city isn’t stopping you baby. It’s just you.
You say you’ll do it tomorrow,
The sun rises, but it’s still not tomorrow for you. It’s never tomorrow for you.
You say you should be planning your life. You have not stopped planning
You say you’ll chase your dreams. I still only see crawling.
Reminder to myself to take action instead of just talking about it.
Mar 2017 · 720
Unreal Reality
Louise Ruen Mar 2017
My eyes seek yours, but they will never meet, since you are starring into your black screen
So I speak, my mouth forming the words of appreciation,
But your ears are filled with rubber(ish)
I reach for your hand, but in your palm already lies the woman of your dreams
How am I to compare to her glassy delicacy?
She’s smart, she’s strong, she’s obedient, she’s loyal and she doesn’t have moodswings
I notice the way you light up when she’s lit up

But even for her working  overtime is a tiring impossible mission, and suddenly she’s tapped of energy
You cry, and I don’t know if it’s because your only option left is to talk to me
Only your reflection stares back at you on that black mirror of yours now.

I know how much you loved her spell
You don’t even notice I’m gone.
So many people are loosing touch with reality
Mar 2017 · 406
The Path
Louise Ruen Mar 2017
All I know to do is run.
Stop asking me what I’ll do,
*when my face hits the ground, and I can’t run anymore
I've honestly been a little stressed lately, but I don't know how to stop and say no anymore. OH well....
Louise Ruen Mar 2017
I don’t know which feeling you bring out in me the most:
Love or powerlessness
You are my oxygen but lately there’s only nitrogen in the air

Everytime you look at me with those puppy eyes I see your love for me burning like a sun, but currently my sky has been overcasted with clouds and rain.
You say there’s nothing I can do to make you feel better, that it’s not my fault.
But how am I supposed to see you hurting like that? If feels like sandpaper scratching both my mind and my skin, and there’s not long till the blood will start to spill.
I don’t know what else I can do but push, push, push, and I don’t know if I’m pushing you over the edge.

I know I can’t force you to be happy
I don’t want to either
And I’m cool with being the most important aspect of your life
But I don’t think I can be the only one anymore

*I love you.
You’re the smartest, most handsome and kindest person I know.
I want to be with you
Why can’t you understand you are what means the most to me?
Why can’t you understand that I’m really ******* trying? Am I the only one?
Why can’t you understand that I need you to care?
Life goes up and down, left and right, and maybe someday we'll actually cross paths.
Feb 2017 · 311
Fill In The Blank
Louise Ruen Feb 2017
Love is___ (Finish this sentence)

                                   Magical? Incredible? Mystical?
                                    Destroying? Confusing? Ugly?
                                          Never or ever- lasting?
                                  Heart breaking or heart healing?
                         A road to happiness or a road to sorrow?
                                                 Non exsistent?

**Please, I need to pass this test.
Trying out something a little experimental for me...mhm....Don't know what I think
Louise Ruen Jan 2017
The more poetry I read
The more air I fill my lungs with to yell out the words as a tribute to one of the most beautiful artforms
I discover
No words are good enough to convey true feeling
Words will own belittle it, make out of the world emotion seem less, make incredibly untangible things grab able.
But you can’t stand with a feeling in your hands - yes, that was a metaphor
And the art of poetry is trying too belittle it as little as possible.
A mission to describe something indescribable with words as your only tool.
Explaining something you don’t truly know what is or feel is hard.
People don’t feel the same way or share same emotions.
Even every single human experiences love in different forms, different emotions.
How do you communicate your version, so that it can be understood?
Poetry and the spoken word should never be forgotten, but praised.
Let us show the world it is not an old dusty artform but an innovative reflection of today’s world.
I'm truly embracing the power of words
Jan 2017 · 664
Outlet #2
Louise Ruen Jan 2017
You're the smartest person I know
Also the dumbest, because you keep making stupid decisions and take stupid actions
The biggest one being falling in love with me
This inevitably makes you not only dumb, but an idiot
Since I'm a selfish person, I can't help but take advantage
So with every passionate kiss we share, I'll take a little more of your soul till one day you'll end up a dried out shell on some unknown beach.
Simply because I wanted a little more than you should ever give.
You're also an idiot for not realizing what you do to me.
What having your love does to me. I’m obsessed and I’m no longer functioning properly because all I want to do is be with you.
Want to feel your caress on my hands, your timid kisses. I want everything
So I’ll give you my all. Give you all of me.
Afraid of one day leaving you for a new adventure, leaving you only with false hope
As soon as the wind blows and the leaves turn I- I got to go
You made me realize: All I do is leave people
Beautiful, sweet people that don’t deserve to be left
And I never want to leave you, but I’m not sure if I can help it.
It’s not like a fairytale where you as the knight comes and rescues the damsel in distress.
I’m neither a distressed damsel nor a fair lady who needs to be saved and crowned princess, and will never be.
I destroyed my tower and ran away all on my own.
When you  found me in the forest of the ****** I needed love, and I needed hope.
You gave that to me.
I hope I can return it.
Just a brain dump poem, that I didn't know how to title.
Jan 2017 · 639
A Little Gratitude
Louise Ruen Jan 2017
There's something undeniable in your eyes
I'm a simple mosquito attracted to that light
You're the water that makes me blossom and gives me life

