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140 · Dec 2020
Absolute uniqueness
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
I don’t even know an impenetrable Silence will break my spiritual peace, or will it just equalize it like the language of a moving balance? Words from deep are knocking off the reefs of landlessness and they are still struggling for new goals! My closed eyes are asleep: plenty of stone blocks, even the lunar night of huge dreams falls on me! I may soon be lifeless, even on the cliffs of my mortality, the restless Nothing!
In the great current of Being, I cannot want to drift any further! As a well, I will immerse myself in selfish-stubborn growls! I really want to trust in the devotion of Redeeming Loves so that I will forget forever fear and fear; the crested waves of heart-sounds under silence stir and destroy at the same time! Through the alley of shady crypt-faces, I stumble as a shadow that is already shattering myself and I can't even find the sure way out!
Greedy and Fragile The puffing of people immediately subsides and strikes back into Nihiles Nothing! How can I stand up to the challenges of Being when Survival also comes into paid laws ?! - The star fire of bombing eyes holds me many times, it also killed my eccentric will and I died on the ladder of opportunities: into ancient mists!
In the gaping traps of annihilation, I had time to delve even further into myself! In my self-pity, in order not to lose myself once and for all, I always needed someone who was an understanding, protective Angel, who bowed his angel wings over my head. I don't know yet that I was constantly let go, but the feeling became, "I may not be absolutely alone!"
140 · Dec 2020
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
At the top of shard puddles, a tiny tear-bubble pops dancing: it mourns itself in a spherical shape! In my wounded past, the soul-stimulating shower has punished me as well! I can only be a melancholy flame swaying in struggling winds; resistant to wolf laws even with konok faith! An ominous conjecture warns me of the signs of danger around me - while an unstoppable, barking stream in my soul carves out its still deepening pit beds from wounds!
Rock the Known Being Swing! He reveals his lattice chains before me; attracts a taming that can be tamed as a magnet! I can confidently cling to pearl twigs if I can listen to their knocking glass sound game! In me, even inciting-rebellious voices burst to the surface and guard their Fears of Hassias! "My inner infinity may still help me rebuild the diverse Jelen pieces!" We should revisit the speech of Eyes in soul movies so that we can understand each other's One-wavelength thoughts with a mere presence, even without sounds!
I wander in disembodied Silence and wait! "As the dance of clouds of tears falls from the sincere eyes of my shower, the soundless gems of the pursued Soul look like fat diamonds, what am I also wasting for other People in turning moments!" With his inner vibrations, the former eternal Child who I am today is back and forth: the secrets of the ages are etched in the stumbling trenches of my face
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
Deep in the placenta, the tummy-dweller snoozes quietly, sending messages. The Madonna-faced fairy is still patient and kindly examining her belly, watching! Oh, the first, tiny chubby-angel germination of new existence, now unfolding its wings! In the happiness of the heart, it now begins in a thick stream of rays and sends more and more, pounding its berries of true pearls richly.

Oh, little, blessed unknown guest, strange planets **** the Netherlands to this big world! - While in the cellular caves of the abdominal cavity like a glorious candlelight you are searching for a possible way out and looking for your future mother's swan hands diligently and gently: Now the celebrating soul begins a quiet lullaby, giving prayers to the gracious God of Nature!

Joconda-eyed, blessed love-chalice that has elevated Existence to the altar, you have received the Hearts that love you with a humble bow with a flood of kisses! The common fate of Damocles swings over us that we could have been born into existence from the killer home of fertile mothers - your angelic baby is now

he keeps crying, squinting. He roars proudly as he perceives the warmth of his harmonies, his love, curious about everything. His love and hunger are now growing, as in the instinctive food chain of the deserved hierarchy, and he greedily squeezes, cumizza the life-giving elixir of life, which rises as a source of existence: even open, gaping wounds, from the self-craters of the ******* of the *******: comforts, babusgat and nourishes

so one-eyed child, and perhaps the unspeakable, magical moment of revolving existence! Gordian knots also seem simpler, everything is tactilely homely, realistic!
139 · Jan 2022
Late migration
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
The mistake of Ordas minions in the mists will challenge even the beaten Time! As a private worm, perhaps we are all seeking redemptive refuge! Anything can be lost in everyone, because the Saints are proud and hyenas, and the Angels are killing cedars! One can only encounter one who is left alone with caring Dear gazes; the prostitution of Betrayal is already affecting everyone - this is how we are fleeing inward to the snowfall! Black cubes are guarded by the energy of the body and it is not possible to prepare enough for a stunning doctor attack whipped with envious eyes!
Fists of gorilla heads on the destroyed pillar of the intellect - now that's the trend! He got closer to the unintelligible behaviors of Neanderthal s Cro-Magnoni! Compulsive silence also settles devastatingly on more eloquent Prophets if they cannot profess according to their Culture; a series of bullet-strewn words filled with jealousy strike the night - and missed again, as so often the sincere apology that destroys the Man and the cuddly child inside! It would be good to break out of the impossibility of Life and move to another Reality! One day, all that remains is a selfish reflection! Large thick lines of prohibition collide with blood vessels overzealous in the body; they pull themselves deeper and deeper and it is not possible to question with ultrasound whether the embryo is okay? The life-giving Universe is selected from a sliding, white material!
The condensed Silence still runs like a pea-eyed dread on our backs! "Stray over your head at night while you try to sleep.
139 · Jan 2022
Falling Elegy
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
I can still understand: Man sinned against Himself when he could not hear anything else! The beast sounds of the wicked raised a wounding whip into the woods of my hairy Marsian back! I had to see Man-Man sell, pay, and bribe if his violable rules of the game dictate it; painters I would imagine a peace-loving still life next to my loneliness cavity so that I could rest s My darling's healing and mild-paying swan hand as a protector Angel's wing would rock rocking quietly!
The phantoms of hatred and envy are constantly besieged, and sometimes it would be better to leave everything behind and escape the window, redeemed by the bone-cracking anger of a dull angry volcano! My attentive, caring eye would open the gates of the Universe as our hesitant lips reveal the secrets of glowing, harmonious kisses; do I have to give up on eternal happiness with mature reassurance?! - Back-not-given whiplashes
I even tolerate s wear with dignity! I still wanted to laugh; Behind the precious heart-smiles of comforting and feeling the restless nerve-wracking pursuit of my soul with fleeting, squeaky-light smiles, there are tense True Pearl moods that can be seriously lived; and if it happens irreversible the mortal Judgment that I can no longer see my blessed Mother — a bleeding stump remains in the cup of my once purple heart!
my faith should someone find me, it would be good to comfort the germ of my already selfishly guarded dreaded childhood with someone…
138 · Jan 2022
The bribed tourist eye
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Not the Celeb Striptease that bitterly enters everyday life, the fierce spiritual sin that can reach the intentional peak in deliberately sold-out ****** pleasures! The stench of revenge that does not reach the perpetrators still smells so far! All the candles are already broken! Already, the ghost roller coaster is puffing in idiot showcase heads! As a stair constriction, they cut off the path from career opportunities! For pious handrails, you know, there is hardly any laurel these days!
Buksi also cherishes childish hopes for Hope, which is the only opportunity to hold on! Man would be forbidden to crush himself; on the trampled donkey ladders of careers, only the better known can have the prerogative! He can be succeeded as Susuphos by those who have managed to book accommodation on the shores of failure! The cultural and human **** lurking in everyone can still backfire and hit hard!
Thrown out depression should be forgotten; loudspeakers should stay away with their inexplicable accusations once and for all! Overbearing bad faith gets stuck in every fence obstacle! As an iron ball thrown into a river, he dredges in a confused seaweed, the unknown groping, who could better understand the giving emotions! A ship that has been sinking for a thousand years has become a beautiful prayer of morals and compliments! Things that happen happen are always always repeated, and the human mind often wonders: how does it exist to put young chicks in well-paying jobs with a giggle giggle ?! "Every scene tolerates the Traitor, but only a few trust him.
138 · Dec 2020
Abandoned ports
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Abandoned harbors in cherished bays but it would be nice to return again! A vortex storm, an unnecessary reef rupture could not be a barrier in the Sea of Being! You may be able to help through a measured series of scapegoats: Good luck s Will! The gaping deep calm is often not always given this way; and I often sink as a volunteer at the cost of swearing and shame! It will not be predictable long this life path!
The learnable cross-section of my human destiny is first knotted together and then intimidated by a killing harpy Squirrels! Savior Ariadne, where are you to help? It became a perforated heart-petal, and in my chalice the eternal comet lights of the Universe also light up exceptionally! Career knives that warn you in my throat and command you to “stop” are lurking!
My cherished dreams are mowed by wounds! Breathable in purple Time-nights stretch out the veils of diamond stars over my head! In me, a face sketch is often confronted with overwhelming reality; secret, mystery and obscurity weave your careful network if you want others not to know you Really! I’m also learning lessons from rehearsals: I’m a Konok like a piece of stone thrown into the water - so I can’t afford to fall apart!
The walnut-hard Loneliness has long since found its sacrifice in me, it is just waiting for the Dear to create a garden of Eden that invites every day instead of the miserable Golgotha district! Maybe I'm afraid: Hurt the immortal edible of forbidden bodies? The laughing amazement of flirting eyes? Should we have a refreshing handshake of lady laughs, a good-tasting shake ?! - I'm not just sorry about that! With my hesitant, stumbling footsteps I communicate to an uncertain Future - I should not give up uninhabited, desires, painted dreams yet…
137 · Apr 2020
Ars Poetica
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
With Seherezade desires, cherished human-centered fairy tales, we believed and deceived ourselves: We instilled the instincts of our senses, our internal biology, and our brains clung to us as oat-executing, executioner sympathies and protections.

