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This fire inside,
Burns deep within my soul.
It leaves ashes behind,
Of the love we once knew.
The memories that once were,
Fade like a dream..
As if it had never happened...
Just like you never existed.

But you were once here.
I laid in your arms,
Kissed those lips,
And fell for your heart.
What is left is not enough,
I'll keep begging for more.

I know there's no use,
You'll never return.
My soul will keep searching,
Missing the other half that was you.
Wishing you'd have stayed,
Or loved me once more.

I can't remember you're face,
Can't picture your smile.
Imagine your kisses,
Or remember your laughter.

You walked away much sooner
Than you came,
I don't blame you at all.
Next time I think of you,
I'll just see stars.

Your face is fading,
Your hold on my heart too,
However, my love for you burns on,
Even as ash hits the floor.
The ash eventually piles up,
Comes together as one.
Builds itself up, and return once more.

I loved you once,
And still continue to do.
But I'll continue to burn,
If I get to close to you.
The fire will live,
Like a somber candlelight.
As long as I don't feel or touch
Everything will be alright.
Let's take a minute,
Look at yourself in the mirror.
Look at your eyes,
do they shine?
Does your smile look straight?
Are your ears too wide?
Is your nose too big?

Move down a bit.
Your neck to thick?
Too many sunspots?
Adequate chest size?

Now look at your body.
Do I have enough curves?
Big enough hips?
Tiny waist?

No matter what I see,
Someone will find a flaw.
It doesn't matter how much weight I gain
Or how much I lose...
How much plastic surgery I have,
They are never satisfied.

Does it matter what they think?
Can you live your life without them?
Why not love yourself,
And see how that goes.

Self love is important,
You are all you got.
Before you can love someone else,
You must love yourself.

Someday someone will love you,
For your quirks and kinks.
They'll call you beautiful,
And forget about your flaws.

You deserve more than a second glance.
Someone will come your way.
Be patient and love yourself
You don't know who will come your way.
Can you see what this does?
Don't you realize what this means?
The simple heartbeat of the simple man,
can't be relieved.
Their foolish concerns, knows no bounds.
But is there anything left to give.
Their heartbeat quickens at the thought of love
Their heartbeat soothes as they feel death.
As soon as it comes, the moments are lost.
All that is left are the glimpses of the past.
The universe is a wonder to behold.
Caught in the eyes of the beholder.
Keep those stars where they may, as they glow abruptly.
The color swirl, blending with one another as they create something new.
Dark's clash with lights, fighting and caressing one another.
Everything is linked with a blink of an eye.
Regardless of the feelings, they never lose sight.
The lights are slowly dimming, they search for a break.
They see no out, and admit to dismay.
Their heartbeat fades, their eyes close shut.
Welcoming death with open arms, they slowly embrace, what they call sweet bliss, and complete serenity.
Can it be?
Those selfish eyes still hold my desire.
They capture my need, and quench my thirst.
How can that be?
As I linger in the shadows,
I capture the sense of her presence, taunting me.
She's beside me.
Knowing I can't escape her longing stare.
I flinch as I sense a tug.
I notice I'm moving away from those deep, dark eyes.
I reach for her, knowing what she holds is the key to my Pandora's box.
I'm awake.
I see nothing more than my own heart upon my sleeve.
I feel no more, as I get up and look in the mirror.
She's right there, looking right at me.
Her crooked smile gives it away, and I realize what is real.
The true demon... Is me.
Every morning I wake up and see you.
Every night you're the last person I see.
Your smile brings me joy, your pain brings me sorrow.
The memories we make, the laughs we share,
gives my life meaning.
The times we share together never seem to be long enough,
as I think of the next time we'll meet.
No matter what life throws my way, you're  just a phone call away.
No matter how many times I fail, you always pick me up.
You never forget to tell me I'm talented.
You always remember the things I like.
With every surprise you give me, you show me your love.
The little things matter the most,
as those are the hardest to pull off.
I'll remember these times as the best of my childhood,
telling my children about you someday.
Always remember,
no matter how many times I may hurt you,
I will always be your child.
Alway remember,
you'll always be my mother.
Let's create something new.
Not something borrowed,
Nor something used.
Let's create something worth admiring,
From close up or far away.
Let's remind the world what it means to be creative.
Let's serve a greater purpose.
Let us find our way.
Forget about the past, let it fade away.
Forget about the present, aim for the future.
Forget about the difference between night and day,
Focus on the future and the next day.
Endless possibilities await our souls,
Let's not let that fade away.
Endless memories dwindle away,
Let's create a better yesterday.
Remind me of today,
On my 100 birthday.
Remind me of yesterday,
When I'm old and grey.
Remind me of forever,
Now and everyday.
What is it between us?
Is there a spark we don't see?
Can it really be there if
Neither one of us wants to see?
When I look at you
I see nothing but star,
And endless possibilities.

Your smile brings me joy
Your presence makes me happy,
All I want to do is be near you

Can it be love?
Something so simple as this
Is it really this easy
To feel for something this way?
Being around yo makes my heart happy,
Skipping an extra beat as I dream about you.

I want to see where this goes,
Why don't you just tell me how you feel?
Are we on the same page?
Do you think about me,
Even on the coldest of nights?
Do you wish you  were with me,
When times get rough?

I want nothing more,
Than to be in your arms,
Take in your scent,
And feel your heart.

One day I hope you tell me how you feel.
Just don't take too long...
I'll wait if I have to,
It'll teach me patience...
By remember I can't wait forever
You are what I want,
But I hope I am for you

Someday soon... Someday maybe,
You'll build up the courage,
And just tell me
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