You're the little bit of oxygen in otherwise nitrogen filled air
You're in my blood - or maybe just my blood? - pumping through my vains.

I need you now more than ever.
I firmly belive than you will only have yourself to get you in track in the end, but recently I've discovered "relying" on other people can be a beautiful thing - whether it's your boyfriend, mom or friend
Jan 2017 · 532
Louise Ruen Jan 2017
I’m completely utterly LOST.
My body was L-O-S-To a mind who thought it would be prettier in a size 0
My soul was L-O-S-To the expectations I saw around me
My heart is L-O-S-To a boy with big brown eyes
My confidence is L-O-S-To the people who talk silently in the corner, and my courage has always been gone.
My mind is L-O-S-To my own worst enemy - myself
I was completely utterly L-O-S-Till I realized that I was L-O-S-Time
will heal all wounds they say but what if the wounds are completely utterly L-O-STains
in my heart, my mind, my soul.
Then what do you do?
I yearn to be F-O-U-N-D
Shaking the past worries and insecurities off me, before 2017 really gets started.
Louise Ruen Dec 2016 mom tells me as she tucks me to sleep.
Her eyes are bright blue with similarities to the Tenerife Sea. Solid, bright but with an icy touch. I believe her.
Then my eyelids flutter open after a kiss and I stare into a young man’s brown eyes. Solid, deep, full, sincere, warm. I trust him more than I should.
My own eyes aren’t that easy to decode. They’re a complete mess.
A chaos of color conflicting with eachother, instead of settling on one.
Blue when I wake up,but  green when I step outside.  
If eyes really are the windows to the soul what does that say about me?
Am I splatters of different colors floating around like petals in a mysterious endless lake in the forbidden part of the forest?
Am I a rainbow only to be seen clearly when both rain and sun hits upon me?
Am I a bouquet filled with different flowers plucked different places with different stories?
Forests are easy to get lost i.
Lakes are easy to drown in.
Rainbows are not tangible.
Flowers are pretty but their lifespan is short after having been plucked.
I wish I wasn’t a chaotic mess.
That I wasn’t torn in between the things I want, the things I can, the things I have, the things I want to be.
I hope that one day my eyes and mind will make up their will.
But for right now, I my eyes may stay a chameleon.
Only seen by those who really see.
I guess I've now reached into the coming of age poetry genrer. Interesting.
Dec 2016 · 1.3k
Bounce Little Ball
Louise Ruen Dec 2016
One day a group of young girls were playing with a ball throwing it up the wall and thereafter cathing it.
Then a longhaired lively brunette dropped it out of her hands with a smirk on her face.
The girls and a couple of guys ran hastily after it.

My Heart Is Like A Bouncing Ball
Small, Elastic And Only Good In Certain Envoirments.

The first - let's call him Blondie, picked it up but didn't treat it with caution and it therefore tumbled out again.
Then Blue Eyes tried to make it stand still using clever tricks and persuasive words, even lips.
But now the ball wanted to keep on rolling, searching for new skies wondering how far it could get away from the only playground it had known.
On it's way it met Big Head, who tried to gain the ball many times.
But the ball didn't fall for flatter, and rolled faster than Big Head could run.
And after it had rolled around the earth, almost home, a fourth guy fell over it.
He looked as it with his deer like eyes, and picked it up.
He had been on his own adventure and had just returned back to his own playground.
He waited for the ball to go home, and return back at it's free will.
And to this days it's still his hand's that are closed around the little ball, protecting it.
Apperantly I'm the type of person who will use a bouncing ball metaphor to describe my entire love life, from the day a friend failed my trust to me finally finding love
Dec 2016 · 428
The Eyes of Revelation
Louise Ruen Dec 2016
The truth is the glaze of your eyes.
It beams off you like the sun beams of light.
And ever since I was a kid I would gage at the sun,
wondering if it could really make you blind.