It was easy to catch the inquisition of examinees: The daily temptation of suicides. To imagine the misery of knowledge, imaginative promotion and our brains, devouring madness, and to imagine ourselves as some redeeming, Dalmatian, crusader! - My friend, how are we today? - We exist as a sticky, slimy, sticky syrup,

clinging to our bodies with sponge stubbornness, lost morality hangs from our shoulders like an old law: There is no responsible, forward-looking role model, a personality for whom you would give up your life as a pawn - and if you speak responsibly and still have humanity, you dare to persevere, persevere, The strings are on you. And almost every nerve has exploded: they are not threatening - this is not their style! Only

they **** and oblige. Are you a no-man's eye? She's in a dogfight! ” “And yet our intact and rotating fortune lies at the waist of coffins in one fell swoop. How long can the washing pace of your washing machine heart, the pigeon sermons of modern tyrants, endure the murderous pace tired of working twelve hours?

And is there still an honest and uncompromising deceiver with immortal conviction? - Here too, an “omniscient” Jani scientific janissary to the news - they all roar one-wheeled truths in people’s ears, - they think they like it in the images of conscious saviors because they weren’t sluggish and made Spanish wax a commodity. It is in my interest to greedy for power here with greed: And with murderous insatiability he loosely shatters all future refuge. This is how our enemy became our most direct friend and neighbor -

and our destiny to serve the Adonis Monkey Choirs! Or in the depths of our souls, free moral will can still show new paths, and our ******* is rocked only in the lap of our love: for new prophetic words, immersed in the pleasures of sure redemption. And I don't care what the bigger smart people say.
136 · Apr 2020
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
Thirty-one? Is it true he approached sooner than ever! Can you believe it? With many of your rigores, you put the armored glove on the ground with a tearful diopter, but always with a raised head, you gave up and accepted without giving up! What about you?! For so long, they have not been able to reach the earth's threads of wide-contour ethers! XXI. century does it exist?

There is no bargain or consensus in the world of Tomorrow: Otherwise, anyone will be tormented! Did you just have the honest, pretended, True word: "We'll look for each other after college!" - Your words of hope echo in my head even now! Heed ,,! ' - I was forced to close myself and preserve our shared memories shining with an unbroken halo beneath the surface:

On every major occasion, I gave it to you with good wishes forever - while you knew everything about when you could catch up on my journey - and I had long since fallen out of surprise at everyone! All I could know is the ordeals of many years of fate tell me, were they for Nothing ?!

And when you were terrified, you hoped in my defense as an animal begging for help; because you felt thick pain in your lower abdomen. When you were lying in a hospital operating room, tortured with torture death as a trophy tied between surgeons ’butcher-knives while only your Appendix was removed.

A leech worm swollen from the intestinal tract of your intestines - have I complained or resented once? Among the many worrying, puffy fries, I brought juice and chocolate biscuits out of benevolence just to smuggle your mischievous smile back to the brim of your broken mouth!

Why aren't you by my side now, as you once promised? At least, if your good fortune brings it, could you message? What kind of friendship bond breaks up, breaks up so quickly? And why do I insist on a chariot that we never pick up, instead of permanently erasing, forgetting?
136 · Oct 2021
Free fall is prohibited
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
I deliberately get out of the camp of unsolicited, brain-playing, phlegmatic song trees, chroniclers who want to prevail at all costs! If I have been guilty so far, it is that I trusted some, deserving many, to see if the provable help will come with good friendship! From the horrors of cheap scandals, I’m going to the wall and I’m unable to comprehend why there are only outcasts in donkey ladder careers?! I deliberately avoid deliberate outbursts and the danger of phenomenal exotic women! In civil spheres, the path of hardly deserved assertions is practically more bumpy!
Infertile misunderstandings can lead to phenomenal baby dolls left behind by childish homesickness after new challenges! Even the tabloid media is increasingly serving the American way of life with buffet methods in a syrupy way! In whose image glowing embers are puffy phlegm-****, as a synonym for ordered tahu; as a comedian false-witness, he grins or fools with a grinning-silly witness — since he hardly understands anything else! - We are already confronted with the irrefutable: the Heroes are either extinct or lost!
Already counting conspirators should be laughed at; push scrambled eggs into a nasty-jampec head, let them smell! Why is it true for honest players that shame awaits at the end of every game ?! They selfishly make false trophies for themselves from rumors of losers! The younger donkey generation will soon be taken over by the cheap stars who live their institutionalized social life! - It is better if everyone learns that laurel gassers are constantly on the laurel! The "I have nothing to do" track is becoming more and more popular! Free fall has been banned!
136 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
Like a hornet's nest - in the apostate hearts of men the knocking hatred is nesting! To the siege-voices of preaching preached in the form of incantations of incomprehension, too many are silent! Hyena-bellied, black-robed hirelings and muscle-meat-tower ******! Serpent-clouds in a lost confusion of purpose in the decaying present! Even he contemplates endless retribution Who at first proclaimed unity and demanded a soul-cleansing at every level; The accomplice and the jackal-talking shieder also forget their wicked deeds with purpose!

Like the drunkard who knocked the whisky and tequila-butcher's bottles on tap and spills his brown excrement into telephone boxes - into the gaping chasm of Theiraesia, here we go together! Their human dignity is being replaced all at once! From stripped human flesh their crunching bones will remain; to dust they will be but witnesses! It would be worth every empathetic-tolerant thought to finally act together with One-Akarat! In ourselves, we are a sneaky businessman with a silk purse!

Every hateful Satanic look is an eternal question: the future should bring change! - In one place, like cowards, unable to compromise, we have been stumbling in one place for many years in the heart of old Europe! Only a momentary idea to save the day is left: it is necessary to dress up promises that are full of holes and slipping away in circus costumes, because the loss should always be embellished!
135 · Aug 2020
Perforating heart wound
Norbert Tasev Aug 2020
Curious, overzealous and eager to babble on the innocent head: I silabize the delicate strands of amber that leaned gracefully on me, and my clumsy hand of oak finds small cracks in the bulbs of a tired lily head. And meanwhile, I whisper words of love, what do you mean by a horse-tying son! Kit Due to the piety of Fates guided to me I estimated in my world life I, yet my tongue silently rang my expanding words that anything

I could have confessed to him too! "That's how I dreamed of it patiently, with increased slowness." And when two bombshell lips clicked in front of my eyes and the immortal kiss poem exploded, a little maybe I died myself too! Who once had the unbroken belief that I had done wisely by smoothing out the pregnant worries of my past - now I just stumbled, and I could only stand betrayed: I was most frightened of the irreversible wounding!

The tiny and palpable molecules and particles of the universe shattered in space, and the consciousness of infinity, the Inheritance of Nothing, became! The law of apostate togetherness was already dictated by others: Perhaps stronger heart powers. It was as if I were floating in a vacuum between the shells of disembodied and soulless matter,

