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May 2017 · 256
Johanne May 2017
you left me
like i was never
a reason to stay
May 2016 · 312
destroy me
Johanne May 2016
twist the knife
pull the trigger
destroy every part of me
until there is nothing
left to destroy
Apr 2016 · 608
Johanne Apr 2016
I gave you my heart
and you lost it on the ground
now it's broken into ten thousand pieces
and I'm left here
picking up the pieces
Dec 2015 · 291
Johanne Dec 2015
I deleted your texts but I still remember exactly what they said
Nov 2015 · 278
Johanne Nov 2015
***** is better than people
- drunk thoughts
Jul 2015 · 481
Johanne Jul 2015
somedays I want to live,
other days I wish I never existed
Jan 2015 · 517
2:53am thought
Johanne Jan 2015
will you still
love me

when i choose
the comfort
of blades

instead of your arms?
Nov 2014 · 270
Johanne Nov 2014
He said he was
in love with me

but how can i possibly
love someone who
chooses blades
instead of help?
Nov 2014 · 619
Johanne Nov 2014
It hurts to drive by his house
It hurts to see your name everywhere
Nov 2014 · 649
I want him
Johanne Nov 2014
I want him
But I'm not good enough for him
I want him
But I'm not pretty enough for him
I want him
But I'm not funny enough for him
I want him
But I'm not popular enough for him
I want him
But I'm not nice enough for him
I want him
**But he doesn't want me
Oct 2014 · 506
Johanne Oct 2014
The happiness is
really far away,

but I smile
Oct 2014 · 322
The voices
Johanne Oct 2014
Worthless brat
You should go and die
Nobody likes you
I know
Everything would be so much better without you*
Sep 2014 · 326
tear me down
Johanne Sep 2014
You build me up,
just so you can
tear me down again
Sep 2014 · 769
Johanne Sep 2014
You can't say you love me
and then never talk to me again
my heart is broken
Sep 2014 · 2.2k
Bleeding heart
Johanne Sep 2014
the clock is 2:07 pm
and my heart is bleeding
because i miss him so much
Aug 2014 · 248
Johanne Aug 2014
It's been 1 year since I last saw you,
and I have almost forgotten your voice
Jul 2014 · 447
Johanne Jul 2014
it's 1:32 am
and I'm so drunk
that i can't remember
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
Johanne Jul 2014
my body is a jail
and I'm hitting and screaming
from the inside
Jul 2014 · 10.7k
Johanne Jul 2014
I want to get drunk
just so I can forget
idk it just came to my mind.
Jul 2014 · 433
good enough
Johanne Jul 2014
you told me that
i wasn't good enough

and in the end
i believed you
this really *****, but whatever
Jul 2014 · 663
3:23 am
Johanne Jul 2014
It's 3:23 am
and I can finally
say that I don't miss you
this *****, but who cares
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
talking to my demons
Johanne Jul 2014
I won't get him back
You don't deserve him
I know
He is so good and you are so bad
But I need him
He doesn't need you
I love him
He doesn't love you
I miss him
He doesn't care about you
**They are better without you
The bold one are the demons!
May 2014 · 3.9k
Johanne May 2014
I'm not supposed
to love you
but I do it anyway
and I don't know why

All i know is that
I feel guilty for
loving you
May 2014 · 21.2k
Fly away
Johanne May 2014
In an attempt
to fly away
my wings broke
May 2014 · 601
Johanne May 2014
it's 4 am
i'm sad
and i miss you
May 2014 · 911
Johanne May 2014
Nothing hurts more
than seeing you
with her
May 2014 · 520
Johanne May 2014
I was thinking
about how you
used to kiss me

and it hurt
a lot
Apr 2014 · 8.6k
Thank you
Johanne Apr 2014
Thank you for
catching me,

Thank you for
loving me for who I am

Thank you for
helping me through everything

And last
but not least

Thank you for
being mine
Apr 2014 · 545
Falling for you
Johanne Apr 2014
I fell
for you

Because  of the way you looked,
and the way you talked to me

But I wish I fell for your actions,
instead of your words

— The End —