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Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
Each tear is already searching for smothering trenches in the frames of faces; slowly, gradually, the happy, jubilant joy ready to show itself is fulfilled, and the pretended but real sadness is realised. The delicate telescopes of the ear-cups are wound up by harsh, turbocharged bomb-quarrels, leprous howls. Untouchable and often incomprehensible is the pain of all the sorrow that trembles! The pregnant alarm bells hidden in the depths of the soul ring differently each time, and in different ghostly tones.

And perhaps every fearful loneliness may have somewhere a preconceived pair of opposites.  Truth-ness is never visible on the inner walls of their eyelids. In the inner soul-reaches, the vocal cords of Being are constantly changing! When we look at faces, almost everything is dull and fades away - but sincere emotions can be recorded crystal clear even in a streaming tomorrow! Compliments handed down from saintly romances, and curtsy etiquette that only "some" can understand!

In the meaningful moments of materialized lives, the death of the deed must once be captured in action, so that we may dare to be ourselves in silence and hope anew! - The dafke-furnishing charade: brainwashed, accumulated, enriched, syrupy tactfulness, and the phlegmatic-parochial boorish manners dictating fashion-trend, has been taken more and more seriously. Valuable treasure-houses are thus allowed to pass away and fall into *****-smelling oblivion. Give or take a few decades, and those who were once deliberately crucified by the luxury-eye-losing tabloid media for their cultural eccentricities can win themselves prestigious, laurel-coloured prizes merely for the worthy cause of their death!

Even former exotic beauties are only remembered by broken nail clippings...
187 · Apr 2021
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
Choking suffocates while the invisible saliva-honey of the Universe trickles; the liquid summer sun greeted with an impassive serene sky and could not hear the wail of the Earth! Vanity breaks down on me and the lost ignorance would roar in me - I will soon feel lost in this illuminated Space! I dig into myself as the deep wells of my hidden childish secrets bubble! "It's still night and the wandering shadows come back to my wounded heart to quench their thirst!"
The eyeballs of Silence squeak at me as they spit out, marching incessantly! Unspeakable action is constrained by Space and Time: Opened Opportunities by This Current Commissist Why does present have only foolish celebrities? Bleeding from a dense night, a beam of dawn comes up! Now I don’t know who will stay with me forever as an understanding friend or an immortal Dear?
Does the song still have food? Did you waste your sighs when the Will was forced to listen bitterly in me? Will you still have an answer to one of my monologues ?! As a watchdog, I just stop at the door of cherished homes! Among the trees with stripped skeleton badges, Death-chirping feathered chicks are growing! Inside me, I know, the rainbow of Hope would still fly while haunted by porches of hell! Words leap from my eternally active skull; the vulnerable child and the half-naked man have agony in me!
Do I have to live in anxiety forever ?! "If you could hold the eternal Dear Rebellion against my Destiny, I might as well hold on!" Who will have mercy on me from my drowning Death mood ?!
187 · Feb 2022
Begging will
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
It imposes itself on everything, and everything becomes a rotten ***** because it has seen itself. Beneath the surface, moving, cocktail-drinking, bubbly V.I.P. exclusive evenings, insidious snake hisses, double entendres, universal sunken rot. Career graveyards at a loss become compulsive shapeshifters in pursuit of larger goals, looting dreams. In addition to a carefree lifestyle, it is necessary to take on grief and dirt with a toaster. Sooner or later, even the absolute winners are driven out of the race.

Only Death can bring comfort and consolation. To body and soul alike it offers a semblance of equality.- Daily shedding their reptilian-veined skins are the Janus-like Angels, saints, pretending prophet-greats. Whose daily ruined lives they ruin, They notice nothing but the virtue, if it pops, or if they lack the necessary sum To preserve the ruins of their sham happiness.

It may be that everything has long since been decided according to the suggestion of self-interest. Perhaps, with a little effort, petty kings and loyalty stooges could stay afloat in economic life-and-death struggles, bargaining even at the cost of their miserable lives to serve the legitimate institutions of cheap lies like prodigals: to dream is folly.

But for now, surely, it is better for many to bellow, to bend their heads and shout, to bang others' heads against the wall, shouting democratic slogans - the respectable historical chronicle will also record this in a falsified form, but people will have no trace of it when the moral balance has cooled down!
185 · Apr 2020
Single dream
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
I incarnate into my unconscious parts: In a destroyed body, the spirit and the soul are resting undisturbed, and shining freely - but whoever loses one part of the conscious and the unconsciously conscious of Being, loses all - and with the flaming breath of the heart and soul immortal - since your lover speaks the true pearls of his mourning on the earth - while his swoon-like Orpheus wanders through the catacombs of the underworld: Never again have his last first encounter!

Will an independent being, like the superior Self, consciously survive if memory is not trapped in Alzheimer's? Only the One, only the Chosen One, born as a handcuffed, love-hungry convict, was born forever trying like Prometheus - could he be happy, perfectly agreed?

Otherwise, if our memory becomes a holey sack, it will become a soulless consciousness - you are nothing and you will be! You are aware of the sense of responsibility, only in the minute, eternal-One, and indestructible, in eternal collision, in the orderly transformation of oneself

is also a solid One. Moments of apathy, little bagels disappear; details, little details

- The rushed Time, like a sponge, as a hermetically sealed state, is timeless floating above me! And what I hardly need is the reason to sift and select! - The One, the One, the Eternal, and the True are hiding somewhere in the depths of the breathing things, lying down and lying low in the sun: You yourself lie down and swim in a non-touching consciousness: Sensual - you know - word and deeds the same way can spur!

The magic bombards this extraterrestrial miracle, shocking its throbbing nerves, and tune the Universe with seduction - The profound depths of Being are shivering unconsciously in every sigh of conscious volcanoes. And immersed in one another, dipped - but not as convicted, orphaned spirits, but as two innocents

gently sinners, relying on conscious forgiveness, while listening to each other's throbbing heartbeats - more and more!
184 · Apr 2021
Femslash deficiency
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
It cuts into my face the immutable fact of Time as it has passed, the pre-ordained Coal-Lack, the life-giving presence — the Uncertain! When, stepping out of the door of security, he stumbles upon the *****, rattling structure of my limp-strong thunder-wind limbs! My non-selfish self-giving is dulling, much more the lack of opportunities to be offered again! I was busy with daily evening questions! A dubious experience lurks between my long-running fears and then re-emerging fears, exercising his limbs like the wild lurking on the column!
A stifling awakening also deepens in aborted moments when I have already successfully postponed everything! The daytime period is handing out half-dreams graciously, and can’t wait to get bitten into it by yawning! In the night, both the counting and the vigilant shadow begin to feverishly ponder! Slowly, sneezing, the restrained will also hides in my heart! An old, stifled movement is more of a selfish burden on everyone! Our shadows, if we don't take care of ourselves, pass on to others without a word!
Beyond the memories of the body, continents of storms are raging! When twisting desires pressed us as a stamp of Loyalty?! Stunned and sobbing, none of them dared to break to the top; among the galactic excuses of hated pasts, we all somehow hurried through! - The punishment imposed pays with poor naivety! Even on a planned night, it is often the case that geller falls into one reckoning! Everyone can feel the depleting moons that account for life on their own skin! The thread of yesterday - maybe - just shatters between our memories! How many missing-healing stitches are needed to heal wounds?
182 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
All the splendour and all the luxury of the piper goes back to the primordial material where it was created! The eyelash-spiral liquefaction of celebrity divas; The sticky gum of dovetail make-up shall be forgotten; And when the abundant rain-channels of the honest soul Are full, and the root-root of sensible sadness Has passed through every hesitating, half-weary man! For the world of Hyena has always cursed and despised the known child-fearer!

In-happening, in-between chattering souls, the wretch stumbling can seldom keep order! In every petal an orphan self shudders for the coming Spring! Like solid concrete or prison wall, on the bustling fields of our memory, seems to halt The sacred age of memories in peace! In every prostituted maiden there still lurks her angelic, girlish self: that her ancient craft may mean only survival and hope for tomorrow! She will interact with this superficial, cupping world if she consciously surrenders herself to it!