as if there were no longer any heaven on earth, an adhesive flesh system, and every little cell of proliferating blood circulation! Then I shattered myself into tiny pieces, and since then, a hole has been opened in the place of my heart! "The highest order had to be obeyed anyway, and now a murderous silence lurks and accepts!" Frustration is accepted forever, adopted!
134 · Dec 2020
Thoughtful Philosophy
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
… Because even a happy birth is just a tiny, lasting piece of our existence: Race with the Time Part! Countdown for ourselves! Outraged, hard-to-get loves are tricked under the window of my trick drunk! Bloods bloodshed in the captivity of Dawn! The cosmic emotion of Faithfulness creeps into thethe vulnerable Soul cracks ofand bites like a fleeing ghost after the assured Redemption!
In the depths of the narrow cells of molecules, only I can be a wrecked shipwreck waiting for his immortal Beloved, preaching complimenting confessions to the shells of chirping ears! Endless pledge of romance! "In the future, perhaps, he will bow down to me for the last time with the kisses of the angelic Goodness and the Universe - I will not have to be humiliated in the hyena of human survival in the murders of survival."
But rejoice in your self-forgotten deserved gift — the wishes of tomorrow! "I've never fallen so deep in a dull night!" In a raging storm-turmoil, my roots of existence cling; I should search an endless world for my already missed Beloved! Wounded in torture, the Spirit is asleep, waiting for redemption!
When will the prosperity of my abandoned refuge home come?! Can joy still reach this uninhabited land? I fall-sink daily without a trace; eternal despair can expand in my heart in heart attacks - the Present! - Your Lash-moon when for me her immortal message?
134 · Aug 2021
Cursed stony back
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
With cut wings and squandered dreams, it would have been good to continue! It can be opened with an open-eyed eye to shout to see if it will still be possible to save Humanity from a mortal soul! In every minute of the Universe that we steal from life, we cry the vulnerability of our presence in hundreds of forms! The pain screaming into melody is preserved by a long-lasting cello or cello; a shattered rainbow of light washes our souls bare naked! Mysterious twilight reigns in petals that are pounding for each other, trembling in the gestures of shaky superstitious kisses, thundering to earth-installed Heaven!
Excited forgiveness is heard through the retina of the narrator's eyes and he asks for an assured audience! Survivable times can only be understood and learned only gradually! Our destiny is also im already inevitable; everything is built on scattered quicksand castles if we let our eternal moments of this existence be lost! You can hardly understand the essence of divisive differences! The compulsions of selfish, wild interests, the promises of self-deceiving, fierce pursuits, vile money!
The drowsiness of riches in meaningful minutes is rarely if you help! You can rarely buy a handful of happiness! Doubt and Hope, like two opposing traps, surround us in a mundane everyday life, and our flesh is bitten together by the stigmatized curse of our souls! "In the powerlessness of the insidious nights that hide our sins, vile scammers also escape with hypocrisy and fidelity!" They sip greedily sipping their glass of revenge, the iris intoxication of spoiling careers! This is how we stretch ourselves to the junk power of redeeming money! Let us not miss our common judgments with the avit desolation of their luxury-tyrannical sense of life.
With cut wings and squandered dreams, it would have been good to continue! It can be opened with an open-eyed eye to shout to see if it will still be possible to save Humanity from a mortal soul! In every minute of the Universe that we steal from life, we cry the vulnerability of our presence in hundreds of forms! The pain screaming into melody is preserved by a long-lasting cello or cello; a shattered rainbow of light washes our souls bare naked! Mysterious twilight reigns in petals that are pounding for each other, trembling in the gestures of shaky superstitious kisses, thundering to earth-installed Heaven!
Excited forgiveness is heard through the retina of the narrator's eyes and he asks for an assured audience! Survivable times can only be understood and learned only gradually! Our destiny is also im already inevitable; everything is built on scattered quicksand castles if we let our eternal moments of this existence be lost! You can hardly understand the essence of divisive differences! The compulsions of selfish, wild interests, the promises of self-deceiving, fierce pursuits, vile money!
The drowsiness of riches in meaningful minutes is rarely if you help! You can rarely buy a handful of happiness! Doubt and Hope, like two opposing traps, surround us in a mundane everyday life, and our flesh is bitten together by the stigmatized curse of our souls! "In the powerlessness of the insidious nights that hide our sins, vile scammers also escape with hypocrisy and fidelity!" They sip greedily sipping their glass of revenge, the iris intoxication of spoiling careers! This is how we stretch ourselves to the junk power of redeeming money! Let us not miss our common judgments with the avit desolation of their luxury-tyrannical sense of life.
133 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
The fear-tension in my heart is growing to literary proportions! My eternal-childish self is constantly fighting battles of existence between peace and eternal anger! I feel I cannot run away from the haunting dragon-demons of my uncertain future! However, if I were to ask friends to know with calm empathy the hidden reflection of my self, many would already give up their secret, cohesive relationships; superficial exhibitionism would hardly leave them any choice!

In my soul, there still exists a sinking, tossing, more peaceful Atlantis: a micro-macro Cosmos in the process of destruction! Sisyphus, disappearing on a bulldozer, whose pensive, otherworldly voice is for the umpteenth time deliberately distorted into nothingness! From a succession of memories, memories melt into smiles! - It seems triumphant annihilation when the Universe goes round and universally proclaims the universal naseous desire of blood molecules!

The trembling despair of rich shadows clinging to each other is like countless desert lives! The balmy evening breeze still circulates on high. The restless night, like a chill envelope, shivers and shivers the complex nerves! The honey-coloured sunbeams still cling like sunflowers to the scaly blood of cracked petals! A sky-high air, pregnant with proud light, is drained and dewy! - Unmerciful Being, like brown eyes, stares longingly at me: mortal minutes cease, for only the mischievous, pure curiosity shines like a sizzling magnet in existence!
133 · Dec 2020
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
My worried fears surround me! Nights expelled on loud-roaring days lie on a flirt! Irritant **** yelling voices destroy empathy, further build spiritual harmony! Hurricane waves are fueled by unnecessary human tempers! Could I still hear the angelic motion under my Beloved's heart perhaps?
The cherishing wings of angels are rarely redeemed from this present Apocalyptic state! Grind your time to the unruly Heart! "The gates of the universe-lips are not sure to open in the midst of hesitant trembling!" Pounding wave sounds would be even better if you could compose the immortal sparkle of superstitious eyes!
The Light Galaxy of Hopeless Romances can bleed in a veil of purple-hardened sunsets! The ever-changing Human Spirit can only gain momentum through Someone Else; I am perfectly defenseless in my lost loneliness! Because I should have understood the rules of Survival with simplicity to stay alive!
Among the annihilating sand caves of silence deserts, where else could I find a refuge to ****? Can't I get kisses for fidelity? You can never serve Humanity enough to keep us afloat on the surface, and yet we fall into the deep without it! "Are you a rebel in silence, encouraging in silence?" Even if you deny it: you are vulnerable and at the same time a Prisoner!
You're fooling this idiot-free world! And maybe you can only trust you with Loyal Eyes on your way ..
133 · Dec 2021
When Time vomits
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
How ungodly is this land that wildly Hyena's footprint Angel can barely enter ?! The inner soul-night falls to ashes, the pain sizzling into your soul screams! Because the moment thickens to an explosion; every barren Face is another cunning mirror from which we can fall out of our dreams! Those who can guess the plague of the Jackal of others can be fooled to run! Teasing the columns of light, the pathetic Giants of Indifference spit on the Present! Cosmos-space homestead in broken hearts as the only guest!
The one who sets out on the essential path behind mirrors wanders with a cherub face to see what really matters! - The breath of unavoidable questions obscures you! - Maybe Love is a hand grenade ?! The nuclei of the Universe unite in volcanic eruptions in superstitious moments! The tunnel is torn through the moonlight by lasting fear! Man, the eternal One-Inventor, bleeds in performance on angry scales! Existence: A recurring, flawless mistake that can be made many times?
And who makes more, more harmful mistakes ?! No one can protect you! Is that why I opened the borders of my palms ?! - Out there now knocking on closed-door societies you want to seek refuge! "Rings of the year on me and angelic shell-hahota!" - Vigilance over commonplace issues; desert sand has been thirsty forever! We call Death to ourselves in different forms every day; a proud and delicate game that can eat even raw meat and is constantly swallowing!
Only the sure, calculated End who doesn't run away from it can understand! "Time always vomits in its own fright - that's why I may be scared every day of the ghosts of my selfish shadow!"
132 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
A hundred years from now, a party girl, a cosmetic, plasticised goddess, will be so at home that she will be despised by the average man, as one who fears for his petty career and trembles! Honour deliberately digs a pit in the bottom of the pit of calculating games, and no one cares about the chattering mouth-carat of the puppets in the tabloid media!

The new-avant-garde prose line of poems is shouted down, saying: one-night stands have more east! Morals and humanity long since shed, mothers of children can't know what an uncertain livelihood and a messy tomorrow might bring!

The trembling, weeping cries of the little angels shiver like painful vapours in the abandoned alleyways of the streets! - What this present ******* Kor is extracting from itself, and creating, its pathetic beneficiaries are also, like molehills, hiding in underground, apocalyptic worlds, chewing on the hard-to-get, gnawing colonies!