After all these years you gave me the answer
I'm curious - What meaning did you get out of this poem?
Nov 2016 · 493
The Bambi and the TV
Louise Ruen Nov 2016
I'm not the greatest at sharing feelings.
I like to pretend that I'm well liked, pretty and everyone's friends.
I even like to imagine that I in the future there might be a man who I could love, and who might even love me aswell.

Then you came, and I got scared.
Heart locked up but lips sealed
Time for me to search for a bush I could hide under, until my devotion for school forced me to get up and go
Which I did only to realize I didn't feel awkward despite it all.

But it was a night of mistakes. I told you so. Kept telling you so.
You were just the lucky one out of four guys trying the same as you.
So I repeated the sentence to you, until I almost started believing it myself.

While your beard grew longer, I started distancing myself.
But you had put on your running shoes and was ready for a marathon.
Wasn't that what I always wanted?
You beard would move up and down when you would speak  the words than would eventually convince me so.

Because you were third time lucky.
Despite waking up confused, not because of the wine and the *****, but because I felt like I was leading you on, and I didn't want to repeat the already done mistakes, but at the same time loving and finding comfort in your spicey scent. Even your weird *** breath.
No longer able to use alcohol as an excuse to want your lips to find mine.

But I was and am rightfully scared.
When your hands slide down my skin, my mind turns turns a grainy black and white like an old television.
And just like the TV I've slightly stopped functioning.
Broadcasting my insecurities and therefore my biggest fear.
Your arms wrap around me telling me there's nothing to be frightened off, but I'm my own worst enemy.
I guess it reflects just how ****** up I am, and I'm sorry for my never-ending stupidity.
Maybe it's all because you really are too good for me.
I for sure never understood why you stayed.
I still don't understand.
What if one day you realize?
The 'background' story and continuation of "The Bambi and the Highway"
Louise Ruen Oct 2016
“Feminism shouldn’t exist” the guy next to me in class tells me with conviction in his eyes. “Females have more rights than men, their period just makes them whiney as ****”

Well, you might not be a guy who walks around grabbing girls’ *****, believing that the clearly uncomfortable smile she send you, after you had starred non-stop at her for 5 minutes straight was consent.
Or a guy who comes up to a girl at prom not being able to understand that she doesn’t have a date because “all the guys I know would **** to pieces”
But just because you don’t do this (and THANK YOU for that), don’t ******* tell me these men don’t exsist, when each of every example in this poem is a different guy in my life..

You’re not the one who couldn’t walk down the school hals without 10 guys catcalling and starring  at your ***, all while you stare the floor.
I guess it’s my fault for wearing leggings or running pants, thinking it was a smart idea because I planned on going running later. Or at least that’s what I’m told at the guidance.
Unfortunately them not being ‘real pants’ doesn’t make your hands on them less real.

You’re not the one therefore starting to wear as baggy close as possible, because apparently that’s the way of escaping male gaze and more importantly hands, just to be met by comments going: “did you get up last minute this morning,” or “why did you give up trying? You used to dress so cute”
Trying on WHAT?
Yes, I am giving up, because I don’t know how to make you look into my eyes without giving me the elevator glance first.

But, I shouldn’t be complaining. Pretty girls don’t have anything to complain about – right?
They’re pretty, they’re going to do fine in life as long as the know how to take off their clothes.
Being pretty is the reason guys pay you attention, and you should be glad, cuz ugly get none.
So I’m taught to sit back and accept harassment, because the only other option is not getting is, and you wouldn’t want that, would you?
All while girls compete trying to become as pretty as me and all the other pretty girls.
Because it doesn’t matter how funny or smart you are as girl, if you aren’t pretty, it doesn’t really matter.
BUT, if you are, being smart is hot – not geeky, and any other slightly not good characteristic will be overlooked.
And taking off your clothes is a great tool to get your way.
Just accept life is easier you for, man.