Like a sentient, childish angel, when from his cracked, twilight-flooded lips eagerly oozes the faithless, flowing blood; he commits sacrilege who raises his destructive fists to exotic flower-stalks! We should cling stoutly to the World! Without cheap pimps and lice, in a deep-feeling and enduring trust - Now and Here are already shattered from us! - With enduring trust we should go on, persevering in humanity on our bumpy life, and as we often fall, stumbling on our limp, we must learn to stand up!
181 · Dec 2020
Dreamy transience
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
When the eternally endowed Human Spirit, once gifted with Immortality, may have believed that human light, blazing in a halo tense in deer eyes, is not merely a product of combustion — but the eternal moment of the fillable, sanctified Universe; training in a living fire with two Sighs of the Spirit so it can boil budding into One! A graceful fever-lily stretches a pulled-out petal and as a nerve rises and what remains immortality Prometheus will be born!
It spreads from my little boy's face, cherishing a melancholy orphan; unquenchable, pure Flame then He became! My trickled panting head sweated like a pearl-mouthed sweat like the blink of Damocles' blade! Our fingers spread hesitantly apart in the captivity of our bodies: we smuggled lively stuttering words of compliment into each other's honeyed lips!
the waterfall of my trembling infarct heart shone like a breathtaking glass ball drop in the glow of Arca Gioconda, the elf of an abundant, rushing stream! And we could already feel the throbbing immortal piece of our body in the Universe that had split once and started to divide and became first three and then four-hearted under the captivity of our ribs!
Buds of buds shattered in the rays of our sparkling angelic eyes for our Happiness! - A glow of hawthorn in a tropical night, a flaming lace bush for the two of us is the way to go, perhaps ready from eternity; In our Savior Child Smile, we ignited the Essence that we honestly owe each other like two Children!
181 · Jan 2022
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
If I could still have a clinging, wide, hopeful hope; When in the cell-deep of my home I could bend my discouraged, shipwrecked head In my sweetheart's balmy, cradling lap; When our beating heartbeats in the bantering Universe would blaze As they would be reconciled together, and the Past would hold easy, useful trophies, Or secrets of prey! Even if the pieces of Existence were exchanged in a chess-board order on the plane of our little lives, love as a sure point of exit for our restless hearts!

If I could have a comfortable, cushioned rocking-chair; I would be lulled by the pearly, truth-telling voice of my angel, As when she cellists in a spacious concert hall, In evening gowns of protection! I would open the ghastly-grimacing scars of my soul, and let its caressing, dandified kisses dangle the sins of my unworthy years of *******! In an embracing, romantic meeting, the holy birth-moment of Immortality might be found!

We would feel, in a time of distress, our musical heart-chalice throbbing together! With its roaring waves would sing tiny, secret echo-choes of autumn's Theiresias-walves above us: nor on steep Sisyphus-paths would we give Fate her rightful sanction to give up the goal, and feel ourselves smaller! Nor should we now, in the foreseeable world, necessarily distress ourselves as two orphaned children!

It would be a fabulous, dreamy consolation, a true, priceless treasure-gift, if we could see together, in the sacred sparks of cherishing halo-eyes, the happy-sadness of our late childhood, and cease all petty anxiety at the sneaking portents of the Coming!
179 · May 2020
Naught as a whole
Norbert Tasev May 2020
I wake up, I wake up, and only in the morning do I regret the nights leaving in silence, the screaming ravens wisely watching the hellishness of owls as they warn of the vulnerability of Existence! And I have to look enviously at how I smile and shine at the rays of the bombarding sunbeam on my face: Even the natural antidote to a hangover! I must be up in the face of a radiant radiance, a bitterly wrinkled World, and in it the compromising Man who proclaimed himself a wise man who knows all things!

And suddenly in my heart the executed despair, the ongoing anger, the instinct itself move: Eternity every day without an immortal sweetheart - and meanwhile even those with cowardly ant-zeal live on the ground with me! - Man always asks for things, favors, and obligations: he deserves more, and yet less than he deserves.

your own morals are worth it! Man, as a free prey projected on a truly humiliated Adam costume, is forced to face death, gnashing his teeth. The defeated thread of its existence can soon be cut off by the molecular organism of mortal biologies! - Thinking through connections perpetuates everyone - and we don't know the true meaning: Whether they were determined in our case by superior "powers, executioners"

"And as dying grains of dust, they become one with the tears that wounded our face, which was destroyed in mourning!" - The nothing that is permanently destroyed, isn't it approaching ?! "You are cracking yawning bones there, that there used to be an eternal bang!"
178 · Sep 2020
Simple and unstable
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
Leaves tremble in the wind. Autumn carries its golden chains as leaf scales: Who else knows for how long? hawthorns also tremble in the evergreen shelters of mosses. Even the round cheese continent is freezing in the sky. Dogs are courting howling, poisoning - the summer glow disappeared suddenly! The nose, like a chimney vomiting crimson rhinitis, is swollen and is still dripping with its still unpleasant, killer juices!

An entire week of bed exercise was in vain once the smelt of immunity had weakened. The unbridled wind brings its October heifers with a rebellious whiplash, and in a thickening, milky white mist it is placed on unknown faces in a large arc and firmly despair! "A horse chestnut ponders alone in the craters of forgotten puddles!"

I cherished tears and spike pains in my heart while others betrayed me! And like something secretly raging Goliath, who had never digested it once to be defeated, demands with impatient thirst for revenge and shakes the falling skirts of the trees of the season!

Even the kind UVB sun gets sick so he doesn’t have to heal, handing over his terrain to twilight flashes. As the net proliferates tendrils patiently nail my nails at night! And as the play of the clouds is unruly and amazed, I am sure that the number of troubles and dissenting opinions is multiplied, that while someone else is given a happy, family life:

To me: Why wasn't it good, happy, honest, and true ?! “Tired, I leaned on the heart-hill of my pillow, imagining the Truth even the real one — that we couldn’t be side by side how simple and unstable!
177 · May 2020
Norbert Tasev May 2020
Chain-eyed heroes served in an ore-shaped cliff socket: aggastyan wages are served, silently in the immortality of time. They preserve their past by listening to their vision of Theiresias. Lightnings also stand on time-worn wounded ridges, prophets of loneliness stand: Iris soares to indefinite heights With the meaning of Icarus, the thinking consciousness: It never gives up!

All the pounding noises are their murmurs, a majestic, terrifying revelation: Below the diminishing feet of the mountains stands an unfortunate village infested with its envy-morsel, - he utteres the smallness of Jericho aloud! The disgusted putts here like the killer spikes of bitterness

the illusory ideals, the illuminating morals, - the candlesticks of goodness are now shining less frequently here - the total attack of the killer-throated wolves that have ruined everything and everyone here - the Apocalypse is at home here and we are slowly recovering ourselves. - In an ore-hearted spine socket, silent truths are swept under the fluff of carpets, - beyond the wounded distant sky there is a stretched soaring golden dragon rocket lights. In the pure, unshakable bastions of silence, only the eternal human laws can be left to him alone: ​​Fear reigns at the knocking beats of heartbeats fear vulnerable personality consciousness

on his troubled, misunderstanding day he devours several times, a distorted mirage, the Peace of Appearance shines, if the wounded, pure-hearts do not do it! - In a granite socket, only they can be unbreakable septa, rock pipes that expropriate land: It crumples, whips the groove section of muscle chains and is not spared daily by the moody moody, raging natural disaster!
177 · Jan 2021
Summoning the Universe
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
The petal waves of dawn gently wrap around the Goddess sketch of your budding body. The bronze-brown arch of your fragile dove shoulders, like a bow-string trained at rest, stretches gently first and then balances halfway between the Universe and Immortal Transcendence! Shining brightly like a Star in your petal face, your fiery Gioconda's eyes glow, constantly conveying with faintly hidden secret smiles, "How much I love you!"
In the crystal pots of mirrors there shines the truth of your pearls: the essence of your smiling tears! You’re not smashing your precious diamond treasures because you were sad, but because you feel the irreversible future deep in your banging bell-heart! The passing will be able to enter between us in a perilous time and the wind of Death will hiss in our cracking bones!
Even on our flaming faces living for each other, tears can be a stigma if our pain is stronger than our giving love! We can still boldly pass on the drumming little piece of our body while dissolving and comforting in each other's redeeming kiss! Clean water wells are our souls! If a bucket can fall into them, we can watch its splashes forever! Our feelings for each other are falling apart!
The purple piano of my tongue kisses your navel on your pond, even drunk on a donor! - In realized brilliance and Destruction in each other, although we can decompose into our elements, we can still brave
176 · Jun 2020
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
Renewable mornings are like ***** killer, leaking through the soles of my soaked shoes, - in front of me I have to pay attention to split and split into two amoebaes the winter snow-covered, spruce-island: And yet I fell through a wide-eyed human sieve. In the mouths of many tiny crickets, sisere-arm, as the only outsider outside the camp, groping only the familiar unknown, I stop: Either I will be quite persecuted, or I will live to be reduced to a hunter myself! - This Century puts on those who daily produce with sweat beads the still existing Reality and the pleasure that has never been before

they knew - they leave it to those who get up at ten in the morning! People’s wallets are punctured and wounded by unfaithful self-abandonment: You can’t stay on the ground for some cheap garas after the possible tomorrow. Even with a terrible burden of responsibility, I am constantly grinding myself and dissecting the brainstorming of my brain: How to be captive to Tomorrow

earning bread if you have already shattered Hope got there? The only permanence against the tolerated World: Constant, self-marching, vibrating malaise! - Now a work that produces diligence and perseverance and a brain presence fills the mornings, and if the bed is rather a relaxing captivity short-circuited,

rather than constraint. Now you are still a biological cell, who would need a camp of life-giving molecules as soon as possible, but there may come an era in the found, dismembered Time, when Someone in loyalty clutches will look at you, and with your conscience - in the tunnel of secret telepathies

you become one with him! - Only the Thought can be honest and clear, because the mouth is already stuttering
176 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022

From my eyes there flowed the coagulated eyeballs of honest incredulity; chains of true pearls were lined up under my baggy eyes like clumps of onion-clusters! In feverish, timeless grayness, my rebellious finger-tips ***** ever after instinct-secrets! With my senile self long since pregnant, I have regrown my outcast, my Golgotha-maiden! I think of only one thing: where and how could I have begun anew with my soul-mate another, more substantial, and perhaps wiser life?!

