It's not a boy- so let me stop you there.
It isn't drugs either.
Everyone has an addiction.
Whether you like to admit it, it's there.
For some, it's a substance.
grindable, smokeable, snortable
For others it's an action.
keep me busy, cleaning, eating, touching
For me, it's a cycle.
god just look at him looking at me I want to be pursued what if he would touch me please come over me and touch me before I explode and my friend has to pick up the hot pieces I want to express this but I can't because I'm calm collective and sophisticated and mature and no one but Jackson Chesley Fenna Sarah Fish Alicia and Plum can know how desperately lonely I am I want to be with you oh my god you don't love me what's wrong with you what's wrong with me I can't believe that I waisted all of this energy on you I am so much better than that because I am calm, collective, and sophisticated