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 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
Blue canvas
Smudged with
Patterned clouds
Streaks of light
Kisses the edges
Golden hues
Seen through
Swaying trees
Nature’s brush
Still at work
Perfecting the artwork
Evokes the beauty
Enduring masterpiece
Flights of fancy
Fly towards beauty
Millions of spectators
Stupefied by brilliance
 May 2015
Twisted figures in the pines
Creates distortions in my mind
Flip the switch close the blinds
Roaming spirits trapped in time

Distorted figures in my mirror
Creepy crawlies where I stare
Black magic residue rips the veil
Unruly realms, so strange as hell

I see them mostly in the day
When the breezy shadows begin to sway
Exposing figures with watching eyes
As if they can see inside my mind
re to 12-17
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
The unspoken holds the secret
Of the entire concealed world
Misquoted so often with words
So many feelings yet to be felt
Often veiled with fabrications
Leave the feelings unsaid
As silence will echo the truth
 May 2015
Phil Lindsey
Take comfort in your faith,
Imperfect it may be
The soul that you've devoted
God, alone can see.
He knows and understands you,
Hears your questions, feels your pain.
He gave His Son to save us,
He would do it all again.
So when the night is darkest,
You're in the Garden all alone,
Know it was God who sent you there,
He is there to bring you Home.

pwl - long ago
Have posted this in honor of Mom, Norma Lee Lindsey,
May 7, 1932 - November 15, 2014
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
Interior world seems distant
As we focus far ahead into oblivion
We lose custody of the key
To open the deepest secrets
World of fabrications dazzles
Eyes blinded by the flashes of lights
Move away from the inner world
Finally, we feel ourselves, orphaned
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
Curtains keep away the dawn
Darkness has been in leisure for long
World is getting ready to welcome the light
Rays of delight streams through the corridors
Sensuousness of darkness given some reprieve
For now, dawn wakes up the beckoning day
Whole room is lit up with the curtains’ colors
Creates an aura of dream like setting
As the sun rays lures the night away from slumber
Here’s another day where dreams will be realized
Curtains are drawn away to expose the souls
To a brand new day of happiness and camaraderie
 May 2015
Let me be captured by the night.
Engrossed in the conversation
between the stars.
Syncopated twinkling like...
thousands of fireflies
trapped within sealed jars.

Let me be enslaved by the moon.
As I drink her glow in
greedy insatiable gulps.
Her beam with an agenda...
As the landscape she sculpts.

Let me be ensnared by my solitude.
But I hear crickets...
Chirping and chipping away at my
bastion of dreamstate.
Persistent calls
I try to shun
that never abates.

Let me be trapped in my thoughts.
So I could harness...
And immortalise them in
indelible careless scribbles.
Erecting and...
Rebuilding them from the
rubble of conflicting squabbles.

Let me be overwhelmed
by the mess of my being...**
Let me wallow
Then emerge strong from this
decrepit state of mind.
Let me breathe heavy from my
punctured lungs.
So I could heal in time before
true solace
in this dark,
I would find.
clouds of lilac blossom
thick in the blue air.

day unwraps in slow
whispers and the wind
is more lonely than am i.

the sky is a broken
vase, little
pathways of the sun,
her strange loads,
her happy voice.

the lilacs were our love song
may swept into our hair and eyes
little pieces of me scattering
like breaking waves.

dipped in the magical ink
of flowers
the garden cries
for its wilderness
its withering of sky
its blossoming of twig
until you can’t see the sky
and it becomes softly an impression,
a fine mist of golds.

no song now,
only the death of the
wind and a new road
that winds from the silver distances
of the moon.

only a harbour where i
rest for a while, a little
boat bobbing where the waves lap,
waiting for you...
 May 2015
Pete Badertscher
I want a girl who drinks whiskey
Not a sophisticated white wine woman.
I don't need more than one fork and I
don't know what to do with more.

I want a girl who drinks whiskey
who will watch the stars from atop a desert bluff,
naked, beside me, as cars scurry like ants far below us.

I want a girl who drinks whiskey
not a woman that sips reds and explains
my nihilistic future intents.
Life is to beautiful to plan on a ****** future.

I want a girl that drinks whiskey
and tells me like it is while laughing at
all the incongruities in that truth.
A girl that recites poetry and literature from
a truck bed surrounded by enraptured steers.

I want a girl that drinks whiskey
who pours her shots neat and drains her glass
Who lets each and every glass be
laden with experiences and laced with frivolity,
knowing that the cup itself
is nothing but a vessel for life.
Inspired by "For the Girls Who Drink Whiskey" article in the Huffington Post by, Kate Bartolotta and Sara Crolick
 May 2015
Blurry Vision
I sang in a chorus for seven years.
I remember every show,
I would get chills listening to the different parts sing their music.

I once cried on stage
because one of the songs was so beautiful.

I cried in front of one thousand people ,
three nights in a row .

They saw a piece of my soul that no one had seen since i was ten.
I trusted one thousand people with my life and they held me  so delicately.

I felt like I could fly.
 May 2015
As every direction goes on for good...
so one can stop and notice the
desire needs plenty of room.
There's no placing this world,
it refuses
all-we-know informs all-we-know.
Fiercely independent, this towering
light, this towering dark,
that bathes our private corner
of understanding...
premonitions of peace when nothing
comes to light but Light.
 May 2015
Visions of a backlit childhood
Of golden-haired halos and shadowed eyes
Slideshow in flashes of painful yesterdays
For those still unfamiliar
Longing to hold the child as he cries
Those tears cannot fall in confusion's void
And fear darkens all roads 'can be seen
Still here, in their nightmare,
Like it was my own
Is a truth told in smiles and jellybeans
Long since gone away
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
When everything’s disguised
It becomes an arduous task
Defining reality through veneer
One does not know the reality
Which appearance to believe
Mirrored are the duplicity
One sees the fabricated image
Disguised we become to ourselves
Till it becomes a reality, we live with
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