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It's only almost 11 o'clock
This is late for me
But I can't sleep
My eyes are tired but my mind is beyond awake
So I stare at my laptop screen
Trying to think of what to say next
He's already gone to sleep
And I'm left here thinking
He doesn't realize I'm awake for him
Contemplating words I should have said

I can feel the water behind my eyes
Wanting to escape
It's not that important
Not that big a deal
But all these other things came racing through my brain

I may be older but I still feel like a little girl
I can't handle much more
This is almost all that I can take
I wish I could talk to you
But you're asleep and I'm awake

You will always be my everything
I'm trying to do this right
But we're just so different
You and I
Still I always try
It just isn't easy
But if love like ours was easy
Everyone would have it

I probably won't tell you anytime soon
How much sleep I lose because of you
But the struggle and tears are worth it
Cause a love like ours only comes once in a hundred years
I want to tell you so much
I just can't make the words come out
I type messages just to erase them
Instead I'll hide them away here
In hopes you'll find them
One day when I'm beautifully broken
From hiding these things from you

I always end up apologizing for things out of my control
Yeah I get jealous
Please don't get mad
Don't leave me
I'm sorry I can't help it

I stretch myself to my wits end
I don't know what to do
I've tried everything I know how
Now it's up to you
Please just don't end up beautifully broken too

I feel like talking doesn't help
I've never felt this before
I tried to tell you the problem
And not tell you what to do
Still I ended up saying I'm sorry
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
I'm broken, I'm in pieces
What do I do
When I can't talk to you?

I'm needy
I'm helpless
I try to be independant
I try not to need you affection
But I need it, I need it, I need it
Broken I am
I hope I am beautifully broken
If I must be broken at all
But really
I just feel broken

I want to romanticise my pain
Make it a wonder
Something to be remembered
But really it's ugly
And not worth the trouble

Instead of talking to you tonight
I'll write
I'll stay up and write all night
And hope one day you find these
One day when I'm beautifully broken
By you
I have to wonder why
Why I feel bad telling you what's on my mind
I can't really help what I feel
I know it's not part of my appeal
I don't like the thought of you and her
Well not just her, any her
But I have always thought she was gorgeous
More outspoken than me, but not flawless
Most hers are

I can't help I'm insecure
I know you love me
Say it more?
As much as I wish I could read your mind
I can't always see it in your eyes

Having my brother tell me sent my heart pacing
My anxiety racing
Did you feel you had something to hide?
Or was it just not on your mind?
Were you trying not to make me mad?
Because instead you just made me sad

I love you more than my heart can bear
I don't want you to feel like you can't be friends
But I'd rather it if I was there
Or maybe you could tell me she was there
Instead of me finding out through somebody else
It hurt me more than I'll ever tell

Seeing that look in your eyes
I couldn't help but apologize
I can't help the way I feel
Maybe you should tell me why I have nothing to fear
Doesn't anything bother you?
How can I help you understand
What's going on in my head
Is out of my hands
Well, he and a friend had lunch with this girl... A girl I was upset about before. Right before we started dating they went to prom. It caused a big ordeal to me. I didn't like it at all. Now they had lunch with a friend together and I didn't find out until days later. Not even by him. My brother told me.
When happiness and smiles you have within grasp
They’ll charge in with swords of pain and sadness
Raise your shield with a tighter clasp
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

As achievements and great success chimes
They’ll attempt to feed it with arrogance and pride
Keep watch and be aware at all times
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

While innocence and upright honesty comforts
They’ll rebel on with lies and sly deceits
Restrict them from ever passing forth
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

Among the midst of compassion and pure love
They’ll counter with anger and ugly hatred
Fend them off with all the might you have
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

They will be close your whole life
They will force themselves in
Do not let them win
Be strong, be strong against your demons!
May 'they' be something, someone, or even yourself.
Be strong my friend! Be Strong!
To see the moon and the stars
Travel all of time and space
See the world
What a wonderful adventure
Never knowing what will take place

Something new around every turn
Always something to discover
A world made of diamonds
A world of brand new grass

Different color skys, clouds
Deep blue oceans, rivers
Each world with its own beauties
Always full of new adventures

Run, Run, Run
Run as fast as you can
You never know when this will all end

Another place, another face
It's all changing again
Try to keep up
Win the race
Don't want to end up a disgrace

Constantly fighting
No never give in
You better fight until the bitter end
Because another mystery begins
Inspired by the doctor, huge whovian here
I love the night sky
The calm of the dark
Looking at the sky
Speckled with light
And the gorgeous moon
I want to lay under the stars with you
Yellow, bright and beautiful
We'll tell each other everything
We'll devour each other like our favorite books
Honey, I love to read you
You too are bright and beautiful
Like the stars
I look up and think of you
Each star a symbol for you
The moon also longs to see your face

I hope we always have things to talk about
Something more than the weather, traffic
I hope we can always look at the night sky ans be inspired
Never running out of new ideas
Looking up at the yellow, bright and beautiful wonders
Bright and beautiful, just like you
I want to tell you everything
All my darkest secrets
All of my most brilliant dreams
I want to lay with you underneath the moon

The night sky blinks, yellow, bright and beautiful
As magnificent as it all may seem
Its none near as magnificent as you
Yellow, bright and beautiful
Bright and beautiful like you
A place with elves
dwarves, hobbits and men
A place with tales
We hear again and again

A place with adventure
That will never die
A place to laugh
And a place to cry

A place with songs
Of ancient days
Sung by elves
Merry and gay

A place where you hear
The hobbits laughter
Where they live
Happily ever after

Where mountains are filled
With silver and gold
Where the dwarves mine
Mighty and bold

A place with men
In cities of stone
And their great king
Sits on a beautiful throne

A place with lore
To others unknown
A place that I love
A place that's my own

There I live
And there will I die
In middle earth
My heart will lie
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