A greedy food-chain insidiously lurks in the tunnels of each one's secret instincts; the strong devour the weak, the weak the weakest, and while the Golgotha-stricken vulnerable clamour for more reprieves from the company of lords and petty kings, their pathetic shipwrecked lives are consciously fearful - no-man's-land, fly-**** infects their chances of survival too!
130 · Jan 2022
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
You can barely remember it anymore; there can hardly be a place for the wonders of the Universe in your constantly active skull! It was a balmy, scorching night and under a veil of water your body was embraced like a tender lotus flower, and the immortal melody of our craving hearts sang in a structure beating our hearts! True pearls pound a jewelry wreath into a raven’s feather hair until your twilight lips were touched by the silky dew; our opening flesh-flowers melted into each other as they trembled to a beat; in the fountains of hidden musical lagoons, the raging destruction was so good: immediate rebirth followed!
Your flowering flaming body danced rhythmically, and in the immortal drift of each other we felt for ourselves how foolish the passing precious Being was! You eagerly, hungryly caressed my lips and laughed like a jingling song in his ears when I could barely breathe in the glowing flame storm of our passions; Love has blinded and beautified us at the same time! The star ray of Mirad was simultaneously scattered and thickened by your True-Pearl eyes!
Through the channels of our attractive magnetic telepaths, the Universe hugged and comforted you! Our joyful heart is a beating flower wonder! Why waste so many stateless minutes to find each other ?! - In us, eternal feeling lingers like timeless immortality, timeless immortality! Between two kisses, we need to close our eyes again so that an eternal miracle can last! The bee of our memory seems to subside; why is it that we bite together into the ignorant fruit in the eternal minute ordained for us? And when would we have had a chance to run for it?
129 · Aug 2021
This or that way
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
I have already laid everything on the bottom of the well; my grumpy, grimacing face can be searched by few! They can't open a whole walnut casing like a secret box with open keys! Mident's stretching-haunting, offensive dark rubbing his fingernails into me and that's why many times balmy nights startle me from frightening waggling wolves! On a severely-silent orphaned dervish scale, I measure my bugs daily as portions of meat and try to correct them! I envelop my spiky hedgehog soul, and I rarely believe words that are tickling!
As a slimy snail, I would try the bizarre rules of survival; and I can't really, completely happen like someone who's really alive - just hurt! I am forced to stand for a long time, otherwise little kings will trample the Man in me at any time! No one is buying a serious game today! Disposable, *****-life-destroying ***** have come! Playful demons had already exhausted everyone immediately; in this current home, hand-pulling has been reduced to fashion!
Sizzling like silent straw and barely staying in one place; tread, leave traces in endless fields! In a hurry, a thousand people are lurking towards me and infected rudeness is nestled on each of their lips! My desperate dreads often subside and I have no way to break out of demonic spells! "From my selfish pain, my dear could redeem me forever!" And will there still come an era when, in the outstretched hand, the throbbing cups of our hearts will throb for each other?!
129 · Jan 2022
Epistolary Humana
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Like a shipwrecked, he clings to unknown shores on the last soul, but he may never reach shore; my throat was hoarse silently many times and my voice continued to sound like a muffled sigh! As a rodent worm for my heart attack-stressed soul, the greedy and insatiable Compulsion settles like this! I would have to, even if I had to be selfish for myself, sure of Man
survive! The haunting moonlight tattoos my face like shards of silent shadows! And while you ask, asking with jagged tentacle teeth useless, "What happened to you?!" "The sure answer will be written on the trenches of my wounded Face if the glass bead of True Beads trembles again in my soul!"
My broken body guards the burdens of tough-konokan and what many discover on me as a redemptive smile - Suffering! I feel like he is howling every day with the intention of squeezing my muscles, numbing Nirvana-Dark, erupting from the depths of Executioner of times! I am already struggling with selfish, selfish pride: how could the man-trying burdens of this Being be better solved?! Suicide - if there was one - didn't even hit a wooden stick! I cling to the consoling-hopeful shreds of blissful days like this; I stare terribly at the Report with trembling blood-eyes! The Nobody's House, which slowly frees me from everything and deliberately lootes it!
Wandering, fast stigma-Souls are plagued by coding, vile evenings: it would be good to unravel the chains of my ominous pains to be redeemed - I listen in the present pregnant fog of the bottomless cavity of Time that it gapes Damocles executioners.
128 · Jan 2022
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Female Eden smiles sparkle toward my wounded Soul; in the depths of my purple heart, tamed monsters purr obediently! In the jungle of my dreams, I remember the superstitious play of mischievous eyes laughing at the subconscious night inside! His eyelashes fluttered gracefully like the wing-dance of night butterflies; the earthly, classic Beauty flew like a pillar! My empty evenings are buzzing around wasp stars! I never tore up the superstitious fruits of forbidden gardens, but I wanted to caress them kindly!
I was attacked by jealous, flame-burning Cherubim who could only flirt overnight with the immortal crumbs of Happiness while wasting the treasures of the beautiful Universe! "Lions and tigers farm under our gardens, while deep-seated beasts are waiting for their prey!" How can we stay again Humans if in this Age of barbaric usa the idiot Stupidity alone thrives ?!
The sadness of the passing Being is therefore torn to us at every moment and the cranky Time is mercilessly swept away! "I'm a spark, and yet Alien forces can smash it at any time!" Yet my soul embraces the changing Universe and vibrates with it for a single beat! Space statelessness often rumbles over me and makes me account! Can all finite human stories be heard, or are celebrities just remembered ?! - Graffiti crashing into a sensation-hungry society!
The stimuli of escapes in the soul must have already infected the deeds of the Prophets! The phlegmatic stupid indifference is grouped into unconditional reflexes.
127 · Oct 2020
Biographical note
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
I lived in my scaled rectangle room right opposite Budaörs from eighty-seven until now! Infinitely strangling Time has become a slave. Crumpled, curved-waisted bachelor. Ladies - with a good number but exceptional abilities - I even call him Norbus. There was no air, no deprivation of vacuum in our country at that time, and no enough fake, rumored chords reminiscent of anti-Orpheus. Romantic, meaningless compliments of lost confessions of love.

He was chained to the corner of the proud city by a desire for independence, an emigrant-loneliness consciousness! With my Enkidu body too hairy, no one drilled his lily head into my shaggy fortress chest, only He! My Sisyphus, my foolish figure, the blunders of my hesitation, stared all the more in Calvin Square on the way to the baroque library castle: Our lips caressed love messages like young fools, we ran away from our eternal emotions!

If I had been the conqueror Don Juan or the colonizing Adonis, he might not share his feelings with confidence, because I wrote a poem many times that brought the pearl of his face to a flaming flame like a rose bush of flames: Chinese buffet!

I have always had a living conscience; a proud descendant of flirtatious amazons who could never confess his defeat to my chubby chubby face. Maybe he trusted my hamster holster better than Ponty from the philosopher! - Voice-successful couple: I would often have taken a ton of glazing to the proud hills of Nógrád, and I was angry with my parents that there were no pearls in her cherished moments.
Norbert Tasev Dec 2024
The modern recording machine records a falsely composed bed scene with a broken lens, set in reverse, with pseudo-manipulative movements. The derailed formula of movements and hasty grotesque situations is reflected in the cat-and-mouse fighting feats of effective plays. Both actors: each other's corrupt, pretentious, vile accomplice interpreters, simply because they want to captivate at any cost the vibrations of truly important moments in film history.

In the set room furnished with illusions, in addition to the arrogant, phlegmatic director and cinematographer, greedy, prowling eyes scan the prey-creating inspiration with vulture-eyes: how could they do their authentic-original work even better? Lumpy, ***-bellied bellies, athletically slim, navel-piercing bodies strain against each other while, with longing, playful instincts, both immerse themselves in the effective lies of the devilish flirting game, and if they're lucky, there's no need to repeat anything.

Between casual timers, money-laying hens and roosters nestle in tense restless uncertainty like the best blood professionals in the film industry. Suddenly, a clapper clicks loudly, and the director who got bloodshot stood up to everyone in Heureka mode: ,That's it! Thanks!" – The two characters are still standing, seemingly hesitant in their ecstatic indecision; there is, and certainly cannot be, anything to blame on them.

