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Mar 2019 · 320
Kaylee Ann Mar 2019
hate is as strong as a blade
yet, you throw it around like it's a debate
your religion is the false foundation for your hatred
you hold onto your false morals like a trophy
that trophy is not holy
you constructed that as a shield for loathing
killing true religion
creating the theology of hate
Feb 2019 · 555
Beautiful Life
Kaylee Ann Feb 2019
Beautiful life
when you can stab anyone with a knife
it is an existence
with constant silence
a poor reality
with stable brutality
all have consciousness
still so lifeless
life is filled with foolishness
though full of ungraciousness
it can be painful
yet so graceful
Life, it has meaning. What is it?
Feb 2019 · 281
To The Ones That Left
Kaylee Ann Feb 2019
I wish I could tag all the people that left my life. I wish I could tell them how happy they made me, then how much I cried when they left. I wonder if they cared as much about me as I did to them. I wonder if they remember the memories, laughs, and tears we shared. The many times we laughed until our stomachs hurt and tears came to our eyes. The days I would come to them crying. The days when our innocent hugs became my favorite. The time when they said I meant something to them and we cried and smiled. Or did they just push it to the back of their heads? Do they care? Because the memories we shared were so important you can't push them back. They remember, and I don't think they will ever forget. I know I won't. I sometimes hope things will go back to the way they were. I sometimes wish I could see them one more time and talk like we did, laugh like we did, and just have fun. But time is moving faster than ever and we are losing our chance. Soon, my hope will be gone.
Not really a poem but I wanted to share.
Feb 2019 · 349
The Judge
Kaylee Ann Feb 2019
Are you the Heaven’s gate keeper?
Is it your calling to terminate?
Have you walked an inch in my shoes?
Do you know my sorrow?
Do you know my blemishes and what developed them?


Yet, you judge
You say I am sinful
You say I am
a fool


I am hopeful

I don't need your flocking.
People will judge when your life is not like their's. Knowing that you are beautiful and have a beautiful future is all you need.
Feb 2019 · 463
Kaylee Ann Feb 2019
Did you flinch?
Did you shed a tear?
You made my stomach winch,
my eyes filled with rivers full of tears.
Did you regret?
Or was I your toy?
Because all I could was fret.
I felt anything but joy.
You left me broken.
Used my heart as a token.
Do I ever cross your mind?
I doubt I do, you're too blind.
You're anything but kind.
Having my heart in your fist in a tight clinch.
Feb 2019 · 288
Kaylee Ann Feb 2019
The joy of your touch leaves me breathless
Your warm air leaves me gasping
The ecstasy of your presence leaves me high
Yet now you are gone
I'm left alone in a cold room
No warmth to embrace
Though the thought of you still leaves me stupid high
My mind is making up for you
All of our wasted
I imagine your
Then I am back in the moment when I am wrapped in your love
Cheesy love poem
Dec 2018 · 449
Kaylee Ann Dec 2018
Trapped by darkness
handicapped by pain
my brain throbs
I am empty
yet filled with so many emotions
Dec 2018 · 221
Kaylee Ann Dec 2018
Your touch is gentle
Yet, I tremble
You make me blush
But, the onrush of my past becomes equal
My mind outcasts your good intentions
Your charm could win masses
But, the harness of my fear provokes alarms
My mind is a dangerous weapon that I only use on myself
Which throws spears into my brain
Please, come in
Break down my walls
Make yourself at home
Take my pain away with your love
Drive through this rough terrain called life
Revive me
As I nose-dive into your love.
Dec 2018 · 477
Kaylee Ann Dec 2018
The chains hang on the floor
The pain of my past locks them back into place
My past mocks me
They harass me I’m useless they say
As I lay lifeless on the cold floor
They blindfold me, it’s dark
They flog me with words
They insert their truth of me
I miss my careless youth
When I had a shameless mind
At the same time, I was blind from the world
Now I am labeled as evil by my own mind
Nov 2018 · 341
At Night
Kaylee Ann Nov 2018
The night is dark
biting my neck like a shark
I scream as I am pulled under
I cry out as loud as thunder
Yet I am silent
My mind is violent
Anxiety is not fun, finding any way to cope helps, That is why I am resorting to poetry.
Nov 2018 · 357
Kaylee Ann Nov 2018
A crucial decision tears my mind
like a thorn
Pulling forward and back
making me sore
I don’t think
I can endure
My mind is in
an uproar
An internal

— The End —