In my being there still ticks the timeless, proud beating of the Universe in ever more agitated, wicked time-bomb beats; in my metaphors still intertwine eternal, immortal compliments of love and all-powerful romances! Outside, paralyzed Minotaurs flock, hoping for mimic-majestic riches, and, looking into the invisibility of their curved mirrors, curiously peer at the compromising world!

The mature soul, thought lost, wanders into prehistoric massive-syrupy solitude to rediscover the palpable depths of Being! Before me and after me, my closed-uncertain future and gaping, personalized mines for my ashes, which have been for some time decaying with the molecules of my cells; my romance, my beauty, crashes into the ******* air-wall of Nothingness and chokes me for the umpteenth time in melancholy! - Like a knife in soft butter, I should sum up the fragments of my memories backwards in my account of what has happened, so that I may move forward more courageously!
172 · Apr 2021
Spartan nipper
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
The superstitious gaze of the Universe will flirt with you if you let it! They dig their flesh into your floating rubber flesh! Every immortal kiss refutes Reality! A rocking cradle stretched over uninterrupted depths swings; including a planned line of stations! Flower petals appear on the palm of your hand as a sure pledge of eternal Loyalty! Shivering squeezes the pulsating heart petals! The Silence walks zigzagging on the edge of the Infinite: the Death Consciousness pulls you deeper and deeper, wings-broken!
The power of the Never Happened tears up our years! Even washing weights hang on the liberating Hope and you should learn to trust again! The shadows of the Past haunt you in your cells; your molecules are therefore zigzagging! As the crazy division of cells accelerated, Time accelerated! Today the Truth is still very cheap s the lie is astronomical! "Puddles stick to you like blood-******* mosquitoes!" Zeng is the murderous phlegm of old-fashioned self-incense! Man always believes in vain to cling to this now-counting, starving World, constantly humbling and kneeling!
Under the poisonous cages of solariums, hissing chicks are marinated, while their gorilla-brain knights pump themselves up in gyms! No more vigilant ghosts! Time has already challenged everything with its Hangman claws! It’s still harder to conquer on a donkey than with a Ferrari! - And whoever sees the Deficiency and Essence in me one day, I can boldly get to know him! - Care for creative poetry is barely falling! The bubble-inside of Man is soon enough until it finally bursts! Grimace flesh smokes on my face, so he can even grimace.
170 · Feb 2020
Norbert Tasev Feb 2020
Uncertain and finite circumstances are perhaps the only stepfathers because they offer us only alternatives to human reason, not just universal spontaneity and relationships!

If a single link, a bad idea, a fluctuating idea comes into play once,
snaps unconscious subconscious thought fluctuations, reinstated actions determine honest, instead of common sense! - It happens - believes the Individual, - so the man is himself, - the mass is organic, it will be ****** in and stay!

And so he deliberately bypasses the line of personal thought, selected and trusted logical steps! And the irreparable would further deteriorate, with the consistent laws of indestructible Humanism:

As if you were to fly a billion billions of stars on a fly paper, the stupidly successful animal irresponsibility! "Why is there even a sense that I'm afraid?" - Would I ask the Reality: prudent, patient, and conscious-minded people?

What could have gone wrong What? Where ever we may have made a mistake, and it is quite regrettable that in our infectious ****, we have finally forgotten about the Causes!
Fearless beasts, egotistical monkeys,
Gorillas imagined for Adonis, emerging jampecs whale age - afraid - long gone, and only the faith of man in himself, prudence is the universal moral values allows us to sink into the mud from there
consciously measured by the standard of humanism
- let's leave with head raised!
170 · Feb 2021
Passing cradle
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Pass-wise rock, since My shipwreck is linear; like a sprained, bald string of numbers!
Dozens of childish playfulness clings to me because I assume Peter Pan syndromes rather than absolute strict adulthood! The petty warts of wild times burn in my body, immortal Universe would be given by all my words of compliment; it is still intolerable that we will also exchange our principles as used underwear! "Misfortunes approach me with determination!" The official indifference binds its negotiated, alamous alliances with Nothing, and the reserve pleasures already lack all the absolute Promises of Goodness! "I have a lot of useless promises and Van Gogh's ears cut!"
Scandal if weeds and those fighting with themselves are already pathetically ridiculous! Man's transition between an animal's slaughterhouse ?! Why should this be the case? Bus stop people can only stare puzzled if someone collapses in front of them! Perhaps every Being showcase is being prepared for litigation, and the pain has also usefully acclimatized! - Many times our rails break during our journey and the switches can break; even the legendary train is wasting its trajectories!
The mirror looks at itself on a vigilant examiner as the other childier looks in: the Future passes into an inedible surprise if we no longer take care of the Present! My faithful exploratory amazement would set off again into unfamiliar imaginations, while joy appears unintentionally on the chalkboards of my years! All honesty is another test under a sharpened Guillotine; my hesitant crying face is an all-around little boy clinging to him if I can't do anything else
168 · Mar 2020
Qouted task
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
A frightened orphan plundering like a greedy treasure-robbing Luxor royal tombs, like you - already a gentle hoarfrost pinched its head into depth and height as you consciously look into it. What spirit, what value, interest compels us every day as experimenting Sisyphus to compete: promotion, firing, the universal and general drivers of our struggle, which is our existence

is it in the micro-cogwheels to consume our bodies, strip our bones lean, and turn the soul into scarecrows of bone and skin, which sends its noble messages to us with the gift of immortality and eternal survival ?! "What can the Infinite, Eternal Damaged Silence teach you?"

Peace has long been sought and then found common wavelengths? And why not repel, tolerate, and cut with one-hearted silence like the striking lightning strikes of the Rock's natural laws, the crackling whiplash? - Just a few happier, and perhaps more independent, decades before finally being a glass foam, a pearl greenhouse

if the sea is mockery - and all their firm, uncertain decisions, and their meaningful countdown to the Unified Everything: Are we well-determined in the fog of unfamiliar situations, while the hourglass of our mortality turns again with every Prometheus birth,

sinking, or tossing the Heureka sparks of our individuality into Adam and Eve's costumes to shine freely, yet without happiness, with happier satisfaction? - Fascinated and tasted among the flowering genera of flowering flowers, honey-rich, nectar-rich nectar for Eternal life - And as a reward, even the eternal burden and Love-hungry, yet selfish and cowardly, for a falling man will be sentient, beating blood from flesh - Like once organized consciousness, it is a particle of cellular biology, and its molecule from the placental shelter, the bladder of bladder, the organic Unfinished and eternal

has become an immortal part! And why is it that by birth, as an organic gift, we have gained Death, yet still struggle daily with the Kharubdis Gap of Uncertain Tomorrow as Sifif ?!
165 · Dec 2020
Leak Valley
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Among the fragility ruins of my soul, I still keep curious melodies, to see if there will be anyone else who will listen and think: if you have hurt Someone in the self of falling mirror tiles, how will you comfort the fall ?! In the promises of nowhere opportunities, I am disappointed daily: Were there any at all who considered the keeping of the Promise at all?!
Story has broken down into facts, yet it has finally been licked with ugly ends! In my final desperation, despair often sticks to the "how to proceed" - executioner's rope! If the extended Silence explodes in me: I will divide myself between the gaps of fear and reason! Who else, with their eyes closed, can discover the true Truths of petal falls that experience Truth?
Is the Continuous Rich Word Falling into a Memory Appearance? I will also turn the other half of my smiling face over if Someone else wants to know me! So be vigilant “they” out there so that they don’t exclude the witness from their souls! I still confess to myself the familiar Deficiency: Well, let's see! What would you do differently? Self-inflicted curiosity, however, is still pursuing; my exploratory consciousness is paving the way for itself, trying to be independent of self-defeating remarks,
blade-sharp, crumbling criticism! My awake researching attention captures the fulcrum built around me! Failed failures could continue to be a pity! - The blocked waves of this present existence are ready to clash over my head again; everything will leave me all around if I have to fight and fight with myself!
163 · Jun 2020
Self portrait in 2013
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
Self portrait in 2013