They shake hands and kiss each other on the cheek. "You were able to give so much of yourself! I think the recording turned out great!" - And the hypocritical version of congratulations, blabbered to the point of mutuality, rains succinctly and benevolently on their disbelieving heads. The World and its sensation-seeking, curious viewers were once again successfully and effectively beaten for one and a half to two hours, freed from their temporary, small-scale, pathetic problem.
126 · Dec 2020
Ecce homo
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
He suspects he had long since killed, greedily stopped himself in silence and knew he could no longer remain among men; It is destined to be a Hermit that preserves its solitude and there could be no other way but loss! In the palm of his hand, the parted handshake froze between his Marshian furs and he could not fall on the neck of the Beloved of the Universe!
He felt the life of pity driven into exile tremble because he was buzzing with a swaying, stigma-wounded, fierce fever! He didn't even know how long he was waiting, useless, stumbling on another sounding Promises and clinging to honest words - he did for a long time: He waited for Nothing while he could turn his back or mosquito for the sake of the world!
He woke up cursed, comatose; many times he said a hopeless Judgment over himself: No more! Like an old pain glowing scar panting in his body - Even among humans, like leprosy, he rarely dared! Konok and the apostate Age would have kept the renewed hope, he often pondered himself and preached out loud: I had had enough of everything and I would resign!
Being burdened His shoulders with sisyphus-rock loads on a daily basis, and thus He became more and more crusted, shrunken, and unyielding! He has been a scapegoat since he was born and yet an eternal Adolescent Rebel; his enemies who interrogated him knew this too — and when the End came he thought he thought his life was complete and still realized in childish wonder: How much could he not do!
The fireflies of lights hid in his sparkling eyes - He would have been a Man because he had sinned vulnerable!
126 · Nov 2020
Sound on the phone
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Uncertain waters, embezzled prospects besiege my heart attack! It has never happened that even once the Spirit is troubled by a troubled, guarding petal, a soul-destroying or in love gondola-boat!
Once upon a time, invisible resonant yarns were tied together with my imaginary soulmate; and now a murderous, otherworldly Silence is barely audible.
Deafened with foolish intent In time, who might have a sweet-soaring voice for the first time that can reach me?!
Because I would listen with absolute happiness if my dear Angel could voluntarily still trust me and reveal the donuts of the hell-lesson of my wasted childhood before him! I want to instill the sincere truth of true pearls on the forgiving petals of your heart so that our borrowed friendship can grow in confidence! - You know: I can hardly wait until the end of time, because with a thousand nails, the Jackal is already gnawing in there, waging a devastating war against my cells!
Tell me, just tell me, please! Now I can still pay attention to you because fear is always used to vigilant patience! Why, then, did we dread in front of the Theater, in a stomach-stricken self-exclusion, whether our hesitant love will dare to take the initiative and introduce itself?!
How cowardly was I? Perhaps! But it would have been a good idea to ask you back with selfless help: “Dear Lord! How can I help?" - I hung up my phone ring early; the uplifting cipher speech is exhaustingly exhausted! "And I still can't ***** my age in the dark. Have you read even one of my many letters to you?"
126 · Apr 2020
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
For a long time, in a sure, deceptive consciousness, I too believed: Man is a central link in the courtyard of pearls, and his irreconcilable Robinson's instinct drives and drives him into uninhabited realms of ever-new adventures to guide his conscious and evolving intellect to his desired, achievable goals,

whose shores of Atlantis are lined with immortal familiar footprints. - In the age of long-standing eras, a “happy time of peace”, when a person could still have a secure retirement job and did not have to lie down and lie down every day; to hide the coming of executive executioners specializing in eviction, judges of dirt money.

With brain explosions in science, too, new nuclei proliferated and germinated every day, and if you could be a flame instead of an easily forgotten beautiful butterfly, even a bird could easily absorb your happiness - but did you even guess and know how long you could stretch? How long do you get there? "Because your existence, like your tomorrow, is Uncertain!" And the dragged everyday life pierces to the bone, penetrating to the barrier of blood vessels: Overheads and bills are waiting for you as commissioned assassins, they threaten you. - Do you still give up the happiness that can be achieved in return for ensuring your intentional security,

for you were a cautious coward and an alamus: You gave up and did not seek? Like you're a lost fly: You buzz aimlessly, your fleshy wings soaked with buzzing Kematok until finally the scorched resin smell of fly paper and the omnipotent human hand spread it out. Yet to rebel someday: Don't just tolerate that you can't be an equal party, just an emigrant, and resting in foreign conditions, - fidgeting

connection - and you have not been here for a long time Here is just silent, silent despair - Yet every day, as long as your body allows you to greet the first explosive rays, hold your head with your waist outstretched, your luminous brain-torch: Don't despair dust off many times!

Stubbornly, even among unbelievers. As a stubborn Sisyphus, do not stop, and in your selfish wisdom, do not forget it; if your career breaks at your waist, shouting heat-frog behind your back, your new firefly belief
125 · Dec 2021
The magic of calls
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
A double, twinkling candle flame flies in our eyes; ash ***** two movable hemispheres! Your palm-shaped spine tightened like a bowed-nerve in the moments offered by the Universe! A tiny tadpole heartbeat thrives between the muscles of your ***** and the blessed bones of your pool! Light-adolescent instinct stimuli will surround you and not let you go! I see the charm of your beautiful, exotic motherhood in the distant Future and a part of my being will calm down with confidence! I can know myself many times in you: Peter Pan syndrome - which can only grow slowly! You take Eva's nakedness as a spark-breaking female body, even I am overly mundane and prudent!
In the blind-mirror desert, it is increasingly difficult to find True and Sincere emotions! We tremble immortal in our own audible heartbeats! There is a short circuit between each other's proud detainees and superstition! A purple snake scroll in our gothic cavity mouth; search for decipherments with your beneficial teeth! Pecked stars are our smiles and it would be good to cling to the Possible, which hugs and keeps you safe! In bird-throated Twilight, rose sleeves caress jungle hairs on my lush chest!
You already live in me somewhere! My fallen little boy essence has become one with you! "Serious Angels have invaded my bones!" The ash wing arch of your collarbone rises audibly and sinks to the music of subtle sighs! We can boldly cling to the path of encrypted telepathies without words
125 · Dec 2020
Knife looting dreams
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
In the cemetery trenches of eye pits, prodigal dreams line up; mourning each other every day! Dripping crater tears, like clotted blood droplets, are still wasting halfway between the grids of wrinkles and they don't know where and where they're going ?!
The undeserved Present: We are enslaved to our heads as ozone hole brains in the form of guard-protectors. The curse of reality is forever on our hands: the prisoner-handcuff! Our senses go out to a solidified light as a whistling baggage! Staring looting eyes cherish empty nights Cosmos canvases v
If we could still switch back to the roots of the Present so we can start all over with new cards! With a hangover depicted the next day, Dawn also seems like a lunar eclipse! Promised dreams fall into each other's throats if they can't come true! A sharp knife stands in the hands of an executioner, and his possessions are mine, which can be expropriated!
They exile themselves and exterminate the Debris World! Even in the eyes that want to watch awake, the flowering shattered can hardly be budded! Scooter scalpels with crooked edges to catch suicidal intent; and this is how adrenaline junkies flirt every day for new, more adventurous experiences! Everything is digested in the Spirit
soak yourself in Nirvana-white emptiness! Its nourished worms, found at home on earth, have been waiting patiently for times
play the loot as someone else pulls the government aside, or from the loneliness of floors of Icarus trying to invisible wings fall to the ground alive! Most of all the war is that the words of a sinful Man are hardly listened to by the Being.
124 · Dec 2020
Wrapped mail
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
For even today the fearsome Great Time is cursed and has come for me; the floats of my bones also shiver with reality! Maybe it was my fault today, I can't research that by emigrating to Hermit, I couldn't break away from you even then! Only those who have tried to love vulnerable can know this caressing feeling! Has the cohesive bond that has chained us to Reality as a solid point broken?
The joy of Heaven once came with you and disappeared like smoke! I would speak to you now who you still misunderstand, because your incomprehensible pride is greater than your giving petal heart if you understood at all: you were guilty of misunderstanding and intentional abrasion! Little Mythcaster with a recognized Artist just can't get along with anyone! "Who bored you in my surviving ruins of my days? Orphans left me lost in my desperate situation, when you knew I could take eternal Friendships seriously!"
I ask: There is no compulsion! Can there be anything beyond the social curiosity of the universal cultures that connects you to it? Do you light a light or wear it down forever and next time you meet in the scattering of urns are you curious Our souls are reunited ?! We can still sit deep in ourselves if we print broken rice texts for each other! As an understanding Friend in trouble, you should talk to me so that I can boldly unravel the still cherished chaos of My Being and not stumble again in the next dam moments! "Hold the paw of my Enkidu hand in confidence, for you can understand it best. D help me get through my distressed, turning days!"
Sounds burst into me
I want to get out of my chubby body, which has been left to me as a traditional gift from my birth! I no longer regret not succeeding in losing weight - this is the only way I can experience the truer character of people! We should point inversely curve mirrors at each other voluntarily, just as no clown or comedian can laugh forever while his eyes are bitterly teared inside! The outside world would still need a lot of acceptance as an acceptable, teaching lesson!
I would like to be shamelessly prudent and homophobic when the Venus hills of the Universe are revealed to me and I then back away hesitantly and first enter after long requests! I could learn my destiny from budding, immortal moments! - I have hated it a long time ago that everyone can be excited as a novelty by themselves and only! I would also like to believe, cherishing the dream that is found, that a dear Angel will find me and, as a good love, surround me on a babysitter with his giving passions!
The timeless Present is a ring and many times I am Boring! The pitch-silence of my mortal life can rarely be penetrated by the extinguishing candle world, the Comet Light that wants to heal! - I would like to finally stand up and confess myself: See me without layers, and try to get to know me caringly! "I am preparing for the night in my consciousness - I would spread the free wings of my self-consciousness for a long time so that I could fly into the earthly smile of donating stars, so that I could cling to it for the last time!"
124 · Jan 2022
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
You are always in the way of someone; even though you have been a maze for a long time! True Beads falling from your scratched eyes are not picked up by a handful of human Goodness and Compassion! The disasters of presence in the maze will walk your hidden instincts on your way! You want to find yourself at last while you know you can’t satisfy every wish; and you cannot remain an uninhabited house in your bitter loneliness! "The cover is on you, and fear is staring at you with the ruffles of your coat shadow!" Worn part of this present day, you are still benefiting from the Presence!
Are “some” tasting your sensitive self with spike critiques destined for death, or are they just cunningly playing with you? The wise stones of your mind are listening under the weight of your thoughts! Will there be a guiding thread in you that will lead you out of the prison area of your life with will and recovery ?! - You would cling to the Half Time with your teeth and nails; you should not become a memory of yourself!
Your heart has been surrounded by the intention of immortal happiness, and the Memory will remain with you as an unpleasant odor; decomposes into parts as utilizing nutrients in Time! There is hardly any left Man who would forgive the hesitation of the fallen on your sad face! It is very difficult to re-learn the art of laughter; it would be bearable to lie that empathy tolerance helps everyone.
123 · Dec 2020
Glass-sounded seagull
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Heart-pounding depth clusters in me! I became an oldster child among you as a young man! I received the Universe as a gift sometime in my soul, the guilty fears of boundless torment-caught wounds are still racing! The throbbing chalices of my heart conceived in purple are often cut by invisible knives; there is still a jealous sadness in the trenches of my fallen chubby face - which is why I may and may deliberately stop in front of the walls of prejudice!
If there are even my Fellow Fellows they will fight for me! Curious eyes with open, eloquent attention search and follow my peculiarities like a hesitant walnut gut: it embraces My Seed-Loneliness! As spokes, they will be honest, True-words: questions fog over my head circling uncertain! In uncertainty stretched in still space, I often just float weightlessly…
Wind-restless self-digesting defective Figure in his smile prepared for comedy and experienced soul-forming dramas! I thought many times my heart could see the guesswork! It happened because it happened to a point I could rarely get back to! I had to keep my words worthy of my faith! It could only be a complete, acceptable Promise if others stood by me completely indeed!
I was a digesting fire from the inside with a flaming consciousness waiting just for another spark to breathe further! - It would have been good to cling to glass-bridged, quietly holding, clinging bridges
123 · Feb 2022
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
A desolate, mysterious multitude of taboo-bending V.I.P.-partying, disco-ball, swamp-gardening, through which even useless late-night rambles, crying; in the indifference of predictable phlegm-faces swollen to a sea of mud, everyone is now merely a prisoner: no one can be free! From collagen and botox injections, like a bacchanalian company of cursed, puffed-up wax dolls, the canary-peacocks, demanding luxury, recognition, new unassailable privileges from higher elite powers!

