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 Jun 2015
Finley in Despair
If I die tonight,
One scary theory
Is true

If one memory repeats,
For all eternity
I hope it is about you
A scary but beautiful theory after death: your most cherished memories will repeat over and over and over again.
 Jun 2015
William McLaughlin
One day soon i will not be
Die i will, it is my destiny
but ill leave my poems behind
and i will leave my prose to shine
and ill leave, and wont come back
and ill die and that's a fact
but the knowledge I've gained, i leave you to trust
and the mention of my name
will **** any and all lust
i hope to leave this world better than when i came into it
 Jun 2015
Le-YAND-de-ska nor E' des ke'

Noor-eil-to-DOE-do keel EH DOOR TE'

Te' oor! Te' OOR! Ma-OOR-de-te'!

Keel-oo-de SKA noor ahn de' TAH- de'


Ne-EST-TA DE' ?!!!

Le-END-de-SKA noor E'ND de TAH-de

~~~♡< TRANSLATION >♡~~~

I am the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am using this weak vessel to speak.
She is afraid of your
but more concerned about
doing My Father's will



Though you do not hear

Be still. Listen.
And know that I am
I'm very much afraid
of course. I'm

But this is my prayer language
and the Lord wanted me to
share this with you.

I both speak and interpret
I have a great gift, for I

This is from my
 Jun 2015
Richard Riddle
In my "Thought for the Day XLIII" (43), I spoke of poets that have been with me, and supported me for quite some time. Sally and Pradip have been with me since my first posting, "1894", nearly two years ago, and I have  "adopted"  Vicki, Catherine, Ryn, Deborah, Pamela Rae,and others along the way. There is Quinn, Phil, Pradip, Francie, Frankie J, Mike, John, Nat, SE Reimer, Sverre, "The 'Ole Storyteller!" and,"Larry, Moe, and Curly Joe!"  
Unfortunately, I cannot list everyone, in fear of overlooking writers who, collectively, mean so much to me. Please forgive me for that.
I will continue to "do my best" for all of the poets/writers/contributors to the HP site. I do not write for monetary remuneration, but for relaxation and recreation, with the end result, hopefully, bringing a smile to my peers. I thank all of you for allowing me to attempt, and occasionally, reach that goal.

Richard Riddle- June 03, 2015
 Jun 2015
Bailey Lewis
Our lives are just like books
Filled with numerous chapters
We may not like what’s inside
But turning the page and
Continuing the story
Is the only way to move on
 Jun 2015
Amitav Radiance
Ships won’t be anchored forever
Rusted anchor will break free
Its weight will help sink deeper
With a loud clunk, noise will dissipate
The ship will set sail once again
No weight is heavy enough to overcome
Steered away to distant land
Searching for newer shores and destinations
Away from the land of constraint
Ship will sail safely through deeper waters
Navigating through inclement weather
Forces of nature will test its strength
For the ship shall find the happy shores again
 Jun 2015
Amanda In Scarlet
Heart of all my hope,
Never leave me,
I would be bereft,
Longing for the soul who made me whole.
Give me just a moment
To make you my own,
I will entwine like ivy
Around your burgeoning heart,
Trailing tendrils of my former life;
Dessicated leaves of loss
Swept away by the winds of change.
A hurricane
Heart of all my hope.
 Jun 2015
Amanda In Scarlet
I yearn for your strength
Your fortitude
Whispered words
As you slide inside
My heart.

I won't spill a single drop of us
Until you place a new page, here
And urge me to erupt.

In my dreams
Real, imagined, urgent
How I yearn
I burn.

I yearn for your strength
Hold me, heal me, lift me up
Slide inside
My heart.
 Jun 2015
Paul M Chafer
You ask me,
Do I miss you?
How can I miss you?
You are always with me,
Your face behind my eyes,
Your soul sleeping in my heart,
The essence of you dances for me,
Sinuous curves shimmy within shadows.

You ask me,
Do I love you?
You should be asking,
How much you love me?
Then measure that feeling,
Holding it tightly deep inside,
Knowing that I feel just the same,
With every single fibre of my being.

You ask me,
Do I miss you?
Perhaps, I might sigh,
The very truth, though,
Is that I miss you terribly,
