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1.4k · Apr 2019
Dear friend,
Riane Apr 2019
Dear friend ,
You're fading away,
Bit by bit.
I see you lose pieces of yourself,
I see you shift boundaries,
And bend rules,
All I seem to be doing is holding you back.
You lose your temper at me.
Tell me you don't need me anymore.
And that's okay.
All good things come to an end.
Change is beautiful
Even if it means I'll lose you.
So I'll let go.
Wish you the best.
And whisper goodbye.
Ever had a friend grow slowly distant?
Ever stop and wonder what you did wrong?
Or what you didn't do?
1.1k · Dec 2018
Riane Dec 2018
I wish I could write about happier stuff.
About the good in the world.
And the beauty of life.
But I can't and that hurts.
Coz when I read my words
I only see pain
I wish I could see more than pain.
721 · May 2019
The girl in the corner.
Riane May 2019
The girl in the corner,
Has monsters in her pocket.
Her eyes are dark ,
Shrouded with feathers.
She breathes so quietly ,
You'd barely notice .
She's watching you...
Don't react!
Sometimes she smiles.
And you see the glint in her eye.
The flash of crazy
That you've been warned about.
She moves perfectly
As she glides on shattered floors.
Like the hearts she left in the dust.
She stops.
And looks you in the eye.
And your breath catches.
I've been in a different kind of mood lately.
Let me know what you guys think of this one..
615 · Jan 2019
Soul sisters
Riane Jan 2019
Hey girl
Don't give up on me.
I know I'm difficult,
I know I'm challenging,
Please don't give up on me.
I know I have issues.
But you've been there for me.
You held me up,
And let me cry,
Told me to let it out,
Coz it's better then holding it in.
You calm me down ,
When it gets too much.
You know exactly what to say.
You understand when no one else does.
You got my back ,
And I got yours .
I know I let you down sometimes,
But please don't give up on me
You're not just my best friend,
You're my sister.
I love you so much ,
Thanks for being there.
554 · Feb 2019
The deal part 1
Riane Feb 2019
Dying didn't hurt too bad.
But leaving him ,
Hurt the most
She didn't want to go .
So she begged death for more time
But her clock had stopped.
And her soul was fading.
But she wouldn't leave,
She couldn't leave.
So death offered her a deal,
A deal that let her,
Live, a dead life .
A deal she accepted too fast.
And deals made with death
Are binding forever,
If only she knew.
I might continue this story. Let me know what you think of it. Open to any notes or suggestions.
440 · Jan 2019
My writers
Riane Jan 2019
I believe we all have writers
Who sit around long tables
And write our stories
They carefully pick the characters,
Whose paths cross with ours.
And decide the universes.

They create days of joy
Where nothing could be better
And dark stormy days
Where every breath
Takes extra effort.

I feel like my writers
Have a taste for chaos
I feel like they
Clink their glasses
And toast to my battles
They create adventures
Not for me
But for my readers
So they could chuckle
And burst out laughing

They balance out good and bad,
And I'm thankful
Things could have been worse,
So I'm grateful
If anything, I know,
I've lived an interesting life.
Thank you my writers....
405 · Nov 2018
Riane Nov 2018
I'm tired
I'm tired of feeling so much
I'm tired of feeling so deeply
My body aches
Aches in my chest
Aches in my belly
Aches in my mind
I'm sick of thinking
I'm sick of the constant feelings of doubt
Of fear
Of pain
I just want to feel nothing
Just let me feel nothing
396 · Nov 2018
Dreaming awake
Riane Nov 2018
It's about us
But is us in my brain?
Did I imagine those times our eyes met and didn't say goodbye?
Did I dream about your laugh?
Was that dimple in you cheak meant only for me?
Cause it felt like it was....
Cause I wished it was...
But is this real ?
Or just in my head?.
388 · Dec 2019
She was summer
Riane Dec 2019
She was summer
Warm and kind
And you loved her
Like you loved no other.

You couldn't remember
The first time you saw her
I doubt anyone could

But she appeared
As if out of your shadows
And suddenly
She was everything.
Finally out of the slump.
I'm not so sure about this one though.
348 · Nov 2018
Riane Nov 2018
The clock is ticking,
I feel every second in my chest,
My heart pounding in tune .
My lungs are taking in so much air,
But I'm still suffocating.
I'm on an adrenaline high ,
Riding the waves.
Tensing for a fight,
Ready for flight.
my eyes dart across the room,
Looking for an escape
And then to my watch.
Just when I felt time was speeding up,
It slowed down to a crawl.
My palms are sweaty.
I itch to bring my fingers to my mouth,
To bite off my already vanishing nails.
All the while the clock ticks away calmly,
Tik Tok, Tik Tok, Tik Tok.
Hey guys , this is my first post. Please show me some love. I'm open to any criticism or suggestions.
308 · Apr 2019
Riane Apr 2019
Their writers were at work,
Two people destined to meet,
Their paths so twisted,
That once they met,
They would appear merged.