Lonely, lonely doppelgangers mimic the taste and mass-bunkified commodity culture! A few light nights in the shade of a night's adventure forgotten, and the whole of the camouflage universe is ready! The cries of boastful infants echo from alley depths, barely heard by any! As the ancestral history of bones, if we can still piece together some important fragment of the cursed past, we should know and feel what things are to pass away!

Into the dreary uncertainty of the remaining tomorrows May soon drown him who scrambles worthily against the tide! The curious and tantalizing questions of waking sleep should somehow always be sought within themselves! On glowing golden-apple-bikini skins, sprinkling water creates sparkling pearls of truth! - Somebody or Something may still strike down swiftly - like a calculated desire for revenge - the teeming biology of blood molecules with uproarious animal howls, and no longer can one know on the pitiful debris of dried bone remains who was Man and who was the victim of the decaying victim!
123 · Nov 2020
Booming nothingness nothing
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Booming I would have to keep myself a valiant-noon for! If I could have Time and not settle on me every day a pregnant bustle of compliance constraints! - As falling rain, I was forced to fall back on myself many times! Soot falls from my face on twisting ropes: tears stuck in me soaked by chance! Between board shadows, I like lime!
Nirvana-Nothing is idle only I can be alone s Unfortunate: I cannot know the possible answers! Falling flower petals-Dear soaking-waiting in the rain: Can I find it ?! Many people just look through narrow gaps and can't see because they have been blinded by doubt to sincere receptivity! I know very well: My punishment has long been imposed!
There are more cumbersome times of the day trying people and who can give me support even if I am insecure about myself ?! Can there be a dear Angel beside me, who, with a ******-pure redemptive intent, shatters — from the pots of my soul — a new home as a common love nest ?! - I am anxious among the stinging weddings of belated smiles; when I had to cry among the lamentations of lost cramps I would also hang myself helpless unnoticed wounded-sensitivehardened into a deep cave
MySoul; Morality sets brittle and ruthless wolf traps in me, and everyone can be Suspicious if they don’t show the face of their True Person - but public, which everyone is used to! "What a noble task it becomes difficult to see the eternal Man in the other, lingering, piffler mouths!"
120 · Oct 2021
Prostituted virgin
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Many times he loves himself, maybe that’s why he couldn’t really learn to compare! Excited by juicy, unusual avant-garde evenings; when Papageno balances a wide lake and dreams of a Parrot tool! The porcelain face is all accidental, but its eliminable, repairable flaws aboard the crackling planks are as appealing as the everyday genre boundaries of self-love! It can only be in its own element if it is different at all costs!
At the suggestion of lightweight, affordable careers, the luxuriously unusual appearances that soon set in motion follow a sure-paved path of caressing blindly, congratulating them on the even bigger buck sneezes of millions of ***-licking choirs! As a delightful, redeeming good news, there is a cheap pink icing on this earth, and with its stiletto heels, it will run over itself! It offers a palatable pleasure on her superstitious blood-red lips, but only on stage!
As a new, succulent, bright star, the momentary, comet-lights of success linger; and if you come across a beautifying lie everywhere, you can easily imagine yourself as talented! He is still constantly expected to show Eve's bombing body with selfish exhibitionism from night to night — he can deliberately give up real happiness that can be found; guiltily, he is already smoothing his marching-thick makeup into an ashy baby's mouth, listening to his self-indulgent mood to splatter his reputation on the unnecessary drive-hunt of the tabloid media! You would love to be disgusted by yourself!
His design is now, even at the peak of his career, flying his airship to an ever-increasing momentum; enjoys being able to take advantage of everyone! "That's the reality of selling yourself like a *******-****** every day!
119 · Dec 2020
Self-labeling issues
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Long-lasting questions are still straining and pushing My Soul - my nightmarish evenings are being ruined! I must see the steps of my struggling days to come in vicious series; to my watchful eyes appear in immortal times, in times of a millennium, the immortal memories of strange people whom I already judge forever!
Although they have often joked and chased me away - my willful plans have driven me into thoughtful thoughts and wherever I am my selfish creativity will not let me down! Indeed! It is evolving and multiplying! "I would be anxiously waiting for secret telepathic signs with which my beating-beating heart could loyally address Someone as long as there was growing anxiety about others in my heart attack!"
My day is already hiding things: Behind the horror of the Question, the suicidal discipline of the Deed still vibrates so that I can finally squeeze out the redeeming spirit that has always connected me with my restrained weak Cowardice! It would be good to break the blind, confused furniture forever and forget that you can tolerate the insidious roar of Hyena's grins as satisfaction!
And I don’t have to pathetically pull in my ears and *****! I keep a lost Age in my heart, and in uninterrupted tolerance-torment a World has collapsed — built up in me stone by stone: and it would be such a relief to see where the solid continuation of paved life paths was! I lived in agony, and the alarming, self-help glow was seldom burned: I was already disgusted that those who fell behind the offered path would not be able to see a safer Future!
118 · Jun 2021
Predicted pact
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Help is less and less coming from a knife-throwing hand backwards! Account for the perpetrator of the victim too! They are believing the freelancer with outlets! There are no longer organized forms in the breaking of seventious garments, but intentional, ugly flirtation prevails; in their murderous conquest, Alpine jokes are also immersed and then deliberately immersed! - Through dazzled sensationalist-eyed eyes, the Simplified Man also searches for obtainable Dreams! Tired and cared for its existence! Squeaky loves Gentle kiss, kind emotion becomes a moment in the stations of the Universe!
We are alluding to ourselves in the lunar moonlighting between our lies; collisions of intent rarely end in a romantic way! Any vacuum is already unbearable; if the treasure Dear flaming smile cannot welcome the flaming dawn! - Subordinate Fates disintegrate and evaporate! Traveling sorrows are reflected in testifying eyes; over-dramatized, brain-gesturing gestures still prevail on the stage of raging swings! Where might the playful smell of childhoods labeled innocent appear?!
Why does it exist that responsibility is being deliberately forgotten today? In a reprehensible, murderous look, insidious complicity flies and waits quietly: the benefits of trophy opportunities are worthy! You should win a kiss through petals and not for intent! In a period of foreseeable end-expectations, I would enjoy conscious, compassionate consolation: as mothers ’response to the heart-echoes of child-voices!
118 · Oct 2020
Fugitive persecuted
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Your lips are full of shape. Immortality acquires a new meaning from him, accepting the handcuffs of Love; the Loyalty that our hearts colonized! The juicy promise of cherries drops in treasure delights in all your universe kisses towards me! Scorching passions is still hitting our biological furnace! Of us - even if we really wanted to - only crumbs of memories remain!

