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Nov 2017 · 1.2k
Independence vs. Dependence
Brie Pizzi Nov 2017
Nothing bothers me more than the thought that someone's sense of independence completely diminishes when in a relationship.

The thought that someone doesn't know how to be single because they choose to be in a relationship.

The thought that being a hopeless romantic means you can't be alone.

It's just not true.

Being in a relationship means a lot of things.

It means being able to share your own ideas, hopes, fears, and feelings with the other person.
It means falling in love with their flaws.
It means encouraging them to become something great in life.
It means being there for one another when times get difficult.
It means being selfless.
It means caring for one another.
It means loving one another.

It doesn't mean losing each other's sense of independence.

You can be in a relationship and be independent.
You can be a hopeless romantic and enjoy spending time alone.


It's easy to depend on someone and it's not always wrong to. But it's dangerous to fall into that path of dependence.

It's dangerous because life is unpredictable. Someone can always leave. They can leave you with nothing but broken pieces and when that happens you'll have to pick up those pieces they left behind, by yourself.

You must find the balance between independence and dependence.
You must learn when it is okay to depend on someone and when you must handle something alone.

Never be in a relationship with someone who questions your independence; who forces you to depend on the other person.

Never settle for less than what you deserve.
Oct 2017 · 478
The Golden Rule
Brie Pizzi Oct 2017
I was in the 8th grade when a boy once said to me, " You have a really nice body, but then you get to your face and they just don't match."

I was in the 9th grade when a boy broke up with me and my initial thought was, "I guess I just wasn't pretty enough for him."

I was in the 10th grade when I thought I had to count my calories in order to be as pretty as some of the girls I saw on television.

I was in the 11th grade when I fell in love, and peoples reactions were, "Why is HE dating HER?"

I was in the 12th grade when I turned down a guy and his first reaction was, "well you're a **** anyways."

In school,

we were taught math but were never taught self love.

we were taught history but were never taught kindness or compassion.

we were taught english but were never taught respect.

we were taught science but were never taught how to be a decent ******* human being.

I think back and realize that a lot of things that happened in the past don't even matter now.

But it did.

It shouldn't take someone committing suicide for people to finally realize that we should be kind.

Be kind because it's the right thing to be. Always.

Help people strive for self love because, *******, we all know how hard that is to obtain.

Keep living by the golden rule and maybe, just maybe, the world would be a better place, with happier people.
Sep 2017 · 346
Brie Pizzi Sep 2017
My boyfriend asks me why I always listen to sad songs and write sad poems.

How do I tell him that I listen to these songs to remind me of what once was?

Or that I write these sad poems because I can only write about what makes me feel the most.

Why do I even want to be reminded of my bad times?

Is it because the songs and poems make me feel things so deeply; something I crave more than most?

I am not a sad person.

But I was; for a very long time. So sad I didn't want to be alive.

But time has changed.
I've changed.
I am happy.

But my old, sad self is still in me somewhere, waiting for any opportunity to pop out and ruin my happiness like it has so many times before.
Brie Pizzi Sep 2017
I hope one day we run into each other at a coffee shop.
Not to have one of those cliché moments where we realize we never should have broken up.
Or even one of those cliché moments where we begin to fall in love with each other all over again.


To laugh about just how ridiculously in love we were with each other back then.
To talk about just how wrong we were for each other.
To talk about just how toxic you were for me, but at the same time realizing that you grew from it, into the man I knew you had the potential to be.

We would talk about just how better off we are now, not together.

Maybe even talk about how happy we are with other people in our lives.
without feeling jealousy.
without feeling sadness.

To be happy that the other person is happy.

To finally realize why the heart break had to happen, as many times as it did.

*I just know I'm not ready for that yet.
Sep 2017 · 433
Brie Pizzi Sep 2017
Just because I'm happy for you doesn't mean it doesn't feel weird. And maybe "weird" isn't the right word but as I sit here trying to figure out a better word to describe my feeling I come up blank.

I'm not hurt.
I'm not sad.

Because in reality I am truly happy for you.
I'm happy you're happy.

