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 Jun 2018 The Vault
 Jun 2018 The Vault
I see you walk through the halls with her
She wears your new jacket
She wears your new smile
She wears your new life
Do you recognize me
I wear your old jacket
I wear your old smile
I wear your old life
I wear you no more
I wear a stranger that you no longer know
 Jun 2018 The Vault
Voices II
 Jun 2018 The Vault
Is it really worth it?
Does loving you out weigh the cons?
You mean everything to me.
But I have these voices in my head
Telling me it's wrong.
These voices make me second guess everything.
I don't know.
What if I'm doing something wrong?
What if you don't really love me?
What if I'm just fooling myself?
What if you're just playing with me?
I've had my heart played with before.
What if this is all just set up for heartbreak?
I can't withstand another break up.
What if?
These voices keep me up at night.
I can barely sleep.
Sometimes I don't sleep at all.
I just lay awake thinking of all the possibilities.
I can hear the voices telling me that you don't like me.
I can hear them saying things that I know aren't true.
But they make me doubt everything.
I don't know what the truth is anymore.
And that scares me.
 Jun 2018 The Vault
there’s a gun in my hand
(metaphorically speaking)
and i wrote this for u,
every last tear and laugh
and droplet of blood that
you drew out of my flesh,
blades for kisses while
the drugs reached your
veins-down the rabbit
hole you went once
again; and maybe i
should be sorry about
it, perhaps loving you
was just as mad as the
pills you swallowed,
because all i seemed
to be was a game
that you made, but
there’s a gun in my
hand, and it won’t
go away
summertime sadness
 Jun 2018 The Vault
 Jun 2018 The Vault
i feel like i’m made of glass
and last february,
you broke me.
i shattered.

you didn’t know
and you didn’t care
and you just. kept. pushing.

i broke into a million jagged pieces
and you
you took some of them with you.
i can’t get them back
and i’m not stupid enough to try.

you shattered me
and i was careless enough
to cut myself in the wreckage.

nothing was the same.

you broke me when i said no
and i thought
i could put myself back together
by saying yes--
again, and again, and again.
to strangers.
to friends.
to anyone who would listen,
and now all of my bridges are in flames
and i’m getting burned.

do you know what happens to burning glass?
i do.
it’s happening to me

and i’m starting to fly away in the wind,
slipping through my own fingers
like sand on the beach.
scattered so far
and so wide
that finding my way back together is like searching
for a single grain
on the ocean floor.

i'm drowning in my past
for a lifeline
reaching for anything--
for anyone--
that will take me
that will tape me back together
 Jun 2018 The Vault
 Jun 2018 The Vault
I wiped the slate clean
No strings
No attachments

I don’t need those things
 Jun 2018 The Vault
She Writes
She writes so for one brief moment
Someone somewhere understands
And in that moment
Neither the reader or the poet
Are alone and misunderstood
 Jun 2018 The Vault
Anne Curtin
Ten years ago tonight
we were watching
our mother die.

The bedroom -  with her
beloved blue shutters -
littered with used
medical equipment

her low moans.

Someone inside me
remembers the stench
of cancer

Now  her three daughters
stand in a triangle with
our backs turned -

and no one says a word.
This is a poem my sisters will never see.
 Jun 2018 The Vault
I am bare and broken.
I am lost, forsaken.
I am hurt and alone.
How lovely, sitting in the woods all on my own, far from home.
Memories flooding in, breaking my mind.
Mask, broken.
Shattered to the core.
I am sorry, I didn't mean to show you my true feelings.
Should I hide?
Should I have shown you the darkness painted in white?
I am so sorry.
I didn't mean to.
To show you how I really feel.
I am sorry that I offended you.
I am sorry that I have shown you my true colours in an attempt to heal,
To heal myself.
Farewell my friend, and I wish you good health.
heyooo hope you guys have a great day/night no matter where you are, I hope you know God loves you and have a blessed year ahead!
 Jun 2018 The Vault
Aaron Bee
I only loved you
when it was
I'm really sorry
that I  didn't think
of you
( When it really mattered.)
What's the matter with my
soul? It isn't correct
but nothing feels wrong.

I feel something , I don't know
if it's "sorry".

Looking into the void.
I think I seen you.

Reached out.
We met again.

For the first time.

It was love

Possibly maybe.

holding on to right now.

Frozen. your face perfection.

Eyes closed.

Waiting so anxiously for you
to open them.

You don't.
   My heart arrested by your beauty.
   Shatters when you chose not
   to look at me.

I don't feel any signs of growing.
Been feeling like escaping into romantic perspectives. Wrote this at 1am this morning at work, listening to "on hold" by the **
 Jun 2018 The Vault
 Jun 2018 The Vault
There’s a soft sound to it:
the way your bare feet touch the floor,
or the way your hair falls into your eyes,
or how you sigh right before you fall asleep.

There’s an eager emotion to it:
the way your mouth quivers after a kiss,
or the way your eyes look as you lean in close,
or how you push your body into mine.

There’s a fleeting feeling to it:
the way your keys jangle as you walk out the door,
or the way your toothbrush never stays more than a day,
or how you’re too kind to wake me when you leave.

There’s a rare reality to it:
the way your phone lights up with texts from her,
or the way your voice sounds telling me you’ll be late,
or how you haven’t been around in weeks.
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