She was running late today.
Some would say she was always running late.
But it wasn't her fault.
Things seemed to delay her,
Slow her down.
As if trying to save her from an inpending fate.

He was the first in the room
The one who turned up
And sat in the silence
Just breathing in the cool air
Calm as a slowly ticking bomb
Waiting to implode.

Something was in the air,
The room felt warmer,
Windows rattled with the wind,
Or possibly the building tension.
She walked in,
He looked up.
Time stopped .
Time started again.
The writers had done their job.
Now things would enfold
As they were meant to.
Hey guys I hope you like this one, let me what you think of it....
I find it a little difficult to construct the end of a poem without making it seen abrupt.
Open to any advice...
306 · Feb 2019
Riane Feb 2019
My soul is tired ,
My bones are weary.
My heart is broken,
My feet feel heavy.
299 · Mar 2019
Real love
Riane Mar 2019
Real love
Will not hurt you
And won't make you cry.
It won't make you doubt yourself
And hide your pain.

Real love
Will not put you first.
But will walk alongside you.
Shoulder to shoulder.
To steady you if you may fall.

Real love
Will hold your hand.
And look you in the eye.
And tell you the truth even if it's the last thing you want to hear.

Real love
Will stay.
When everyone goes.
When the curtains close.
And tears fall down your cheeks.

Real love
Is not going to save you.
Coz real love knows
You are capable of saving yourself.

Real love
Is your first love.
Is your last love.
Is the love you give everyone else.
Riane Jun 2019
If he told you he loved you,
How would he say it?

Would he be bold?
And look you in the eye?
Would he yell the words
You've been dying to hear?

Would he wait for you to say them first?
Cause he's as scared of rejection
as you're scared of commitment?

Or would he listen
To your funny stories
And let it slip in
Like it was a common truth
You both already knew?

Maybe he'd write you a note
Professing his love
With two tiny boxes at the bottom of the page.
One to say yes.
The other to say hell yes.
As you wonder giggling how many unfinished letters lay in his bin in the corner of his room.

Perhaps he'd never tell you.
But he'd show you.
With crooked smiles
And warm jackets
With your favorite desserts
And failed kitchen mishaps.
Maybe he'd randomly boop you on the nose
And tickle your chin
Cos he's still learning of ways to show you
He means those words
He never said.
Hey guys, I hope you like this one. If you feeling brave, maybe tell us how your loved one told you .
292 · Nov 2018
Riane Nov 2018
I'm angry
With myself,
With the people around me,
I'm frustrated about my situation.
My mind turmoils over problems I can't fix,
And tires over thinking about them a thousand times.
Each angle seems futile ,
Coz my brain draws a blank.
My fingers itch to rip written paper to shreds.
They fumble over texts,
Misspelled, misunderstood, misused.
I want to break things.
Hear the crashing of glass on marble floors,
I want to fling things across the room like they're weightless.
My destructive side comes out,
Pushing people away.
Building walls and breaking bridges.
My shoulders tense,
I can hear my heart beat pounding in my head.
I need help.
But I've pushed everyone away,
And I'm too proud to ask for it.
280 · Jan 2019
Riane Jan 2019
There she was.
A vision of beauty
She walked with confidence
Like she owned the floor she stood upon
And she probably did
Charisma oozed out of her every pore
She was loved
Or at least she had their attention
She could look you in the eye
And leave you speechless
She was everything I was not
And everything I wanted to be.
I looked up to her.
For she was perfection.
She was grace
And she was elegance.
But every now and then
Cracks would appear in her mask
And reveal a scared little girl
Peering out  through hooded eyes.
266 · Apr 2019
Not mine
Riane Apr 2019
You weren't mine.
You never would be.
Not mine to hold,
Nor to keep.
I will never hold your hand
In the dark,
As we walk along the river.
I will never kiss your smile,
As you whisper my name.
I will never rest my head ,
On your shoulder,
As we slow dance
to your favorite songs.
Nor stay up at night,
Talking about your favorite books,
And movies.
I won't be the one arguing with you,
When we've had our first fight,
Or the second.
I won't be your best friend,
Your partner in crime.
Heck, I won't walk down that aisle.
Loving someone is dangerous
Especially when that someone
Could never love you back.
255 · Aug 2019
The wrath of the red queen
Riane Aug 2019
The queen of rage
Her breath is fire
And her gaze is ice

Her mouth is twisted
Into a cruel smile
And the words she spits out
She aims at your heart

He fury is chaos
It scathes and burns
Pray you never face it

She doesn't ask
She demands
She doesn't forgive
She never forgets

She is  powerful
Like wildfire
A tiny flame
Burning up a forest
237 · Jan 2019
Riane Jan 2019
I'm scared.
I want to jump head first.
But would you jump,
If you knew it would hurt
When you hit the ground?

