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Trapped in a world
not my own.
desperate to find my way home.

How have I fallen?
These secrets
now haunt me.

Paralyzed, shut out from you,
I am alone
captivated by my temptations.
This feeling is breaking me
crushing my lungs
so that I cannot breathe.

The harder I scream
the more I alone I am.

I call out “ Save me!
for I am lost,
rescue me from this night
take me away from these fears
break these chains that now bind me.”

And then in the ******
of the tempest.
When the waves
were higher than my head.
When I felt the water envelope my lungs
when all I knew was gone
and I had realized how lost I was.

Your voice alone
reached out from the mist.
Brought clarity to the shroud
and found this broken soul.

You were all that I had
all that I held on too.

What love is this?
that you would reach down
and save me
who once was so dearly lost.
In the heart of the jungle
past the thick and murky swamps,
through the mist and the unending rain
lies a place that will leave you
never the same.

It is a silent place,
quite and tranquil
wisdom radiates
from mossy green gates.

Cool waters babble softly to one another.
Silent meadows bask in the shade.

Golden light cascades
from on high
a mysterious deepness
written in the sky.

The stillness of the wood
written on the faces
of the jungle.

Nothing stirs
nothing moves.
Life is frozen,
paused in a eternal embrace.
Locked in sweet paralysis
drowning in the serenity that surrounds.

In the stillness of the wood
that is where you will find
Here I am
living an unreal dream.

The stars collide together
the forest breathes it in.
the waters speak softly
and here I am,

All around me there is life.
The air never sweeter
the grass never greener
the song of the birds never so melodious.

How I bask in this moment
how I smother myself in its embrace.

I rest easy
and let nature take its course.
Over valley, over meadow,
over stream, over glen,
over the bluest skies
and the tallest trees
over the birds that fly
and over the raging sea,
that is where you will find me.

Wrapped in my thoughts
surrounded by the things I love
with peace in my heart
and joy in my spirit.

That is where you will find me
Living in a perfect dream.
It's after midnight now
I've come to howl
the words my muse
keeps in her bag
She's a blackhearted *****
with gnarly teeth
and razor thin lips to bare
She has kerosene breath
and her fingers are as cold as death
She's long desired
to catch me in bed
But I would drown in the creek
before I would be tongue bound
and give in to such an ugly witch
She plys me with liquor
He tongue is word flickered
She dances around and around
I stand but falter , and tumble on over
And she's quicker than a cat on a moth
She's licking my neck
and I shudder from cold z' over
She lays across my chest and declares
"I'll put you to test , taking all of your best"
Then she slides her hands under my shirt
Then cackling with glee
she strips down my clothes to my "T's"
So excited she trembles ecstatically
She raises her dress and sits down upon me
She screams  in such delight like
two bobcats fighting at night
And I lay helpless as I stare
She moans , then groans
then short tempered yells
and many an "almost"  and "Oh Oh Oh's"
Then turns soft as a quail
Her fingers now all over warm
Replacing the cackles and bows
a beautiful voice that glows
She whimpers like a puppy scorned
She's now in the buff
And little concerned
In the calm after the storm
her true beauty really shows
Remember that time
When it all seemed clear?
The path laid out
A straight shot into the sunset

Your bag was packed
Boots laced up tight
Slathered with sunscreen and bug spray

But after a few miles
Something happens

Maybe you see a storm in the distance
Roiling dark clouds
Cracks of thunder
And lightning that splits the air apart
And all you have
Is the light jacket you packed
In case it got chilly

Maybe, without warning,
The road splits apart into two, three, five
Different routes
No signs, no maps, no markers
And the fear of choosing wrong
Paralyzes you

Maybe you simply grow weary
Of walking
After hundreds of miles
Boots chafing
Water dwindling
Skin torn and blistering

Your backpack
Weighs you down
But you refuse
To leave it
Or even rest for a while
Even though
All that's left in it  
Are stones
There's some leftover gasoline
A few ashes too          
          Inside my heart
From the last loser      
Who tore me apart
                You could use that          
       To light a fire in my soul
               Just grab a match      
     Make a tiny little spark
       Love me right    
Brighten my heart              
Keep my flame burning
   Treat my love
Like priceless art              

*All you need to do
Is breathe oxygen in my vicinity
To keep it lit
I am yet a child.
To me, the prettiest creature
will always be my mother.
Her dimples, a beautiful feature.

I am yet a child.
To me, my daddy is strong.
He is the smartest
and is never wrong.

I am yet a child.
To me, it is my little brother
who is my heart, my life
and still, a bother.

Though I'm growing up,
I'm still a child.
Unleashing my dreams
and letting them run wild.

But the dreams hit a wall
and I soon realize,
the world hurled at me
a shocking surprise.

The days become a terror.
The nights, even worse.
Such times made me think
everything's a curse.

I observe and wish
to stay the same.
To not grow up and
see everything as a game.

But lives are dynamic.
Everything shall age.
My eyes begin to open
and I calm my rage.

It is unfair,
the world we live in.
You neither lose
nor do you ever win.

Now, I feel grown up.
That I'm no more a child.
Gone are the days
when my dreams ran wild.

Yet, given a choice,
I shall choose no other.
It shall always be me,
my mummy, daddy, and my little brother.

For I may be grown up
but I'm yet a child.
Wise beyond my years
with my dreams, so wild.
 Nov 2014 Barkley Layne
 Nov 2014 Barkley Layne
I wonder
Who taught you how to speak
With such lies
Making it sound like love
Who taught you to
Leave me
Falling apart
And not even let it cross your mind
 Nov 2014 Barkley Layne
sliding off the edge of the world
a new horizon dawns

imaginative minds take control
move the race forward-

into the as yet unknown
coming up trumps-

with answers to questions
no-one else thought to ask
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