From soul to soul, he weaves and sneaks silently into the weave of taboo temptations forbidden. The Eye Vault bathes itself in torturous torment! In places beaten with timelessness, you order a place for yourself and your piano dentures light up your heavenly smile! You also know: Like any other secret curse, the volcanic eruption of our hearts breaks down and breaks itself with Prometheus' desire - the nauseating smell of Janus truths entails the purest emotion - but we cannot remain enemies, otherwise who can we trust our fragile presence?

Even in infidelity, I became a coward in person, a victim fleeing persecuted - I ran away from you and could only look back in the treacherous loyalty of your kisses. The proud moment passed over my head: If I could have killed by the toxic saliva of kisses, they would have been executed a long time ago! Skinny hope still swayes — just for you — in my unconscious life!

I wanted nothing more than to hear you, in your colonized mother's lap, among the delicate caresses of your protective arms…
117 · May 2020
Norbert Tasev May 2020
Now the sky itself cherishes more and more gloomy, sour cream *****, cotton candy clouds. Chubby angels - just as the sun’s rays run away from this non-existent time, they flee. I research and discover my literacy as an ant-taught self-taught self,

I often get a rash from schedule, longing for pennies - because what I want and what I can get is in many cases lost or sold out! You can survive! Number, if you can, just takes a breath of stuck sentences and stutters. I am a liar if I betray my heart! Existence now comes with a meager breadwinner - I’m a returning, survivable hedgehog again,

and if it's an invoice, or just a check when it comes - the intellect can't do anything else: Divide and, if necessary, break the law, cursing and suing my mind for money set aside and the suspiciously thin poems of my favorite contemporaries - the library ticket is only for students s discount for pensioners:

With our mortal lives, we are dwindling with restless, restless nerves day by day! Although in other forms, compromise and palalization are hidden - the Essence does not change, and it is the same! It grinds our meat bone-to-bone and devours it for a little hunger, free chewy munches and coffees:

Because a decent wage is only for the craftsmanship - we dug beautiful graves for liberating, beautiful hopes, so that we might bury our remaining dreams and wasted opportunities for good! In many cases, dawn is found in the worker: Sitting on a chair, the sleeping one still dreams bitterly…
117 · Sep 2021
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
In the sonata stops of rarely recognizable sounds, when the secretly resounding sound subsides in a chain of universal cocoons; even between pipcs-superstitious lips, all fears of ancient-bitter screams! In all times, food is necessary for the soul and stomach! In the universes, eye-stars illuminate secret Planets of the Spirit as we finally fly out of our secure parental home, our mother’s bean-palm palm! We always get out of silently-abandoned Nirvana ends!

A Target ball rolled to me guaranteed the formulas of hard-to-obtain dreams; I can only like a *****, puffy tub in the eyes of outside observers! Watchtower, a pathetic powder foot of creation - from above it is full of all small and false prisoners!
The injured house wall slowly wears off its bullet-infested blood drop! It’s getting harder to find humane people in springy spots hidden in sidewalk edges! Many times, while driving the imagery and playing the amused fool, I peek out into the curious world with such alert eyes as an interested little child who would like to be friends with sincerity, and who can't understand what kitten lady-butters and ball-bellies are?! From my starving instincts, I would sneak back to my shipwrecked childhood, and in the besieged harbors I would hear the insignificant waves of light vibrating at the same wavelengths cherished traitors only in the march of sincere emotions!

“My startling sympathy quickly fades away and then returns to someone else’s forehead; my teary eyes are always crying! I also have to measure the love gazes woven from tearful petals on the measuring chain of my wounded soul in order! All trust: a maze dead end too
117 · Dec 2021
Delayed soaring
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Encircled by the speakers of Uncertainty; it would be good to break out of the universal anxieties of deep storms of silence with certainty! I dreamed of the sparkle of the universe for myself in the depths of immortal deer eyes! A cursed poet with a doorknob in me in a great crouching darkness; calls for a duel! The lasso of my transience is not cherished by Ariadne's hands; his greedy greed drove out this now-life-seeking world! Sandals are still torturing me from the choking edge of the world!
Trappers in pain captivity after some achievable goal; diminishing hope every day spikes a spike-blade of pain! We had to march in mud and I don't know cheap dog kennels or parade palace suites will be mine! - Just the insured For nothing, I can be pretty cowardly! Spark-sharing proud smiles don’t give me their sacred flowers! Toothless wolves are still hunting for my orphaned life: the Stars are sobbing in the proud star field of my soul! A limp limping belfry at my feet, I could never run fast!
I had to live: stray ban trees grew again! A whipping question is a question: why doesn't someone do Good and purposeful instead of signing a line every day ?! I am a lightning lurking among the clouds in whom childish defiance is regenerated; there are tears on my pale blade of grass! Who will heal my wounded heart beating in a terrible fever ?!
With a soothing fever of joy, I would snuggle up to a kindly baboon-hugging lap while our budded twilight lips hint at the sacred flame of the Universe! As a small child, I can hide in my sensitive solitude without asking: why am I behaving especially?!
116 · Oct 2020
Rewritten fate
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Only the gaze laughed out of heaven, with the merry music of sparrows, message to the heart. Only two fragile hands that touch it with care will comfort you when you need it! Just an immortal smile that promises the Universe and then offers you its fruits of Eden! He promised with the appearance of uncertainty while Everything was himself!

There was: A brilliant rainbow to drive an overcast cloud sky out of the chimneys of my head and to expand the vast prison boundaries of trust around us! What a happiness I liked: It was an empty loss of eye light, and it was possible that only grief grew bottomless ditches!

There is only one sure point left: Mutual self-deception, false consciousness. "Tell me, honey?" do you still love me? ” My pounding heart whispered to him. "Better than anything in the world!" The gracious, false words were still a little poisoned.

Yet I tried my best to win the reciprocity for good in glittering eyes! "Instead of fragrant wreaths of bouquets of flowers in my hand, I cherished chunks of chocolate for him - I still remember,"

and not easy to forget! You see! Blessed is a mischievous angel hiding in secret between your lips halfway, and he couldn't stand the pretended cowardice for a while! I didn’t talk about it either, which is why I never, but in my heart, the vein of glass finally cracked with an irreversible act,

when your novice knight, your love of heart, grew beside you, and you did not mention in a single, innocent word that the melody of our beating heartbeats was also transcribed by Fate.
116 · May 2020
Wounded silence
Norbert Tasev May 2020
Now only the puppeted dawn awakens: The flakes that have cooled from the wounded sky are falling and wandering with the changing Time: Nature is still taking a blind spot while still betraying itself and has long sinned! The incessant carrot, broken skinned and cursing wound means no more people to accommodate! There is a petty envy of perpetuating disasters, pointing at each other: Just because the killer-simple blessing came unexpectedly from heaven! The heart: as a wounded pincushion, it still endures the vicissitudes of existence, and the grandiose Order itself believes: It has done everything it used to

imagined and what he designed as fun with vidor-satisfaction! Reality is still whining with its sufferings, - many people do not take part in futile struggles: with loudspeakers and ore sermons, pseudo-speakers reassure the non-existent: "We have done everything with human possibilities!" "Only the hopeful opportunity is overdue!" In recruiting words, trust has long since disappeared!

The brain is forced to listen, and convulsively forgets the gehenna flames of permanence! Human dignity descended into a castable **** — only a lack of eternal fidelity and trust — because we were afraid. We could maniacally dread the uncertain Tomorrow, in which the skeptics deliberately whispered: How can we not help? -

we received the trust and handshakes that remained in the fly with a thousand promises: In the depths of hearts, the shining patrol fire was seldom smoldered: Prickly, murderous daggers rumble on snowdrift battlefields - one cannot know, one cannot stand alone! Would you have lost the eclipse wick? Where did loyalty, the sure appearance of reality for each other, go? -

