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2.7k · Sep 2015
blissful abyss
Kate MacDonald Sep 2015
today i took a walk in the clouds

it was a blissful abyss


oops, don't fall

it is always sunny above the clouds

want to share this moment?

then take that jump and don't feel the fall.
1.9k · Sep 2015
let us sit
Kate MacDonald Sep 2015
When the evening
Pulls the
Sun down,

Let us sit
Gazing Wondering Dreaming
Into the star saturated
Night sky.
1.2k · Oct 2015
we often think
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
. . .
We often think that we seize the moment, when really, the moment usually seizes us.

We often think we will know when it is our time to go, but life chooses for us.

We often think that we fall in love, when it is love that falls deep inside us.

We often think we can be broken by things, but that is only true if we let them break us.

We often think that we have no direct effect on the world, but the world has a direct effect on us.

We often think
. . .
876 · Dec 2015
Kate MacDonald Dec 2015
One day, the door will be slammed one too many times and fall off its hinges.
802 · Feb 2016
-the ripple in the clouds-
Kate MacDonald Feb 2016
"the hardest thing to do when you go back underwater, is talk about what the sky was like."
784 · Sep 2015
stressless sigh
Kate MacDonald Sep 2015
i am a little girl
alone in a little world
i said a prayer
and fell asleep.

i awoke to you.
lying sweetly
breathed in
                 and out
with a stressless sigh
Kate MacDonald Nov 2015
you don't even take your shoes off when you come inside anymore.
you knock hesitantly at the door, and hope that you are greeted by anyone other than her.  
wiping your shoes off thoroughly on the mat before entering, making sure to leave no trace that you were even here.
if you do see her, just a nod of the head and a tolerative smile.
but you don'y ever take off your shoes anymore.
i guess that's because you aren't really considered a guest in the home that you wrecked.
i guess that's because it doesn't make things awkward every time you leave again.
i guess it just makes it easier to walk in and out of the door every time, without having to think too much about what you are leaving behind.
i guess you just want to constantly remind me that you are only here temporarily, never to stay again permanently. That you can just pick up and leave whenever you please.
i guess that's just it.
too busy to be bothered.
too absent to take off your shoes anymore.
my parents are getting a divorce and the healing process after they told us is painful...
710 · Oct 2015
In this world we live in
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
In this world we live in, people live.  Just simply live.  
In this world we live in, people die.
People die.

Is it more complicated to live than it is to die?
Or isn't the complication of dying, leaving everyone else behind?

What if you woke up tomorrow, only to find yourself dead?
How complicated would that be?
What about your mother, sitting by your bedside, waiting to hug you again?
What about your best friend, dreaming of the day he could talk to you again?
What about your siblings, that are too young to understand but will have to grow up the rest of their lives without you?
What about you. Is it so complicated to simply live? Or simply die?

In this world we live in, people die.
Simply die.
707 · Sep 2015
then fall, fall softly
Kate MacDonald Sep 2015
in the morning when i wake,
let the sun shine through
fill my lungs with sweetness

breathe me in and hold me
whistle me songs of love and happiness

then fall
softly back to sleep
682 · Mar 2016
The Trees Weap
Kate MacDonald Mar 2016
The trees look sad and wilted over.
Broken and mangled.
Awkward and bent. Droopy and still.
Some try to stand tall, others fall.
The weight is too great to bare for some and pieces crack, brake and fall  off around them like flowers placed around a grave, forever encased in a sparkly crystal coffin.
When the weak ones fall, with anger they drag down the other trees, shrubs and branches and leave a path of destruction around and behind them.
The rest of the trees pitty the poor little houses that by fate and misfortune lay in their way, being crushed under the weight of the weaker ones.
When the snow clears and the ice melts away, will they ever stand as tall as they did again?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Nobody will know until the storm has passed and settled and spring has rounded the corner.
Most will continue to bloom beautifully.
Others will remain in the misshapen, broken state that winter left them in.
Over time, prettier and stronger trees will grow around the broken and weak and cover them until they aren't noticeable anymore. Leaving the forest looking pretty; from the outside. But inside, it is hurting and crying out for mercy.
You can interpret this poem however you like. I wrote this while driving to my cottage after an ice storm. I found beauty in the destruction that the storm had left in its wake. But I would like to think the trees represented more than just themselves. Maybe humans and how we deal with disaster- whatever it may be. Everyone deals with trauma and disaster differently which I can see represented in these trees. Hope you enjoyed.
671 · Feb 2016
sometime in winter
Kate MacDonald Feb 2016
Sometime in the winter you'll lie to yourself and say you'll do all the things you didn't do last year. The nice thing is that you know one thing will stay consistent from year to year- you'll say the same thing next year.
666 · Nov 2015
A girl in love:
Kate MacDonald Nov 2015
Feels the most beautiful when she's with the man who sees her for who she truly is.
660 · Oct 2015
too bad it's too late.
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
Some day, you'll realize that all I ever did was for the good of you.

