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A starting - a beginning
A creation fresh and new
This is called incipience
And it all begins with you

For you create the blueprint
Or the pattern in your mind
Incipient seeds of thought
Make a world that you design

Every dawn in silence holds
Wondrous incipient worlds
You decide by choice and work
Which scenes will be unfurled

Watch a tiny seed - in faith
Grow plant and flower and fruit
Wealth must start incipiently
The “Harvest Law” is absolute

So think about incipience
Plant seeds that bring you cheer
Sow only what you want in life
And your prosperity will appear
This is Prosperity Poem 71 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).

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This poem explores a word that you may not have heard before. incipience. noun. The act or process of bringing or being brought into existence: beginning, commencement, inauguration, inception, incipiency, initiation, launch, leadoff, opening, origination, start.

Incipience is very important. You can't bring something into existence without it..!
If the only birds allowed to sing
Were the birds that sang the best
I’d find our woods a gloomy place
For I’d miss the songs of the rest

If all the plants across the world
Were those of most vibrant red
I’d ache for the varied colors
Which we now enjoy instead

And so it is with people too
We each have our inner light
My light may not be brightest
But still it dispels the night

My talents, gifts, and powers
Bring increased life to all I know
I’ll always let my light shine forth
So prosperity to all will flow
This is Prosperity Poem 70 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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Many years ago I heard the phrase, “If the only birds in the forests that sang in the forest were the ones that sang best, the forests would be very quiet.”  That one saying has really helped me to enjoy singing, and I sing every day!  I'm not the best, but I can still sing and it brings happiness to my life.  As I was pondering about that, I thought, “I could write a poem about that”
Some people are patrons
Of fast food and fries
And some folks are patrons
Of drama and spies

We choose with our dollars
And your choice is fine
I simply invite you...
Be a patron of mine

Just one dollar monthly
Will help us achieve
The spreading of truth
To help all receive

Each poem that is read
Shares comfort and light
Thoughts of Prosperity
Sparks in dark night

So tap on the button
One dollar is fine
My thanks flow right back
To those patrons of mine
This is Prosperity Poem 69 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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This poem tells how we are all patrons of something.  We are patrons of whatever we spend our time and money on, and I so enjoy the great variety of interests in this wide world of people!  I'm always amazed when I find out about a new activity that millions of people are involved in, and I had never heard of it.  It's a big world.
Prosperity is a silent snowfall
On a winter night
Building slowly flake by flake
And the whole world
In the morning
Is a white carpeted wonderland

Prosperity is patient growth

Prosperity is a mighty glacier
Moving imperceptibly
Year by year
Carving through solid rock
And easily clearing
Any obstacles in its path

Prosperity is power

Prosperity is a mountain range
Packed with winter snow
Delivering water week by week
To the valleys below
With vibrant rivers and streams
Bringing nourishment
Month by month

Prosperity is giving
Last week I was driving home from my parent's house in the evening, and enjoying the evening glow on the snowy Utah mountains. Snow can be so beautiful and soft, and yet it can be powerful and strong under some circumstances also. The snow here in the mountains of Utah nourish the valleys all summer long, so snow can be giving also.

I thought of how prosperity can be soft and incremental, and strong, and giving! The whole poem was in my head by the time I got home.

This is Prosperity Poem 68 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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Wealthy people have a knack
Of making contributions
They don’t let trials get them down
But focus on solutions

So don’t let anger conquer you
Or seek out retribution
But seek to take the higher road
And offer a solution

Of several ways to undertake
A problem’s diminution
The best by far is simply choose
A mindset of solution

So cultivate this daily choice
There are no substitutions
To making it your daily goal
To seek out good solutions
This is Prosperity Poem 67 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).  
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
I stand upon the mountaintop
And raise my banner high
I feel the inner confidence
A strength I won’t deny

Though obstacles I daily meet
These hindrances I shun
For with my constant confidence
Unless I quit - I’ve won

My banner I display to all
That they too may achieve
I cultivate my confidence
And always I receive
This is Prosperity Poem 66 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
I can live with purpose
I can use my mind and will
Each action made with power
Makes me centered, calm, and still

When I live with purpose
I can navigate my life
Increasing love and happiness
And minimizing strife

As I live with purpose
I prosper in all I do
My purpose brings me strength
To ever begin anew
This is Prosperity Poem 65 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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