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1.5k · Feb 2021
Ran off on the plug
Jonny blaze Feb 2021
I ran off on the plug
He knew what he signed up for. Never trust a man that has nothing to lose with you as an opportunity to gain more traction more steam.
I want to live like a king whether it be by getting a corporate job with a high salary or  running with ratchets attached with a red beam.
Consequences will come as they always do with any situation but we’re not here to go over any stipulations as to what’s right and wrong
I’m looking for one major lick I been plotting on running up on papi get in and out with everything he has then leaving town I’m gone.
Where I’m from people barely live to see 25 I’m pushing 30 with nothing going after this lick I’ll be 15 again and can’t feel more alive.
All I have to do is make it.
1.3k · Jun 2015
Jonny blaze Jun 2015
I noticed it all everything about you but in order to see who you really where I had to destroy that wall of reality it's not like I was having fun making and seeing you hurt only sadden me we are both emotional creatures trying to get to the promise land of love but have different pace of climbing the bleachers you may see me as a monster for maki,g you fall down but reality is I was only showing love as no one was around to pick you up now you see threw my eyes this world is cold think everyone said they had your back different face but same story told only you where there to pick yourself up as I watched from a distance heard what you had to say about me still nothing but love I hear all silently listen your heart screamed of rage not really wanting to turn on me starting a new chapter ending us and our page that's why it was me that came to you seeking help a scared  man's heart locked away  in a cage scared of betrayal we turn our backs on each other before just to walk back open a see what's now  behind  the door we once felt safe in are you the savior that will free my heart from this room this box this jail been caged in I look to you for  help can you set me free turn back  the clock of time before all the drama and it was just you and me
Jonny blaze Jan 2017
My life consist of complex inginueity striving to be original but molding to the harshness of what the world is doing to me. Am i wrong for contemplating my lifes decisions. Because this isnt the way things where suppost to come out in my own depiction on the out come of my life. Maybe its my thoughts that are making me insane since i constanly think all i am is trash but theres a saying one persons trash is another treasure not sure if weather to believe it or not because woman come and go i just dont measure up to the dream guy. Maybe its my icebox heart that lets them see the coldness in my eyes gazing into theres filling false hopes of prosper and love each seem to be lies. Just to watch them break down in tears with no remorse when i see them cry since id rather not catch feelings being to scared to see where true love coulf take me honestly i dont know why. Im screaming in rage from the inside like im traped in a four corner room staring at walls hyperventilating unable to get out im balled up  feeling trapped im at a loss. Maybe you the reader cant understand what i mean maybe you can i feel like my life has been a bunch of ups and downs more downs then ups i was just a accidental nut that swam into the womb since my fathers pull out game wasnt fast enough now im stuck with the harsh reality of a cold world that beats me down after i get back up when will enough be enough maybe i need to find love and stop trying to hide the void wheres my diamond in the rough maybe I'm thinking again to much enough is enough
794 · Jun 2015
A soldiers thoughts
Jonny blaze Jun 2015
I told em read between the line cnt you see threw all of this the pain in my eyes
I wear this mask as a disguise so you people can't realize I'm jus a human being
Is our soul perpous to believe that we are here to sin and forgive as a soldier if I **** will I not go to help knowing I live to take others lives
Reality is I'm cold hearted cold as the freezing point that turn water to ice
But does that mean I dont care I mean I take orders from higher rankinging but does that mean it's fair to play God and take life from others that are there
Believing in their own religon but that proves my point everyone sees life in their own viewpoint aspect or vision
It was my own decision to raise my right hand and take the oath
To do what's right for my country
  The questions I ask but will never know I have my comrades back in what ever the outcome will go to wether I lose him or he loses me
All I can do is pick up my m4 shoot back and stay loyal to my country
You civilians will never understand the pain us soldiers have to go threw
Picture a world that no war was fought all sides withdrew from fighting and peace talk happen
But it won't ever be that because we live in a world where it's action and reaction
Good will always come with bad it's elementary adding and subtracting
768 · Oct 2015
what im going threw
Jonny blaze Oct 2015
I'm losing my edge I'm losing my mind about to end a chapter in this relationship where's the button to take it all back like it never even happen rewind they say it gets better in time but I beg to differ people say there's always a winner but I'm a lose lose situation who is really the winner I had my flaws but so did she. I'm the end she was everyhing to me but what she just done to me was far more then a man's heart should be able to bare. Just thinking of her legs open as they made ******* moaning interlocking hands stairing into each other's eyes. Not once but twice did they link up just goes to show what she thought about me how much she really gave a ****. Or maybe the other two guys ***** she ****** maybe it's my fault maybe that's my luck not to mention all the nudes she sent from standing up to laying down or ***** out while she is bent over. Maybe I should just give up on love all its done is maed me feel alone and lost I'm bound to rebound right by any mean any cost? My reality is real this comes from the heart to express how I feel how do you mend a broken heart but feeling the pain you can't deal? I'm like who's really real. Bad enough no one can hear my silent screams the only time I feel good is when I'm sleep lost in my dreams............
Help out if you have advice
744 · Jan 2021
Who am I
Jonny blaze Jan 2021
I miss it I miss who I use to be
I am not the monster depicted to be
This world is sinister but there are good people out there I like to imagine one of those people out there are me
Adopted to these trenches this is my habitat
We cannot control our lives as children and where we are forced to grow up at
All we can do it adapt to our surroundings as it molds up into who we are made out to be
The demons in my closet I try to keep locked away sometimes are able to gain control and get the best of me
Majority of you couldn’t walk a mile in my shoes let alone half a mile in my slippers
Strong willed but a lone wolf the wrong decision would get most of you in a world of pain if not killed
Crazy thing though I like the pain I like the animal I have become how do you explain pain to an monster like me who has become completely numb?
Chaos is my destiny
To bring hurt brings me joy
How to you make a peace keeper out of someone who only has one objective and that’s to destroy?
681 · Aug 2015
Not sure
Jonny blaze Aug 2015
I was to busy showing love overlooked all the hate In the end I cleansed my garden cleared out all the snakes became more acustome to this game hardly any real people due to all these people that are fake
Is there love to show hell no why because people are quick to change on you like the Google logo
588 · Jan 2017
It was a pipe dream
Jonny blaze Jan 2017
This ***** is driving me crazy i married a woman with no common sense sleeps all day doesnt help provide for our baby true difinition of lazy