But you misunderstood something.
Girl don’t try to be pretty to have that kind of ‘privilige’ or to get an easier life.
They try to be pretty, because it the only way you survive.
I DO realize that obviously people are more attracted to those considered 'pretty' and there's nothing wrong with finding a woman pretty - but the way you act on it might be wrong.
Also, I realize females start to objectify males more and more too, and obviously that's not any better. I'm just telling about my personal experience with what I consider innapropiate behaviour.
Louise Ruen Oct 2016
Black. The deepest variety of it.
That was   all I saw when I closed my eyes.
Now the black is lit up the whole ******* milky way, and no, I don't mean the candybar.

I might be able to see that and the rest of the world when my eyes are awake and open, but as soon as I close them, and leave my constantly batting eyelashes to rest, I discover an entire universe behind my eyelids.
And among the stars I find you. As the northstar you stand out.
I wish your moral compass pointed north aswell, but I guess the fun was always south
You are surrounded by the constallations of my past, not only making the milkyway a memory lane, but beautifying the mistakes I have made.
There are plenty.
So I guess time really does heal all wounds.
Because my heart no longer feels a big blackattention-craving all consuming hole, but instead like the freaking sun.
Radiating heat to warm up the icy winter and make it feel like summer
All thanks to you, my own Apollo dragging it across the sky in your chariot with the help of your flaming horses.
I call it my own litlle devine miracle.
Everyone gets one and you were mine.

I open my eyes and the universe is gone leaving the world behind.
I see you.
I smile.
This might seem like a love poem - which I guess it is in a weird way, because it's really about my friends or whoever lights up your world.
Oct 2016 · 593
Take Action
Louise Ruen Oct 2016
The air was crisp, the sun had gone down.
She's wearing the braids of a little girl,
but she's a big girl now, in a smalltown where nothing ever happens,
where everyone's busy with other people's business
Large-scale dreaming, she's a restless being.
She might now have curves, but she's lacking the nerve to go out and take action
While the kids with the faces of the Moon go out and bed the kids with the personality of Mars, mistaking eachother for the answer,
she's inside her room doing chores, too scared to go out.
Too afraid of failure and desperate to be good enough.
The townwals build up around her, so her fears are replaced with the fear of never getting out.
Allwhile the moonkids turned into regular adaults and got tired of the Mars girls.
They started mistaken her for the answer, but she never mistook their hands for love
Blaming the town for her despair
Poor her, pour her.
She'll need some fluid courage in order to grab her things and run
Remember, the town isn't what's stopping you baby - it's only you.
You are your own answer.
Tbh, this poem is actually an uplifting one encouraging (me atleast) to go out and do something, so I won't be stuck in this own little town of mine.
Oct 2016 · 570
The Bambi And The Highway
Louise Ruen Oct 2016
I stare into an empty room. I see nothing. I hear nothing. I smell nothing.
But - something’s here….do you feel it aswell?
My mind is a highway of cars and thoughts, and nomatter how long I drive for none of those roads cross with yours, so, I simply wouldn’t know.

And everytime you open your mouth- despite it being for words or a kiss- I start craving a little more.
Every squeeze from your hand, every snarky comment and smile keeps that craving going.
I’m not talking about a quick roll in the hay or a brief moment of feeling wanted.
I want something much bigger and way more unattainable.
Your love has become my one birthday wish.

We might be young and we might not last, but for right now, I know we would be great together.
Even despite you having absolutely ruined me, by foolishly letting me believe there could be more than 36 cats for me.
So I’m left hoping those big brown bambi eyes aren’t fooling me, because I think I might be falling.
And I need you there to catch me.
Sep 2016 · 433
Ice Baby
Louise Ruen Sep 2016
My mind is a conflagration
You’re the river next to it
That’s you and I in our simplest forms
Utterly pathetic, utterly human

A mountain of tissues have been used
I try to reach out to the pool
A simple swim is all I ask for
An opportunity to enjoy the cold current you put me in
Maybe crawl onto a little bank.
Breath freely for once and for a while

Despite the cocktails we keep emptying, we both know we’ll never make a decent cocktail together.
Sep 2016 · 1.9k
A Love Letter
Louise Ruen Sep 2016
Dear future husband,
I’m writing this now, because my future self might be convinced that I love you.
Might be persuaded by my desire to find true love. Problem is, it’s always just a phantom of my fantasy. Love, I mean. I want it so bad I start hallucinating. I lose myself

The truth is, I don’t know if I dare. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to set my self loose like that. Loosing control is my biggest fear, and isn’t that what love does to you? Makes you put aside all logic, and let you act upon your heart? Can I ever fully trust myself in someone elses hands? I doubt I will ever be that brave, which is why I’ll never truly love anyone. I just don’t have the capacity.