I know you're a great guy and will make her happy. I hope she doesn't hurt you like I did. I hope she will never doubt that you're the right guy for her, like I so often did. I hope she will show you affection, affection I could never show as much as I tried to. I hope she will love you more than I ever did (which was a lot).

Because you deserve just that.

but ****.. does it feel weird.
Aug 2017 · 363
Just Like Me
Brie Pizzi Aug 2017
I hope your stomach hurts when someone mentions my name.

Just like mine did

I hope you can't sleep at night; having the thoughts of losing me consume you.

Just like it did for me

I hope you choose not to go out some nights in the fear of running into me and end up missing out on fun nights with friends.

Just like I did

I hope you wake up in the middle of the night crying because you dreamt of me.

Just like I did

Maybe it's selfish, even petty, of me to wish these things upon you. But knowing that you will hurt even an ounce as much as I did gives me some sort of weird comfort. Comfort in the fact that I know I wasn't the only one broken from this relationship.

But my true comfort comes in the form of acceptance. Acceptance of what happened; realizing that I am now stronger and finally over you. Acceptance that you were simply a road block in my life; a road block that took me a year to get over.
Jul 2017 · 445
Patience Is A Virtue
Brie Pizzi Jul 2017
After a toxic relationship everyone tells you that you deserve better. You agree but you don't usually feel that way. You can't understand how someone you loved, someone you thought at one point was perfect, turned out to be so wrong for you. You start to think that you deserve what happened to you; that you were stupid enough to not see the warning signs. You start to think that you can't do better than him, or that someone better doesn't even exist.

You're wrong.

Someone better is out there waiting for the chance to meet someone like you. You may not believe it, hell, I didn't believe it until it happened to me.

I thought I was never going to meet someone who could make me as happy as my ex did. Someone that I could share my passion with. Someone that I could click with instantaneously.

But I did.

It happens at different times for people so don't rush it. Some it can take a week; others months, maybe, even years.

Be patient.
Jun 2017 · 1.1k
Brie Pizzi Jun 2017
My dad warns me telling me that alcoholism runs in the family.
I laugh and tell him not to worry because I hate the taste of alcohol.

It's true, I do.

The smell.
The burning.
The warmth.

But then again,

the numb feeling it gives you is undeniable.

Sometimes it feels like alcohol is the only way to not hurt.

But remember to make sure you drink a lot. Drinking only a little wont do you any good. The last thing you want is to be MORE emotional. As if you thought that was even possible.

Drink until you feel nothing.

Your hangover might be awful in the morning, but then again it can't be worse than how you felt before drinking, right?

I'm starting to think my dad is right in worrying.
Jun 2017 · 810
Never Have You Ever
Brie Pizzi Jun 2017
Never have you ever felt the way I do.

Never have you ever felt the weight of your heart break underneath your chest.

Never have you ever heard the sound of your rib crack while your heart is being yanked out.

Never have you ever stayed up all night crying so much you wish you could drown in the pool of tears your body created.

Never have you ever wished you were dead because you thought it couldn't be worse than how you felt in that moment. Could it?

Never have you ever looked into the eyes of another boy wishing you could feel something, anything close to how he made you feel.

Never have you ever starved yourself thinking, maybe if I was skinnier, prettier.

Never have you ever asked God "Why me?"

Sometimes I feel as though I am the only one who has ever felt this way. But, I know I'm wrong. For anyone feeling this way, I will pray for you; I know how bad it hurts. And for anyone who has gotten past this feeling, tell me how.
Jun 2017 · 366
It's Time
Brie Pizzi Jun 2017
It's time I let love in.

It's time I stop turning down guys who show interest in me because they aren't you.

It's time I stop letting the past control my future.

It's time I stop waiting for something that won't happen.

It's time I stop being upset over the same thing, every single day.

It's time I learn that some things belong in the past, even if you don't want them to.

It's time to love myself, even if you don't.

It's time to be happy.
Brie Pizzi Jun 2017
If you asked me to do it all over again, I would. Even if it ended with you telling me the same thing, I would. Even if it were to keep me up all night like it is now, I would. Even if in that moment after, I still feel crushed, I would. Because all of that is worth it to me.