Draws stay ****** my wife not kid do i second guess this relationship SHID everyday
513 · Jul 2015
Just a nut
Jonny blaze Jul 2015
You get feelings from a couple nights in the bed. It was you that forced the situation on me from throwing me down and giving head
Instead of a night of cuddling with a couple shots. You where the one that started kissing me all over on till you found my spot.
We can say accidents happen but you came back for more. Intesity grew as we made our way from the bed couch shower and floor
Now you feel used because I dnt want relations feeling as though we are in war your in your battle stations
Steady throwing shots at me but it's all good for now I'm not shooting back I'll just hold my ground
In the end it was all a nut you just wanted **** in your guts you you opened your legs quick to me so who is the ****
Ayy I'm all good thought you play the game and I guess some times this is how it goes you have to take it for what it is nights with the lows
Got to bust a couple mean nuts but lost a friend in the prosses I hope we can me friends again but if not I wish you all the best
501 · Apr 2017
The Set Up
Jonny blaze Apr 2017
Never did i know she would come on to me. A married woman and married man how could this be.

It started out as a kind gester to take her out never did i know it was I and not her husband she was thinging about

She threw herself at me not thinking with my mind but with my **** to me it was ****** up but to her it was all a game just a trick to get me trapped.

My marrage going up in flames but my wife doesnt want to leave me unlike this crazy woman who see's herself replacing my wife like im her gains

She told me if i cant have you no one will.
Not wanting or ready yo leave my faithful wife the crazy one caught onto the deal.

Dime me out and tell the public hit me with adultry these days are dwendling down my times coming to a end quick.

What am I to do now take my life nah thats too serous not even something to think about. She wants to end my life end my career she is txting me now it her or me choose wisely and not out of fear.
412 · Sep 2015
Lost in reality
Jonny blaze Sep 2015
She locked herself away and didn't give anyone a key. She didn't even say goodbye and was swallowed by the sea

I am in shame because it was I the reason she was swallowed by the sea. Feeling lost cold hungry and emotional all because of me my mind is still a blank as I sit down and let reality sink in something that was once so good turned to a nightmare i,cnt even,rebuild I wouldn't kno where to begin hopefully she safely floats to shore and one day she will understand that we Kno that when we said I love you to each other who loves who more but she is lost in sea and I been waiting hoping for her to float ashore it's hurricane season and she is strong but put in the open water no one is safe from mother nature and that's for sure
255 · Jan 2021
It’s been a while
Jonny blaze Jan 2021
I seem to have lost my place. In a race against time I came to reality that in the end there is no sure way to with this race. In the end we’re all living to die but yet I see everyone dying to live. Immortality is no such thing so the question is why? I’ve come to reality and except my faith not as a matter of how long or when but that of enjoy living in the moment because in the end time is limited.

— The End —