Strange Wonder Beetle: Most of all, a kind of charming, modestly gentle hamster muzzle. The nimbus of the determined concentration floats around it, the whites of the eyes tremble, trembling in the swamp of self-pity. In the siege storm of everyday life, it is itself a fully equipped armor of conflict-ridden Don Quixote romance. And he himself is merely in the eternal-circular decipherments of Being

brain, pondering all day. In many cases, as a child, he was forced to apply a swing policy to fleeing threads - in many cases, his nose would have been broken to be crushed! Even for just a quarter of a moment, a fleeting pause, it would be good to believe, to hope - after the possibilities of not trying in the sure consciousness
immediately, with unbroken caracan: But it is afraid - the child is forced to hide in adult skin, and even so it is not certain that society will accept it as a lover of conscious solitude! Isolation has never been used by anyone,

and not inspired, - yet to happen is absolutely necessary! - I can't trust them! At most only in my own mother as an eternal, humane, moral Answer! How can a prosperous future still come from the present, tubeless present? The answer is getting more and more doubtful, on shaky legs - maybe I don't think so myself anymore, but I have to every day, because it is necessary and because morally

it can give us hold on alone to feel worthy of being PEOPLE - to greet the unknown Tomorrow with humbled steps of hope, humility replaced from our brains! The weight of responsibility is heavy, it pushes the burden on our shoulders, yet the universal support of our conscience is essential!
162 · Jul 2020
Shy Icarus
Norbert Tasev Jul 2020
Peninsula Icarus
  We consciously strive for the elusive insecure with doubt and hesitation: We cannot know the confidential boundaries or the end of our destiny paths destined for us - yet we are lurking towards the unknowable Tomorrow! The shackles of trampling and tangles are binding, holding back: We cannot give to the Fear that is his! Our durable, sure humanity!

His instinctive action of “could have been tried” is still relevant and justified. Conscious self-pity that we respect our own cowardice with selfishly vulnerable tears - it is feared that it is seldom enough today! How would I be worthy of merciful and giving pity? Then the kind voice of our hearts will be spoken for us. Each question to consider generates and grows new decisions: Being rolls dumpling-shaped pitfalls, while common sense is in place of purpose and will!

I’m just a wounded emptiness sometimes, maybe just worth trampling on. I should map out good intent values ​​on my own. When the day is over and the brain is still clicking and something in the heart is shaking! The iron cat of pity is sometimes thrown at me and, as an excess, a single piece of life jackets, and like the surging-loving sea, I often share the fate of uncertain, swaying, drifting shipwrecks!

Love gives wings to many! As a half-nailed Icarus, even a careless moment was enough to look at the lava caves of the immortal universe.
159 · Mar 2020
World snag-circus
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
Even after the mass psychosis of unanimously proclaimed mono-bookkeeping and stadium-building, it was not enough for plaster to cry on the snow-capped walls of life-saving public hospitals and nurseries, to swell in tears of crushed wings! "And while the past may be decisive and at the same time, the present is increasingly lying, false."

Hateful, liar-like, ***-licking oligarchs lick each other as a war of delicate pinch dogs. They fill their personalized colors with stories written in selfish ways, and Paul's great reversal will take place again. But there would be quite a few nice and admonishing examples on the sacred altar of corruption: Can't you really feel overwhelmed by the fact that you have been sacrificed for their petty career greed ?!

They have become intentional ******* juveniles for sale; a miniature community that has finally come out of a small Europe is calling for stalled industrial and technological development. And the hunger ticket is still cool if any of us decided to go shopping. In the upcoming circus, the despot porcelain master has already presented his latest vision. There is no interference, no open resistance. You can easily jump on the promised million dollar bonus!

Just no rush, and most of all, no reckless, frenzy! If many believe the cheat-negation promises of non-existent jobs and jobs: Who knows ?! "Exposed, theatrical, rope-like, we can even hear plenty more about the fierce struggles of parallel legends ..."
159 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
In my careless anguish, in the moonlight, displaced, she wept alone; My knocking, true-kissing, friendly voice was not yet answered, Only a syrupy darkness had taken hold! Thus in my trembling body the little child cried out in a roar! All compassion against me was frozen on ever-superficial, grimacing faces; and the preserved aversion curiously scanned its sad, past memories! He who is the sole companion of himself, and who, repressed, creeps with terrible strength into the land of still survivable Tomorrows, is forced to scrape together his courage of noble substance in himself!

He can cry as long as he likes, for no one will listen anyway! - Squeaky shadow-wings whisper in the haunting twilight, and now everything seems so uncertain and difficult to digest: he forces himself into foreign roles instead of taking root, settling down and finally being himself! He stops, alarmed, like a chubby, worn-out coat on the rack of the pegs that pull him to the stake, and feels that his fate would fall before the pre-shotgun barrels if he let it - so he prefers to stand back in the eyes of the Outlands and digest his own humanity!

He knows his efforts are all in vain, but he must cling to something! A superstitious glance, a disturbed childish memory in the horrors of the past, or a kiss that might have been a romantic summation, which in an unexpected moment of magic could have meant much to all! - Outside he gazes at himself paralysed, And knows the treacherous Beast's needle-sharp fortune awaits!
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
From the torn stillness of nights it rips with a thunder, A capricious edge, a wide tear of memory's storms! Rust-resistant, twisted honey-coloured pitch bubbles, While from the distance some forlorn desert of stone Seems to rise and rise in search! Purple Sisyphean rocks teach patience, and mature silence for themselves, To prophet-wise, and to those who pass through themselves!

Sunyin yet ***** the end-shadow of the red-skinned skeleton-sidereptile, declaring war on the screeching flocks of ravens! Let the well-known, acute or even trivialised lies begin: the obligatory, preaching holy commandment of saving lives, and unworthy, reengineered echo-songs that the mouldy plaster on the walls of our health care system is getting more and more rotten, and the cracks in the wards are growing! - We can only rarely count on the kind attention of our mortal, and therefore evolving, brother states!

A swarm of pigeons, falling from low heights, splashes over our heads, and some would sell the final product for sweets, if it were all that could be gained by the deliberate explosion of sound they themselves create, to enliven their wealth, the truth they have dripped is clogged up! The proliferation of idiotic, idiotic exceptionalism in a self-expanding space is incomprehensible; idiotic constructions should be replaced by stable and balanced production instead of the brainlessness of oligarchs!

Caravan routes often **** in the lost man if he is not careful! Self-righteously, who can still dare to swing stubbornly confidently in people's tin-can ring cannot remain in his honesty!
156 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
Man-watching, starry-eyed flame Why does it promise stubborn, headstrong Hope only to others?! You tell me, fair lady, the real, the crystal-truth! Dog-hatred and jackal-hatred become blood nowadays, And vague hopefulness breeds in the place of conscious realizations; Ideas are easily crushed! From our hesitant self-defeating chess-steps only Waste springs! The ******, outcast secret of decipherable end-points; the thundering purr of ruby drops of blood in the wound-litter of beating hearts threatened with infarction is evident!

He who daily serves the ivory-Culture experiences a whirlwind! From the twilight of disillusionment a safe and reliable way is seldom found! The cosmic downfalls of groaningly cicentric life-paths guarantee success for powerful oligarchic generals to dictate new, selfish terms! - Spiral Life wraps itself around itself like a shoelace: if it could, it would abuse its born creation to grab privileges!

