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Jun 2015 · 359
Bare Bones
My bones sing songs of distant memories
One's of my happiest days
Some of my worst
They retell stories of what I became
What was to become of me
My age
But it doesn't matter
I don't care what they sing
I don't care what their personification is
They will still find themselves in a dogs mouth
Some day
Jun 2015 · 455
Tying down the wastes
My body, holds steadfast to strong winds. It bares the marks of eighteen years. Between good, the bad, myself. I contradict my own existence with the lack of will. That my own deterioration of self is stitched together by the shaking hands of a man who doesn't know what to do next. As the pieces slowly fall. "It's fine," I say. "It's fine," that after every moment I lose a little more of myself. "At least I haven't gone this far yet." pointing deeper into the well, to be honest, who am I to judge the depth in the well of depravity when I wash my face in its waters. I have no time for eating, sleeping, I only drink from the well. In the end. it's all I need and all I want.
May 2015 · 292
People suck, Fact of Life
When we take the moment and see
That out of the corner of every eye
the image of those who dine on our hearts
Those who swallow our souls
Those thoughts of.
Maybe they're lying
They don't care
No one cares
That's that.
May 2015 · 225
Work Box
Taping down scissors and pencils
The doors shut
The doors locked
I'm getting ready for whats to come.
The inevitable revelation and disruption
That moment in time where seconds are hours
Hours are eternities.
The moment when it all falls apart.
The moment when it all comes crashing down
May 2015 · 241
Its raining again. Just like before
Not that its heavier or lighter.
The smell still smells like a city
The thing that makes is like last time
The feeling that I'm alone.
That feeling that even though I'm surrounded.
The rain reminds me how no one listens
We don't know where we are going to land
Whose arms we find ourselves in
When the fuse finishes with a puff of smoke
It's not over.
This is the best part of it
Whose arms we find ourselves in.
Brace for impact
Be ready
Catch the broken pieces we can't hold together
May 2015 · 363
Yea, F*ck You
I learned to ride a bike today.
Eighteen years old.
Little late I know.
But you know what they say.
Better late than never.
Once again, kinda *****.
You weren't there for this one either
May 2015 · 6.5k
I know no reason to stand still
No reason to sit down
excellence is never a matter of patience
Rather, initiative is the mother to excellence
Its father being practice
So I must practice each day
Never sit still
Never sit down
When life is your goal
Excellence is never a matter of patience
May 2015 · 283
What it means to be a man
To cry at the right moments
To be strong at the other ones
To lift others up
To never tear them down
To protect your loved ones
Ready to give your life for your cause
Ready to lay down the law
Ready to stand up for whats right
Being able to tell your kid no
Being able to once in a while say yes
Be honest, kind, and willing
That your tongue should be used for jokes
To tell the truth
And to always tell the ones you love
"I love you"
May 2015 · 556
What it means to be human
The fact is, you'll die
You'll die maybe never knowing true love
Never completing anything of value
Scaring yourself to only be half of what you are
On the off chance you do become yourself
That's what it means to be human
That moment, That realization
That all they say are pretty words
Ego boosters in forms of compliments
Reasons and excuses, realizing its not real
That all they're trying to do?
is make me feel better
May 2015 · 166
Standing idly on ocean fronts I find myself wanting
Upon rocky shores who's seas are empty filled with air and depth

Mountains call home to the soul.
The stars stare back to meet my eyes.
If life were made to life inside
Our eyes would be black
Air would never be so fresh

So what is it, as I sit upon the shores edge
What is it I thirst for, What is it I want?
A smile escapes into grin
Why would I ask myself a question I know the answer to?
May 2015 · 513
Nature's Call
My skin moves with the ageing of society.
That my bones know the song of lovers distant and near
Tapping fingers upon stones and earth alike
My voice rumbles the mountains echo of old

I am the dark forest and within me is the secret of life
Within me is the primordial soul
The extinction of each being placed upon grave stones
I will rise up again to claim humans from themselves

