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Ashley Kane Mar 2018
So tired so very very tired.
My torn shredded body is weakened by the day,
By labours unappreciated
Kindnesses unseen ,
Jokes and smiles forced upon a face starting to crack with time and dull with age.
Bones ache and scrape
And hands become to tremor
Eyes start to fail and mind is even slowing .
I count down hours till I can relax with you.
Our collaborative aim to labour in vain to save
So that we may have some enjoyable kind of life
A shared life for soul mates
But this rat race is cruel and working is never quite enough
And despite good intentions
And despite wants and wishes
Dreams of adventures
We are drained from life
And so we sleep
(c) Ashley Kane
Just really really tired from work and poor and wishing could focus or do something more enjoyable
Ashley Kane Mar 2018
Let me hear your thoughts
So loud I can feel your heart
So silent I’m drowned in your soul
So soft it will melt me to tears
(C) Ashley Kane
  Mar 2018 Ashley Kane
In sunshine and in rain.
I knocked the door.
Morning and evening.
I knocked the door.
Kept my ego in my pocket;
And I knocked the door.
Kept my self respect in my purse;
And I knocked the door.
Finally when door will open
It will be too late.
Silence will prevail all around;
And I will be found no more.
Ashley Kane Mar 2018
“A supposedly Amusing ode”

I lay here staring can it be?
A midlife crisis  come for me?
But no it’s not true oh it taunts me
After all I’m not yet fourty

But oh I’ve lived a life so carefree
No morgage payments await for me
No insurence upon my life
Not even a pension
I’m nobodies wife
I’ve born no child it’s not yet for me
It’s all lie ins takeaway and adult TV
I can go out when I please
I have savings never
Sometimes I drink to much but I don’t feel clever
But wait .... oh no maybe that’s not it .... maybe that’s not what’s the cause of this itch
Maybe now I’m realising I’ve had it all wrong
I bought the wrong book I’ve sung the wrong song

No rock and band sit upon this hand
I’m not sure why I don’t understand
Why have these ***** produced no fruit
Why does my maternal instinct feel so mute
I do not own these rocks and mortar
This cat here is my only daughter
My other half as bad as me
He just likes to snore and watch TV
Oh **** oh no it’s all to late
To fix my life get it straight
I must get married
I must produce life
Quick mark wake up and make me your wife
Hmmmm but that’s actually all quite expensive
And we are really not that tentive
To the young of age who make such a mess
The school run sounds like a lot f stress
And a morgage surely ties you down
What if I don’t like that side of town
Or county
Or country and want to live a life
Full of travel freedom and vice ?
Yes I’m sure it’s all ok
in our rut I think we’ll stay
With our own jokes and inside gags
Phew what a relief I can breath with no strife
And relax a little into mid life :)
(C) Ashley Kane
Constantly my life is, what’s ifs, what should I do, I should be doing more,
Then I remember I actually like it how it is
  Mar 2018 Ashley Kane
Michael LoMonaco
When you run that additional mile,
Is there a reward or just a pat on the back?

Each task achieved will certainly earn praise,
But the extra distance is for self-gratification.

Running the course to seek a prize,
Yet the award can’t be seen nor touched.

It’s an honor that shines inside the soul,
Working hard for that success that’s felt within.

If you are producing for someone else,
The recognition is certainly short lived.

Every time you emerge for your own glory,
An internal tribute forms that is priceless.
Ashley Kane Mar 2018
And yet I’m not
And yet I’m held
And yet I have love poured on me
But light shines on me
With so many doors I could open
When I have so many to face
But not devoid of lust
But not functioning
But bursting with words
But still filled with flesh
(C) Ashley Kane FB
Even when we are surrounded by people we can still feel alone and empty
Ashley Kane Mar 2018
I am waiting for you
For your call tonight
I feel as cold as ice, yeah
Wishing you held me tight

But I, I am not in your thoughts tonight
Though it hurts me to think it boy
I will still will it so
Coz I can’t bare to be alone no more
Wishing you would come for me

But I’ll tell you it’s ok
That you’ll fall in love someday
That this loneliness will end
You know you’ll always be my friend
oh but what is the point of my heart now for me - feel so numb
Knowing your love won’t come

How I wish I could make it so
Force the care from you
Enough love for two

But I know you keep searching
I’m not on your mind
But I’ll help you there
I know I’m not your girl tonight
Even in your arms
I’m not the one you wish to hold so tight
How I wish I could make love for two
Make forever just me and you

Feeling such a fool you see
Wanting your soul so near to me
Want your heart to want mine to
Knowing it will never be
Knowing the love won’t come
(C) Ashley Kane FB
Secondary title
“Simons song”
This is what happens when you are young and fall in love with a friend
Always remember what a gift friendship is
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