From bone-lungs oozes syrupy-murderous silence, like hard-healed wounds! Even now the memories of the past carry dagger-edged cares to our feet; dreams are cherished by the babble of babes, and vows are made by the unruly Heart within itself! - Under the pathetic Existence, as a gesture of exalted dignity, prison walls are erected for the incomprehensible ****** of the stumbling obstacles! How does the over-dimensioned, pedestalized Man manage in the catacombs of consumer societies?!
155 · Dec 2020
Graceful ballerina
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Graceful ballerina
Flirtatious Thirsty Dream: stroking like the music of Angel Wings. You will be more than a holiness than a carnal, glowing cell; Among the ladies, the Only One! Because every day you close and close your creative petals and buds in roaring winds as well, so that your karakan will bloom with will! Saltó bursts out of suicidal ravines with the flickering catch of Saltó mortal trapezes that curl high through flattering flattering soles!
You reconstruct your day with the flaming rebirth of the Phoenixes every day! From the sword of human applause, your fear is strained in an airless room - lest you get in trouble yet! Your sun-river will shine in your precious silk eyes if you have done your maximalist work well! Your golden light amber skin will be kissed daily by the Sun instead of me; trombone lips demand of you too, like the compromised sensation from me!
Flower petals grow even in the sacred depths of your beating heart: deep in the lake, the trembling of stars is your tiny throbbing! Did you do well? And while you are constantly concentrating with disciplined vigilance, disturbing human voices are still shouting at you! reflectors
a fragment of light interferes with your free-speech prospect; and I looked at you as a Woman and yet the redeeming power of holy Friendship was more important than anything!
From the wings of eternal freedom, let your Art soaring to heaven become; so your dearest dream can come true! - Your dancing stunts must always have a killer-authentic effect so that they can drink into human hearts…
155 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
The silent, statuesque shadows of timelessness are cast on everyone, if the mouth yawns in a single expressive movement, the eyes sparkle - as a light-hearted, silent blindfold, we try to capture the happy golden age of our memories as realistically as possible, and create it in Reality! We are softly embraced by the music of the flocks of birds waiting for Spring. The holy gentle melody of the tiny and inviting bells, running on the babbling wind, makes our beating hearts beat!

Long distances can be shortened at any time - thanks to the hyper-networks of our digital age! The double news-beat of joy-sharing echoes our richly beating heartbeat! The prophet-trones of balmy, brooding nights are touched by the budding love-fly; and it matters not when, or by whom, the immortal metamorphoses of kisses among the swarming, nubile desires of the wombs! - To the identity thought lost, all can find it again!

From a single gesture, a universal cosmic compassion, or a great spectacle stuck in silence! In the deception, the chase and the pursuit of hopes may yet remain! We should engrave in everyone's soul the Goodness that dwells in everyone, as another strange sacrifice...
155 · Jan 2021
Interrupted vision
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
Time is getting old: His stubborn, abandoned cradle is rocking forever - with a desperate omen, I push minute by minute forward: why doesn’t glistening hope shine in the grayish blind spots of his eyes? The chances of a hermit retreating into yourself are growing! And Being also makes a split in consciousness when you let yourself be auctioned off! "Between the grooves of your face, the nest of ancient fires is trembling, and yet you seem incapable of breaking out of the murderous cage of the rings that grip your life!" And Someone can hardly ask, "You don't feel like going on a date ?!" "Even the Redeeming Peace is immediately burned with a dangerous calculation around you: in the depths of your soul, your conscience roaring in massive armor roared: 'Fool, foolish Robinson!' Only digest yourself if you are so idiot that the happiness of others is more important than yours! ”
Because you have become unsolicited and useless! Something big, big Truth has yet to be confessed, but your mouth often closes its chunky gates along like a interrogating tomb! The closed circle around you is getting narrower and even Pi seems infinite: Man should stand up from all situations; every day something important dies in me! What else could an immortal stamp-will help me to continue to swing again - I look down on the Treasure World silently crumbling inside me!
Sometimes maybe it’s not the Future anymore - Our vulnerable soul is miserable! My soul, if I am not careful, can easily sink into the sluggish ocean of Nirvana! Even our precious rich words can only be worth the True Beads found in shells if someone listens and discovers them!
154 · Apr 2020
Blade and edge of sword
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
How does it hurt you that you can't escape? How can you not make a mockery of yourself for yourself either, a stubborn exception? You could not remain long-suffering in the camp of the impatient, - brave among the petty cowards - and your only love has long since renounced you! And as you shave your face, which has descended into a thorny bush, you are constantly questioning your soulless, Janus reflection: Why haven't you committed suicide in the afterlife?

The cuddly stingy fate didn't value you much either: He was thrown into the capital of life - and left behind day by day. With your petty and pathetic attempts at your self-pitying struggles. Usurper of the throne, years of loss of soul, desolate, shiny bullet instead of foliage: Kuglifej flourish! You already know for yourself: Out of tenderness, you need to show off the beautiful bouquets of your former compliments:

You have exalted faint Madonna faces on the altar of the ascending Goddesses! - You are exactly as the World has denied: Insecure, skeptical, unbelieving - either the hesitant Marsian or the experimental Sisyphus in one person; do you wait a day with sheep-vanity in vain to your dust and dirt, will your pregnant rock fall back to the ground, or will it stay where you left it?

Even now you believed: With a pure and one-sided childhood, you will discover every day, discovering your fool, Anti-Adam! And you can’t accept: The knight-romance of loves has long since been sacrificed. You are already an enemy to yourself! Your self-pity and murderous pessimism kills and recreates every day, and like the Phoenix You resurrected from hell in hell in a sacred cycle. Your insecurity opens up like a tomb under you and you know for sure: You fall and you fall freely lower and lower, torn apart, exiled and independent
152 · Sep 2020
Your swan hand
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
I look at your tender and delicate swan hand: While humiliating and carrying loads, the delicate tiny cam-cathedrals tremble, bowing like diligent bow nerves! Your flexible and fragile fingers were broken as a patient killer by loneliness and weakness!

Caressing, babysitting mother's hand: Oh! If only for a moment, but how many times would I have leaned on the hilly ***** of your lap to make it like your blatant child, your blessed artificial hand, to fall asleep with a caress! You had a intoxicating touch, a magical, soothing miracle!

Curious and whimsical fingertips, which if you were tense and blushed the rose-redness surprised how would you respond now? Proudly, with no self-giving, or with a blessed giving as a possible reparation for having walked your own way and for leaving your unfortunate, molasses boy in a pickle?

When I look out for the perforated, aggastyan mountain hermits of the distant Bird Mountain, they interrogate like diligent investigators for whom the given evidence is not enough! I should **** a glorious photo of your memory in myself, forget it here! Alas! The bitter heart is so hard

which clings to the captivity of dreams! Even the falling trees are cleaning up, getting ready for the eternity of winter! The fine mist, as a colonizing settler, settles slowly and for a long time, building a nest on the hill.

Past and present are now stepping in at the same time, and can’t the countdown to existence allow for one last, fatal encounter before our fleeting meat vault becomes a feast for underground rodents? "I kept watching your hard-working, brave, and willful hand — like someone who had suddenly forgotten something and was now researching and watching more and more boldly" to keep his priceless treasure with him…
151 · Mar 2020
21th Century
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
Today, it is crippled with all its nerve strands, and the Man as the official heir to the throne of the evolutionary chain is weaving into itself; Who can still be alive and the victim in the grinding mill wheels of weekdays? With his scary, huge injection needles, he wounds every day like a wounded Sun - punching my face for a long time or tram in a bar-leaning shop. ***** stings, teasing spits and howling blood

stools drowned in themselves as addicted to themselves as the ultimate hopeless: expelled from their homes! But the Hearts, the proudly lion-drawn Hearts, the clean, unclean, spotless consciences: Cared for and well-kept spiritual gardens, still flutter. - Century is powerful, indomitable

crocodile-willed wake-up Jancies, diva-matrons, fleshy cups - they are leaning over flesh pots for fat snacks. On the ground, the main editors dig traps, hard-pressed piles -

there is nowhere to flee the stoic masses of despised manuscripts - There could only be at last a sounding, cymbalized human word, Chairs and sermons without preaching on Goodness, Truth, Morals, that we are one-hearted in our humanity, and we are no longer strangers!

Those who help with self-will, and with unbridled compassion, hold upon us the easy mercy of their alms. Has the development of the world begun with modern means of mass communication? Are the long-awaited fortune-tellers of immortal castles in theaters, theaters - thunderstorms - still lit?

- That's how they live downstairs: The one who swallows a lot of food is fine and spends on himself. Anyone who helps will be deliberately oblivious - the anti-horror of cultural ignorance infects everyone! "Now the world is pitifully petty and hateful." Luck dancing on the hands of pecking-down little kings, luck and honor or humanity may no longer have a shelter here - because a exploitable, grabbing marionette puppet in the delicate hands of the Man's Boys is stuck in the air of job interviews:

The gorillas gnawing at them, like the Adonis on the mallard kittens, giggled, "Mobile phone! Buy artificial nails! " - That's left! "No longer need immortal confessions on the dragon pillars of wounded-hearted sunsets, nor any universe-lovers." - no brainwashing stupid - Morals! The power of human hearts, understanding on earth, Peace in your hearts! Between the Aggastyan Mountains I stretch my bow like a bow and whisper my voice!
151 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
We should learn the Human being again: empathy-tolerance! Pushing into the deepening pits of the wretched while the remnants of the evil that keeps germinating! Every Man is a corpse-One and only lonely star-island, brooding in himself; His bleeding points of Odyssean wounds are bruised and bruised by inner soul-demons at their pleasure! The graceful flutter of black night-butterflies With angel wings sprouting, cherishing Goodness! Into the tiny cups of loyalty-hands Should be placed, as a secret gift of grace, The purple-planet of the throbbing heart: the palpable metamorphoses of Being!