I might be in love with the idea of us, but not with you.

You see, I’ve spend years burying what my heart desires for not only you but myself. It was too late to dig up years ago, so why now? Most of the time, I don’t even want to. I build these walls for a reason. Young and pretty, but never yours. Smart, so I’ll will never let you know how I truly feel.

I just don’t think I’ll ever be able to axe my needly architected buildings down.

Some days, my mind decides to do so, but I’m simply too self destructive to take any action
All this time I've spend on becoming a selfmade woman…Would love mean giving that up? Deep down I realize volunerability is a strength, but there’s too many things thrown on top for me to see that anymore.

So my conclusion is I will never truly be able to love someone.
It would be a riot against myself.

**I was never much of a rebel.
I don't know if I use this as an excuse to avoid love, but no matter what I'm questioning everything I ever thought about myself.
Aug 2016 · 354
Louise Ruen Aug 2016
The only one I can't forgive

is myself for forgiving everybody else

*I can't do this anymore
It's been some turbulent months, but baby I'm back
Jun 2016 · 586
Louise Ruen Jun 2016
What feels like clarity has hit upon me
Like my senses went through a sharper like the pencil I use to write with
But my tolerance for ******* went down a whole lot.
So I don’t have time to hear on all your jibberish
Who you had *** with and why you weren’t feeling it
I would rather spent my time stuck inbetween these purple walls
With a book and a pen I’m fine here alone
Don't feel sorry, we were never really a match
I don't care that you have the new iPhone and wear Cartier
For me, you can stick your Valentinos up your ***
I can no longer pretend like it's all jollyness
When what I long for you can not give and you can't pay to get it for me
There's  no reason to continue wasting time
My body might be stuck, but my mind never stops wandering.
Right now, that’s all I need.
Jun 2016 · 483
What's New?
Louise Ruen Jun 2016
You said that I am pretty, but boy what’s new
I’ve heard it a hundred times; it’s become oldschool
You gotta bring more game than a smile and a hey
Especially if you want me to come your way
But as man you shouldn’t move a bit and we should all just fall into your lap. Right?
Please, don’t be like any other man

I grew up looking myself in the mirror
My life’s set because they think I look pretty
Cut my hair short? You must be crazy. - stick me a dress and some makeup and let’s fix this mistake, baby
Look at my face. Someone who looks like this can’t be crazy. Right?
I’m a blue-eyed *****, who therefore isn’t allowed to be upset
So my life must be pure happiness. Right?

You said that I was pretty, but boy what’s new
I’ve heard it a hundred times; it’s become oldschool
You gotta bring more game than a smile and a hey

The weight is making me looked crippled
I was told to straighten up, coz it wasn’t pretty
What will I do when I get old? - I guess I’ll have nothing to fall back on
I’m young and naïve, and even though things develop, they don’t really ever change.
Because I’m a privileged girl in a vain, vain world
Therefore my life must be true happiness. Right?

So baby don’t cry if you’re ‘too beautiful’ for demons.
They don’t know that beauty is your demon.
They don’t know your life is far away from bliss.
I cried when I reread this. Everything is really only an illusion.
If you let it be.
Jun 2016 · 4.4k
Search of Freedom
Louise Ruen Jun 2016
In search of freedom.
I jumped
Only to become an anchor,
Opening my mouth only leads to drowning
Jun 2016 · 482
Louise Ruen Jun 2016
Air comes out of her mouth in short, loud breaths.
Her palms are sweaty
Anticipation is in her eyes, as her mom reads the pages
The pages that were never meant for anybody to see,
But after writing them she realized that they had to be shown.
Because words are meant to be heard, read and said. Not just written.
If she had know, the pen would never had touched the paper
Now she brushes her hair behind her ear, as her mom finishes the last line with a heavy sigh.
"I don't understand," her mom says, and she realizes that they'll never understand.
That her kryptic codes are for her only to detangle, and all they'll ever do is guess.
All they'll ever do is worry, because what if something's wrong?
And something is wrong. Plenty of things are wrong, but not they things they have in mind.
Because they'll never understand.