When I'm with you ,
It feels like I'm flying
In the clouds.

But soon blue skies turn dark,
My eyes close
And I'm spirally towards the ground.

I want this , us , so much,
But how can I start something
That I know will end badly?
221 · Mar 2020
Never felt more alive
Riane Mar 2020
This one's for lost loves and cherished words.
For the one's I've hurt and the one's I've left.
This one's for best friends who weren't meant to be forever.
For darling pets that left too soon.
This is one's for the ache in your belly that never goes away.
For the thoughts that bring tears quickly blinked away .
This one's for old dreams and new,
That will probably never come true.
For promised road trips, quickly forgotten.
This one's for the I love you's  that almost left my lips, but I pushed them down,
Coz ignorance is bliss.
This one is for all the pain.
Thank you,
you make me feel alive.
It's been a while, but I'm finally back.
220 · Apr 2019
Riane Apr 2019
She stood by her,
Shoulder to shoulder,
And pinched at her belly,
And poked at her cheeks,
She told her she was ugly,
That he would never love her,
That she was undeserving of love
She told her it didn't matter
If she was smart
Or funny
Coz In the end she was just a chubby little girl,
no one would notice.
She told her you can't sing,
Or dance,
coz no one would accept you.
And that every step you took,
they were judging you,
And laughing at you.
She told you you were not worth
the patience or the kindness.
In the end she was you.
But I'm here to tell you she's wrong.
You're wrong.
You're beautiful.
You're kind.
You're everything you want to be and more.
Coz in the end,
Would you love anyone that treated you,
the way you do?
Then how could I love you?
Some days are bad and some days are better. Every day I learn to love myself more.
214 · Jan 2019
Monsters Within
Riane Jan 2019
She felt something
She didn't really know what
It was building inside her.
And winding itself up
Like the ticking clock inside
A bomb about to go off
It pushes itself out
And takes over her body
Spewing hateful things
And hurting herself
It makes her angry and anxious
And tenses her up
Like a snake springing up
It twists down her throat choking her
And into her stomach
Pushes acid into her mouth
It whispers to her
when she stares into mirrors
Curdling her blood
And twisting her mind
It takes over her happy moments
Breaks them down detail
By agonizing detail
And pinpoints her faults
And plays them over and over again like a broken record.
198 · Feb 2019
The deal part 2
Riane Feb 2019
Everything was bright
She felt lighter
It seemed like the light
Was coming through her
Flowing off her in waves

She was flying now
Hurtling away from death
And his stench of pain

She could feel her Love.
He was near.
She could hear him.
He was sad,
he was broken,
He was on his knees.
He looked like he hadn't slept for weeks.

She ran to him
And wrapped her arms around him
She held him close
And told him , "I'm here,
I'm never going away."

But he didn't hear her,
He would never hear her again.
No matter how much she tried,
He would never feel her again.
Hey guys, part 3 coming soon .I hope you liked this one.
197 · Sep 2019
Internal conflict
Riane Sep 2019
I want to be invisible
But I need to be recognized
I don't want to be the centre of attention.
But I don't want to be forgotten.
I know I'm strong and I'm capable.
But don't leave to fend for myself.
I want control over my emotions.
Sometimes I don't want to feel anything.
I want to truly live .
The other part of me just yearns to be asleep.
150 · Dec 2018
Riane Dec 2018
All she ever wanted was control.
She stood at the bathroom mirror
And as she stared at her reflection
She saw her fingers pick up the scissors
And chop her hair
They fell in little Tufts around her.
She kept cutting
She told herself it was better than cutting her skin
She decided it wasn't enough
She wanted more
So she picked up a razor and buzzed of any hair that was still part of her head
She couldn't clearly see the back of her head
And as she moved stretching she nicked herself
Blood trickled down her neck and she wondered how did she get here.
It's not that she didn't try
She had tried
But they wouldn't believe her
They wouldn't believe her when she said
She woke up sad
That she felt different
Empty, detatched
That her insides ached ached in a way that no injury could.
Somehow now her head felt lighter without all that hair.
Somehow she felt better
Even if for just a while.

— The End —