I just want to feel again.
Brie Pizzi Jun 2017
I've forgiven you for a lot, but I'm not sure I can for this. You're selfish. You're selfish for initiating it knowing how I felt but more importantly knowing how you felt.

But of course it takes two right? The only difference is I knew what I wanted and that was you. You knew what you wanted and that wasn't me. You knew you wanted nothing but in that moment made it seem like you wanted everything.

For a few minutes I was happy. After I was crushed.

But that doesn't matter to you does it? You can't even see your faults.
Jun 2017 · 569
Calm After the Storm
Brie Pizzi Jun 2017
There's a strange, calm feeling that goes along with heartbreak. It's that feeling of peace. Like you know you've done all you can even though that still wasn't enough. But you can finally breathe better because it's no longer in your hands.

Don't get me wrong it still *****; it still hurts just as bad. But the feeling of looking back and finally not regretting anything is huge. I've always looked back and feared that I would regret saying no to you. But now, you finally said no to me. I didn't make the ultimate decision. You did.

I wonder if this is how you felt all the times I rejected you.
Jun 2017 · 582
Brie Pizzi Jun 2017
Life will go on with or without you. Accept what is and let go of what isn't. Stop trying to find happiness in the past. Stop picturing your future with someone who no longer wants to be there. Appreciate the people around you. Take your time. Breathe. It's okay. Create a new future.
Jun 2017 · 687
Speak Up
Brie Pizzi Jun 2017
You tell me that the next time you see me you want me to be full of life and happy. I wanted to reply, "You idiot, you're the only one that can do that" but instead I say "Okay."

Maybe not speaking up is what got me here in the first place.
Jun 2017 · 462
God or Fate
Brie Pizzi Jun 2017
The timing was never right. But maybe that says more about us than we want to believe.

Maybe it's God's way of telling us "let it go, I have better things waiting for you."

Or maybe it's just our cruel fate.
Brie Pizzi Jun 2017
And I think what hurt the most was that for a second, a split second, I thought everything was going to be okay. That I finally had this thing called life figured out.

But I was wrong.
May 2017 · 822
Brie Pizzi May 2017
I think the weirdest part is when a memory hits you out of no where. For a second you forget the heartbreak. You forget the outcome of your relationship. Instead, you focus on that memory; and for a second you are truly happy.

The worst part is when you're ****** back into reality and have to face the facts that a memory is a memory for a reason.

It's in the past.
Apr 2017 · 1.4k
I Am Not Broken
Brie Pizzi Apr 2017
"You did not break me. I am not broken."

But then again maybe you did. Maybe I am.

But I still repeat those words to myself over and over again in the hopes that if I say them enough then they will become true.

I don't want to be broken because then I have to admit that I gave someone the power to do so.

It scares me to think that he hurt me so much that there's no moving forward.

I am stuck.

I now fear everything. I am scared to get close to someone else. I am scared to give someone else a chance; fearing that it'll just be another chance to hurt me.

How do I move past this? How do I accept what happened? The boy I loved, the boy I thought (and knew) was in love with me too. Hurting me the way he did, as many times as he did, that's not love. It can't be, can it?

I want to move on. I want to be happy again. But he stops me every time. And by he I mean me. I stop me. Because I never want to feel how I felt ever again.
Brie Pizzi Apr 2017
it's that moment when you can finally speak of it without feeling like your lungs are giving up on you.

that's when you know you are past it; or at least on your way.  

and if you're not there yet, keep working towards that moment because, believe me, the air has never felt so fresh.
Jan 2017 · 721
Thank You
Brie Pizzi Jan 2017
Thank you for pushing me over the edge.

Thank you for showing me your true colors.

Thank you for showing me how immature and petty you truly are.

Thank you for showing me you never really changed, regardless of how much you tried convincing me you did.

Never would I have thought I'd one day be thanking you for these things but here I am, saying thank you to the boy who broke me. I'm saying thank you for one reason and one reason only; with this, you have given me the ability to finally get over you.