Is that part of me aches for you,
Though we are intrinsically entwined,
Sometimes, such closeness is not enough.

You ask me,
Do I love you?
Do you need to ask?
I live and breathe you,
As you live and breathe me,
Your roads lead to me, woman,
I am by your side, holding your hand,
One day, we will surely arrive together.

You ask me,
Do I miss you?
Everyday baby,
Never doubt it is so,
My pain is like your own,
Insomnia, numbing, yearning,
Hiding tears in the soft darkness,
But knowing, we will be free, one day.

©Paul M Chafer 2015
Created while walking around woodland. 24th May 2015. First poem I memorized off by heart for quite awhile, so posted it here. This deals with love found in friendship, accepting feelings that cannot be changed, living a relationship physically separated, while emotions remain linked and trust and honour remains intact. We cannot help how we feel, but we can be true to ourselves and others.
 Jun 2015
Like lego blocks
But something stronger
Perhaps more like titanium
Such is the Vessel

Nearly indestructible

Carefully planned and executed
Only pulled down
By it's past mistakes
A simple apology could do

Someone once said
The soul is the boss
So is the body perhaps
Much like a ship?

The soul is the captain
Only held back by its passed mistakes
So keep a weather eye on the horizon
The clouds may come rolling in

But the Lighthouse is within you
 Jun 2015
K Balachandran
Tall avenue trees, so lush, standing either side of the road,
heads bend inwards playfully, to touch foreheads together,
were  in a blooming contest, a riot of colors wherever one turns,
no wonder, remember, this is Bangalore, the city of countless gardens.

The noon sun eager to  join  the mirth, is generous with light,splash
over the flowers of many hues, violet, red, butter white, yellow,
and the many shades of green of the thick crown foliage make,
with a rare delight, never displayed, in any other time of the day.

A midday lull pervades, very few people on the street,he was
relishing the mood, smiling to himself,but the lone girl, full of cheer
walking towards him, decided to respond, with equal fervor,
just then, a sudden wild wind shook the trees, as if it was pre -arranged
causing a shower of pollen,drenching her all over, she stood stunned,
in response he ran forward, hoping to rid her of the profusion of pollen,
what  at that moment she needed was a hug; he gave it to her quick,
they stood looking eye to eye, certain dreams happen in broad day light
even forgetting that one is awake;before they realized they became
day light robbers, robbing each other's heart, in an idyllic moment,
A magic moment, is around the corner;
don't fail to see it, keep your mind and eyes open!
 Jun 2015
Inscribed, in my heart..
bible verses, in cursive i know my purpose..
cursed are those who lay curses, and purchase purses that cost more than the life of a person..

But its all Gucci..
New Jordans on my feet, so they might shoot me.
Ironic huh,? after all the shots Michael took...
seen so much misery i might write a book..
Name it: When Life is Shook...

battle depression, my blades sharper than my foe though..
Yet they wonder why i never tend to smile in my photo,
they wonder why i hate social media, and society..
they wonder why im so mysterious, maybe its the Mayan me,
maybe its the eye in me..
i used to think God himself was denying me..
now i know that God never lies, he just lies in me.

not religious though, this isn't my confession to faith..
I've sinned to much to get passed the heavenly gates,
Besides, i saw heaven once, splitting an 8th..
probably the reason why im up still, riddling late..

*** truly my lifes a riddle,
So i write what i live...
So glad at 22 i havent had me a kid..

*** i barely know myself, and i still have to grow up..
how dare i ever preach truth, and be a father that dont show up?

But now im just rambling, i vent so i could sleep..
i know this isnt poetry..but poems take me deep..
in my mind, and my emotional ocean i hate to dive in..
but currently im swimming, ill tell you when i've arrived in..

Venting as i work on my next "poem".
My favorite one yet so far.
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