Man may forever submit and surrender to the magically unexpected moments; fluttering shadows fly on the spider-webs of trembling done destinies! The childish curiosity of ripe incompleteness still vibrates in the balmy evening stillness. In every star-gaze, as a reckoning, there stretches a drop of untold glass-bead!

I've played my ever-childish roles often enough: the hissing penguin chubby as well as the orphaned, wailing, whimpering child! And I only wondered when, among all the curiosity-seekers, would Morality and Love ever join hands to shake my hand?! - It would be nice to get out of this troubled, shipwrecked earthly circle once and for all! To learn to believe and trust again!

To feel romantic, breathless sighs like secret X-ray magnets in another's beating heart, when the rose-fingered Dawn greets us daily with her honeyed rays!
148 · May 2020
Boundaries of extremes
Norbert Tasev May 2020
I just quench my bitterness, the stumps of my chronic pessimism, bitterly every day, somehow, so that I can recreate it in the midst of tomorrow’s struggles: I realized this belongs to the equilibrium state of the Universe too! Amit daily; kidney, liver, stomach are digested and transformed through a chain of nerve pathways. "That's why everything happened so fast, with a thief that was harder to swallow, gnashed and leaked, eternity began again within the prison walls the next day!" The events, the connections

in its immutability it would have been good to believe: It would have been good to receive the Prometheus hope with sewn-in pockets, and yet many wasted opportunities fell out of his holey hands! For among human-faced hyena animals one can only listen to the True, the Good: A faithful chronicle of beautiful words, immortal apocryphal thoughts,

and no one may surrender himself to him who has asked: Loyalty leads the hands of two burglars with loyalty as a sincere handcuff and with his breath! The hardest part is: Knowing and believing that the world needs you! And you don't have to be among your old filth!

I feel: The Important has shrunk. The single Whole has lost its meaning - today everyone fights on their own, fights and none of them can at least say: Cheap, material goods pocket, steal, or cheat, and others - or just because of their daily livelihood! As a livelihood for the now collapsed potential cornerstone of Morality, human hearts rarely circulate in human heart tunnels! Like biological mortality made for eternity, - it was destroyed several times in its day; As false promises shattered into a cop, the Truths, sincere human speeches, have disappeared: Here now Falsehood sits on the velvet of light-lost throne chairs,

you may ask, but why: You will not find the ruins of tears, the bridges of the vulnerable heart here! - Secret Dueling: Wickedness and evil have become a parallel message every day: s minute-human-blue daredevil-power is afraid to create and convey new fashions! Extreme age! I wish we could more consciously recognize the limits of the Extremes.
148 · Jan 2022
Uninvited nest loader
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
I didn't want to speak to a camp of non-flatterers, but he was brainwashed in the ditch pit of this Age to someone who was open-
With a spirit, he still understands acceptingly! In his earthly living rooms, I could well have found a heart-warming true home; as a vagrant, unfaithful stuffing Tolerating the Occupation of Executioner-Time Times - because I am forced to - still endure! Celebrity-chasing celebrity chopsticks flattered to each other from late dawn to sober nights! With uncovered *******, yet in armor-armed Solitude, I will stand among you! And I am forced to endure the blunders of my prodigal misfortune with charlatan smiles!
Today, rat souls are either glorified by others in a proclaiming loudness, or are galloping! As insidious servants of nothing, they began to viscerate the base of our easy-to-build career! "And I have warned and confessed to all, if they have heard: Beware, for the Spirit has fallen into the deep and will fall down with the falling pay!" Many have already deliberately distanced themselves from me! With vigilant patience I warned others of the Nobles with destruction!
A judgment that foams on the potted lips of flatterers is reprimanded: What has this insidious, paid Age made of skeptics, not of those who trust in themselves?! Even from the constantly licking handshakes of licking my feet but I was disgusted; remembering can keep many-sanda Promise! "Consolingly beautiful books should not be left to fend for themselves!" I would have to believe that the Galad Man might come to his senses and get better
145 · Nov 2020
Eternal Law-suits
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
The fall within the inner world has begun: the Commissioner is somewhere in Reality and deliberately expelled in Nothing! A herd of elephants rattled over me while my heartbeat rushed my heart attack-infected dalia heart! I measured between crystal shards of rotatable curved mirrors; a fat tuber of pathetic, chewy meat - and somehow I started on the sure path of burnout!
The glowing accusation of the solar systems looked back at me. In my judgment examiner, my heartbeat rumbled in the corners of my eyes, I played music star stars, and my two tearful tears would have embraced the Savior. Because on the vigilant endeavor of days: Tightened between Death and Immortality, we hang on ropes and pillars - we look confidently with a pile of abyss shouting wolfish eyes! In the field of unquenchable seas, we are tossed ready for action and yet uncertain!
The petals of my soul were handcuffed to self-determination by Love and Death; if I didn’t look face to face every day with my transience, I would be disgusted with boredom! Like a roast pigeon, I look forward with patience to My Beloved! He who had felt and knew everything about me even with secret rays of telepathy - now he has become a Witness as an understanding, uplifting, confidential friend! He listens and encourages at the same time: he always accepts because he needs me, even existing oxygen!
I am overwhelmed by tummy humiliation; Stammering-habogok! In the momentary expanded Silence, the Rings of Confidence of the Universe hold their eternal permanence in our clasped fingers — in our earthly solitary confinement, Love may be the only Redeeming Promise, a captive Universe Ark!
144 · Sep 2020
Uninhabited wound-island
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
There were scary scarecrows then, wolves with ordas-jaws - like a bunch of barns, I'll tell you now! In indigestible anthills, revenge-thirsty beatings, tortures for animals. There were dishonorers, torsos in the moral mud, monotonous and prickly rib-foot fractures like a thorn, screams of grace begging in the school toilet, which could be smelled from afar!

And then there were contented sleeping tales, "Well, everything will be fine!" And, "Don't be afraid!" - and with a pleasing fist-right, sly-eyes, we ourselves have all become emigrants within the school in our morals: we have adhered to our principles! There was little satisfaction against the inner rush of bone-breaking slaps, a sacred vow: We'll show you! And like a bombshell, the many ugly punches ripped through us! “Emergencies roared through our thick threads on thick wires, at a troubled, violent pace:‘ If you stay in school, you’re sure to end! You will die! ”
- And there were no ominous intuitions that he was conceived in hell every day in the midst of deliberate, drug-dusting and stumbling; and the adult incomprehension proliferated up the weedy tarack in the other hemispheres of the brain! How did it happen then?

Without secret, benevolent human-faced angels, I might be able to smell myself today and not give violets as a gift! I won non-violin, eternally contagious wounds during duels: My gap tears were tainted with lots of vile, worthless sputum! And every single day, when given that I could survive, I could run sluggishly, and with an asthmatic obsession like a shoreless pursuer:

An uninhabited wound that longs for understanding and shelter! And yet how unfulfilled was the flood of supplications for the deaf, the last rock of cooperative humanism ?!
144 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
Because it can do nothing else: in an eternal circle of flight, the helpless man advances like an ant! The Möbius ladder of transactions is deliberately avoided or chewed up! It seems a boorish, outcast, degenerative homage to perceive something of our own superficial world without the seeing mirrors of searching eyes! From the settling shadows of ghost-moons Springing on the velvet of our nights Silent shadows of night menacingly stare!

It would be good to believe that the hearts of our modern, mischievous children are not yet tainted with deceit; it may seem a cosmic eviction order to deprive us of eternal playful curiosity by "some"! For he who has already become a participant in a premeditated plot cannot yet be sure of playing his role of imporvizator credibly; the night that is being built cannot be enclosed by anything but a sinister darkness of the underworld! A chilly imperturbability fills the air: the palpable Omnipresence is enriched with a strange mixture of pitch and paste!

In webs of lies insidious breeding dwells; deceivable, radiant lights fall on dying, pale moonbeams! Into a fading Nivive-nince the throbbing human soul becomes! Like a rattling robber-lock now clicks on the throbbing heart of us all, Iron-clasped, locked padlock! - The uncertain Future is already a soundless, outcast wolf-confrontation with conscious despair! In the cold space of a voidless Arctic, only the vulnerable can remain soberly clear, silently awake!