I will rise up
my dynasty never ending
I am the forest here my call
May 2015 · 641
War On Depression
Helmets on, guns at the ready, two kinds of First aid kits
One for the wounds you sustain in battle
One for the wounds you sustain at home
Demons with slack jaw faces and eyes as black as night
Their skin as pale as the moon
Their hearts as empty as my whiskey flask
War isn't pretty nor is it reasonable
But remember what we're fighting for
The people crying in their rooms
Those who tears drop with no one to catch them
The times that people lose themselves to their demons
Never forget what we're fighting for
Now go.
And Come back home
May 2015 · 419
My twisted tongue speaks words less than wise
But it is enchanted with loves sound
An escape artists hands
The memory of forgotten love
It knows not how to speak the full truth
And it cant tell an entire lie
That the words I speak leave existence to die
That creation was a toy of the mind so we must play with it
Taking ostracized thoughts and bring them back home
Take no moment of deepest secret thought
Of the most sacred of intentions
Leave none unmade and let all be known
There's a reason that ink cannot be easily unwritten
It is the will of creation that what has been made
Not be unmade
May 2015 · 289
We'll Start off, making our way towards oblivion
The smell of cheap cologne and drinks
We'll ink the way our hearts bleed onto our arms
No reason to hide our motives when we cast a line
after all.
We both bit at the bait. And now you have me.
And I have you.
You're forehead pressed against mine
grins as wide as the man on the moon
Stealing kisses here and there, Its a shame
We wont remember the night
May 2015 · 221
"What's going on"
A two hour delay
crowded in a school
Hot as hell
I'm pretty sure I'm in hell
That's alright.
I'm sure to make friends
May 2015 · 2.7k
Light Bulb Joke
One to describe the light and how it illuminates the room
Two to capture the desperation to change a flickering bulb
Three to show the torment lived by the first three
Four who debated the philosophy of light
But in the end?
In the end no one cared to change the flickering light
May 2015 · 1.7k
Cigarettes stopped tasting the way they should
They stopped holding that zest that made me content
The nicotine buzz isn't worth the smell
The moment I stopped and looked
The ashes no longer sang to me
My lighter no longer kept me warm
The same day,
I got to know you
May 2015 · 1.9k
The City
I hate the city
How you can't see the stars in the sky
How hopes seem to die
How life is a swindlers mind
It's not that the stars aren't there
They just fell, burned out, hidden in apartments
They forgot their worth and so forget to twinkle
Like a black hole
The city swallows every star
May 2015 · 323
The Truth
You never fall in love with a poet
Just his words
The way they captivate you
The way they taste like honey to ears
It's alright though
Better only one heartbreak instead of two
Its a tragedy marked only by our own lack of determination
Its a sentence that breeds our own incompetence
Learning from experience
In the end, Your heart?
Always wins
May 2015 · 246
Do me the favor of kissing my broken bones
Help lick the wounds that I try best to heal
Stitch up the heart that knows the touch of ache
Show me how my heart can play songs
Modern melodies of what could be
Today is the day I cast eyes upon you
Sit down so I may put my head in your lap
I am the weary traveler today and I need you
My vision blurs when I stand so today I need you
Today I am weak and I cannot be the beacon
Please today, I need you to be my beacon
I couldn't choose to live life quietly if I wanted to
That the lion's roar rings true for all to hear.
That I must make a fool of myself
When facing life I will do so embracing it with a laugh
When facing death I will do so I will wail for those who cannot
I dare not squelch a soul, I dare not wish it on anyone
That your soul should live, and live loudly
May 2015 · 654
Fatherly Advice
Between a father and his son
I've learned so much
To be courageous
To be strong
A man that I and others are proud of
So i deem myself Lion Heart
I've been taught that no one knows what they're doing
So invent a script for myself
When the going gets tough
Get ready for the brawl that comes with it
Love isnt something that comes by everyday
So cherish the ones you have because they might be gone
Today might be your last, So give someone something
To remember you by.
Its a shame I had to learn this
Without you...
May 2015 · 797
Passing the Torch
My intrinsic value lays waste upon the world
Sweat dripping from my brow
The pen scribbles words that tell truth and lies
That silver tongues are born with hints of gold
That hearts crumble in ash and born again in flame
Using love sparingly upon my prey
Hands begin to bleed with anticipation
The next word could be my last
So I try my best to make it my best
Teaching generations of the thoughts we had
The troubles we faced
Hoping someone comes,
And takes the pen
Dripping ink
May 2015 · 478
Poems should be simple like a brush
So that you get the Idea of its purpose
But as complex as a riddle
Because the beauty,
Is when you understand
How much work was put into it
May 2015 · 429
A reason to smile
Last night I sat
Wanting a cigarette
Work ******
Had to disown my father
I might be homeless in a few weeks
I couldn't help but cry
But then I realized
My friend might have cancer
I have no reason to cry
so I smiled
I might be bald in a few weeks too.
May 2015 · 257
Time again
Seasons change
Moments when I hate myself
Days when I love myself
When I lose hope
When I find new reasons to live
Times I break
Times I rebuild
no matter what happens
I know it's just time again
May 2015 · 263
"What makes you happy?"
I've played games
I've tried the outdoors
I've tried drugs
none of it, none of it helped
What makes me happy?
The voice of the one I love in my ear
The touch of the arms of someone I trust
The soothing caress of her hands through my hair
I know it's wrong to find happiness in someone else
But in a world so bleak
It can't be helped
May 2015 · 544
As much as I want to give up
As much as I want to die
I can't
My goals are still unfinished
My dreams are still just fragments
The day they're finished
The moment they're complete
That's the moment I can die
That's the moment  I can rest
May 2015 · 208
Why'd You do That
Why do you breath?
Why do you eat?
Why do anything other than exist?
Because we were given the privilege
That's why I started the food fight
May 2015 · 316
Blind Mice
We ask what it looks like, But you have not seen it
We ask what it felt like, but you haven't felt it
You assure us it's there, You assure us someone did something
Someone turned off the light and You want us to find the switch
You beg and plead for the light to come back on.
But we can't as much as we want to help you
Because the light,
Never existed...
May 2015 · 372
A knight in shining armor where none no a shine brighter
That one that King Arthur had to make another seat for
Lux was her name, She stole the crowd with her laugh
She stole their hearts with her determination
Lux my angel, It's time to sleep, no more stories
You have preschool in the morning....
Maybe just one more
May 2015 · 577
Drunk Love
Nothing would be better
Nothing could be more
That life of empty wine bottles
Rom comps on the tv
You nuzzled deep into my chest
arms around your waste
A filled living room couch
So drunk
Dreaming thoughts
of you, and you of me
So drunk
May 2015 · 957
The Window
The tvs on
The xbox is on
Netflix is on
And yet, I'm compelled
My window is tuned to the best channel
The sun dipping over the horizon
The attrition of trees as leaves fall in the wind
The beauty of new leaves grown
I love this channel
I love sunsets
May 2015 · 189
I should have kept my mouth shut
But I insist you listen to the words that pour out
They need not make sense
They need no place in your heart
As long as you know
They're for you.
May 2015 · 237
As long as you know mine is the same
That I will always honour your honour
and love your love
Understand when you pay me in venom
I'm only doing kindness, to pay you the same
May 2015 · 302
First girl I dated
Second Girl I loved
No need count the one before her
Brianna was so much more
and not much less
of what I expected
to fall in love
May 2015 · 234
Ode to the shower
You owe me a shower
If you thought you could deny this from me
I understand what it's like to go without
But if it never existed in the first place
I'd kick your *** for a sorry excuse of a  "creator"
May 2015 · 540
My Soul
I can only hope that I'm as **** as my Soul
That all my scars show through
That my wounds are shown in the best of light
That I am battered and bruised
But never ready to admit defeat
Never ready to die
as a soul
Just imagine it, Thats ****
May 2015 · 209
If I could spin myself into words
I would describe myself with as much detail as possible

