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Riane Mar 2020
This one's for lost loves and cherished words.
For the one's I've hurt and the one's I've left.
This one's for best friends who weren't meant to be forever.
For darling pets that left too soon.
This is one's for the ache in your belly that never goes away.
For the thoughts that bring tears quickly blinked away .
This one's for old dreams and new,
That will probably never come true.
For promised road trips, quickly forgotten.
This one's for the I love you's  that almost left my lips, but I pushed them down,
Coz ignorance is bliss.
This one is for all the pain.
Thank you,
you make me feel alive.
It's been a while, but I'm finally back.
Riane Dec 2019
She was summer
Warm and kind
And you loved her
Like you loved no other.

You couldn't remember
The first time you saw her
I doubt anyone could

But she appeared
As if out of your shadows
And suddenly
She was everything.
Finally out of the slump.
I'm not so sure about this one though.
Riane Sep 2019
I want to be invisible
But I need to be recognized
I don't want to be the centre of attention.
But I don't want to be forgotten.
I know I'm strong and I'm capable.
But don't leave to fend for myself.
I want control over my emotions.
Sometimes I don't want to feel anything.
I want to truly live .
The other part of me just yearns to be asleep.
Riane Aug 2019
The queen of rage
Her breath is fire
And her gaze is ice

Her mouth is twisted
Into a cruel smile
And the words she spits out
She aims at your heart

He fury is chaos
It scathes and burns
Pray you never face it

She doesn't ask
She demands
She doesn't forgive
She never forgets

She is  powerful
Like wildfire
A tiny flame
Burning up a forest
Riane Jun 2019
If he told you he loved you,
How would he say it?

Would he be bold?
And look you in the eye?
Would he yell the words
You've been dying to hear?

Would he wait for you to say them first?
Cause he's as scared of rejection
as you're scared of commitment?

Or would he listen
To your funny stories
And let it slip in
Like it was a common truth
You both already knew?

Maybe he'd write you a note
Professing his love
With two tiny boxes at the bottom of the page.
One to say yes.
The other to say hell yes.
As you wonder giggling how many unfinished letters lay in his bin in the corner of his room.

Perhaps he'd never tell you.
But he'd show you.
With crooked smiles
And warm jackets
With your favorite desserts
And failed kitchen mishaps.
Maybe he'd randomly boop you on the nose
And tickle your chin
Cos he's still learning of ways to show you
He means those words
He never said.
Hey guys, I hope you like this one. If you feeling brave, maybe tell us how your loved one told you .
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