In the pearl-veils of sincerities that open the cloud-fractures of eyes, the immortality of the moment trembles!
144 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
Only laughter is cherished and preserved by the eye! A good, hearty, mischievous little laugh! The prayers of griefs, of pearls clutched in melancholy, The bleeding soul keeps shut, and we consciously fear to show Our vulnerability to our loved ones! In the walled, honeyed skies, The graceful heart-shadow hides; Like a mouldy cloak a shadow sings, at our backs! In our dizzy world there is less and less responsibility!

Like the blood from a vulnerable locust-body, something conscious oozes from me, instinct fearful of all that I feel and want to believe! Doubt and despair keep on teasing and dividing me! My boyish anguish is all gone, In a robe of stolen laughs I rather willfully weep! - The sordid layers of the unknown, wicked Future are gradually laid upon me!

The assembled biology of my body is threatened with a clattering, timed death! - The cunning, insidious supremacy of the well-informed has long since left me wanting: it would be fitting to scrape together the ruins of courage within myself, so that I may be able to Will and survive as a Man in an unknown existence! In a shower of boiling tongues of boiling catacombs, boiling in a shower of pissy bargains and betrayals, already indebted to assured career advances! The pouting vice of disguises Seems to be embodied in bargaining, selfish interests; The fierce, bickering vultures with murderous grins The bickering war of the Hienae, The bickering Mooching wars of the vultures, Drive to playable naivety!

The foolish ***** of my disadvantages! I wonder when we shall learn the selfless laws of man again, so that we may see the essence through the veneer of superficiality!
144 · Nov 2020
Silly whirlwinds
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Gaz s silly silly trendy bagpipes are hanging on the ladder of coolness today! Silly smudges are splattered like a **** telescope on a reality show and the exalted ****** relationships of the physical universe take place in the crossfire of curious cameras; humiliatingly misunderstood black comedy! "It's just silly nonsense, stupid five-minute people: while the average tolerates sluggish common sense and sloth-tuna when someone wins a Beauty Contest in addition to the chattering melody of two complex sentences!" Yet the time of the modified Beauty and Mind Championships is long overdue and new, hitherto unknown jobs are being created and created for the selfish possession of the flashing blinding smile of ladies!
To Man - if his common sense could remain - the Lack fenced the swamp net, which lowers and pulls it down daily! Eyes adorned with squeaky stars on a swallowtail soul-seeing feeling rarely drum! - Fewer and fewer people are being held captive by silly winds; Im in the embracing depths of silence - I dug myself in a long time! I can't want them to notice you unnecessarily! Could I have spoken and confessed? For whom?
A ban has been proclaimed with invisible contracts and Exorcist brains ready to tipran with inferior rights, hazelnut hands who digest the heraldic whims of innovative manuscripts with a garbage can: so why?! “As a smeared star, I toss in the unknown sea of Being and maybe wait for Someone; we would confess the melodic twin-echo sounds of each other's heart-cups with pulsation… Interrupted
142 · Jan 2022
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Unfinished business is the most difficult business of our days! Where are the formulas of our Faithfulness in handshakes and hide and seek?! Grimacing and smiling long in the fierce curved reflections of ***** pools, Our self's sad, bleeding gaze! A faint suspicion might be trusted and always justified: for the conciliatory feelings of homeliness, all that is needed is a little unusual cynicism!

Something within is shrinking, at first barely perceptible, then greedily gnawing away at the hell of human souls gone gangrenous! In accordance with the laws of humanity, a belated realization signals its protest that we must necessarily drop out of the fairy-tale wave-net system at last! To the thought of a single romantic *******, many eyes are already scattering sparks, responding with dry flashes!

What can the man of the Age imagine the trampled humanity, the continuous mud-dripping of his personality's Celeb-bubble?! Having gazed into each other's disembodied eyes, we suddenly found ourselves in a hall of mirrors, a seldom-seen earthly copy of ourselves; still the heartbeat of the heart is still beating and beating! Like a poisonous greenhouse effect, a sprawling crowd of jerks and jerks is growing, and if no one will be a prophet-scholar to speak out against pop-cultural, superficial cultures, the paint will soon peel off our faces!

Not a single encounter - not many - will be made in the sacred spirit of the harmonies that can be created! - Soon there will be at least ten billion self-serving droids serving with ant diligence, wandering willfully without independent thought in the halls of mirrors that cover their lives!
141 · Feb 2020
Prostrate silence
Norbert Tasev Feb 2020
I struggle to wake up. The pavement is ***** and filthy. South of scalded fire wounds
the asphalt is blackening. Rubber gums smell of moist tar mucus: Smoky
exhaust pipe lungs, fresh air polluted! - I'd hope again, but as a hot chimney chimney:
The red, atomic rays of a bombshell are wounded by the Sun: Wounded in the Twilight. I don't feel like moving out either!
I'd rather be crudely hard, chubby-ice cubes on the bottom of the freezers, dumb sweat-
in the waves of Eden captivity, when I know and feel that my dear is beside me in everything!
I wanted funnel ice specials; honey-flavored sorbets, a cavern of ice cream, sullenly
I look at my lover who is about to disappear behind the mountains: S fatigue, even in abstinent-sober state
I was a drunken freak, drunk while Summer was coming! - Food, my drinks are all spitting
has been the victim of an air invasion!
Waste from light-weight decomposers. It's best to turn everything off at this time - don't go
the expensive bill is also a matter of complaint: get overwhelmed, run into the suffocating
to destruction, to silence! To look at the broken letters of our past for forgiveness
hope when everything seemed to be lost!
Sometimes the insomnia disease is often tempted, thanked, and there can be no freedom the next day
enough to relax in the way of what's tiring, what's saturating! The ear embalming is ******* us
as the insatiable greed of leeches - it is very difficult to preserve the morals of our purity!
140 · Nov 2020
Breathing halo
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
When once gifted with Immortality, the eternal human Spirit may have believed that the human Light, tensed in deer eyes and flaming in halo, is not merely a product of combustion — but the eternal moment of a fillable, sanctified Universe; training in a living fire with two Sighs of the Spirit so it can boil budding into One! A graceful fever-lily stretches a pulled-out petal and as a thin nerve it gently rises and what remains is the birth of Immortality in Prometheus!
It spreads from my little boy's face, cherishing a melancholy orphanage: then he became my unquenchable, pure flame! My trickled panting head smelled like a pearl-like sweat like the flash of Damocles' blade; our fingers spread hesitantly apart in the restrained ******* of our bodies; we smuggle lively stuttering, complimenting words into each other's honeyed lips!
The waterfall of my trembling infarct heart shone like a breathing glass ball drop in the glow of Arca Gioconda, the elf of an abundant, rushing stream! And their mature body's throbbing immortal pace in the Universe has already ruptured and begun to divide and become our three and then four-hearted rib cages! "Buds of ******* shattered in the rays of our sparkling angelic eyes for Happiness!" - Glowing hawthorn in a tropical night and a flaming lace bush are a sure way for the two of us - maybe it's ready forever!
In our Savior Child Smile, we ignited the Essence of Sincerely Belonging to Each Other as a Child of Being
140 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
The ancient calamity of the relationships that can be made on earth, The torment of all torments and shrinks me further! Often the consolation of new-sweet saintly-misses is of no help, if they reward for little trifles! No more need of the temporary possibility of continuation: cheap promises, false hopes! I should erase from my past the cursed minutes of my past, and what bleeds me daily! In the catacombs of my unhappy mind, I would in vain forget, The smelling filth soon accumulates!

On the infinite wall, once more, it would be well if a tiny, tiny crack could be found! Vain, obstinate epochs of defiance keep their hold upon their own! - Our disconnected, socially-hybernated senses may say otherwise; as if everyone else existed here in a dim, transcendent dimming! As now Celebrity dames, disowned seventh-coast V.I.P. faces parade in their every movement, playing the self-deception of calculation, and the unhappiest among them, who bathes in the radiant optimism of his being!

He who deceives himself with the antidote of consoling lies, Seldom receives from his inner self the redeeming message, That from the sincerity of his soul he has lost the known Essence! Were we to walk the sure path-way of things' definite, predictable emotions, and see in their context the beaded holy-eyes of others, we would be the embodiment of a hard, earthly Golgotha! - All farewells are now the stylist's made-up veneer of faces: long since run out from under them Executioner-plagued Time! Seldom can a change of age mark a sure bet!
139 · Sep 2020
Offering sieve
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
You should sleep! Capture back in the captivity of soft, embracing lapels, in budding caresses, and leave them free and rich to be comforted by my sweetheart in the time of caring, maternal hand - reversing delights! Because anyone can say anything! You can chant and crack symbolic and preaching words deep in your heart

there is still a treasure you can’t forget a proud, prodigal will! In a dream, the ship glides with honey, if you love to embrace I have chosen! When my eyes fall asleep, I think of the forgotten, happy accomplishments: In sincere beats, we nudged each other the immortality that connects our hearts!

