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Jeremy Betts Jan 13
The tears shed for what has long since gone will only distort the importance of every right here, right now, leading to nothing but regret when what's all said and done catches up to the last setting sun

~ Monostich/Monoku ~
A poem or stanza that consists of a single line and single train of thought.
The word Monostich comes from the Greek word monostichon, which means "consisting of one line of verse"
Jeremy Betts Jan 11
Five quick syllables
Then you plug in seven more
Five will wrap it up

My first ever haiku...or is this a senryu?

~ Haiku ~
An unrhymed verse form of Japanese origin having in English three lines containing usually five, seven, and five syllables respectively
The word Haiku comes from the Japanese words hai (amusement) and ku (verse). It is a shortened version of the phrase haikai no ku, which translates to "light verse".
Jeremy Betts Jan 11
I see you look at me
But do you see me?
Am I see through?
Could it be that easy?

When you do look,
What are you looking for?
Only what you want to see?
What if I'm something more?
((What if I'm nothing more?))

Will you lie to yourself
If you see something different?
If I'm not perfect but maybe adjacent
Will that still justify a replacement?

I don't know what this is
I don't know why I form questions
To queries I want no answers too
Just to repeat the painful lessons

Jeremy Betts Jan 10
Find me in the shadows
Cowering behind broken windows
Obsolete and useless
Like old Nintendos
Single celled amongst the minnows
Fear the stage, cancel shows
Tattered armor from the battles
When oh when
Will I get to chalk up my first win?
Who knows
I mean
Who knows?
Been trading blows
With good and evils
Gods and devil's
A perpetual looser revels
With a fat lip and broken nose
I lie about it so it still grows
As time slows
Behind a cold wind that blows
New highs
New lows
Reoccurring lows
Kept on stepped on toes
A blade allows me to watch
Oxygen turn life from blue to red
As it flows
And drips off the edge
Of pointy elbows
Not caring where it goes
Never telling what it knows

Jeremy Betts Jan 10
I can't phrase the question

I forever run from an answer

I've learned nothing from either

But fear itself

Jeremy Betts Jan 10
So not all of a sudden but gradually,
It's been proven systematically
Everybody WILL leave me
And no,
I'm not a fortune teller phoney
Want proof?
That's easy
Follow closely
A quick peek and you'll see
Everyone has left me
The problem is me,
Self doubt has it's very own key
But here's what gets me,
When I want to leave me
That's another something wrong with me
You don't want me
I don't want me
How do those conclusions land differently?
Identical mindsets but yours are worthy
Of walking away unapologetically
Levitating an old issue like I've lost gravity
But still wound up in the devils proximity
I'm the only one not allowed to not want me
Love it's self is a fallacy
Someone needs to explain that duality

I'm finding it impossible to shake this mindset
Jeremy Betts Jan 1
It's twelve something in the morning
A vague block of time past
The empty celebration
I meander outside
Hopelessly alone,
Just me and a cigarette
And when it burns out,
No longer lit
I'll then yell and scream
Louder than I can
Untill my voice gives up on me too
Finally leaving me
And I can no longer
Even call upon a whisper
As I make the biggest decision of my life... least up to this point...
To go solo for what's left of this venture
Where I hope to discover
The entity
That I've heard called Jeremy

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