So I just keep on fighting to be heard, with the pen as my greatest weapon, because I'm tired of this ****.
Jun 2016 · 414
Outlet #1
Louise Ruen Jun 2016
I breath in, I breath out
The cold air is filling up my lungs, and I haven't slept i n a month
So I keep going on, because life's rushing by me,
and I can't figure out it's joy or denial, but I could use a good party, to drink my self senseless
No one will let me in.

Soon I'll be under a different sky, start a new life.
I'll not quit the act.
Perfection is haunting me, along with expectations of who I should and shouldn't be.
Tell me, do the best or worst things lin life come for free?

Just make me feel good for once.
Just make me forget for once.
Make me know what it feels like to be discovered, when you're uncovered.
Tell me, how does it feel to dance freely for once?
How it feels when you scream out your lungs like,
no one could every hear you,
break you,
see you,
catch up with you.
Is it good?

I breath in, I breath out.
Not quit the act.
Drink myself senseless.
Haunting me.
Under a different sky.
Wrong or right?
I'm so overwhelmed with all the positive response I've been getting on my last few poems. THANK YOU.
May 2016 · 916
Louise Ruen May 2016
I know what you think, and that you think you  know what you see.
You know everything better than me.
You might be right, but I know that you’re wrong.
I feel the pull, but the pain is small
And all you have to say is: “You’ve changed” - and I hope you’re right
Now flowers are growing rampant in my mind.
Extending my horizon, making me realize that this life is beautiful
That this life is mine and mine alone
That eventhough I’m completely ordinary with crooked teeth and dull brown hair, I’m not hindred from doing  extraordinary things.
That’s what life’s really about.
I don’t need  future plans - which is great, because I have none -  but that doesn’t mean I don’t know what I want from life.
Call me liberal, if that means you allow me to live life the way I invision
See what’s beyond the flowerbed in my mind.
See the moon from South Africa, Brazil or maybe Tibet.
You should have known that I wouldn’t come back the same that I left
But all you say is: “You’ve changed”
All I can say is: “Good”
A couple of months ago I came across a picture through the social media that spoke to me. It illustrated two unknown identities (you could only see their frame). One had a few flowers coming out of her head. Her little speaking-bubble said: "You've changed". The other person replied "I Hope So". She had the double amount of flowers growing from her. Thinking about this picture today inspired this poem.
Don't be afraid to spread love, kindness and live up to your full potential. Extend your horizons and imbibe life. When it comes down to it, it's afterall pretty good.
May 2016 · 1.1k
Louise Ruen May 2016
She's the ultimate mistress
Boys and girls bend to her, just to get a little sample of her power
They wait their whole life to feel her presence. Go through their whole life, trying to track her down so they can finally meet her. So that they can finally feel, well, something. So they can pretend their life was worth something
She turns good men into fools, and fools into good men
She turns good girls bad, and bad girls good
She doesn't care about money or success
But watch out, for the minute she has you wrapped up in her game, she'll ***** you over, because, well, she's the player who invented it, and you have to play by her rules.
She leaves you broken. Destroyed into a thousand pieces.
She left me breathless, restless with a feeling of lessness
Because I feel in love with her and not him
Feel in love with what we could be,
but not him
With a blink of an eye, she's on to the next.
The same pattern that has formed many times and will again and again and again.
Because while she stays evergreen, I'll grow old and became one with the earth.
She'll attend my funeral through my family and friends
May 2016 · 936
Louise Ruen May 2016
She was raised to win, to bear the crown
Raised to ignore the weight wearing her down,
because happy girls, yeah, they don't cry

She lived to please others
She lived to aim other's expectations, and knew she could never be, who she truly is
Taught that success is the key to everything, and that success is only measured in a fancy career, money or power.
But happy girls, yeah, they don't cry.