Before, there was always a part of me that held onto you; that tried so hard to hold onto the good parts of you, with hope that maybe one day we could try again. But after that night, there is no going back. I no longer want to be with you. I no longer see my future with you. I now know that I deserve better than you, much better. And I will no loner fall for your lies and fake promises.

So thank you.
Jan 2017 · 438
You're Wrong
Brie Pizzi Jan 2017
You say you make me the happiest but you forget that you also make me the saddest.

You say that if you love someone that much you should keep trying.

You say that you never meant to hurt me.

You say that you won't hurt me again.

You say that the fighting is behind us.

You say that this is the last time.

You say that if you make me that happy, I should just drop everything and be with you.

You say that you've changed.

But you're wrong.
Brie Pizzi Jan 2017
you may be difficult to love but that doesn't mean you're any less deserving of it

he can break your promises

you can't force change

each time you love, you love harder

each love you have will be different, incomparable (but you may try to)

you create your own limit on forgiveness

he will help you see your beauty, but that doesn't mean when he leaves it leaves with him

love alone isn't enough

distance will affect a relationship

you will be gullible when it comes to love

love should not make you weak, it should empower you

head vs. heart is a real thing

boys will trick you into thinking they are genuine. When you discover they aren't, don't blame yourself, leave

you can't force him to be anything more than what he is

people express love in different ways

time will pass, and you may still feel the same

keeping yourself busy will help, but not for long

one day you will wake up and it won't hurt anymore

he can love you, and still hurt you

you can love him, and still hurt him

not all relationships are meant to last

just because you haven't been alone doesn't mean you can't be

love should be selfless

love can make you angry, angrier than you ever thought was possible

sometimes it's easier to just forgive him, even though you know you shouldn't

you can love someone, and still break up with him/her

you can't control how you feel or who you fall for

sometimes staying will hurt you more than leaving

break ups will show you who's really there for you

you will try everything in you to believe his words even though deep down you know they aren't sincere

sometimes we want what we want even if we know it's going to **** us

he will feel hurt, and try to hurt you back

you cannot grow too dependent on him because he can leave

never settle for anything less than what you deserve

Your mind may trick abuse for love

Sometimes old love comes back; that's not always a bad thing

Time alone makes you realize who you need in your life

Some nights will be good, others will be bad

Always go with your gut feeling

You pictured your life once without him, you can do it again

Don't drag someone along when you have no intentions on keeping them

Love doesn't always make sense

Sometimes you are the problem

Be brave even when it's hard

Never settle in order to make others happy

You can always start over
Brie Pizzi Jan 2017
Don't mistake my blank stare as being rude. Please understand that I am too sad, too hurt, for my body to respond.

You see me in public and wave hi as if we're on good terms. As if you forgot how bad we ended. As if you forgot how bad you hurt me.

But I can't forget.
Jan 2017 · 651
Scratch Marks and Brusies
Brie Pizzi Jan 2017
Every boy I have ever let go of has marks left on his skin from my grip.

I am unable to let go but I force myself knowing it's the right thing to do.

I do it to myself. Why?

I'm still trying to figure that out.
Jan 2017 · 594
Love vs. Hate
Brie Pizzi Jan 2017
There are days I am happy. So happy I am convinced I have ridden every part of him left on my skin.

But then, there are nights my body collapses under the weight of heartbreak and it feels as though the only way to recover is him.

There is no balance.
There is no reason.

I wake up every morning wondering what type of day I will have. And whether or not my night will end in heartache.

I can't seem to wrap my head around why it's still like this. He hurt me so much I should hate him but I can't because I still love him. Even after everything.

Love really does outweigh hate.
Dec 2016 · 7.0k
A Letter to Ignorance
Brie Pizzi Dec 2016
Dear Ignorance,

You're everywhere; suffocating the minds of people I see and encounter every day.

Especially today in my calculus class. But this kind of ignorance hit me ******* a more personal level.

Three girls talking before class. The normal, boring stuff. I wasn't particularly listening but the next thing they said I wish never came out of their mouths.

"I could never be anorexic, I just love food too much."

Her friends giggle and agree quietly but they don't know how hard those words hit me. I know they didn't mean it to be insulting but that's exactly how I took it and for the next 60 minutes of class I replayed that sentence in my head about 100 times.