Some day, you'll understand that everything was in your best interest, not mine.  

Too bad words have been shared, feelings have been hurt and shade has been thrown.

So by the time you figure all of this out, it's gonna be too late.
552 · Oct 2015
Potty Mouth
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
Excuse my ***** mouth, but
******* for leaving me alone
******* for not making time
******* for being too self absorbed to realize you're pushing everyone who cares about you away in the process
******* for thinking I would be okay
**** your for taking away my voice and making everything I say seem invalid
******* for standing there when you could've done something
******* for making me feel helpless and not worth your time

Sorry for the ***** mouth.
539 · Feb 2016
don't ask me- I don't know
Kate MacDonald Feb 2016
The thought of this is too heavy.
It weighs on my brain.
It washes out my eyes.
It dances along the tight rope that is my shoulders.
It tips and sways and lingers on my finger tips and my bones and leaves space where there is damp darkness.
It drains the pink in my cheeks and replaces it with a heavy hollow.
435 · Oct 2015
all cried out
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
When your eyes are so red and puffy and heavy that you have no other option than to let them drift you off to sleep.
Kate MacDonald Feb 2016
If you open up too much, people can fall in and hurt themselves.
415 · Oct 2015
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
On Thanksgiving Monday,
I am looking out my bedroom window onto the street to see cars lined up along the curb that I have never seen before.
  For me, It would usually mean a happy sight, it means unity and love because each car carried a family.  
Each car carried a family to another family's home where they will share a family dinner and reminisce on past family occasions.
This will be the first family occasion without my family and that saddens me.
What's a Thanksgiving dinner without your family to share it with?
Sorry for the rant
407 · Nov 2015
Kate MacDonald Nov 2015
If you have the words to change a nation, why bite your tongue?
392 · Nov 2015
Glass Ornament
Kate MacDonald Nov 2015
I'm scared to have my heart broken by you.

When I think of being hurt by someone, you never come into mind. When other people hurt me, I pick myself up again and keep going.
But if you were to ever hurt me, I'm not sure where I would even start to put myself back together again.
It's a scary thought to think that you could be the one to fix me and break me.
Please don't let me break because you hold my heart like a clumsy child with a glass ornament in his hands.
Please don't let me

Because if you do, I know who will put me back together again.

I'm scared to have my heart broken by you.
Scared to be in love
387 · Feb 2016
one more day
Kate MacDonald Feb 2016
It is selfish to ask for one more day when you've already had so many. But what if that one extra day is extraordinary?
380 · Sep 2015
You Fill My Cup
Kate MacDonald Sep 2015
With just one touch, you turn from bitter to sweet.
Your warmness starts with my lips and then slowly moves up to my cheeks.
You keep me going through the day, you help take the worry and pain away.
You make my heart pound.
Soft on my tongue, my veins are saturated with you.
Oh my dear, how I love you so.
I will never let you go, my bitter-sweet
Cup of Joe.
365 · Oct 2015
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
I'd rather chase a dream and fall than let my dreams watch me fall
364 · Sep 2015
before you came 'round
Kate MacDonald Sep 2015
Before you came 'round, i was headed for a small disaster.
I thought i could make myself better.

Before i came 'round, you thought you could tame the ocean.
You took it for a ride and then it did the same to you.