And they all say that she'll go far
"She has her life all figured out", they say with admiration
Because supergirls, yeah, they just smile

Little do they know,
that when she gets home
She'll write down her real dreams and thoughts,
just to throw in a draw
because supergirls, yeah, they just smile

So tell me,
don't you know, that it's our fatal flaw,
to honestly believe,
that people aren't real human beings?
With dreams and aspirations that aren't considered "smart"
With emtions and tears they can't express without being considered weak

I guess we'll never realize
Because happy girls don't cry,
and supergirls just smile
Know that you don't have to be strong all the time. Know that you can rebel. Know that it's okay to cry and be unhappy, no matter what society tells.
Little do they know that I'm she.
May 2016 · 349
No Choice
Louise Ruen May 2016
Why can't I make you change your mind?
I'm not what you need, you're not what I want.
This obsession has already gone too far.
I'm not a good girl
I'm not even your girl,
and I don't want to hurt, don't want to break no heart
But you leave me no choice

So why can't you just give up?
Isn't my missing smile intimation enough?
Boy, you don't own it
You never even hold it
I'm a stray of grass, and you won't tie or plow me down as long as I can feel the wind,
and I don't  want to hurt, don't want to break no heart.
But you leave me no choice

So don't put your arm around me
Don't tell me I look pretty
I'm sure you look good when missing a shirt
A shame that your head can't keep up
Please, don't force me to play nice when I see no butterflies within miles,
because I don't want hurt, don't want to break no heart
But you leave me no choice.

I'm nothing but trouble for you, northing but heartbreak,
and I don't want to hurt, don't want to break no heart.
But you leave me no choice,
unless you leave me.
Unless you give up, and just let me be a beautiful mistake
May 2016 · 400
Purple Walls
Louise Ruen May 2016
The charrades go on
All I do, all I am is not enough
Give me a second, while I'm begging for the cheat codes

Who am I kidding?

I'm a hot mess in a summer dress
Spin me around, look at it swirl

All I ever wanted was to be loved
But I'm a phantom of your heartbeat, and my own heart is too capricious to settle down
I'm not a **** - I just suffer from wanderlust

But who am I kidding?

I can't hide behind men or love
Can't hide behind alcohol

I just want to be saved, but no one can be my savior, except from, well, maybe me
Still I pray to a God that I don't believe in, simply because I don't know how to be or create a miracle myself

So I just sit, trapped between these purple walls.
Fantasizing that there's something more
That I can be something
Don't know what, or what for.
Louise Ruen May 2016
All the glasses broke
Thousand shards under our feet
We dance on them with tip toes
Unknown song on repeat

They say that things change for better, but at this point I'm not really sure
When the sky comes rolling in, we'll be the first to fall

We're about to set on fire
A thousand problems we don't see
We closed our eyes many years ago
Now we're walking around as blind as can be

They say that we're the misfortuned
But we're proud of every little bit
We'll dance under the moon
Knowing we got more issues than Vogue

Because we hail, we bail, do nothing but fail.
We sing, we laugh, we cry
Our dreams, our hopes
They're nothing but goals, we'll never forfill alive
May 2016 · 524
Louise Ruen May 2016
We don't have money.
We don't have time.
But we got miles. Plenty of miles

The stars shinned so bright
That I had to wear shades at night
The taste of happiness was so good
too good to be real.
Should we get out of here?
Let's make the night a little longer, because tomorrow won't bring good.

Others try to trip me up,
but you,
you made me fall

Baby, why won't you lie?
Your timing is just right
You're intertwined around my neck
Get the hell out here
Freezing inside out
Let's make the night a little longer, because tomorrow won't bring good

**Ain't a little better than nothing?
May 2016 · 358
Mystery Wheel
Louise Ruen May 2016
Smoke was hanging in the air, and all I could do is stare.
I knew I wasn't good enough. I didn't care.
They try to pull me down their heavy tide. I guess I never tried.
There's something about hanging with the cool kids.
Cool and wicked - its' a mystery wheel.
Which turn will it take from here?
When will it all become real?

This is the place, where you want to be, the kids you want to hang with.
This is the time where everyone's talking, but nobody gives a ****
We're all truly brave. Just only when there's nothing to fear.

My heartbeat has never been this loud. Perhaps I dropped it on the ground.
The lights seem so far away. I didn't care.
They tried to pull me down their heavy tide. I guess I never tried.
There's something about hanging with the cool kids.
Cool and wicked - it's a mystery wheel.
Which turn did it take from there?
When did it all become so real?

We're all truly brave. What is there to fear?

— The End —