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a lot can happen in a year, maybe four;
a lot can happen in an hour, maybe more.

talking is fine, but can you take on the risk?
now, i’m not just talking about an ordinary task.
whether it be a lifetime of love, the love of your life,
or one particularly special night,
it all comes down to this:
a right
of passage, a race.

who’s better?

he’s taller, but he has the nice hair;
she’s blonder, while she tries not to care.
he can’t dance, and he won’t try;
she won’t admit to the tear in her eye.
he knows what he wants, and he knows nothing;
she tries to distinguish a little bit of everything.

stop it.

there’s no winning the race yet because his shoe is untied;
she can’t stand and go face that finish line.
he tripped and fell, but so did she;
the other guy ran, only to fall to his knees.
stop panting and collect yourself- just breathe.

a lifetime led to four years, and four years to that day;
she ran and chased too many check points along the way.
afraid of being alone, she asked too many times;
afraid of dancing alone, she asked, but was still denied.
him, him, him, him, he who was possibly that sacred hymn:
one he wondered impatiently,
another he pursued contradictingly,
another he fell flawlessly;
however, no he was to be lawfully,
but only so rightfully.

this is no lifetime, but only
one evening not meant to be lonely.
the only way to win is to face them directly in the eye
and have every question answered. why?
because this is that special night,
senior year, and you have the right.

step back, step up, have courage, calm down.
ASK her to a quaint place in town,
but before she even knows you’re listening,
just as both your hearts are quickening,
surprise HER with that special something.
if she knows, you may think you blew it,
when really, this whole time, she probably knew it.
it won’t be easy, but if it comes from the heart,
there’s the finish line. all you’ve got TO do is start…

ya know, sometimes Poems Reveal Oblivious Messages...

Here’s my first “spoken word” type of poem. However, sometimes there is a hidden beauty in viewing written work for yourself...

edit: this poem has since been reformatted from the original.
 Feb 2018 Lady Grey
 Feb 2018 Lady Grey
Wipe off the makeup, let down the hair.
Take off my clothes, til everything's bare.
Dig under the flesh, dig under the bones.
Lock myself in a room, make sure I'm alone.. and let it all go...
I need to find myself, my passion and my pride.
To do what fits me best, other opinions aside.  
All of my life i lived to impress, they told me what to love,  they told me how to dress.
But I'm taking it all off, you can laugh and you can scoff.
But ill learn to be happy on my terms this time, I'll make myself proud, I'll make this life mine.
So dig under the flesh, dig deep in my heart.
Cut me down with your words but I won't fall apart.
Shocked? I thought you would be,
Cuz all of my life i hid behind jealousy.
But of what? The fake mask of beauty we call makeup?
But its time for my soul to wake up.
To find happiness in the nature of me, naked and alone, but I'm finally free.
For this is the closest to myself I've ever been.
My soul smiles and says "It's nice to see you again"
And I find myself smiling back... It's good to be home.
you are chaotic, and beautifully broken
standing stoic and silent
but the earth thrums with your screams

there is no romance to be found in pain
fret not about idealism and misconception;
i know how you suffer

but there's so much love in you,
you could make the soulless feel again
too much passion for you to know what to do with

never shown enough compassion to understand
that your mind, ill as it may be, is gorgeous
you are not awful, but awe-inspiring

hard work wears you down
but your hands are still so soft;
they were meant to be held, and kissed

you were born to be adored
and feared and wanted, to confuse with your complexity
so that only the best of people will stand with you

side by side with you, with open eyes
and open arms and open hearts
there is war in your chest and these friends will bring you peace

the world has, since birth, shown you destruction
volleyed hatred and scorn in your direction
but here is its reconciliation:

these people that love you are soldiers
ready to help you win the wars that explode in the spaces between your ribs
they will help you breathe, and smile, and sleep
 Feb 2018 Lady Grey
It’s been over a week
Since you left
And when my friends ask
How I’ve been
I say
Like a splinter
Leaving my hand.

Though it’s gone
The soreness lingers on.
 Feb 2018 Lady Grey
Narcissism isn’t a crime
But if it were
I would sentence you
To life
In a room
With no mirrors.
 Feb 2018 Lady Grey
Amidst the smoke and light and laughter
Along the smiles and cheers thereafter

A sound is bled, wrung free from strings
It bounds and treads and wholly sings
Inside each song, a secret’s moved
Not right nor wrong or frequent proved
The message dances from bow to ear;
A coded trance of love and fear
From left to right the story rings
Of death and light the Cello brings
The covert tale engulfs the room
It vibrates truth to those who loom
The Cello knows for why it’s played
Its secret lost, both gone and stayed

In the smoke and light and laughter
Music lies and cries thereafter
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