To think that people could be that ignorant about eating disorders. As if it is the people who hate food that decide it is a good idea to starve themselves.

I decided to write this letter because I want to change the way people view eating disorders. Because, if I could go back and talk to those girls I would. Not to yell at them but to educate them. To have them understand why saying something that ignorant can be hurtful to the people around them. But, I can't go back and that's why I am writing to you, whoever you may be. I don't know you or your view on eating disorders but I'd like to educate you a little from my personal experience.

I love food. I always have. Growing up I never had to worry about my weight because I had sports. But, as sports began to slowly stop as I grew up, so did the food I ate.

Now I could blame it on society's view on what beautiful is or the death of someone close in my family or even the boy who broke my heart in high school that made me decide to stop eating. Of course those were factors in my eating disorder but in reality it was my own decision. I started to gain weight fast and with that, my self confidence lowered. And as my self confidence lowered, well, so did my calorie intake.

When someone is dealing with an eating disorder that person is having DAILY arguments with their mind because they LOVE food. They WANT food. They CRAVE it.

So what stops them?

Their mind

You: "One more granola bar won't make me too fat right?"
Mind: "Are you kidding? One more granola bar and you'll pop out of your size two jeans. You don't want to go up ANOTHER size, do you?

Little does the mind know your body only consumed about 80 calories that day to begin with and you're lightheaded; so lightheaded you're afraid you'll pass out.

It was a long struggle but now, five years later, I can honestly say that I am beautiful. I can say that food does not define me. My weight does not define my beauty. I can love food and still be healthy. I can love food and still love my body. I'll admit it's hard at some points. Sometimes I feel weak. Sometimes I look in the mirror and am not entirely happy with what I see but I have friends and family who love me and remind me daily how strong I am and how loved I am.

So, to the three girls in my calc class. Don't think that being anorexic is simply "not enjoying food." It's much more than that; much different than that; much more complicated than that. Everyone experiences eating disorders differently. So next time before assuming things about topics you don't know a single thing about, stay quiet and educate yourselves.

A girl who loves food more than anything.
Dec 2016 · 775
My Click
Brie Pizzi Dec 2016
"You don't have any respect for yourself, bouncing from guy to guy."

These words sting and stay with me every single day. To think that someone I once loved could say something like that to me. To think that someone I once loved actually thinks that of me. But more importantly, to think that the number of guys you've been with actually determines your self worth.

I could sit here and go on defending myself saying how m y number isn't even a high number but that's not the point. The point is that the number of guys you have dated or been with, however high that number may be, DOES NOT define your self worth.

I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for about a year and a half without knowing it. Throughout the relationship he had said and done some pretty awful things to me; things that if my dad knew about, he would probably go to his house the next day to beat the **** out of him. But this one stuck to me like glue. Why? because he had made me believe it. He tricked my mind into thinking I was some kind of worthless person who doesn't respect myself.

I ask myself why I believed it. Why would someone believe that they are a **** with no self respect? Why would anyone think that ever about themselves? I think I believed it simply because the person who said this was the boy I loved, the boy I confided in, the boy I at one point saw my future with, telling me I have no self worth. It hit me hard, so hard. Harder than any other terrible thing he has said to me.

No guy should ever make you feel worthless.
No guy should ever convince you that you are anything less than whole.
No guy should ever degrade you throughout your relationship.
No guy should ever make you feel scared to be around him when he is angry.
No guy should ever put his hands on you.
No guy should ever throw your mental disorder in your face.
No guy should ever feel as though it is okay to purposely hurt you because he feels hurt.
No guy should ever make you feel like you're on top of the world one day and under it the next.

He did all of this.

I can see this now. I can see this now and I have two people that I call my best friends to thank for helping me through this past year. They always supported my decision; knowing that I was a smart girl and simply wanted me to be careful with him. They helped make me realize that what I was involved in was NOT okay. They knew it way before I did but until I had my "click", realizing that this is not healthy or worthwhile, I was going to stay in that relationship.

Thank god for my click.

— The End —