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1.1k · Jul 2017
u n s a i d
areadingwriter Jul 2017
are the

to hear them,
is the
912 · Jun 2017
c l o u d  o f  p a i n
areadingwriter Jun 2017
the thing about sadness is
it’s like a thick rain cloud
clogged inside your throat
blocking your breath,
your words,
even your screams.
you want to melt it,
get rid of it,
but it becomes bigger and bigger
choking you further and further.

but the thing about sadness is
when you finally surrender and bask
on its harsh downpour,
its painful drops
will help you grow,
will help you rise,
will help you heal, until
the suffocating cloud
finally bowed, finally bowed.

and the thing about sadness
being a dark rain cloud is it’s
living in a fading permanence.
it will pass.
it will fade.

but you, you are the sometimes defeated
yet always fighting sun.
you will rise again and again,
until no cloud of pain remains.
until no cloud of pain remains.
672 · Jul 2017
d e f r o s t
areadingwriter Jul 2017
clothe my
frozen soul
with the warm
flow from your
b e a t i n g

defrost me.
641 · Jun 2017
w i l l y o u ?
areadingwriter Jun 2017
gorgeous eyes, will
you let me stop
the spill
of your leaking
i can clog those tear
with happiness' elusive

gorgeous eyes, let me
clear the pain cloud
of thee,
i feel your ache throbbing
but believe me, you'll
the end of your heartbreak's
sameday, soon, but for now,
gorgeous eyes,
will you smile
for me?
587 · Jun 2017
w e s t g r a v e
areadingwriter Jun 2017
no, it will not be about
the moon,
nor about the sprinkles of stars
shining so

when the queen sun slowly
to her grave called
western horizon,

i will give
for 'nother 24 hours
of millions
and exhales,

and for my existence's
unknown reasons.
525 · Jun 2017
c h a n d e l i e r
areadingwriter Jun 2017
staring at
the hanging abyss--
a chandelier
of constellations,
made of
sparkling stars so
out of reach,

i wonder how
many times i
have tried and
failed to teach

myself on how
to never wish  
upon people's false

for expectations only
left me with bruised
broken heart, void
of love's lasting
512 · Jun 2017
r i n g
areadingwriter Jun 2017
who wouldn't want
a happy ever after,
especially when your young mind was fed
with a fairytale-kind of forever,
but as i grow old
and have fallen in
and out of love,
have taken risks and did
some closed-eyes dive,
i have learned
to be scared,
and a bit adamant,
to crave but at the same time fear
gambling, betting for love.

yes, my finger waits
for that coveted ring,
but i know, i'm sure,
i am a queen,
with or without a king.  

but it doesn't mean
i am unwilling,
to meet you, to have you,
my nameless soul's kin.
491 · Jul 2017
b a c k & f o r t h
areadingwriter Jul 2017
sometimes i am a
relentless, untiring, wave that
ebbs and flows to the
shore, back and
forth, back and

but today i am
transforming and
evaporating from the
sea to the sky, yes, i
have surrendered and
turned myself into
a possessive sun.

kindness and
love are now my
rays that  i won't let
you kiss and have
anymore for
i am tired, tired, tired,

of going back
and forth, back
and forth without
receiving what i
always give.
488 · Jun 2017
b r i n g i t o n
areadingwriter Jun 2017
bring on the rumbles of thunder
from the outer space
the earth's tamed and untamed maze.

bring on the sharp lightning
striking ,
from the hands of the Supreme
the human's vision streams.

come, come,
heaven-made catastrophe,
bring it on,
bring it on.
for in the loud throbs of
your anger's noise
i calm and silence
my own inner chaos.

— The End —