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Sep 2017 · 5.2k
Unfamiliar face, with your touch that melts so warm.

Foreign bodies with the same intention, wanting more.

Exchanging breaths instead of words,
No expectations to be heard..

Lines blurred.

Asking nothing but a moment of euphoric selfless bliss

Just thrusts of lustful passion
with pain and pleasure in its midsts


As we continue to succumb this yearning, pure desire..

this stranger doesn't feel so strange,
like a flame amidst the fire.

-Bobbie Leigh
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
A Letter To My Love

Are reminiscent of my deepest dreams and desires

Inspiring me and seeing you in every little thing, I have found beauty in life itself

And in my coldest hour, thoughts of you ignite within me an eternal flame

An inferno tamed to the beat of our hearts, forgetting time and space

Filling in the blanks where our love first started

Until the last dawn, until the edge of the night...


By Bobbie Leigh
Mar 2015 · 972
I would tell you all the things
we do while in my dreams
but it would only change the basis of our chemistry.

Will we remain just friends
while still sending lustful grins?
Please send me a sign, an epiphany.

I know it all too well
friends that turned lovers only to fail,
so how can I know for certain?

I guess for now we'll play this game
of dancing near enticing flames,
while we remain behind this curtain.

-Bobbie Leigh
Jan 2015 · 642
The Inevitable
One so full of sorrow, can seem quite bare and hollow

Like a heart without blood nor veins
or unoccupied snail shells,
they're all the same

Lifeless muted reminders
of how things use to be,
like winters frozen waters
reminiscing of flowing seas

Though in the mind of one so saddened
one can always hope for change,
for life's ever-shifting ways
account for everything good, bad, and strange

-Bobbie Leigh
The good, the bad..nothing lasts forever. Just ask the seasons.
Jan 2015 · 661
As it were before (10w)
To crave the warm tender verbs of my lovers words...

*-Bobbie Leigh
Dec 2014 · 1.6k
The Void
So this is defeat.
This place in which helplessness and discontentment meet.
This off rhythmic step to a melancholy beat.

It seeps into the creeks where light once resided.
Confiding to no one the fears that I hide when shedding my tears in places pride cant thrive in.


This feeling that cant be beat nor destroyed.
This strong-force that makes all joyful things void.
In this world so dark and dim, I ask myself "where do I begin?"
How do I open the windows to my soul to shed the light in?

For it's harder than it seems... the fall of shattered broken dreams.
This place where self-destructive schemes and life's worn down seams meet.


*-Bobbie Leigh
Nov 2014 · 991
Still, At Last
My fickle heart is confused.

For it longs for a place to call home, but much like a drone
It aimlessly drops bombs while moving along

My fickle heart is confused.

For it never had a reason to stop and stay
Much like the wind, it prefers to swing and sway

My fickle heart is confused.

For it's familiar with the motions of its ever-changing cruise
But you came along its path, and stopped it in its tracks

My fickle heart was confused.

Changing its beat while it roamed a few feet,
And then it met you, found love and it's muse

My heart is no longer confused.

A wanderer in every sense
The moment it found you was its biggest suspense

It was you all along, the words to my song
My heart remained still ever since

*-Bobbie Leigh
The moment you realize you've found the one.
Sep 2014 · 4.9k
Imaginary Traveler
Cloud that I float on, carry me to Peru
send to me exotic birds, bearing gifts of aqua blue

Lets take a detour through the mountains of Kandahar
for it doesn't bother me if I come out with battle scars

Oh please, oh please can we stop in Dharamsala
I have some questions to ask His Holiness, the Dalai Lama

Cloud, if its possible can we please time travel?
I want to see how they built the pyramids from dirt, stone, and gravel

Lets defy gravity, next stop Andromeda
being 2 million light-years away we'll see scores of space phenomena

Our next and final stop shall be a place called peace
take me there, please cloud, but on the way lets visit Greece.

*-Bobbie Leigh
Sep 2014 · 857
Idle Love
If your words were silent and the poetry of your declarations uttered mute, what other proof would I have of this thing called love?

I would gaze above looking into your eyes, but upon realization my hopes will quickly shatter

I would gather my words to call out your name, looking for your hands to join mine. Yet I will stand in disappointment only to find the emptiness that grasps at my fingertips

I would search far and wide, with my heart in tow, seeking wisdom from the blind

But my quest will be in vain, because the sad truth lies only in the love between my hips… where your love resides.

*-Bobbie Leigh
May 2010 · 1.2k
There's a tug of war in my mind over ethics and morals-
deep enough to spoil
the very values i was spoon-fed

Misled with good intentions
chaotic confusion, I think I need an intervention

Because to be inside my mind is like a labyrinth,
trying to figure out if what you see is real or just a myth

And everywhere you turn is like one big contradiction
with every piece to the puzzle missin'

And only to me does this all make sense
storing neatly the disorganized mess in my head

Completely doubting all that I've every known
even questioning things I was told to just leave alone

With the thin line of my sanity quickly vanishing
reading peoples minds and letting it get the best of me

They beckon misconceptions to what they think I cannot see-
will I ever overcome this, or will I let it be the death of me?

May 2010 · 20.3k
The complexity of something simple in appearance. the attractiveness of something true in its deepest form. Beauty.

*-Bobbie Leigh
May 2010 · 2.0k
Dreamer (A Short Story)
Trillions of tiny warm pieces of coral, rock, and sea bones run smoothly through the hands and feet of one female being.
She sits upon the shoreline watching the way the tide and waves change...watching the almost reddish-orange sun set.
The sun that she is mesmerized by.
Mesmerized in such a way it causes her mind to open up, like a whales mouth when it's ready to satisfy it's hunger, looking almost as if its about to swallow the whole ocean itself.
With her brain burst asunder by the wonder of God's creation, she starts to think..thinking as she never did before, and putting thought into things that has never even crossed her mind.
Time is now infinite.
As hours pass, which seem like seconds, thoughts are no longer the only thing that surrounds her.
She is now accompanied by a Dream.
A dream which is as sweet as the very breeze that swifts across the ocean tops and embraces the most exotic extracts from the fruits and flowers around her.
A dream that cannot be expressed with words, but more rather jesters, thoughts, and actions...acts of love and uncontrollable feelings of desire and emotion.
Though in the deepest urge of reaching this dream, one never truly realizes how much pain, heartache, and sorrow one must endure to accomplish this ultimate beauty.
The understanding of this so called pain or love-sick criteria is, for some, too overwhelming for them to comprehend..and so we, me, you, or whomever simply just give up.
So truly, the strongest really do survive the pain love brings.
And so now, as the day becomes night, the sunset fades, and the oceans calm...that young female being heads back to another place of paradise, where she will lay her thoughts, dreams, and concerns on a pillow.
Yet as sure as the moon is forever, so was once a dreamer who is now the dream.

*-Bobbie Leigh

— The End —