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She's a firefly; so fragile and weak,
but her light shines brightly, always.

She refuses to see
why she should fix her
Anxiety; Hypochondria
and other things

I only want what's best for her
so that maybe someday she'll see the embers
It takes a lot of strength to prove my love

Day in day out

I struggle for some trust

It breaks my heart to see the pain on your face

You have been through so much

It reflects in your veins

I have been through the same crap

Yes, a little different,

But I have fallen too,

In the same trap

A lot of patience and care

Yes I'm nursing it well

But for how long will these fears

surround your heart and mind

for how long

will they hold you from being mine

All the scars, the wounds will have to leave

And one day

when the pain sets you free

that'll be the day you'll completely surrender yourself to me
We have both seen demons and faced them too! Both of us have sunk in troubled waters, gasping for breath. But the way we have dealt with the pain is what separates us from each other. While one bounced back the other was weighed down. But here I am, extending a hand to shoo off your demons and pull you out of the hell you call your haven. And I promise to struggle till the pain sets you free from its wrath.
We are fragments
distilled and meticulous
spheres of flesh and bone
replicating thru space
like the urgency of fractals

We are galactic bulls
breaking laws
with our big *****
spread across the
star spangled void

We need far too much...
******* at the black breast
of gravity and forgetting
these bodies are really temporary
we once belonged to the sky
Fleeting ether
and ascending mediocrity
coffee tastes better in Spain

a simple hello is groundbreaking

comfort can be a warm bed or a “like” of a picture

the cold is different in the UK (you can feel it in your bones)

they will always give you a knife and fork to eat a hamburger

sometimes you need to eat at a Hard Rock in Lisbon to be reminded of home

if you eat the bread, they will charge you 1€

crying alone in a hotel room or at a Chinese restaurant in Italy is perfectly normal

never doubt the power of distance

now you can never say you didn’t try

just because you don’t speak the same language, doesn’t mean “*******” isn’t universal

sometimes sleeping next to someone who peeled your outermost layer off is the most intimate you need to be

“I’ll never see these people ever again”

have pride

ask me now what it is that I want

I have come to loathe all brown bags and black suitcases

vulnerability does not necessarily equal intimacy

remember that you pulled yourself out of the sea

your feet tread castles and cathedrals where thousands walked

art galleries are best enjoyed alone

now you understand when mom and dad don’t answer how agonizing it is

write it down if you want to forget it

acknowledge buried truths

eat paella and shnitzel and pizza and fish and chips and don’t think

go to movies at the tallest cinema

slip a little on the cobblestones

lay for hours on the beach


go home
be humble

Glasgow – 1/8/15
Falling into the jangce jang
We sing with a clear

Pass me the passport
Sail on the roads
Of perpetual

Dream of baobabs
Dream of saharas

Crush as snake eggs
Thou lamentations

Make me a poet
Surpass me as teardrops
Mingle in every waterfall

Augure my autumn
Argonaut my silken
Wool crave me as a mad

Call me a beauty
I'll be your beast
You sink holes into my chest,
burning goodbyes into my flesh
with the ends of cigarettes;
little ashy reminders that
people are temporary.
And like the smoke that
curls from your lips,
tracing the very distance
between you and the December sky;
you escape me.
the moon is hiding in
her hair.
of heaven
full of all dreams,
draws down.

cover her briefness in singing
close her with the intricate faint birds
by daisies and twilights
Deepen her,

upon her
the rain’s

pearls singly-whispering.
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