In the distance, an ever-fading echo is heard on the sufferer and the call for help - maybe no one is listening anymore! Even the last renegades returned to the mountains and show only wounded silence…
115 · Dec 2021
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Shadows cast a price on me like a nervously raised bow string; curved mirror tiny, miturgist dwarf! My childhood is always listening to me! In the grip of a confused, uncertain Tomorrow, Loneliness falls on me at any time! Happy rains in your drops of tears I can not find myself! I exist even when I have to hide in disgust; the flock of insane people will not let go unless I surrender to My Truth! Who will hold my hand in a starless, eternal night? Who raises to comfort me, lest I fear the conscious uncertain ?!
Cowardice that wakes up in such hesitant movements and I can't know what it's worth in me ?! - Teach and subdue this **** World where one immediately sells the other and the Honesty of the People is a squeaky matchstick! Only once would the cry flare up into Nothing, which cannot be bribed; my journey could only be by someone next to lead me through the flames of danger! The shimmering moonlight palms to death, yawns at me in countless emaciated Solitude; with my selfish, petty life, konok defies! Height s Depth back again and behind me sensation-biting cats chirping with two jaws!
The madness of fame in the lives of ordinary souls is a contagious and condensed way; Times rolled sawed Hamlet's skull cherished by Yorick; among mazes, I am still rethinking my fragmentary options! The silence of the stamps will take me and the coral flower will not be obligatory; We should confess with apostolic lunatics who have remained faithful to themselves! "A shabby fugitive is looking back at me like a deliberate fugitive from the skin of a nightingale panther!" I am building a world on my own and I cannot show it to anyone!
114 · Jan 2022
The formula of our language
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Underworld, obscene galaxy underworld catacombs; mazes without entrances! They did it themselves with disappointed prophetic votes! We drag the swearing with ourselves! We are constantly clinging to an extended presence! The fleeing Time is no longer pursued by anyone; a ghost death leap or somersault mortuary pirouette should be performed so that they can finally pay attention to ourselves! Is the loss survivable?
Insidious nights lined up in a sleepless moonlight; a terrifying tick-tangle imitates somewhere in a circled clock! Vulnerable human wrecks like undulating leaves fall into the shadows of Nothing every day! “You could only feel like a yellow sponge deep in your chest when the beating heart was offended; fancy Celebs chattered about their *** life spread out in silly shows! Factory chimneys also became crows hanging upside down; it would also be good to demolish the brick piles arranged next to each other!
One can hardly pay attention to the friendly voices that want to talk even in a tangled underworld noise; in the force field of lost vulnerability, everyone deforms into a weak coat-shadow! The tearful magic of your breathing eyes torn by fire! A whirlwind light swirling behind you! Guards' detached aura can barely be guarded by budding eye-stars! "They will commit your sins because they cannot bear them, even as the culture-sanctuary will be for ignorant judges and beasts, while the delivering Prophets will be strangled by insidious snakes!"
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
I dreaded my pen for fear, you can't get my letter: The worship is wandering and now the conquering homage is still gasping in front of you. With your angel-handled duck, you would have protected me at the same time and protected me from chains of humiliation that scratched stigma wounds on my puffy body! Today, everyone still plays the role of a drukkolasz because they respect the mature Woman in whom you have become of your own free will and they get to know you cheerfully on the street! On the tree of modern times, the wild shoots of people of my own kind can be trampled or even galactically broken down, because I protect my person and cannot expose them to the targets of the ever-besieging general public; and I used to flirt with myself as a performer, they just always took away my breakable mood!
Today, with your knowledge and life-giving culture, you plant seedlings in the hearts of others: let it sprout, let it grow higher The human message of Cultures! Thalia’s consecrated young priestess made you believe in ideological thoughts in addition to your guiding dreams, a vow of responsibility!
Your planned journey - you already trust that you have already drawn for the Future! You were a heroine; according to your boiling-seductive, or charming naive roles — and yet your answer to my raging, supplicating letters could never come! I ask you dear Angel! If you still believe in a sincere alliance of friendships, you will embrace the shaking child in the depths of my shaky heart!
113 · Nov 2024
Sterilized gestures
Norbert Tasev Nov 2024
Caught on the merciless defiance side of indifferent shadows, in the lap of filth-powdered wind-funnels, what can be identified as defenseless or even defenseless, I wonder what will happen if a person is insidiously mixed up in sterilized gestures and movements with an unflinching, statue-rigid face?!

The life belt of objects that provide intimate security will surely soon let go, while indifferent look-alikes stuck on the surface dictate the latest useless fashion, for trends. Even the unfinished things are not allowed to be properly completed.

Even the most beautiful harmony often becomes like the flapping of a butterfly's wing stuck on a needle. With a transparent umbilical cord cover, it would be nice to be securely attached to Someone even on invisible threads.

Without wings, the dreary days of Time swing in our unconscious self. Man has already become a leech, a parasite, rocking on the shores of Nothingness, lost in purpose: his swaddle is lack, and the even more useless emptiness, which - no matter how much he wants it - doesn't ask!

Unlucky souls, they all slide to the ground on the broken ice of the moment. The insidious creatures of the merciless, hectic hustle and bustle of everyday life could hide behind their contours. Disguised messengers and prophets of bygone times are forced to roam around in the bushes.

At a time of lurking, enticing, riotous danger, legend-dropping darkness, brainwashed idiots dream of just such fairy tales. – In the stillness of the wind, it becomes more and more difficult to break up the hazy night.
113 · Aug 2020
Exhaust Nothing
Norbert Tasev Aug 2020
I still have this creative fear: I am surrounded by amber or leander and trampled on you! Your hopes are swaying, shattered stars, your selfishness day by day as a hungry baby eternally demands love from you drunk and greedily. Your loved one is on the throne, not yet forgotten in your heart, his immortal image is shining more and more.

And now you have come to the end of your journey: Boundary s turning point, in pea-grain existence at the same time. As a silent convict, your ideas, plans, visions drowned in the sea of ​​your dreams! Your raging blood would protest, and roar, demanding a fair procedure, a right, and a law for you to hear Morality: Tiny blood molecules in your cell are saturated with suffocating, feverish puffing. I suffered moments

they follow and evolve from my self-pity! Everything is threatening! And they are tossing with deadlines, employing brains, working hands, and there is no shelter in the camp of the Wounded Believers! I should try to force my heart with positive thoughts, lion-confidence, but I am afraid that the sure wall will no longer protect me because it will soon fall down, and the

to my defense, which has so far helped as a probationary benevolent, may have ended: I am still a companion on this earth, and many shout, "Selfish, in your hunger for yourself you will remain!" "I lived at home and yet a planet alien!" My heavy smiles weigh on me like scarlet marks. In my cowardly orphanage, one day, there may be someone who leads me through unbroken trust and nothing. Difference brings variety, but only to those who correlate it!
113 · Mar 2020
The city
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
Homes like bombed, stateless beetle nests, clouds of cotton candy, - The ****** twilight's callous, cautionary voice would have to go home: The Dark is threatening, the secret whisperer! There's still room to get home - at least for now! The landscape alone, guarded, protected, and standing - with unshakable will, raised in armor like a glorious relic, is robbed of its natural plunder.

An unknown, alien face to you is still on the panel island - tiled carpet, and as a special piece of art in ladies ears I was able to freely congratulate the wishes of my congratulations, beautiful acts! Now it was just the gassed, grizzly destruction: outside, there were unpopulated pampa grasses, alfalfa waiting for long-lasting mowing. The passion for the day's knife has faded! "Man has always been a mini-Taigatos, like a lonely one-man."

the struggle for existence had been diligently exercising her birth-fragile capillaries. An exploratory curiosity about the captivity of longing, comforting mother's lap. - Only the priceless evocation of memories remains with me: the seductive scent of flirtations, the bombshell gaze's silent and blazing body, the cry of lips, tongues

the extinction of a glowing bully in the atomic bomb moments of passions! - You can only keep it as a mini-tyrant in your all-knowing and storeroom consciousness, with a sufficiently arbitrarily captive past; This is your home, your untouchable, earthly paradise! - Great

the blazing cauldrons of injustice will boil over you if you hold your head up to the point of innocence quickly: You don't have a heavenly smile with your loyalty, keeping morals - your dreams can only be hanging on,

stubborn, self-reassuring Prometheusian renewal, - smiling faces around you; a set of towering viper nests - your being is constantly twisting. And only your heart can beat! Perhaps pointless and increasingly futile? Suicide's lighthearted, hotheaded and irresponsible intention to bring even to life a deadly plague for their incomprehensible death
112 · Nov 2021
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
For every judgment of condemnation is spoken upon thee by the world. Small-style eggs for stinging criticism! There is always humiliation and addition! Love is both a nuclear reactor explosion in the catacombs of the heart and a self-destructive suicide if not reciprocated! And the gates of the Universe will also be destroyed in their selfish immortality! - Intoxicating word operas fight a fierce cat-and-mouse battle with monumental fattened vain monkeys Monkey!
Between distinct, penetrant odors, it strikes the head and the uniformity prevails! Birds and canaries chirping in vomiting, glittering cocktail dresses sing! The stuck Time also wanders crying and decomposes into atoms! They would come up with an alliance of intelligent spirits — a kind of audience — unworthy years deliberately collided with the captivity of nothing; like one who is inside at the same time and yet was born outside the concentric circle! Orphanage should be adopted!
Conspirators with each other's secret of war betray themselves very easily! Catching gentle buzz immediately bury me! - Confrontation is shattering! In fact, it bathes its victims in unnecessary fear-provoking; screams of shouts! "That's why the Guardian is deliberately cheering in his overcast minutes!" The puffing arrogance is rooted in his morality! "The half-dark can only be confident in the accident of those who are lost in the prison of selfish dreads!"
There can be no more arguments to silence the Will in the sunners! Censorship has once again taken hold in everything: who does not play sports and is not attractive enough to show off his elaborate and exotic goulash cubes! He who is bound by the Human Rules of Being and who cannot therefore give himself up!
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