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 Jan 2015 Alex Sheets
I dream
 Jan 2015 Alex Sheets
Gunshots and poems
is what I dream
as the press into
hearts and pages
of sad lonely
notebooks and people
that just need a
word or a wound
to feel complete
one last time

I dream of
church bells and screams
that drown each other out
as their finest moments
in wailing agony and
peaceful chimes to
let us know that
everything could
change in the
blinking of an eye

Thunderclaps and steak knifes
fill the nightmares
that I dream
creating death-filled settings
full of evil laughs and
clowns to haunt
everything we could
ever want to
ever be

I dream of
the future full
of me and you
with smiles and
giggles of tickle
fights and cheek
kisses galore and
sparkles in two peoples'
eyes of nothing but
pure happiness
 Jan 2015 Alex Sheets
I watch the chatter of long time friends
The jealousy's blooming
It will never end
The thing that's always been there that refuses to let go
This ***** named jealousy is the only friend I know.
 Jan 2015 Alex Sheets
I curse every time I hear you sobbing
I shouldn't have to comfort you every night and every morning
This is not my job
And it's tearing me apart
One minute you're my superhero
The next you're breaking my heart
i’m the child of the moon
if you see me you’ll swoon
i’m the princess beyond the sea
you will regret if you met me
i’m your worst nightmare
i would **** you if you dare…isn’t that fair
i’m the circus queen
beware …i’ll soon own the big screen
i’m the poisonous snake
i’m the black widow
i’m houdini’s pupil
i’m the wicked witch
i’m the queen of the universe
beware …i have no mercy
no matter who you are
Burn I say. I scream.
As i cast myself aside.
Turning my back on my feelings
And such worthless sense of pride.
My feet shake the earth.
My hands bash bone.
Slaughtering them and all.
Skulls shattered on stone.
The blood paints the walls
The sky and the land.
And i do not stop
This rampage thats at hand...

And when i retire
Myself resting on the pile
Of everyone I knew
For the longest while..
I laugh till I cry
Tears stream from my eyes

Regreting nothing.
Im done...
 Jan 2015 Alex Sheets
If i could,
I would,
Carefully take you apart,
And put you back together,
Piece, by fragile piece,
And i would not cease,
Until the job was done.
Until the sun once again, shone from those lost, wondering eyes,
Until the cries that had chained you down,
Had been removed from the ground.

And if i could, i would,
Take my tools
And attentively drill out
Your insecurities,
All those flaws, you believe to be
And ***** in self acceptance so tight,
So that never again at night,
Would you be reluctant, to hold yourself,
As you sparkle in the moonlight.

And if i could, i would,
Clamp together,
Your hopes and dreams,
Your self belief,
And tie them together at the seams
With double knots,
So that you never forgot, how
Capable you are.

I'd take each glittering star,
and plant them in the pupils of your eyes,
So that each time you cry
You'd be reminded of the beauty inside,
Of you.

And if i could, i would,
Paint over your frame work,
And tentatively cover up those scars,
So you'd never again see the hurt,
And never doubt
Just how perfectly imperfect you are.

And if i could, i would,
Saw away your sorrows
So when you thought of your tomorrows,
You weren't filled with dread,
You were filled with joy and hope
And optimism instead,
So that before you went to bed,
You were not filled with self defeating thoughts,
Ruminating inside, that pretty little head.

And if i could, i would,
Weld securely into place,
A genuinely happy smile,
Across your dainty face,
And a hand in yours,
So you'd never have to brace
Anything alone.

And if i could, i would,
Disassemble your malfunctioning thought processes
And rewire them back together again,
With a spanner, in the manner,
That meant you were not
Classed as insane.
I'd unfold and rearrange,
The chemical imbalances
Within your brain
So that the years of disdain,
And self blame,
Where a thing of the past,
I'd put you back together,
In a way, that showed you,
You were meant to last.

And if i could, i would,
Attach wings to your spine,
So there'd never be a time,
That you'd stumble and fall
You'd stand tall.

And if i could, i would,
Take the lonely shadows of your heart,
Rip them apart
And blaze them,
In a light so bright
It'd never die out,
You would never again doubt
All that you are,
And all that you can be.
And if i could, i would,
I'd set you free.
A repost for all of you who are suffering, or who know someone suffering from mental illness. Big hugs to you all ***
 Jan 2015 Alex Sheets
I am destroyed
Ripped to shreds
I am a mess
Black streams down my cheeks
"Oh God please let this pain stop. Please."
I am done
The world as seen through ***** glasses
I am sick
My stomach is wrung
My chest is split wide open
I can't speak a word
I am still in love with you
It's quite a ****** up thing to love someone who causes you so much pain
I know it ***** but I had to write like rn
My pillow is wet
You'll never know how many tears
How many tears I've cried for you
But regardless of the pain
I will always love you

Tonight I want to cave
It would come back worse than before
The sobs come so hard
If not you
What do I live for?

Everything I have become revolves around you
I gave you everything I have
When we disagree like this
I feel I'll lose my mind
I feel like less than nothing

I'm sorry I can't just be happy with you
But I only want to talk
That's all
I'm not asking you to change
Or leave someone behind
I'm not even being jealous

I only want to have meaningful words come out your mouth
I'm sorry
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