The good words were left behind, and the caress that filled the Universe as well: In the clenched hands, the sweat of grace collided and tensed! And if my baby-busting sweetheart were here, I would also comfort the footprint of his feet with kisses; chatter-stumbling unfortunate silly, experimental everything! - We are wrong and we are responsible, at the same time!

I’m in it: I didn’t really reveal my hidden self-incognito. and my sweetheart, with Cassandra's eyes, had long sworn on someone else's side without even asking his heart: How are you in storms of emotion? He quickly forgot about his emotions! - We knew the word, the act of the southern company, and we did not deal with it, the ancestral chain of consequences: We became addicted to mutual good deeds, complimenting flirtation - but there will be plenty of time when our sin and the burden of our goodness are put in a pan,

and our size to judge! Perfect, captivating attraction, it feels Order may have been achieved anyway, and yet we had a sieve of offering opportunities to fail!
139 · Jan 2022
On the porches of the days
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
I would have to cling to impenetrable, eternal lights as an eternally hopeful little child so that the many thorn-offs would not reach me! Addicted to snuggling up to Infinity and believing in the healing magic of roe deer, that there may be another way out! The hidden Existant casts light out of the fog and the fingertip blade gap of gladiolus hurts the cups of my heart! Many times his hooded mists close to Being, and the Well of Nothing demands more thirstily! As a volatile butterfly, joy sins with someone else! Shelter should already be found for the volatile moment!
Fire-eyed cheap-soul chirping is the computing compromise! Falling stars are still running in the trajectory of my life, as a richly fertile stream, my crater tears immediately flood! I deliberately hide my smile to the Beloved who can still comfort me! - I feel like in the junk market of emotions, like petty faithful bustles and “some” can come up again at any time! I would still cling to the cooling beauties of the Universe! I listen to the confused drum beats of my heart in my whispering ears; I always understand the impending danger!
Suicide leading to suicide should not be considered if unresolved troubles are towering over us! "I should believe in myself that cherishing, friendly hands always reach out to me, and Honesty can surely take it for granted!" A single piece of stone The law of my being is often unable to shout, though many times it would be good to shout out loud so that others can understand listening to rocks can be melodic even from the blood throbbing in us! False or hostile to the human Word, meaningless envy nest in still-budded gazes and rapes daily
138 · Dec 2020
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
At the top of shard puddles, a tiny tear-bubble pops dancing: it mourns itself in a spherical shape! In my wounded past, the soul-stimulating shower has punished me as well! I can only be a melancholy flame swaying in struggling winds; resistant to wolf laws even with konok faith! An ominous conjecture warns me of the signs of danger around me - while an unstoppable, barking stream in my soul carves out its still deepening pit beds from wounds!
Rock the Known Being Swing! He reveals his lattice chains before me; attracts a taming that can be tamed as a magnet! I can confidently cling to pearl twigs if I can listen to their knocking glass sound game! In me, even inciting-rebellious voices burst to the surface and guard their Fears of Hassias! "My inner infinity may still help me rebuild the diverse Jelen pieces!" We should revisit the speech of Eyes in soul movies so that we can understand each other's One-wavelength thoughts with a mere presence, even without sounds!
I wander in disembodied Silence and wait! "As the dance of clouds of tears falls from the sincere eyes of my shower, the soundless gems of the pursued Soul look like fat diamonds, what am I also wasting for other People in turning moments!" With his inner vibrations, the former eternal Child who I am today is back and forth: the secrets of the ages are etched in the stumbling trenches of my face
137 · Oct 2021
Congo otherworld skulls
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
There are roaring nonsense in the dugout cavities of Congolese skulls; cultural barriers are also deliberately dismantled by the puffing tabloid media! In the luminous sense, slowed-down, otherworldly loads reverse all the way down to the playback of low-cost stages! As an unfaithful companion, everyone was sniffed by infected, phlegmatic indifference! It is becoming increasingly difficult to paddle from the prison darkness of a closed blockade to the liberation workshops of literature! Shows sparking about the monotonous, jerky goodness of the show, and thirty minutes is enough to say, "How are you feeling?" - to get around the issue!
Grinning silly, chirping idiot kittens are already entangled in the barely livable everyday life, and if a cultural bankruptcy guard shows up, they will kick back into the Stone Age without silence! This is how a consumer, multicultural mass society becomes a self-digesting rust graveyard that is always skillful, small-style pimps pocketing the infected benefits! "Who else would faithfully serve in ivory towers produces a forgotten, lasting idea to throw away, and everyone is dizzy by the disgust of their remaining chivalrous good manners!"
It is seldom possible to create the idea of pallorizing the etiquette of tangled behaviors in slums that are sloppier than eggshells, and those who have believed to the death that Man can remain this current money-loving extremist.
136 · Jan 2022
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Insanity and disregard for the most elementary human interest is always unavoidable and often fatal! A series of ingeniously tragic coincidences can at any time challenge the individual, still thinking childlike individual while too much of the World is lost without end! A rush of creative ingenuity lurks in everyone, and all ideas and plans go up in smoke when there is less and less to choose from the industrious chain of multiple connections!

In this century of the information cyber-revolution, conscious, lazy idleness is just as visible and tangible! A wide variety of spectacles and cleavages are always caught by the curious camera: the retouched smearing of indispensable eye make-up is rarely noticed; the question to be answered is: what has changed?! - The booming melody of horns blaring from the bones of horns screams in our faces, proclaiming that something has happened to the city and its fallible people! The stench of "Nothing's right!" is getting worse! - is not right!

It is as if everything and everyone has turned into empty shells, sinking in on themselves, like our stinking refuse to be thrown away!
136 · Jan 2022
Falling Elegy
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
I can still understand: Man sinned against Himself when he could not hear anything else! The beast sounds of the wicked raised a wounding whip into the woods of my hairy Marsian back! I had to see Man-Man sell, pay, and bribe if his violable rules of the game dictate it; painters I would imagine a peace-loving still life next to my loneliness cavity so that I could rest s My darling's healing and mild-paying swan hand as a protector Angel's wing would rock rocking quietly!
The phantoms of hatred and envy are constantly besieged, and sometimes it would be better to leave everything behind and escape the window, redeemed by the bone-cracking anger of a dull angry volcano! My attentive, caring eye would open the gates of the Universe as our hesitant lips reveal the secrets of glowing, harmonious kisses; do I have to give up on eternal happiness with mature reassurance?! - Back-not-given whiplashes
I even tolerate s wear with dignity! I still wanted to laugh; Behind the precious heart-smiles of comforting and feeling the restless nerve-wracking pursuit of my soul with fleeting, squeaky-light smiles, there are tense True Pearl moods that can be seriously lived; and if it happens irreversible the mortal Judgment that I can no longer see my blessed Mother — a bleeding stump remains in the cup of my once purple heart!
my faith should someone find me, it would be good to comfort the germ of my already selfishly guarded dreaded childhood with someone…
136 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
I would like to cling at last to a rock of refuge, which has an angel face; which does not judge in vain, and does not sue. It stretches out its angel-winged back to me, And like a sure fortress it protects me impregnable! In my eyes I would have such a lady of backbone, Who with her superstitious holy glance Would lift me from the hell of the muddy earth, When all is not well in this world.

In all the minutes of eternity, two faithful petals of a flower, Our heart's voice would tremble for each other, And the deceitful, ***** play of our thinking minds Would be the romantic music of our naughty kisses. In naked bodies, confessing and confessing each other, we would solemnly open ourselves to the other, as the Alpha beginning of primeval creations. Perhaps we could heal the stigmata of the stateless-prodigal Time, which daily bites into us with its executioner's claws.

The Nihil-claws of murderous nails do not matter to him who is protected and lifted up daily by the power of enduring, secure love! In the still countable bliss of our presence, radiant in its earthly surplus, we may yet feel the mysterious-secret serenades of our throbbing echoing hearts; on the cherishing soul's mart of water-lily leaves, may we discover each other at last, like curious, deceitful little children; in mischievous-playful joy-curiosity! - What an incredible force of spirit could feed the meeting we have arranged!

The friend and the stranger would walk towards each other, and when we took each other's sweating hand, we could both rejoice!
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