You tried.
It swallowed you whole, leaving nothing but a small disaster in its wake.
I guess we were both wrong...
356 · Dec 2015
Kate MacDonald Dec 2015
while my body aches have slipped away, my heart ache is still there
345 · Sep 2015
Kate MacDonald Sep 2015
you blur my vision like rain running down a window sill.
you're stuck in my head all day like a song from the top 40.
you sow up my holes with patches and seal them with a kiss.
you are the chills i felt on our first date.
you make me feel, in more ways than one.
you will always have a piece of my heart to call your own.
you hold my head to kiss me and hold my heart along with it.
you breathe sweetness into my lungs.
you fill my heart with joy.
you fill my dreams with hope.
you fill my mind with love songs and plans for the future.
you're soothingly familiar and i bask in that comfort.
you complete me, and i think you know it.
341 · Oct 2015
Healing Is A Process
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
Healing is a process

There is The Grief Stage where everything feels like it is falling apart. When the sky feels darker and your heart; heavy. And when you feel like you might never see the light of day again, you come to an understanding.

The Understanding Stage is were you begin to find peace and explore what your healing means. It is where the clouds begin to lift, the sky becomes a little brighter and your heart; lighter. And soon enough, the sun is shinning.

The The Understanding Stage is over and you have The Moving Forward Stage. Although, this stage is optional. The Healing Process has brought you this far and now it is up to you to decide. Will you use what you became to Understand to move on? Or will you let it rain another day and let the clouds swallow you up? I guess this part is up to you, choose wisely.
341 · Feb 2016
Kate MacDonald Feb 2016
I like to sit naked and write ****** poetry
335 · Oct 2015
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
"  I've been stung

nowhere to run

your words are poison

they fill my lungs.  "
Not my words, but beautiful lyrics.
305 · Oct 2015
In a world without you
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
I don't wanna live in a world without you.
To others who don't know you, life without you is no different than what life is now.
But to me, my whole world changes.
I lose sleep.
I can't eat.
The sky gets darker.
The weather reacts to my emotions and soon after I'm caught in a storm.
Tossed and tangled.
Confused and alone.
When will you return so that the sun can come out again?
And the birds can sing and the flowers bloom?
When will you come back and save me from my own destruction?
I don't wanna live in a world without you.
A very special person in my life makes me feel every emotion all at the same time and it is beautiful and terrifying.
298 · Oct 2015
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
Lying naked.
Feeling exposed.
My fingertips stretch to all corners of the bed, exploring cold under folds of the sheets.
Comfort is found on the underside of the pillow, in the dip of the bed where your body usually lies, in between the warm and slightly cold sheets.
Despite it all, you leave me
Lying naked.
Feeling exposed.
279 · Sep 2015
Kate MacDonald Sep 2015
i repainted everything i adored, but your eyes i can't recall
276 · Oct 2015
One Day
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
I light that candle and sing that song to remind myself of you.

I put on that dress and wear that perfume, in hopes of you smelling it on me again some day soon.

I put on those glasses you find so cute and wear my hair that certain way.

I put on this smile, just for you, longing for you to kiss it off one day.

I blow out that candle and forget
that song you used to play.

I ripped up that dress and gave
that perfume away.

I broke those glasses that you
found so cute.

I took off that smile, just for you, and replaced it with a frown.

I know you will never know how
it felt to be loved by you, but I would almost take the frown over the pain of waiting for you to come visit, maybe even just once.
one day...
Idk where this came from
273 · Oct 2015
promised place
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
We had a promised place

One night of magic things

We were in love

One night to drift away

We held it together

One day to feel it all

We made a pretty promise

One day to lose it all

One night to watch it fall
254 · Oct 2015
Kate MacDonald Oct 2015
Let's beat the odds.
Because there is nothing more satisfying than doing something everyone thinks you can't do.
So let's beat the odds.
228 · Sep 2015
It is time
Kate MacDonald Sep 2015
don't get too close…

it's dark inside.

it's getting dark, too dark to see.
fading in and out with each hesitant step
If i let you in, what's next then?
i can feel the pain in your eyes;
wanting to get close but falling back at the
last second.
creeping deeper and deeper inside
until there is nothing left but the sadness i started with
it is time.

cut out all the ropes

and let me fall.
220 · Sep 2015
Pain and Sin
Kate MacDonald Sep 2015
an empty bottle took the pain
took my mind and brought
the rain.

took my sins and my heart within
the brokenness is creeping in
feel it drown and wash me dry
can see the emptiness in my eyes

what is pain?
what is sin?

together, they play hand-in-hand
until they win.
205 · Sep 2015
ordinary human
Kate MacDonald Sep 2015
"I'm just your picture-perfect nothing, sometimes i medicate."

— The End —