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Shadows of Night Feb 2016
Things will one day get hard,
But you don't always need to be on your guard,
For let me remind you about flowers in spring,
I'll show you a world about birds on wing,
Where freedom is something to hold,
Similar to the buttercup gold.

Let me remind you about flowers in spring,
Where even the roses hold their sting,
Tulips red and green,
Standing in the wind regal like a queen,
A bright and beautiful season,
Yet something is without reason.

Not everything you see is without flaw,
They find your weakness and claw,
You'll become different and broken,
With words heavy and unspoken,
I'll be here for you if you should cry,
I'll sing you a sweet lullaby.

For let me remind you about flowers in spring.
Shadows of Night Jan 2016
I help everyone,
I'm always there when they need a friend,
When they need to talk to me,
Just me
Because I'm the one who listens.

I know all of their stories,
I know what everyone's going through,
I know what makes them sad,
And I know what makes them...

I'm there when they're crying,
I'm there when they're happy,
I'm there when they don't even need me,
And I'm still there
Even when they're gone.

I know my friends
Better than I know myself,
And I can read their thoughts,
Their emotions,
I know exactly what they need.

But, ah, alas,
Nobody knows a thing about me.
They say they do,
Do they?

They only know what I've told them,
They only know what I pretend,
They've only met
The happy side
Of me.

When I'm crying
I run to nobody.
I stay and deal with it myself
They don't need to know
That their protector is breaking.

They don't know that I have heaps
And weights pushing down,
Things that are threatening to **** me,
To drain every ounce
Of my happiness.

I fight on for them,
I smile so they don't have to know
What I go through.
I smile so that way
They do too.

When I'm crying, yes,
I type happy thoughts.
Behind an Internet screen,
Nobody knows,
Yes... nobody knows.
Shadows of Night Jan 2016
Cast out of heaven,
For having a heart of darkness,
Not accepted into the depths of hell,
He's told that he has a heart too close to the light.

In between,
Neither white nor black,
Caught in the middle,
The colour grey.

He's the darkest angel in heaven,
He's the kindest demon in hell,
The wrong side of righteousness,
The right side of despair.

He's made a world of his own,
Rejecting the light, turning away from the darkness,
He's made a new definition,
Of the word 'broken'.

He's beyond saving,
So he's saved himself,
Pulling himself up,
Standing on the line of good and evil.
Shadows of Night Sep 2015
I closed myself off from love,
Because I didn't need the pain.
These feelings can either make or break you,
Tearing you apart or healing the scars.

But something happened,
That changed my mind forever,
Something that took a dead flower,
And made it bloom into the most beautiful sight.

My heart beats a little bit faster,
When I see you just up ahead,
I always look away and tell myself it's fake,
There's no way I'll let love destroy me.

I think I'm falling in love with the fire,
But I know if I get to close,
It'll burn me mercilessly,
Don't touch the flames.

They say I'm crazy,
But I don't care what they say,
It's like he's pulling down the walls,
Around my heart.

It feels like gravity is pulling us together,
I'm not going to fight this feeling,
Let's watch it grow like plants,
Waiting to get closer.

Feel the heat of passion,
Nature and Fire were never meant to mix,
But we'll make this work,
We'll make it bolder than anything.

Some say it's a disaster waiting to happen,
I couldn't disagree more,
I've never been so happy in my life,
I feel like I'm floating!

It feels like we'll never fall,
Always be here,
Nothing could ever happen...
It's perfect, meant to be!

...ah, you weren't supposed to fall that hard,
You weren't supposed to ruin it,
With your blood,
My love is what killed you, isn't it?

It's burning down,
The embers are falling beneath the earth,
Passion going up in smoke,
"Until death do us part."

Love is what brings people together,
It's what tears them apart,
Leaves a hole,
That nobody but you can fill again.

There's a second chance,
A chance for life,
A way for your eyes to open,
The light returning to your face.

Love is forever,
It can pursue through even death itself,
So let's let this city burn,
And lose ourselves ... together.
Shadows of Night Sep 2015
Hear no sound.
Feel only the wind against your face,
Quick to turn into sharp wings.

Run with me in the silence,
Take my hand,
And I'll show you worlds
That you could only have dreamed of.

Catch the air with your wings,
Feel it seep into your soul,
Let it touch your heart,
Right where it belongs.

Can you hear that?
The faint screaming of the mindless,
The sound lost on the edges of the wind.

Just the faintest traces of insanity,
Lost to all but me,
I can hear the screams in your head,
There's nothing I can do to help.

I will fight for you,
And live when you cannot,
Find the purpose of life,
And smile since you never will.

The wolves are howling at the full moon,
In the darkness,
Where the wind is still.

Weapons in hand,
Sparkling silver like the moon,
Fighting for a reason,
Nobody understands.

There's no way to turn back now,
Turning into the fight,
Fake it until you make it,
It's all about pretending.

Can you hear the beat of my own heart?
It's ******, It's never the same,
Changing just as much as the wind...

They believe I'm a lost cause,
Lost in my own world,
Far from the total truth,
Crazy, oddly different.

If only they knew what kind of things I've heard,
Listening when everyone forgets,
Taking in the surroundings,
And making them apart of me.
Shadows of Night Jul 2015
This man taught me everything,
That I needed to know,
But I never really listened,
I thought I knew it all.

He gave me love,
Even when I really didn't want it,
And he touched my life,
In a way I cannot describe.

He taught me right from wrong,
And I can honestly say,
The day he left,
I wasn't that strong.

I felt like there was no more fire,
To ignite anymore,
That the darkness won,
Over my inner light.

He will be missed dearly,
Because he made a mark,
On all of our hearts,
His name written in permanent ink.

For all those times I left it unsaid,
I want to thank him.
Thank him for being there for me,
For being patient even when I made it difficult.

It's hard to believe,
That he is gone now,
Somewhere where I cannot reach,
But I am certain I will meet him again in Heaven.

Because when tomorrow starts without him,
Don't think we're far apart.
For every time I think of him,
He's right here in my heart.
My dad was only 45 or so when he died. He died on June 25, 2015 because of a car accident. This is what I read at his funeral.
Shadows of Night Jul 2015
Rainy days or beautiful blue skies,
I still prefer your hypnotic silver eyes,
I'll be at your side when I hear your cries,
I only hope our love never dies.
Promise me we won't have goodbyes,
I smile at you because I still get butterflies.

No one will ever bring us apart,
I'll give you my soul if I get your heart,
Because I chose you, that makes me smart,
I've loved you from the very start.

When we met my life began anew,
I know you're in love with me too,
I see it in your eyes when I look at you,
Your always in my thoughts no matter what I do.
I read your expressions when I need a clue,
To determine if your love for me is true.
You met me and spread your wings and flew,
I have you with me now, I'll never feel blue.

Written all for you my love,
You're worth more than the universe.
Never been in love, but this could before SOMEONE out there!
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