Rewrite my entire frame
Detail myself with messy  handwriting at every edge
Take my rough edges and show the true grit of my feet
Pour my body into the shape of the page to become whole

But for now I'll just say it and hope you get my meaning
May 2015 · 547
Wisest Sage
You can come to me and ask
"What's next teacher?"
you must jest
I am but a mere student
May 2015 · 196
Whats the point of being a star
one so prominent others seem less
We are equals from start you and I
No need to outshine the other
There's enough space for us
just let me be me
admiring your beauty
thirty is enough for one night or so I thought
why not one more
A flick of the wrist
dab of ink here
I play with the pen as if we're friends
May 2015 · 294
Thrill Seeker
I hinge words not for your benefit
but for my game of arousal
an amusement
because what's the point of life
if you can't turn on a dime
May 2015 · 316
Wisdom does not come with age
It ripens the same way a peach does
Wisdom can be plucked in the same way
one would a peach
with both experience
bitterness in hand
May 2015 · 789
Lion Heart
This ones to you whose mind is fierce and body timid
Here's to the one I call Lion heart may your days never be numbered. Heres to the victories over broken hearts and conquered realms. Heres to the one I call lion heart. A girl who doesn't know when to sleep and has had too much caffeine
May 2015 · 3.1k
V8: Splash Mango Peach
tastes like v8 on a good day
today it tasted like a kiss from a goddess whose entire essence irradiated mango
needless to say
I was thirsty
May 2015 · 238
True loneliness
What leaves me more sorrowful than adder's venom
is the way you tell me you love me
when no ones around
The way you appreciate me
when no ones around.
That You could say the same to a fly
when no ones around
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